Extract From List Based On Conditions
Jul 27, 2007
I want to know how I can make Excel look at a list of information on one worksheet, extract certain items from the list, and place it on another workshet
For example, the following list would be imported from an inventory program as text and pasted on worksheet 1:
P+green beans
p+cherry tomatoes
p+red apples
How can I have Excel take this information and create a list like the following on worksheet 2? ...
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Sep 25, 2012
I created a master data sheet to enter data manually to analyze. It contains 20 columns, and rows(continue change, because we enter data all of the days). I need to extract data to another sheet, when the user enters data in the master data sheet, but with some conditions, when the column 6 contain the word ASQ, and then extract all of the data, but the new sheet do not contain 20 columns, because the data that contains the word ASQ have only 16 columns.
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Sep 28, 2012
I need to create a macro to extract data from sheet1 to sheet2.
The sheet1 contains 15 columns, and the data starts at row 5.
The sheet2 contains 15 columns, and the data starts at row 5.
We enter data all of the days, so we have like 500 rows in the sheet1.
Only 2 conditions to extract data from sheet1 to sheet2:
if the column9 of the sheet1 contains the word "NO" and column11 of the sheet1 contains the word "ASQ".
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Jun 23, 2009
method to extract certain data from a column of values.
The attached workbook has two sheets. From the worksheet named "Data" I would like to be able to extract any values >0.00% and then display the corresponding "model" (C:C) on the other sheet called "Results". I need to be able to achieve this for each day in the month and disregard all other values so I am left with a concise list.
I have manually entered the info for the 1st June as an example.
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Mar 24, 2014
I have some problem with the extraction, I would like to extract the data to another sheet based on variable conditions but I can not do it. My code in just case working if the all conditions are specified. The target is that if want the code could extract the data based on one condition even, or two or three or more.
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Oct 9, 2007
In sheet1 I have the following
1. Names (Column A)
2. Date (Column B)
My current list if from A2:B300
I am trying to have a piece of code go through all the records in this list, if any of the dates are within the next 2 weeks (from now()) then copy this record (name, date) and put in sheet2. And loop through all 300 records or possibly additional records.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a worksheet which contains all the details of the medical equipment in the county that i'm responsible for.
This worksheet posesses amongst others; two columns titled location and sublocation.
I need a technique which will allow me to select a location from a dropdown list, select a sublocation again from a list and for these two conditions to then populate a list containing data such as asset code and description of all the items in the location and sublocation (possibly a little like an advanced filter, but only for the selected conditions)
This list will then be used to provide an engineers report on equipment holdings at various locations. I'm open to any ideas fellas.
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Dec 21, 2007
I have a list of holiday data which has the following info. Name, Date from, date to, hours off per day. I need to look up this information and place the number of hours against each day for each person. The problem I am having is that I can't get the hours into the cells for which the date is between the date from and date to. I have attached spreadsheet and how I want the summary page to look. I just need the correct formula inserting.
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Mar 6, 2008
I am trying to filter a range of text and copy only those entries from it that meet selected criteria into a new part of my page. The entries will all look like the following but will have varying numbers before the final Equity/Index part:
IBM US 3 C60 Equity
IBM US 3 P60 Equity
UKX 3 P5000 Index
UKX 3 C5000 Index
I have constructed something using a modification of the find nth word function from this site that allows me to filter based on whether the fourth part (or for the third and fourth choices, third part) shows C or P at the beginning and then based on the value that is written after the letter. However, I have to break down the code a bit further to firstly check whether the final word of the string is Index or Equity to decide which word to check for C/P. I was wondering if anyone knew whether there is possibly a more simple way of running a find within one cell than using the nth word function. Would it possibly be a case of making two subs within a different module and then calling them to look for the specific word number based on what I have in F6 (my original equity/index ticker symbol: for example IBM US Equity or UKX Index)? Attaching code below. I'm sure it doesn't make a lot of difference but in case it helps I am currently running Excel 2007 on a Vista machine but I also use it at work on a Win XP PC with 2003.
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Jan 6, 2014
I have a table with multiple columns. I would like to extract a sublist from column A, based on 1 criteria (<94) on column J. I used the index-array-row array function, however, it does not give me the intended result. It repeats the same name.
My final intended result is to extract the whole row based on criteria on column J.
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Mar 3, 2013
I'm trying to extract a list of names from an Excel 2010 table based on two criteria, thus:
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Apr 19, 2007
I encounter some problem in excel. I would like to get the counts that satisfy two more conditions. For example, I want the count that is both "m" in column F and "1 yes" in column G. Do I use COUNTIF or some other functions? i try COUNTIF it doesnt work well, the counts obtained doest satisfy both conditions.
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Jun 25, 2008
I am trying to write a Macro that would go into same specific cells in multiple worksheets and paste the data into one summary worksheet if ofcourse a criteria is met.
The multiple worksheets have the same format. The worksheets are numbered 001, 002, 003, 004, etc (increase on a daily base) ..
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to create an IF statement that will double the unit value of a certain box (J15) if the number of I15 is less than or equal to 160 AND either "A,B,C, or D" is selected from a list in H15. If it does not qualify with both, it would just be the single value of J15, not doubled.
So far I can only get it to work with one item from the list in the IF statement:
However, I don't know how to add in the other list options B-D and get it to work.
Basically I need these four statements combined into one:
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Oct 17, 2013
I am trying to create a validation list, with its source data being filtered from another sheet of the same workbook. I also need to validate the drop list against some conditions in the source table.
Here is an example of the data am trying to create`(I want to create the droplist for the column Contract):
"Contract Definition" Sheet or Table:
Company Contract Service Report End date: Status
--------- --------- -------------- --------- ------
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 1 31/12/2014 Active
CompanyA ContractA2 Service 2 31/12/2014 Active
CompanyB ContractB1 Service 1 31/12/2014 Inactive
"Service Reports" Sheet or Table:
Company Contract Service Report
--------- --------- ----------------
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 1
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 2
CompanyA ContractA2 Service 3
In the Service Reports Sheet, i want to create a list for each Contract, based on the specified Company and on the Status field, as defined in the Contract definition table.
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Aug 9, 2008
I am trying to write VBA code that will list all possible combinations of data contained in a worksheet based on a few conditions. I have a list that varies in length. In the first column is a list of numbers denoting a particular course number. In the second column is a list of numbers denoting the specific class number for the course. As an example, I have a 6 courses. The first course has 1 class, the second course has 3 classes, the third has 11, the fourth has 3, the fifth has 7, and the sixth has 6. Thus, my columns look like this:
1 1
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
3 5
I need to list out all possible combinations of classes given that I must have all six courses. EXAMPLE (Course, Class):.......................
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May 14, 2008
This below code i find out from this form Skip the row find next
but i need it i have column fom c to M
if the cell k valur or j value = 0 or empty skip the enitre row go next row ifthe kvalue <> 0 or <> empty
do something
the below code where do i moify .
Set c = .Find(MyInput, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlRows)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Count = Count + 1: ff = c.Address
k = c.Row
Redim Preserve wsName(1 To Count): wsName(Count) = ws.Name
Redim Preserve rng(1 To Count): rng(Count) = c.Address(0, 0)
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Jun 4, 2008
I have a Sumproduct formula to count instances of a particular event (from a list of events) based on multiple criteria.
I am trying to utilize the same method to count instances of all events not defined in the list of events but I would welcome any solution
In the attachment,
Defined list of events A4;A5 (this is just an example, the actual list is approx 100 events)
Data being counted F2:N10 (actual data approx 1000 rows)
My working formula is in cells B4 through D5
My not working attempt to adapt the formula B6
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a list of U.S. cities and their crime numbers. The list contains roughly 8700 records. What I need to do is pull the records for 10 specific cities from that list. Exactly which cities are singled out may change from year to year.
And this is something I'll need to do every year when the crime stats are released by the FBI.
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Jan 12, 2009
I have some code that is importing data from a text file that contains ~35,000 line items and is ~50 columns wide (this part of the code is working fine).
Once the file has been imported, I need to copy certain line items to a sheet called output. The code would be something like this if reading line by line:
If the value in row x, column 5 (it is always in the 5th column) in AccountList then
copy entire row and to next empty row in sheet(output)
The AccountList is separate sheet with a list of account numbers in column A with ~250 items.
I am not sure if the code to extract this data should occur while I am importing the data or if I should do it after and run through the data again.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have data for the distances of cars journeys. I'm looking to extract the 1st journey distance for each date for each car. The car registration number is in column A.
This is an example:
Sheet1 ABCDEF1Reg number Date distance 1st Journey distance
210D1449904/01/20119.271 9.271310D1449904/01/201110.016 1.876410D1449905/01/20119.292
510D1449905/01/20119.629 610D1449906/01/20119.327 710D1449906/01/20113.185
810D1449906/01/201110.163 910D1555506/01/20111.876 1010D1555612/01/20119.534
1110D1555712/01/20111.48 1210D1555812/01/20115.628 1310D1555912/01/20115.356
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Jun 14, 2008
Say I had a list of words, all 9 letters long and I wanted to find all the words that had anagrams of themselves (e.g. ISOPTERAN - PATRONISE) and then list them separately as a new list.
I have tried all sorts of Excel spreadsheet solutions, but I always hit a dead end.
Can anyone write some code that I could add to a module that would accomplish this? The logic would go something like this:
Start with first word, check that word against all the words in the list (column of words), if it is an anagram with another word (e.g. ISOPTERAN - PATRONISE), then both words would be extracted and pasted in a new list for the first occurrence, if while still checking the first word in the list against the remaining words it found a second match, only the second word found would be extracted and pasted in the new list. After the first word was checked against all the words in the list the second word would be checked. Then the third, etc. until the whole list was checked.
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Jul 17, 2008
I have a column of names of people who have logged calls within a period. Some of these names obviously pop up more than once and I am wanting to report on those top 3 people who have logged calls in that period.
In short, I want the top 3 most frequent in a list.
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Mar 15, 2009
Trying to get the list from a combobox in an online form. I'm doing this as a check to make sure what I need to be there is there. Then the macro will select what I need and move on. If not found in the list, then it will move on...
So I start thinking about it and I'm not quite sure how to do that in Forms. Does ListIndex get me there?
I'm unable to give the site because you'd have to login with a password, but here's the code I have to Set the combobox:
Set PartNumOffr0EDrop = .Document.all.Item("PartNumOffr0EDrop")
myVal = PartNumOffr0EDrop.ListIndex
I need to know how to loop through the combobox and store the value of each member of the list to a variable or cell.
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Dec 1, 2007
I want to have SUMIF and IF functions to be combined. i tried using the formula SUMIF( Timesheet!D2:D55,B2,Timesheet!F2:F55) but i want to edit the range everytime.
Can i have formula like if name = Ant merce and prj = Implementation support, then the sum will be 15 for the sumrange of Timesheet!F:F (entire F column)
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Jan 1, 2013
I am trying to extract just the first initial from a list of last names into another column. How can I accomplish this?
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm trying to find a way to extract multiple records from a List. I'm looking, I guess, for the multiple-record extract version of dGet().
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Oct 3, 2013
Basically, I need to extract data from a grid/table (11 columns wide) and transpose it into a list for use in a pivot table. It like sort of reversing a pivot table to access the original data but I only need 5 of the columns repeated for each occurrence.
I have read many internet sources but they don't seems to fit my needs. Here is a solution from a similar question posted on StackOverflow entitled "How to “flatten” or “collapse” a 2D Excel table into 1D?"
The attached simplified mock-up explains what I am trying to do. I have colour coded the data to understand. The number of rows (10) will always be the same but the number of columns (Branches in this case) can extend for many columns.
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a userform and on this userform i populate a listbox with values.
What i want to know is how do i extract ALL the items in the listbox.......not just the ones that are "selected".
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Jul 28, 2009
This will get kind of complicated just a heads up.. I will try to take it in phases.... Without actually uploading my true sheet I will do my best to give a representation of what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically I will have Lists for the Year by Month. In each month the list will compile a list of problems and there corresponding data for each problem. Most of the problems will be internal, however some will be due to external (a supplier). When this occurs the suppliers name will be input into one of the columns. I want to beable to pull out the suppliers from each month and then sort them in order from top offenders to minor offenders by "QTY"
See the attached example sheet. That should give a better understanding of what I need to do.. I am not sure if this can be done with worksheet functions so I posted it under the Programming thread.
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