How To Split Massive List Of Values Into Individual Cells Down A Column

Mar 26, 2014

I have an issue with being able to process my data i have a text file in notepad that lists a massive amount of values (enough for excel to process if they are listed down a column but not across a row) each separated by a space. As an example here is a small portion of the data.

81768102 191193210 386225426 110858190 393958997 21773704 22450052 70617438 843133051 103582830 370163346 819494826 109538724 846339187 19638405 50748904 476397524 128490548 134215188 252862729 387318907 82658728 15822910 199255054 172623979 59872284 773581712 124854321 547098635 604524102 45265054 203132867 225629848 215828319 14779508 300950341 715797961 329121584 366323012 583555062 917794380 216847744 784432795 606179111 537865871 500392632 37701513 830010548

I know how to import this as text but i can only wither get it all in one cell or across the 1st row. The first row can only display about 16000 values and that isn't enough for my end product to be accurate enough.

So is there any way to import the text file and have it formatted so a each new value has its own row? For example...

Or is there anyway to get the data from my already imported giant A1 cell into the above format?

Added an example of how it looks and how i want it to look. This is how it looks when i open the txt file containing my data in a way that all values stay in the excel sheet. As well as this there is an example of how i want it or rather need it to look.

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VBA Code To Get Individual Values In A List Placed Into Individual Cells

Apr 7, 2014

My current project involves sorting a spreadsheet, selecting specific qualifying data from the sheet, storing it into a variable, the pasting the individual values from the list into individual cells on a different sheet within the same workbook. Here is the code I have so far...

Sub Test()
'' freeze screen updating to remain on main worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'' move to Avaliable worksheet
[Code] ..

When this code runs the first item in the list pastes into Sheet10 A1, but no other values from the list are placed into Sheet10. Previous to this I had been using a variation of this code to push the list into a combobox list within a userform. In that case instead of

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet10").Range("A1") = x

I had

Combobox1.list = x

And this worked perfectly; creating a list within the combobox (in fact I can use this modification to interrogate my code to determine if the list is being properly generated, and it is).

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Split Range Of Numbers From One Cell Into Column Of Multiple Cells All With Individual Numbers

Mar 5, 2012

I have a mass of data which look something like this:

table removed

and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.

So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:

table removed

and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.

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Macro To Split Table Of RawData Into Individual Worksheets Based On Column C Value?

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to divide a table of data (7 Columns, 500-1000'ish rows) into individual worksheets based on any unique values in column. There may be anywhere from 10-30 instances of the same value in Column C, and I need to bring all rows of each unique instance into a newly created worksheet to be labelled the same as the value in Column C.

The RAW data will be updated monthly by keeping a template file copying and pasting data, therefore I am hoping to have a "SORT" button with this Macro assigned to it. I have quickly thrown together a sample workbook with how the RAW DATA will be pasted into the file, with additional sheets showing how I would like the data split and organised.

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Extracting Data From One Massive Worksheet To Split To Smaller Sheets Of Data

May 20, 2008

10/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 1
10/05/0808:31:00 AMDoor Leave Open Door 1
10/05/0808:32:00 AMDoor Closed Door 1
10/05/0808:41:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0808:46:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0809:14:00 AMValid Card EntryLam Door 2
10/05/0810:18:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0810:19:00 AMValid Card Entry Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:42:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:20:00 AMValid Card EntryYapDoor 1
11/05/0810:20:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 1
11/05/0811:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1

the above is the data i need to work with (dates are in dd/mm/yy). i need to find a way (a macro, preferably) to extract the date and time corresponding to one person, and paste it into a new sheet, e.g. at sheet 2 (renamed to "lam") should be

10/05/0808:30:00 AM 11/05/0808:30:00 AM
10/05/0808:46:00 AM 11/05/0810:20:00 AM
10/05/0809:14:00 AM
10/05/0810:18:00 AM
10/05/0810:42:00 AM

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Convert Values / Content In One Particular Column To Individual Column Heading?

Jan 29, 2014

The yellow highlighted column F (each Reason) in the sheet2 to be placed as main header in the next column and so on as seen in the sheet 3

If they have two similar item number with 2 different reasons - delete the duplicate item number and place the number in each column according to its reason as seen on row 16 on the sheet3

If they have two number with similar reason - just sum up the number

sample excel 2.xlsx

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Hiding Values In Individual Cells?

Apr 27, 2014

What I need to do is hide the value in an individual cell, dependent on whether a value (any value) has been entered in another cell. I know this must be possible somewhere in conditional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out no matter how much I try!

The table below should hopefully explain exactly what I'm after. I want to hide the value in the balance column (automatically calculated)when no transaction has taken place (ie, there is no date entered in the date column). At the moment this value appears all the time.



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Split Apart A String Into Individual Words

Apr 30, 2014

I can not get this to work:

Sub SplitApart()
Dim data As String
data = Sheets(1).Cells(20, 1).Text
For Each EachSplit in Split(data)
n = n + 1
Sheets(1).Cells(20, n + 1) = EachSplit
End Sub

Error code when Debugging on "Split":

"Wrong Number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

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Delete Individual Matching Values From A Column - Error

Mar 15, 2012

I am using this code below to delete individual matching values (the value in "A2") from a column.

Set Found = Columns("AH").Find(what:=Range("A2").Value, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then Found.Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp

I am receiving error "Delete Method of Range Class Failed" in the highlighted line.

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Count Individual Values From Multi Value Cells

Mar 1, 2013

I have a column with (potentially) multiple values in, heres an example:

Marketing Specialism

Commercial, Multi-channel, Loyalty/Retention

Analytics, Partner


Commercial, Analytics, Segment


What I need to be able to do is count (and then chart) the number of each value, irrelevant of whether it appears with another value in a cell. e.g.

Analytics, Parter - Would count 1 Analytics and 1 Partner
Analytics - Would count 1 Analytics

I know there is a formula where I can specify the value to count, but as the column has so many different values I would have to write a formula with each separate value, this would take a long time.

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Split The Individual Dimensions Into Seperate Columns

Jul 20, 2009

I have a lot of carton dimensions that are always presented in the same manner and would like to be able to split the individual dimensions into seperate columns.
The format is always: Length Width Height. Presentation of data is always ???x???x??? or ??x??x??? (ie two or three chrs seperated by the letter X). If the full string is stored in column A I would like B to display Length, C the Width and D the Height. I find it easy to use LEFT for Length but struggling with Width and Height which I'm sure are easy, just can't get my head around it.

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Find And Replace Multiple Values Within Individual Cells?

Mar 13, 2014

So I have a list of organizations in Column A, with multiple names (anywhere from 0 to 50 names) for each org. in Column B.

Company A
Brown, Jones, Smith, West


I want to do a find and replace for all of Column B, where all the names are replaced with their respective color values. If possible, I'd like this to all happen with the individual cells (so for example, B3 might go from "Brown, Jones, Smith" to "Red, Red, Blue").

If that's not possible, I could divide all the names into individual cells and then find and replace.

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List Column And Row Values For Zero Valued Cells

May 1, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with about 300 products listed in column A. In row 1, I have 30 store listed across. This produces a grid of data with sales for the past 3 months. I would like to easily have a list of the product and store that had 0 sales. I have tried a combination of INDEX/MATCH as an array formula but can't get it to work.

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VBA Delete Individual Cells In A Single Column

Sep 21, 2009

I have seen many threads on how to delete rows with no data in them (empty rows).. but I have a spreadsheet that has large "chunks" of column data separated by random empty cells. (It is like this from earlier manipulation of summing similar cells...)

Some columns do not have any empty cells and some have a many empty cells. I only want to shift the cell directly beneath it up, and only concentrate on a single column at a time.

So my main questions is:
How do you delete single cells, in a single column, and shift the data below up?

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Formula To Convert Massive Quantities Of Cells Formatted In Hh:mm:ss To Seconds

Apr 1, 2014

Say I have a worksheet that has a column in which every cell is formated in hh:mm:ss format. The column is probably 100 cells from A2 to A101 (A1 is the title of the column). Now, we need to take the data in cells A2:A101 and graph it, but the data needs to be formatted in only seconds. So, in column B, we want to convert the data from column A into seconds format.

For example,

cell A2: 00:01:46
cell B2: 106

Of course, we can't convert each cell by hand, because this needs to be done on a lot of data...worksheets upon worksheets.

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Copy Individual Data Values In One Column To Single Cell Location On Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to come up with the most efficient way to copy data to multiple sheets within the same Excel workbook. The original data exists within one column on a summary sheet (could have up to 500 individual entries). I want to copy each individual entry to a unique sheet (that already exists), but in the exact same cell location within each sheet. I would only want to copy the original data value and not any formatting. Is there an efficient way to do this?

In my example spreadsheet, the original data is on the SUMMARY sheet. Sheets A through J would be the target sheets, with cell B2 as the target location for each of those sheets. My example shows the result of a manual copy paste value process, but I am hoping to automate that.

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Split Values In Certain Column Into Workbooks

May 16, 2012

I have a set of data from A1: AQ9000

I need to split this data based on column B = type of fruit e.g. Apple, Banana, Orange etc into different worksheets - e.g named banana with only banana related info. but still need to keep the same level of formating - colours etc.

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Extract Multiple Dollar Values With Decimals From String Into Individual Named Cells?

May 21, 2014

I'm pasting XML data into a spreadsheet and trying to create a vba tool so I can work with the values in a different configuration.

Here's an example of the XML data when pasted into Excel and how I'd like to organize it:


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Copy Row And Split Values Within Cells

Apr 9, 2007

i am trying to copy a row a certain number of times based on the number of values within a cell. (E4:E--) and then split the values contained in that cell into unique rows. i have the following:

3/20/07ARROW INC 2065114 $10,555.24 606 4/6/07
3/18/07NORTON 2017304 $13,206.15 715 4/6/07
3/22/07HARKMAN 2025685$8,127.04 167 226 452 4/6/07
3/19/07AMEREX INC 2019933$14,131.64 186 189 4/6/07
3/23/07G SQUARED 2029062$8,587.68 204 233 4/6/07

what i need is:

3/20/07ARROW INC 2065114 $10,555.24 606 4/6/07
3/18/07NORTON 2017304 $13,206.15 715 4/6/07
3/22/07HARKMAN 2025685$8,127.04 167 4/6/07
3/22/07HARKMAN 2025685$8,127.04 226 4/6/07
3/22/07HARKMAN 2025685$8,127.04 452 4/6/07
3/19/07AMEREX INC 2019933$14,131.64 186 4/6/07
3/19/07AMEREX INC 2019933$14,131.64 189 4/6/07
3/23/07G SQUARED 2029062$8,587.68 204 4/6/07
3/23/07G SQUARED 2029062$8,587.68 233 4/6/07

the number of rows will vary and obviously, the number of rows will increase as the rows are copied X times to correspond to the number of values contained within cell E.

it is not showing correctly, but cell A is date, cell B is company name, cell C is PO number, cell D is price, cell E is Department numbers and cell F is end date.

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How To Split Info In Cells / Column

Feb 13, 2012

I have data that I've converted from a different source, and the formatting doesn't always come out as I'd like it. For example, I have data that has two different values, and I need to split them into different columns. Is there an easy/quick way to do this?

15* 27016* 1324517* 2086518* 24943

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Split Words In Comma Separated String To Cells In Column

Nov 1, 2012

I have extracted a string from my address database which goes like name,address1,address2,city,postcode,country

I need to display in Column B as:


how to do this using VBA.

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Count Individual Entries In A List

Aug 12, 2014

What I am having trouble with is after making a data validation list in a column, I need to count each separate list entry and display it in a "totals" column. The drop down list has 4 entries yes, no, blank, and pending. The formula must count which value has been selected from the list and return it to a cell same as the COUNTA. I.E. 100 rows in the SS 50 are yes, 25 are no, 20 are pending, and 5 are blank.

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Adding Percentage To Individual Dropdown List?

Nov 10, 2013

If I have a drop down list created that contains each state, is there a way to correlate a value (%) when that state is selected that would be able to be used in formulas created in other cells in that row? And how would I go about creating that?

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Sending Individual Emails To List Of People

Nov 25, 2013

I am look for a way to send out an individual email to a list (Column A) in my excel spreadsheet.

I need to send out an email with a signature in to a lot of addresses.

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Run Individual Macros Based On Validation List Selection

May 7, 2008

I have been searching through the site trying to find a solution to my issue, but I just can't seen to fixt it. Here is the scenario. I am working on a spreadsheet that will read some data, use that data to update the main chart and fill in the information in a table next to that chart. I recoreded 22 macros, total. Each macro corresponds to the especific type of chart that I need/want.

I want to be able to click on a drop down menu above the chart which will have each of the 22 options. Once the user clicks on the desired option, the specific macro will run and do that it should do. When I run the individual macro (without the VB that I wrote and will mention below), the system does what it should do. Everything looks dandy. But then I added this VB code to the sheet where the chart is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Range("A12").Value
Case "1"
Call a
Case "2"
Call b
Case "3"
Call cc
Case "4"
Call d
Case "5"
Call e................

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Formula To Count Individual Values?

Dec 9, 2011

I need a formula which would count all the indiividual values in a column Ive tried counta's but this doesnt work



I want the result to be 3, 1 for A, 1 for B and 1 for C

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Macro’s For Individual Combo Values

Dec 26, 2007

I have created a combo box and have inputted the values

Jan, Feb, Mar (think you get the idea).... Dec

I am looking to assign a macro to each value so that each one shows a graph, i have already created the macro’s to show the graphs. Just unsure how to make them work with the combo box

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Massive Search In Different Sheets/columns

Sep 24, 2008

I'm trying to make vba, that takes one value(special code, up to 13 car long) from sheet4 column i1 and searches the match from sheet2 columns E:M. And when match is found, copies from sheet4 column K1 value(the same row where the code was taken from) to found match sheet(in this case sheet2) in column Q (the row must be the same where match was found)
If this maters, columns E:M may be hidden on sheet2, or E1 may be only one that's shown.

And has to loop until the end of the sheets.
By the way - i've got up to 150000 rows..

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Counting Number Of Individual Values In Array?

Apr 23, 2012

I need a formula which ignores duplicates and uniques in an array, which returns the number of individual values.

A comma denotes a new cell;


In this case, the answer should be "6".

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Action Based On Individual Values In String

Aug 10, 2006

I need to read a binary value and trigger an action based on whether the each value is 1 or 0.

So for binary 1001

1 switch on
0 switch off
0 switch off
1 switch on

Assuming i know how to switch on and off does anyone know how to make the determination based on individual characters in a binary number string?

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