Extracting Date Related Records In Pivot Table

Mar 19, 2007

I have a master list that is updated in real time by linked worksheets from several people. While my actual report covers 7 managers and 7 different products (“contract types” in this example), I have summarized and simplified the input in the attached file. There are three pertinent dates – the date assigned to the manager (col A), the date completed by the manager (col F), and the date approved by the executive (Col G).

These dates will span month ends and I need to be able to provide monthly reports that provide details on the number of contracts and the dollar value all contracts assigned and completed by the manager during the month (say, February) as well as any contracts assigned in any month which remain uncompleted at the current month-end (e.g. the $7,500 Smith contract assigned on Feb 21st that remains uncompleted and the Feb 26th $200 Jones contract which was uncompleted at Feb 28th, but completed in early March, in this example). Can this be done directly in a Pivot table from the full master list, or will I need to have separate sheets in my workbook where I extract the pertinent records for that month?

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Filtering To Only First Date From A Set Of Related Records

Jul 30, 2013

I have a table in excel which looks something like this:

Product Ref

29/05/2013 19:58:50
Product A

[Code] ....

All I'm trying to do is get the only the first dates for each of the related Productsrefs. So the result should look like this:

Product Ref

28/05/2013 19:26:48
Product A

[Code] ....

Is there a built in function in excel that can achieve this?

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Pivot Table - How To Filter Only Last Dates And Show Related Rest Column Status

Apr 16, 2014

I've a table of historical members status list. with this table, I could track each member status history, since the beginning they become a member.

Here is the short of table

Member Status

New Member

[Code] ....

I expect to use Pivot table to show how many people which are still "New Member" and/or "Junior Member" up to now. From the table above, there should be: only one person who still as New Member. because it is only Smith, and only two people with Junior Member. they are Adel and Jhon.

I've search around and found the following useful link, viewing only the last date in a pivot table for each user
also A quick way to return the latest date in a subset in Excel

How to know the last status of each user (each member in my case).

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Extracting And Comparing Information From Pivot Table?

Jan 14, 2014

I have some data that I have created a report from. However it doesn't show a "true" picture for the stat we want. I have a pivot table set up with data showing the hours worked for an individual. What I am wanting to do would be to cross reference the data but not sure how to compare data. I have provided some make shift data to see if it is even feasible. The end goal is to get a true picture of P.P.H The data we are able to get is in a horrible format. I would eventually like to automate this in VBA but will work on the later. I thought about doing a vlookup but the is no real matching data for all employees. Some of the names are wrong in one system and there is no matching emp ID.

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Extracting Data From Pivot Table With Different Filters?

Oct 25, 2013

I have a pivot table whose 'output' (databodyrange?) is a nice, rectangular, 2D array. The table has many filters, each with many possible selections.

I'd like to write a function, whose parameters are the filter selections and the pivot table/data, that outputs the corresponding 2D array.

e.g. I'd call it with something like myFunction(args that determine the filter selections, myPivotTable)

Is this possible without calls to a macro? If so, how? If not, where should i look?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Dropdown Filter Limited To Records?

Aug 12, 2010

In Excel 2010; the pivot Tables drop down filter is limited to 10,000 records. if more than 10,000 are available then a message saying "Not all items showing" is displayed at the bottom of the list.

Clickin on the message would display a window saying: "This field has more than 10,000 items under one or more parent items. Only the first 10,000 items are displayed under each parent item."

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Extracting Source Data From A 'text-only' Pivot Table

Nov 29, 2007

I work in my Client's office and assist in settling construction disputes. Part of this work is to browse/search their server for documents that may assist in strengthening their case.

During this review I have found an excel document which is a text-only version of a pivot table, ie someone has done a copy, paste special, values into this sheet. I need to extract the original source data from this table back into the list format, as the original source of the data cannot be located

The row titles on the left are activity descriptions, the column headers are dates and the data in the body of the table is hours. As an idea of size the data is spread over 213 columns and 45 rows. Their are more blank cells in the table than entries.

What I would like to do is create the data in it's original form ie

Column A; Date
Column B; Activity Description
Column C; Hours

and have a separate row for each instance of an entry of hours from the pivot table.

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Excel 2007 :: Extracting All Unique Items From Pivot Table

Feb 20, 2012

I am looking for a way to extract all of the unique items in a Pivot Table. For example, I have a Pivot Table that has category A items and category B items. There may be several B items to one A. For example:


Now, what I need is a list that looks like this:

A0 - B1
A0 - B2
A0 - B3
A1 - B3
A1 - B4
A1 - B5

Formatted so that those are two columns. However, in Excel 2007, I cannot set the option to have it repeat the A series items in the Pivot table. Is there some easier way to do this?

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Change The Date On One Of The Pivot Table And Pivot Table Match

Apr 29, 2006

I have data that develops 3 to 4 pivot table each day. I would like to know if there is a way to change the date on one of the pivot table and have the other pivot tables date change to match with the first pivot table. At this time I am going to all 3 or 4 pivot table to select the correct date. The date is in the page position of the pivot table. I have attached a small sample of the data and the pivot tables.

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Extracting Records Without Duplication

May 5, 2008

i am having data in ColA & ColB in both Sheet1 & Sheet2

1) some records are both in Sheet1 & Sheet2
2) in Sheet1 itself some records are duplicated
3) in Sheet2 itself some records are duplicated

what i want is to extract the all the records in Sheet1 & Sheet2 in Sheet3
without duplication of records..!

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ADVANCED: Extracting Unique Records

Oct 25, 2006

At the moment i am having great trouble taking two sets of records, comparing the two based on certain criteria and then extracting any records (rows) that do not appear twice, that is unique records.

So here it is:

I have two lists of sales.

1. our list from our point of sale system with order numbers and other details, entered by the sales agent.

2. the company that provides the products we sell for them sends us a list of these sales back to us from their end so we can see outcomes of these sales, that is the progress of the order, like cancelled, accepted, etc

The two lists need to be compared to see what sales are missing from either one..

so, I could colour the second list RED and the first list GREEN and add the second list underneath the first list (on the same sheet) and then sort by ORDER NUMBER, which would provide a red, green, red, green, red, etc pattern and i could easily identify sales that are unique, but there are so many thousands of sales this manual process is impossible.


Here is an example of the data i am using:


the numbers do NOT have the .. - or + next to them, thats just there to show you what list each is from.

so as you can see the order numbers with ".." next to them are reconciled, in that they have a partener record and do not need to be shown at all..

and the order numbers with "-" next to them are from our list

and the order numbers with "+" next to them are from THEIR list

i want to end up with a list like this:


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Extracting Duplicate Records With Multiple Criteria

Mar 20, 2013

I have sales rep data with column headings as Sales Rep, Sales Date, Sales Item Code and Customer ID. There are only 2 sales reps in the data, I'll call them Rep A and Rep B. I need to extract rows where Rep A and Rep B have made sales on the same day to the same customer (it doesn't matter what type of sales). I don't want to extract sales by only one rep, it must be both reps on the same day to the same customer. I have tried a pivot table but it identifies all sales. Can this be done?

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Extracting Records Based On Expiry Dates

Jan 12, 2010

I have created a database at work which collates various information on the sale of products. Part of this information is the date that each particular product is up for review (In DD,MM,YYY) format. Using the internal clock function I have produced a formula that calculates the numeber of days until expiry.

However, using this information I want to be able to run a macro that looks at accounts that have for instance 5 days left until expiary and populate a new worksheet with various information extracted from my 'main' database. For example, search all the porducts that are due to expire tomorrow and then populate my new workseet with data from cells such as

Product 1 = Cell A1, Cell a2, Cell a6, Cell a7,
Prodcut 2 = a1, a2, a6, a7,
Product 39 = a1, a2, a6, a7

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Extracting Records With Partial Text In Multiple Columns?

Jan 3, 2013

I have a questions regarding extracting records using a partial text search in multiple columns.

I would like to do a partial text search of the letter "j" in the Name column, and search for the number "1" in the Phone column and extract the corresponding records.

The formula I have been using is as follows: =IF(ROWS(C$2:C2)>$B$2,"",INDEX(C$2:C$6,SMALL(IF(AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("J",$K$25:$K$29)),

However, the formula is not working correctly.

find my sample data below:

Partial Text Search


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Pivot Table Not Sorting By Date

Dec 27, 2012

I have a birthday list with name, client, birthday. I want to create a pivot table that groups by month. Report layout is tabular. Then within that month, name, client & birthday (in date order). So my end result would look like;

January Jim Jones Company 1/4
Then rest of January names 1/15


Right now, I can't get the birthday to sort by date within the month.

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Pivot Table And Date Not Working?

Jun 10, 2013

Inside my raw data, there is a field for dates with the format of "mm-dd-yyyy". When generating the pivot table, the date is simply "mmmm". Where did the rest of the date field go?

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Pivot Table And Date Sorting?

Jun 12, 2014

I am having the hardest time trying to get my pivot table to sort right. I downloaded data over a 7 year period and its sorted by months (January-2005 etc). The issue I am having is excel is putting it into this format

January-2005 January- 2006 ......... February - 2005 February-2005.

I need it to sort chronologically

jan 2005, Feb 2005, March 2005...... Jan 2006, Feb 2006 etc.

What do I have to do to get this fixed. I would rather do not have to do it manually each time I need this type of data.

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Sum Times For Each Date Without Pivot Table

Jan 1, 2007

I am recording events on a day to day basis in excel using the first column as the date, second column as start time, and third column as end time. So an entry might look like 1-Jan _ 13:00 _ 13:40, in the three columns across. There will be multiple entries for each date, but the number of entries for each date will vary. Entries may also overlap in times. For example, the next row may read 1-Jan _ 13:10 _ 13:45. Some times there will be gaps such as a third row readng 1-Jan _ 14:15 _ 15:00. What I would like to do is compute the total elapsed time spent on projects for each day, not counting any overlaps. SO even though the total time spent on those three projects for January 1st is 120 minutes, I would like to know how much time during the day is spent doing work, regardless of how many projects are being done at the same time. So I would like excel to be able to tell me that on January 1st , 90 minutes of the day was spent on work. Hopefully this makes sense. I also need it to distinguish between dates so that it can tell me how much time was spent on January 1st. then January 2nd, 3rd and so on. It would be great if this ould be computed as the data is entered. Maybe It could record it on a new sheet with a column for each date and then it lists the time spent on that day in the row below it.

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Pivot Table Will Not Group Date

May 1, 2007

I am challenged/very frustrated with my pivot table which will not group dates (returns an error message).

In reading other posted questions, I see that my problem is caused by empty date cells. Is there a way around this?

My spreadsheet will be used daily to input Invoice details - part of which is the date of invoice. If I were to select 'refresh data', this would not be pulling through any new data as it wouldn't be in the range. I had made my range A1:K1500 to incorporate future entries, but then I have empty date cells as to date there are only 200 entries.

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Pivot Table And Calendar Date

Jun 3, 2006

I have a pivot table which contains dates in the drop down list. I wanted user to pick dates from calendar control tool rather than pivot table dropdown list.

I put the following code;

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
If Weekday(Calendar1.Value, vbMonday) < 6 Then

Range("B3").Value = Format(Calendar1.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
End If

End Sub

it works for most of the dates but not all. Also it does not recognise the dates in the new month.

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Display Table Data In Related Groups

Mar 12, 2008

I have an excel document that contains two columns and ithe columns there are more than 50000 rows of data. The first column contains numbers and the second column contains text filled from only three values for example work, work 1 and work 2.
I want to see only the three identical same values from column A where the values from column B are diferent.Example of how to look the result criteria:

Column A Column B
123456 work
123456 work 1
123456 work 2

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Pivot Table - Format Date In A Cell

Jun 7, 2013

I'm trying to copy the value of one column to another, column A has date and time in this format: 6/1/2013 6:35:00 AM and I'm trying to get ONLY the dates to another column so that when I do my pivot, I can sort it out by date. I tried =A1 and I can format the column to how I want it but the value of the cell still remains in date&time. Is there any formula I can use? or should I change anything in my pivot table?

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Pivot Table - Group Columns By Date

Jun 16, 2014

Not sure if this is possible but I have a sheet of data which is effectively a project plan. It has a list of resources, role and phase etc. I then have lots of rows which are w/c dates and under each "week" I have the amount of hours or days they work. So for each person I can record their hours etc.

I then need a Pivot which basically collates the data and displays each phase's total hours but month. There maybe multiple phases or and each person may appear in each phase

I've attached an example - Excel Problem.xlsx‎

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Date Filter Display In Pivot Table

Jun 16, 2014

I have a question with regards to the display of the Date filter in a pivot table I am making.

As it stands, the filter function is displaying like this : date 1.JPG

I am looking for the filter to look more like this : date 2.JPG

I believe that I have all the dates in the source table formatted as "Date".

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Date Formats Not Picked Up In Pivot Table

May 16, 2012

I have inherited a spreadsheet that I need to update soon. It takes data that has a date field and creates a pivot table by month. The person who created it completed it thru February. Now I have added data for March and April, but the pivot tables can not find this new data and I suspect it is because of the date formatting (I have done the Change Data Source under PivotTable Options to include all the new data).

The reason I suspect the date format is that she built a button to run a macro named "dateformat", which is not in the workbook. I have tired to manually format the date using the format painter from the February dates that the pibvot table recognizes, but I still get no results.

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Sorting By Company And Date In Pivot Table

Feb 1, 2008

I have attache a file to use as a reference, the real file is over 10 000 rows long.
What I need is to be able to quickly make a summary of each company within a certain period (let's say monthly) and be able to calculate the sub total of the GST column. Every report that's created than needs to be saved and put into a seperate file e.g 'TFQ Sep 07'. I understand I need to use a Pivot Table but can some one just give me quick example of how I would do this?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Pivot Table - Stop It Summing Date Entries

Dec 5, 2013

How do I stop a pivot table adding data together?


1st Nov -100
1st Nov - 100
2nd Nov - 200
2nd Nov -200

I want this but instead get this:

1st Nov - 200
2nd Nov - 400

I need the pivot to split it out,

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Pivot Table Grouping By Date - Formatting Inconsistency

Apr 18, 2014

It's a given that formatting doesn't alter underlying values in all areas of Excel, merely changing the way cells look. But in the attached I show two pivot tables using exactly the same data with the sole exception that the first one has the date numbers formatted as numbers whereas the 2nd PT has the date numbers formatted as dates.

With the 2nd PT it will accept the Group by month functionality whereas the 1st PT won't.

On the face of it PTs seem to take more notice of the way a number is formatted when it comes to grouping rather than treating the number as a date which it can group.

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Filter Pivot Table In Attachment By Posted Date?

Feb 18, 2014

How to filter the pivot table in the attachment by the Posted date. I only want to look at the data for dates within 30 days of today, and can't figure out how to do that manually, much less programatically. The attachement is a small sample of a huge report I receive; all I get is the pivot, which contains tons of information. I filter it down by my various criteria, but that's still hundreds of thousands of lines. Limiting to the last 30 days can make a huge difference, but I can't find the trick to it.


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