Display Table Data In Related Groups
Mar 12, 2008
I have an excel document that contains two columns and ithe columns there are more than 50000 rows of data. The first column contains numbers and the second column contains text filled from only three values for example work, work 1 and work 2.
I want to see only the three identical same values from column A where the values from column B are diferent.Example of how to look the result criteria:
Column A Column B
123456 work
123456 work 1
123456 work 2
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Oct 31, 2006
Is there a way that I can click on a link in a worksheet that is linked to a data list in in another sheet and display the results in a text box on the original sheet containing the link.
For example ...
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Aug 14, 2014
Please see attached the Workbook. I need to check the policy Numbers in Column A to be present in Access Table. If yes then write the corresponding ScanDate and BatchNo in columns I and J.
Sun Project.xls‎
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May 12, 2009
I have a worksheet with 10000 records. For example, entire data in ColA-ColZ. In that, ColA-ColF - Personal Information; ColG-J Group1; ColK-N Group2; ColO-R Group3; ColS-U Group4; ColW-Z Group5. I this case, the data to be copied into another sheet as follows:
1) the personal data should be copied repeatedly.
2) Each Group data should be copied next to personal data.
3) The group's name is mentioned at the top of the datasheet.
I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have a combo box named Combobox5 and a text box named Textbox7.
Should this code go in the Userform Initliaze or where? I have tried placing it in both the ComboBox5 Change evnent and no luck so far.
Range("G22:J28").Value = TextBox7.Text
Again this code is dependant upon the user making a choice from ComboBox 5.
I have also tried:
Range("G22:J28").Value = TextBox7.Value
I am using Excel 2003. Any ideas??
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Mar 19, 2007
I have a master list that is updated in real time by linked worksheets from several people. While my actual report covers 7 managers and 7 different products (“contract types” in this example), I have summarized and simplified the input in the attached file. There are three pertinent dates – the date assigned to the manager (col A), the date completed by the manager (col F), and the date approved by the executive (Col G).
These dates will span month ends and I need to be able to provide monthly reports that provide details on the number of contracts and the dollar value all contracts assigned and completed by the manager during the month (say, February) as well as any contracts assigned in any month which remain uncompleted at the current month-end (e.g. the $7,500 Smith contract assigned on Feb 21st that remains uncompleted and the Feb 26th $200 Jones contract which was uncompleted at Feb 28th, but completed in early March, in this example). Can this be done directly in a Pivot table from the full master list, or will I need to have separate sheets in my workbook where I extract the pertinent records for that month?
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May 25, 2008
I have a huge worksheet containing Blackberries expenses of my company divided by multiple sections. Each section follows the following pattern: Example:
Client 222-5555 MY COMPANY NAME LCC
International Calls
- Call to Bahamas on June - $50,00
Local Calls
- Call to NY on June - $ 30,00
Total Price - 80,00
I would like to select each row between client and total price and paste then on multiple sheets in order to create individual invoices. The selection must be based on the client number (for instance 222-5555) that is part of the cell value.
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Apr 16, 2014
I've a table of historical members status list. with this table, I could track each member status history, since the beginning they become a member.
Here is the short of table
Member Status
New Member
[Code] ....
I expect to use Pivot table to show how many people which are still "New Member" and/or "Junior Member" up to now. From the table above, there should be: only one person who still as New Member. because it is only Smith, and only two people with Junior Member. they are Adel and Jhon.
I've search around and found the following useful link, viewing only the last date in a pivot table for each user
also A quick way to return the latest date in a subset in Excel
How to know the last status of each user (each member in my case).
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Jun 19, 2013
I have a dropdown list for data validation on the "display" tab. The dropdowns come from a named range on the "Parts List" tab. When you select a part from the data validation list on the "display" tab it displays the data along the same row from the "data" tab. What i am trying to do is create the logic that will allow it to also display the information below until it hits a new part.
For Example:
If I choose "part1" in cell A1 dropdown list on the "display" tab, it will display "a,1,2,3,4" from cells A3 to E3 (this data comes from "data" tab cells B1 to F1). I also want to include the information in the rows below until it hits a new part. The number of rows may vary. Something along the lines of IF(A1) show B1 to F1, then if A2=blank then show B2 to F2, then if A3=blank display B3 to F3, etc. I need this to be dynamic, if the cell below is blank then display row info.
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May 27, 2009
I have a report of 1200 plans (approx 2000 rows). Attached is just a small example of data that comes from the report. There are 3 plans in column B (Plan X, Y, Z). I want one row of data for each plan with the plan roles and Employee ID filling those roles listed horizontally instead of vertically. It is only the roles and Employee IDs filling the roles that cause the data to be more than one row. In this example, I’d want only 3 rows of data (one for each plan). I want to include all data shown for each plan but want it on one row per plan. Possible roles are Plan Owner, Plan Steward (there can be up to 10 stewards per plan), Plan SPOC, BU SPOC, Compliance Director, and Officer.
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Aug 30, 2009
I have a table with names in column 1 and the date as row 1. The corresponding cells contain the data I want to link to in another sheet and display them by the data/date
Name 01-Sep02-Sep03-Sep
bob A1 A1 "blank"
joe A2 "blank" A2
steve A3 A3 A3
I want it to display in another sheet with column 1 data and row 1 as date if the data has a match versus that date;
The data is in list boxes.
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Dec 6, 2011
I've come across an excel spreadsheet that has a pivot table which displays data from a sql server connection query. This worked fine before but recently the database it connects to was moved.
The connection string was updated to reflect this.
The main difference in the connection apart from a new server name, is that where before we were using a Trusted Connection, now we're using a SQL login.
Now only some of the data is shown.
The query still works - if I go into Edit Query (Data>Connections>Properties) the query runs fine. It just doesn't display properly anymore
I think this is something to do with the pivot table rather than any connection properties.
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Jun 26, 2014
i want to be able to display the underlying data in a pivot table by clicking on the cell within the pivot table
ie, normally if you double click a cell within a pivot table, it will generate a new tab, and the data will be displayed in the newly created tab,
i want to be able to click a cell within my pivot table, and have the underlying data display beneath the pivot table..
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Jan 26, 2012
I regularly build a pivot table using VBA. I now want to group countries into regions within the pivot table, and I want to automate that using vba.
For simplicity, assume I have the countries Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden; and I want to create the Groups BeNeLux and Scandinavia. (In reality, I have 150 countries, one group of 10 countries, 2 countries I want to show individually, and the rest of the world I want to group together)
I know I could select the cells using something like cells(d2:f2).group, but that seems wrong....
I have attached a file showing how far I can get with vba and where i want to get.
I have also tried things like ".DataRange.cells(2).group by:=3" but that never led to anything....
grouping reqs.xls
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Nov 24, 2009
Items, of 3 different groups, and their values are entered in a table progressively, over a year period . I am trying to work out a way of getting the month total value of each of the 3 groups seperately, for each month of the year. A sample worksheet is attached
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Sep 30, 2008
I have a data table that looks somewhat like this a number of rows of "Date", "ID#" and other extraneous fields.
I have a pivot table that simply lists the total count by date, then i grouped it by month and then by quarter:
Date4 Date2 Date Count of ID 2008-Q4 76 October 2008 29
10/1/08 8
10/15/08 19
10/21/08 1
10/31/08 1
November 2008 25
11/1/08 2
11/15/08 19
11/21/08 1
11/29/08 2
11/30/08 1
December 2008 22
12/1/08 1
12/15/08 19
12/21/08 1
12/31/08 1
My problem is, when i add a new row to the main table, say with a date of "December 20, 2008", and refresh the pivot table, the information ends up clear at the bottom (in this case, after the year 2014).
I figured the pivot refresh would place the data among the other December 2008 rows in the pivot table.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a long list of delegates attending functions on different dates and need help with 2 problems:
A) List has filters by date/venue etc but I will want the table to be visible even when list is filtered.
B) I am using the following formula to count "=SUMPRODUCT(--($E$3:$E$728="Thursday 3rd September 2009"),SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET($E$3,ROW($E$3:$E728)-MIN(ROW($E$3:$E$728)),,1)))" and this works but if I filter to another date then 3rd September shows 0.
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Aug 12, 2006
is it possible to set up a form (or any method) that would let me input a name (from my workbook) that would then "pull" up details about that name. I am thinking of making a staff holiday planner. This would have a column of names, holiday entitlement,days brought forward etc and columns that have a year (daily) calendar.
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May 9, 2008
Essentially I have a sheet of names. This is just my master database. Other sheets get names from this sheet. The names are alphabetized. When I add a new name, the names are resorted on other sheets, but the data assocaiated with those names does not move.
Jane Doe
John Doe
Jimmy Doe
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Feb 22, 2012
I have a table with multiple rows for some employees and single rows for others. Each employee has a unique identifier.
Employee IDT1T2T3T4123Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market123Net salesturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery112Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market180No. of ordersturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery180unit salesturnover per quartermarginsspeed to market98No. of ordersmarket assetsmarginsturnover per quarter
Is there a way in which I can restructure the data so that the multiple rows for any single employee are added into subsequent columns in one single row? e.g.
Employee IDT1T2T3T4T1bT2bT3bT4b123Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to marketNet salesturnover per quarterProfitOn time delivery112Net salesmarket assetsmarginsspeed to market180No. of ordersturnover per quarterProfitOn time deliveryunit salesturnover per quartermarginsspeed to market98No. of ordersmarket assetsmarginsturnover per quarter
The table has approximately 15000 rows & c. 30 columns in the original format. I can use basic excel, but I've never dipped into macros or anything very complicated...
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Dec 1, 2008
I am trying to do a multiple compare.
First I have a table that has these headings with data..
Name, Level, Req1, Req2, Req3, Req4
Bob, 2, 423, 506, 649, 798
Fred, 4, 601, 799, 1023, 1547
In another section I have..
name Drop down, level drop down. with the 4 Req.
Basically, when you select Fred and 4, I want to to display 601, 799, 1023, and 1547 in the columns to the left of where you do the selection. (which is not in the same place as that table at the top of this question.
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Dec 2, 2013
Trying to set up a dynamic data validation, where each of the subsequent data validation boxes change based on the selection in the first data validation box (while maintaining 4 parameters within a cell, except for the last one).
I have used the IF-statements to determine the "Week's SUM" in H5.
What I'd like to do next is to determine a formula in the "Week's SUM" cells (H6,H7,H8) based on the choices in data validation boxes "Week #" (G6,G7,G8) with the following rules in place:
1. If I made a choice in G5 to be "1" which caused data validation in cell G6 to update, then in G6 I choose "2", the output in H6 should be just week 2's value of 20 (not the sum of week 1 and 2).
2. However, if I choose "3" in G6 (after I chose "1" in G5, as above) then I'd like the output in H6 to be the SUM of week's 2 AND 3, if that makes sense and so on. (e.g. If I chose "5" in G6, then output in H6 should be the SUM of week's 2 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5).
Same rules apply for H7 and H8. I have a feeling this may involve MATCH function and INDIRECT or SUMIFS but how to approach this.
I've attached a file : Dynamic DV and Dynamic SUMS.xlsx‎
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Nov 26, 2008
The database is for a Prison, and an obvious item to search for on a userform is Prison number. I have a serach option that generates an array listing in a listbox, selecting that item then populates the userform - no problem.
The problem occurs when an individual has more than once instance that has been recorded, is it possible to have more than one row generated in a listbox that can be selected, I only want indiviudal rows selected. The coding I am using for one of the single instance listbox is etc etc etc has been used to demonstrate that the coding continues to the length of the array requied
Private Sub FindAll()
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim strFind As String 'what to find
Dim rSearch As Range 'range to search
Dim fndA, fndB, fndC, fndD, fndE, 'etc etc etc' As String
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Set rSearch = Sheet1.Range("ChargeNo.")
strFind = Me.CbAdjFind.Value 'find Charge No
With rSearch
Set c = .Find(strFind, LookIn:=xlValues)..............
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Dec 20, 2013
So the problem is that I have two workbooks: one has a set of identifying values which are a subset of one of the sets of values in the second and I need to match them up. In addition I need to take the values two columns to the right of the matched values in the second workbook and put them in the first.
Here is what my formula looks like now.
Whenever I try to run it an error message comes up and highlights the match function name.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with my Periods along row 10. e.g. C10: "1", D10: "2", E10 "3", F10: "4", G10: "5" etc. (green on the attached sheet). I have my departments along column B, e.g. B11: "Baked" B12: "Fresh" B13: "Frozen" (yellow on the attached sheet)
what I need and cannot work out is some VBA code that will populate two variables (lets call them Period & Department) when I click on one of the figures. For example if I click on cell: if I click E14: Period would have the contents of cell E10, and Department the contents of cell B14.
if i click G14: Period would have the contents of G10, and Department the contents of cell B14 again. I know how to get the click on the cell to work properly etc, and I have code to slot these variables into that works very nicely, I just can't get this bit to work!!!!
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Mar 30, 2008
Im going to try to make this as clear as possible. I cant use my actual data because it wouldnt make any sense to anyone so Ive made up an example problem. Here goes...
Lets say in Sheet 1 I have two descending columns of data. Column A is MODEL of Vehicle (Civic for example). Column B is vehicle identification number (xxx for example). Sheet two has 4 columns of data, but only one is really required for this example. Cell A1 is the MAKE of vehicle (Honda for example). Directly below that in Cell A2 is the MODEL of the vehicle (Civic). There are then a few rows of empty space until it gets to the next vehicle MAKE and MODEL.
So in Sheet1 there is a long list of MAKE's in ColumnA and VIN's in ColumnB. Sheet2 Has a long list of MAKE's and MODEL's in ColumnA and random data in other columns.
What I want to do is assemble a Macro to start in Sheet1-A2, read the MODEL then copy the corresponding Vehicle Identification Number in B2. I then want it to go to Sheet2-A2 and start searching downward until it comes across a matching MODEL. Once it finds the match I want it to step downward 2 cells and paste the Vehicle Identification Number. Then return to Sheet1-A3, and repeat the process until EOF.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have an Excel file with two different visible sheets (dashboards), each with different types of charts, which are pulling from the same data tables on a hidden sheet. I have a data validation drop down list on one of the dashboard sheets, which lists 7 items. Once one of the 7 item is selected, both dashboards update, which is what I want. However, I'd like to be able to have duplicated, related validation drop down lists. So if someone is looking at the first dashboard sheet and they select a new item, when they go to the second dashboard and see that same item, they could on that second dashboard select a new item without having to go back to the first dashboard.
I'd provide an example if I could, but cannot. I've tried searching on the forum for something similar, but most often the topic of dependent data validation is on two different types of drop downs with the second being dependent on the first, whereas I'm looking for two drop downs that are interconnected and can update in sync.
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Apr 30, 2013
I want to use a Pivot table to filter data to show just the studies that contain patients from the 'South' area?
As per example below I want to be able to see all the patients in all areas but only for studies that have patients from the south. I put together an array formula that works well for small tables but is too much with one one my sheets that contains 200,000 rows.
Before filtering:
Study ID
Study Short Title
Study Patient ID
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Oct 29, 2007
Attached is a spreadsheet showing various stockcodes in various districts with their prices. My aim is to find the median stock price of each stockcode which might show me the district which has a huge variance in price with the same stock. Average can be used on a subtotal, but median is not there. The spreadsheet is an example and the real list is thousands of rows, so I can't manually go and change the range for each stockcode encountered to find the median for each stockcode.
Any suggestions, I am using excel 2003 and can't download add-ins due to my work's network security, though I could do it at home if someone found a good add-in etc.
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Sep 20, 2013
Explaination of Data:
I have 2 Columns in the "RawData" sheet in the file attached. One says the Campaign No, and the other says the Site Code. One Campaign, will always never have duplicate Site Code.
I want to organize the data in the following fashion (as seen in the "Format" Sheet). I wish to acquire the trends of grouping of Site Codes, meaning which site (by Site code) is sold together, to understand the hottest combinations.
The idea is to see which Site Code sells more with a particular Campaign.
As you can see in the attached file, I'd like to know how many times a particular Sites (by Site Code) was sold with the other. As you can imagine, I have about 300 Campaigns, but have about 1500 different Sites codes to deal with, this activity will save me hours of time.
The sample file is uploaded on Google Docs. [URL] .........
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