Extracting A Number From A Cell
Mar 4, 2014
Cell A3 has the formula: "=MOD(H16-H15,1)"
Cells H16 and H15 are time entries
If H15 = 12:00pm and H16 = 2:00pm, the result in A3 = 2:00
Cell A5 has the formula: "=A4*A3"
In cell A4, I enter a number, say "4", which produces the result "8" in cell A5
Now...I want to add to the formula in cell A5 to make it "=(A4*A3)+A4". The result I WANT in this example should be 12 but no matter what, the answer always ignores the "+A4" part and always just gives me A4*A3.
So the question is, how do I extract the result "8" from cell A5 as a number to which I can add (or subtract...or ANYTHING) other numbers accurately?
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Jun 25, 2014
We are changing management systems here and in order to do so we need to provide the names and addresses of over 400 different people. Our current management system stores people's addresses as a whole for example; 32, Example Street, Town, County, Postcode.
I cant extract just the numbers because I only need the house number and not the postcode.
After searching several forums I thought I had solved it with this.
Cell A1 is the extracted address from current management system reading 32, Example Street, Town, County, IU13 8TY
Cell B1 is =LEFT(A1, SEARCH(" ",O15,1))
Cell C1 is =SUM(MID(0&B1,LARGE(ISNUMBER(--MID(B1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),1))*ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))))+1,1)*10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1)))/10)
That only gives me the number "3" though and I need 32.
Basically A1:A400 will be addresses as above and in cell B1:B400 I need just there house number at the start.
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May 17, 2007
I am trying to plot data that I have read out of a PLC (via csv file) . The date/time data shows up as follows: 2007-05-14T02:15:00.020-07:00
In this example, the suffix .020-07:00 is extra information and causes problems with graphing the info. Also, the cell is a not a number value, and I can not force it to be a general, number format.
I would like to truncate the cell or extract the time out of it such that I can plot the PLC data in a meaningful "parameter vs time" graph.
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May 10, 2014
I have a cell containing alpha and numeric. I would like to extract the highest number in the cell
the cell looks like this
the answer I would like is
I am using Excel 2010
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Aug 11, 2009
looking for an equation or macro that can extract numbers out of a sentence.
Eg, 'There were 300 children in a school, and 10 classes of children' I need to extrcat the 300 and the 10 into 2 cells.
There may be more than 2 numbers in longer sentences. Is there anyway to do this?
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Oct 16, 2007
how to get the function in excel 2007 for the following problem please . Col R i am cutting and pasteing from a web page info like this 1/1 or 13/14 or 9/10 . when i paste to my worksheet it comes out as 3-Mar or 10-Sep or 12-Dec , but everything 13 and above is coming out as per the web page eg , 13/14 or 15/15 . I am actually only wanting the first number or numbers to the left of the slash / mark , so col R2 might be 1/1 i want only the 1 to appear , 13/14 i want just the 13 and so on , they are only ever 1 or 2 digits ,
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May 14, 2014
I have a column with codes coming after a # symbol and want to extract just the code from the cell. The code could be 2 or 4 characters in length. Some examples:
#AA abcdef
From this I would want the formula to return #AA.
#ABCD qwerty
From this, I would want the formula to return #ABCD.
The #Code should but may not always be the first word in the cell, so it needs to find the # symbol and then take the next x characters until a space is found. Note that the reason code may be the only text in the field, so a space may not be there at all. For instance,
Should just return the #RR.
Edit: This actually has become more complex now. The cell could be
And for that, I would just want the #AA.
The formula would need to begin at the # and return just the next x capital letters.
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Jun 1, 2009
I need Excel to create Date's of Birth from following data in column A. If the data are 7 numbers long, I need to add a '0' to the start and have used the custom format of 0#######. This works fine but I need the data in column B to just display the first 4 digits. I have used =LEFT(A1,4) to do this, but it's not picking up the 0's which I've added.
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Apr 27, 2012
Data Range: A1:E6
Data Range: A1:E6
What I need is a formula (Not a VBA), is to reconcile both sheet2 and sheet1 ensure that the codes appearing for each position number in sheet1 gets updated based on the codes for each position number appearing in sheet2. So, for instance, the code for pos #34501A should be changed from 3200 to 9100 in sheet1.
The only issue with sheet2, though, is that the column number for position number could be different each time new data gets copied into sheet2 (thought the header information stays the same). I know that it can be done via Vlookup if the place of the column doesn't change each time, but I just
How to locate the correct column and row in a range of cells to search and then extract information based on certain conditions.
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Apr 30, 2013
Is there a way to extract a phone number out of a string of text. The phone number will always be expressed the same way (eight digits seperated by a space half way through) - 9999 9999. But the text before and after the number is random. Is there a macro to do this on a large scale? The method needs to be applied to hundreds of these strings, each on a new line.
An example of the string of text with the phone number underlined:
Alesdro 0 63PnantCey4281 5919 Aledio daSisaon' Brglry
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Jul 4, 2014
I have an excel stock price template, where I need the current price to calculate the mid point if the chart.
This is the text I get from the webquery
Underlying stock: SBIN 2699.00 as on Jul 04, 2014 15:30:36 IST
I need a formula to extract the stock price '2699.00' only from this text.
The problems are sometimes its may change to underlying "stock" to "index", SBIN to RELIANCE or TATASTEEL, and the price some times two digit say 16, some times 6 letters say 150.05, or 8 digits say 15160.00
Formula, the text in B1 and need the price at A100.
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a text field which contains multiple numbers ( reference #s and phone #s). I need to extract the reference # which will be either a 7 or 8 digit number. That number will not fall in any particular place in the string.
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Jul 14, 2014
"Type Mismatch error" in the macro below. I am trying to implement logic, where if value in column F, equals "1ma+89", then extract 89 only in column G. I also have other values in column F, where I have set specific rules for them, to extract numbers.
I have attached a worksheet with example data and highlighted red cells, represent incorrect output from the macro.
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Oct 2, 2011
I have a column of cells, each with a with text string that has three possible formats where I want to extract the total number of seconds.
The three formats are:
nnn hrs nn min nn sec (example: 1 hrs 42 min 58 sec)
nn min nn sec (example: 55 min 1 sec)
nn sec (example: 10 sec)
The result I want is a numeric value of the total number of seconds in the text string.
For example a text string of: 1 hrs 42 min 58 sec
Should give the result: (1 x 3600) + (42 x 60) + 58 = 6,178
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a directory folder with an active workbook and another workbook id like to copy data from. The Following macro opens up a file in the same directory, copies some data and pastes it in the active workbook. However with this code I have to specify the filename, 'Data.xlsm' in the example code. I would like it to copy data from the only other workbook in the current directory WITHOUT having to specify the name in the code, so just opening it up no matter what filename it has.
In addition I would like to extract the filename from the workbook im copying data from and paste it into the activewoorkbook in sheet 1 Cell A1. I had a look at getopenfilename function but cant seem to make it work for my purpose.
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May 29, 2009
In one column (Column A) I have a column of data which contains long descriptive text - i want to extract a specific piece of text from this descriptive text and enter it into the next Column (Column B).
E.g. Cell A1 = "Hello Buddy, how are you?" - i want to extract the word Buddy and enter it into cell B1
then A2 into B2, A3 into B3, etc, etc,...
Is there a simple macro out there that can do this?
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Dec 26, 2013
I have a cell that contains values such as "AAPL" or "0001.HK" (without the quotes). I would like to extract the content to the left of "." (if any). i.e. I want the cell to return "aapl" or "0001". What formula should I use?
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Jan 1, 2014
I'm trying to extract the first name from each row in column a using:
Joe Smith Joe
Julie Smith Julie
Julie #VALUE!
If the cell does not have 2 names it's giving me an error.
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Oct 13, 2008
If I have some data in a cell (let's say D1) such as "m-3,s-2,xl-4", what formula can I use in say cell D2 so that if I find the characters "s-" in Cell D1, then it will return the value "2".
Similarly, in say in Cell D3, I would then want to use the same formula but modify it so that if the characters "xl-" are contained within Cell D1, the formula will return "4"
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Jan 30, 2009
I'm trying to extract pieces of a part number and place each section in another cell. It's kind of like a text to columns, but in a formula and removing part of the data. This is what I'm starting with: Cell 3A: HB149E.505
I'm trying to figure out a formula that will fill the following which are currently blank:
Cell 3A: HB149
Cell 3B: .505
Cell 3A will always have 5 digits prior to the decimal and 3 digits afterward so that is not a problem.
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Jun 25, 2009
Need formula to extract the text from a cell, with which a vlookup will be preformed on? For example if a cell contains: 116PH(604052) I would need to perform a vlookup on the PH.
The problem is that the "PH" in this case can vary where it's at in the string of numbers. Also, some cells may only have a three digit number with the two letters following. See my attached spreadsheet as an example. The current formula I have in column A on the attached spreadsheet performs the vlookup fine if there is only the three digit number followed by the two letters, but as I've outlined above, this isn't sufficient.
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Jun 17, 2008
I receive a workbook on a monthly basis and it arrives in csv format. I need to format it and split it into several pages prior to sending to managers. I'm comfortable with the vba for formatting and splitting it into several pages but I have a problem with some cells that always have data in them in the same (incorrect) fashion.
how to go about fixing these cells and then I can get on with writing that into the macro.
Currently looks like:
A || B || C
No requested || No Supplied || Percentage
4 || 4100%
12 || 875%
6 || 350%
Should look like:
A || B || C
No requested || No Supplied || Percentage
4 || 4 || 100%
12 || 8 || 75%
6 || 3 || 50%
I was thinking of some kind of Left() formula to extract the leftmost character and place it into it's new cell BUT realise that sometimes I might need to extract 2 (or perhaps even more) characters.
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May 7, 2009
I'm trying to extract information from one specific cell, and place it into another. This other thread kind of does what I'm looking for. I wish to extract from the following; "20/04/2009 5:42:51 AM". Placing the date in one cell, and the time in another. All spacing within the quotation marks is respective of the cell. Obviously dates and times would vary.
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a cell containing text and numbers not in same order.. how do I extract only the number out into a cell.
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Jul 4, 2009
i have in a cell a Text like this..
Chicago (TZGUG)
i tried a formula.. like this..
to remove only ) ..
but how can i remove the ( too ..
and also Chicago
so the result in a cell would be TZGUG
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Dec 21, 2011
I currently have an issue with sorting data that i download into excel.
I have a list of rows that have text that look something like the below:
redeem: 141BA9835E Colour: Silver
I want to copy only the colour at the end of each of the colours into a new cell. So in theory the formula will pick only the colour out. Below is a list of more rows as an example where it changes slightly:
redeem: C3CC237E3C Colour: Silver
redeem: db56b2177c Colour: Pink
redeem: 7d3fe7eba2 Colour: Black
redeem: EBE56BDA7A Colour: Silver
To summarise have can i extract into the cell next door, only the colours from text
Currently i am having to manually type only the colour into a cell, and it is taking forever when you have 1000's or rows
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Oct 5, 2012
I have a column with numbers in. The column has been formatted to include a currency code but this can change on each row, e.g. M1 may be £20,000,000, M2 may be $40,000,000.
I want to insert a column prior to this column and extract the currency so that in L1 I would have £ and in L2 I would have $.
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Jul 24, 2013
I have a bunch of contributions events and I am trying to extract the date ... for example. each line has "contribution 11/02/2011" or "contribution 12/17/2010" is there a formula that will pull out the date. this way I don't have to do it manually.
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Sep 3, 2008
Does anyone know of a formula that will take an expression such as
"C1-5" in a cell, and produce five separate values in 5 cells:
Even a starter would help, like how to extract values from "1-5"
Ultimately I'd like to use this for values that can have up to 3 digits following the letter (ie, C99-112.)
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Oct 5, 2008
I have a spreadsheet containing 2 columns. Column B contains a list of item numbers which are made up of either all numeric values or alpha numeric values. Column A will contain the vendor code which must be extracted from the item number in Column B based on the following criteria:
a. If the item # in Column B begins with the letters ZZZ and the next four (4) characters immediately following the ZZZ letters are ALL numeric, then the vendor code = the next four characters immediately following the ZZZ.
b. If the item # in Column B begins with the letters ZZZ and the next three (3) characters immediately following the ZZZ letters are alpha numeric, then the vendor code = the next three characters immediately following the ZZZ.
c. If the item # in Column B begins with the letters AMER, then the vendor code = AMER.
d. If the first four (4) characters in the item # in column B are all numeric values then the vendor code = the first four numeric characters from the item #.
e. If the first three (3) characters in the item # in Column B are alpha-numeric values, then the vendor code = the first three alpha numeric characters from the item # in Column B.
I tried writing the following formula and receive a #VALUE! error message:
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