Excel 2010 :: Extracting Highest Number From A Cell Containing Alphanumeric

May 10, 2014

I have a cell containing alpha and numeric. I would like to extract the highest number in the cell

the cell looks like this

the answer I would like is



I am using Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Increment Alphanumeric Value

May 1, 2012

Code for incrementing alphanumeric values as per details below. I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7 (64 bit)

I have data as under in cell A1 "SOC-2012-00001001"

When I press enter I want the value in cell A2 to be incremented by 1 eg A2 "SOC-2012-00001002"

Similary on pressing enter A3 should show SOC-2012-00001003 and so on.

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Return Highest Alphanumeric Value

Jul 14, 2009

I'm looking to return in cell BG2, the highest alphanumeric value from 10 non consecutive cells (highlighted yellow). When I use the MAX function it works fine should I only have numbers in the 10 cells, but the values in the cells very from 1A to 5Z [all instances of these values are shown in a table on sheet2 with their 'scoring']

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Return Highest Alphanumeric Value From Range?

May 2, 2010

I have a simple list of alphanumeric asset numbers,

AKR DC 0001
AKR DC 0002
AKR DC 0004

And so on, I want to run a piece of code from a user form which will return the highest value in the range plus one on the numeric portion. I can find the largest value easily with a sort and last used cell value and I could drag out the numeric portion, increment and crowbar it back in but I'm sure there is a more elegant way.

All asset codes follow the same naming convention and all reside in column a of the active worksheet.

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Finding The Highest Value In Alphanumeric Strings

Oct 28, 2009

I have a column of one to three digit numbers (I5:I34), some of which contain an asterisk after them. In I35 i want a formula to find the highest value from that column. Additionally, if two numbers in the column are the same value, but one contains an asterisk after it, it should use that value in I35, instead of the one without the asterisk.

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Return Highest Alphanumeric From Each Group

Aug 8, 2008

I have a column with a list of SKUs (item identifiers) that are actually combination of letters and numbers. They start with one of the following 4 letters: A, B, C, D

I would like to return the highest sku for each of the 4 letters. For example, Excel should look up column A and return "A3500" in Range(D4) as seen in the attached image.

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Excel 2010 :: Extracting Name From A List Based On Criteria

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7. Here is a link to the worksheet I have a question about : Example.xlsx

The only two relevant sheets here are "TestScores" and "Area 1." What I am trying to do is copy names over from the TestScores sheet to the Area 1 sheet based their test scores. It is important to know that a passing score is anything 85 or above. If you don't pass Phase 1, you move onto Phase 2, and if you don't pass that you move onto Phase 3.

Let me first explain how the TestScores sheet works. Here is a screenshot of the sheet:

I copied in column C, the names, from a roster sheet. Columns A, B, and D all VLOOKUP information from the roster as well. You can ignore columns E & F. Column G is just a test name that is manually inserted. They are all in the same order since this is an example worksheet I am doing the program on before I input the real data. Column H is also manually inserted, with data validation to only allow values 0-100 and a few different relevant terms (MS, EXT ABS, N/E). These next two rows are the formulas in columns I and J, starting in row 3.

I=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(H3="","",IF(H3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need")))))
J=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(I3="","",IF(I3="Need","",IF(I3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need"))))))

What these formulas do is the following: If N/E, MS, or EXT ABS is in column H, it copies those over to the next two columns. If someone scores 84 or below, it says "Need" in the next column. If they score 85 or above, it says "N/A (PASS) in the next column(s). The user is meant to write over these to insert the phase 2 and 3 scores.

Here is the "Area 1" spreadsheet I am working on that has the problem.

First off, I created these formulas by comparing them to another post and replacing my ranges and criteria. In column A, it returns all the names of Team Members who passed in Phase 1 (have a score 85+ in "TestScores" column H). The array formula is below and it works great.


In column E I have a similar formula, except it returns the names of those Team Members who have "Need" in column I of "TestScores." This formula also works great. The formula in column D is just a VLOOKUP based on column E and works well, too.


Here is where my problem is. In column F, I want to return all the names of people who passed Phase 2, which means they have a score of 85 or above in column I of the "TestScores" sheet. However, not only is it not returning the right names, I can't even figure out what criteria the names is returns has. The current list, in (mostly, oops) red, is incorrect. The formula, below, is almost the same as the formulas above, with only 1 difference in each case.


It refers to column I, instead of H, compared to the formula in column A. Its criteria is >=85 instead of ="Need", in comparison to the formula in column E. Nonetheless, it still isn't returning the right names! The other weird thing, is if I replace the ">=85" with "=90" it will return the names of team members who scored 90.

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Excel 2010 :: Extracting Data From Large Spreadsheet

Jan 31, 2014

I work with Excel 2010 and have a very large spreadsheet with data that I need to manipulate in several different ways. I have been filtering and then cutting and pasting but this is very time consuming . Is there a way to extract specific data from the spreadsheet and transfer it to different worksheets? I don't really know how to use macros.

[URL] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Extracting And Manipulating Text From Cells

Sep 16, 2013

This could be a bit complicated, but hopefully also useful for others. We have the following sample of 10 cells from a large file with similar data:

N: 1; B: 162; M: 278, 278; T: 24; A: 103, 105; I: 393; Ḥ: 7240, 7390, 7465, 7546, 7617, 7756, 27399, 8380, 8741, 8894, 8985, 9559, 9671, 9741, 10119, 10211; W: 40; D: 766.
N: 2; B: 246, 889, 1136; M: 255, 255; A: 55; I: 286; Ḥ: 22731, 22802, 22857, 22906, 22948; D: 685.


We want to extract the same letters with its numbers and put the same letters with numbers in one column and do this for all letters, but - this is important - while keeping them in their original row. The purpose of this is addition of data and easy rearrangement of the letter plus numbers order, e.g., to: B M N A T I W D Ḥ. As you can see not all the rows have all letters, nor are the seizes the same. There are thousands of such cells. Some parts are partly in bold, we want to maintain that layout after sorting. Such a thing should be easy for computers, but how could this extraction and manipulation be done (I have Excel 2010)?

P.S. There are two spaces after every ; that were eaten up here.

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Extracting Alphanumeric Value From The String

Jul 20, 2009

I have a rather difficult task to accomplish. What I need is to be able to extract an alphanumeric value from the string. It is a serial number of the equipment and it is always nine alphanumeric characters long. The problem is it can be anywhere in string. Example: 2156545 36 month lease NWL023568 Nancy Clay. The serial number I need to extract is NWL023568.

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Extracting Non Alphanumeric Characters

Jan 7, 2007

Is there a way of extracting all non alphanumeric characters from a single collumn?

After extraction, I just want strings with A to Z letters, 0 to 9 numbers, spaces and hiffens(-). All in lower case.

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Excel Function For Highest Number For Every 10 Numbers?

Dec 11, 2013

Suppose I have a column filled with numbers in fraction. And correspondingly I have a specific name for every 10 numbers. I want to find out which is the maximum among the 10. For this I could use the "MAX" function in excel. Similarly I have to find the maximum among the next 10 numbers. Since I have about 200 such numbers under 20 different names and eight such sheets (10 numbers per name), it becomes difficult to type the formula and select the range everytime. I would like to know if there is any shortcut for getting this highest number among the 10 numbers.

Name Value Number
TU 489.662.272
TU 380.450.0379
TU 331.970.0475
TU 309.641.004
TU 300.890.1215
TU 288.840.0501
TU 280.090.022
TU 278.580.0115
TU 270.160.0397


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Extracting Alphanumeric Values From Sample Spreadsheet

Aug 3, 2012

Any code that can extract the alpha numeric values from sample spreadsheet below?

Where in col A "SCn" is extracted (or copied) and then pasted in col H?

n = 1 to 99

That is - from this:


[Code] .........

To this:


[Code] ......

There are thousands of rows to extract the alpha numeric values from.

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Extracting Data Based On Alphanumeric Pattern?

Jul 3, 2013

I have a column of data that contains text such as 'as per A3', 'B4 requested' and 'as per F6 Mark' (these aren't cell references).

I'm trying to find a formula that will just strip out the 'A3', 'B4' and 'F6' element of the text. I've tried SEARCH with wildcards but it's not working, and can;t use the LEFT RIGHT or MID functions due to the inconsistent data.

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Excel 2010 :: Cross Checking Info With VLookup And Extracting Data From Sheet

May 9, 2014

So in my excel document I have it such that on the first sheet (Labeled 'Sorted') the data is set up as follows: LOCATION, EXTENSION, NAMEWith the appropriate data under each header. On the second sheet (Labeled 'Locations_Ext') I have a named range called Locations; it contains extensions from a separate document, names of people associated with the extensions from the document, and their locations on the map. I am trying to have it such that the excel matches the extension number given on the first sheet with the ones that I extracted from the document on the second and output the location into the first column on the first sheet. The code I have set up for that process is:


I then want the excel to cross check the information that I took from the Visio to see if the visio is up to date with the latest info we have received (Which is the data on the first page under Extension and Name). The code:


Both codes seem to be giving me this: #N/A as the results for every cell.. I'm using MS 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Extracting Information From Multiple Form Control Dropdown Buttons

Aug 23, 2013

My problem is I cannot copy from a Form Control drop down box, and I need to do this for ~10 drop down boxes in about 200 xls files. The files follow a template so the drop down button Inputs are uniform. Here is some more detail:

I’m building an Access Database so that our data (currently in many, many Excel Spreadsheets) can be efficiently queried. The old system was that when asset data was collected, the data would be entered into an Excel spreadsheet, using a Template. So for example:

Project A1234

Main Street Pipe
High Street Pipe

Ref No.

Installation date

X Coordinate

Y Coordinate

We have hundreds of these files, but I managed to get all the files in one folder and Paste and Transpose the data from the relevant Cell Ranges in each file (using a VB sub) into ONE summary sheet. Success; or so I thought.

Unfortunately for one generation of the template (people changed them slightly every year), the template had people enter information into Drop Down Menus. Not a problem when they’re associated with a cell, but these were free floating Form Controls.. so you can’t actually click and copy from them, or call them in VB as you would a specific cell.. afaik.

So my issue is how can I extract the data from those Form Buttons? I’ll try and provide as much info as I can:

Firstly I tried to find some sort of identifier for each Form Button. The dropdowns are called Combo Boxes, (Developer tab > Insert > Combo Box (Form Control) ), and when you select them (by right clicking) and hit the View Code button in Developer Tab > Controls the following shows up in VB.

Sub DropDown44_Change()

End Sub

I’m guessing that the number is related to the button so that’s one useful thing, an identifier of sorts. There’s no actual code there though really from what I can see.. My problem is I have no idea how to extract from DropDown44!

The range of values in the drop down comes from a separate sheet where there’s just a list of the values. There aren’t any cells linked to the drop downs though. If I enter a cell in (Right Click) Format Control > Cell link: then it prints the number (e.g. 4) of the value in the range. So if the drop down options are “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday” and “Thursday” is selected, the linked cell says: “4”.

They didn’t link a cell, then I could call that cell in a VB sub and the job would be done. Unfortunately they didn’t, so I tried Recording a Macro and selecting the drop down form control.. That didn’t really work, except if I right clicked it, I got some more info from the macro VB:

ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Drop Down 19")).Select

So is my drop down an Array? My understanding of an Array is that it’s a list of arguments.. all I get there is the name of the button. I am not experienced in VB so this is as far as I’ve got. Perhaps I can get a sub to select the button using the above line, but I need the info from it, i.e. which value is currently selected in the Drop Down.

(Using Excel 2010 but the .xls files are from ~2005)

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Extracting Letters And Numbers In A Random Alphanumeric String

Dec 29, 2009

I've got this problem: I need to separate around 40 alphanumerical entry in Column'A' to Columns'B','C','D','E'..

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Excel 2010 :: How To Separate Text From A Phone Number In One Cell

Jan 11, 2014

I have a 2010 version of MS Excel. I have roughly 10000 cells that I need to separate into two columns from one cell.

Here is an example of one cell "John Smith 888-8888".

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Excel 2010 :: Dividing Numbers By Number Of Cell They Are Found In?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using excel 2007 or 2010.

I need to divide the numbers on sheet 1 column D. This column contains numbers and blank cells so I need to divide by the actual number of cells that contain only numbers. I will be referencing the divided numbers on sheet 2 in a monthly summary format.

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Excel 2010 :: Printing Spreadsheets With Increasing Number In A Cell

Feb 5, 2014

I have a 2010 Excel spreadsheet where I have a macro set up to print the page. What I need it to do though is to increase a number in a cell and display it each time I print the page.

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Extracting The Highest Top 5 Values

Oct 1, 2008

extract the highest top 5 values from one column in a filtered table with hidden cells. How can I do this without using advance filter or a pivot table in excel 2003 that will show only the visible cell values and not the hidden cell values

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Extracting 3 Highest Numbers

Aug 1, 2009

I came up with a way to extract entire row corresponding to the highest number in L column and to post it in the different sheet.

I have 2 issues to solve though.

1. I need to extract only 13 ranges corresponding to the highest number in L column - ( A through M) - not entire row.

2. I need to do the same with the second and the third highest numbers of the same column L.

This is what I have so far:

Sub extract()
Dim first As Range
Set first = Range("L" & WorksheetFunction.Match(WorksheetFunction.Max(Columns("L")), Columns("L"), 0))
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: Unhiding Specific Number Of Worksheets Based On Cell Value

Jun 26, 2013

I have been attempting to cobble together code from different forums for the past several hours to make a macro to unhide a specific number of worksheets based on a cell value, and have failed miserably thus far. Here are the specifics of what I have going on:

Microsoft Excel 2010
Workbook Name: TASERR Model - 06-26-13.xlsm

In this workbook, I have a worksheet called "Input". In cell C21 of that worksheet, workbook users will fill in a number between 1 and 50 (I have the value for that cell limited to those numbers through data validation). Based on the value in that cell (C21), I want to make a macro to unhide that specific number of hidden worksheets. I have 50 hidden worksheets which are named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", "Route (3)", etc.. If the value in cell C21 is 7, I want the worksheets named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", "Route (3)", "Route (4)", "Route (5)", "Route (6)", and "Route (7)" to unhide. If the value in cell C21 is 3, I want the worksheets named "Route (1)", "Route (2)", and "Route (3)" to unhide. I'm sure y'all can see the functionality I'm going for at this point.

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Extract The Highest Number In A Row To Another Cell

Feb 25, 2007

I have a list of names in one column and in the next column I have a list of numbers. The names and numbers go together. In anohter cell I would like to extract the highest number and the name related to it. The list changes often.

I would like to be able to put a heading saying that "name" (in anohter cell) made the highest score and the name is entered into a cell automatically.

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Display Value (Highest Number) From A Cell

Jan 28, 2013

I have a sheet, along the top is the Months of the year, to the side I have a list of products. At the bottom of each month in a cell I want to display the name of the product that has sold the most for that moth, is this possible:

I can display the highest number i.e Highest item sold in January was 108, but I want it to write the product name.

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Rounding Up A Cell Value To Next Highest Whole Number

May 4, 2006

I have a whole number value in cell F18. In cell F24 I want to enter a formula that allows me to divide the value in cell F18 by 4 and if the result is not a whole number, round it up to the next whole number.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Text To Number And Format Number Without 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.


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Finding Highest Number And Printing Anothers Cell Value

Apr 15, 2009

Cells L5 - L65 have percentages. B5 - B65 Have the associates names. I want to write something in another cell that looks for the highest percentage and then prints the name as the highest.

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Extracting A Number From A Cell

Mar 4, 2014

Cell A3 has the formula: "=MOD(H16-H15,1)"

Cells H16 and H15 are time entries

If H15 = 12:00pm and H16 = 2:00pm, the result in A3 = 2:00

Cell A5 has the formula: "=A4*A3"

In cell A4, I enter a number, say "4", which produces the result "8" in cell A5

Now...I want to add to the formula in cell A5 to make it "=(A4*A3)+A4". The result I WANT in this example should be 12 but no matter what, the answer always ignores the "+A4" part and always just gives me A4*A3.

So the question is, how do I extract the result "8" from cell A5 as a number to which I can add (or subtract...or ANYTHING) other numbers accurately?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Change Excel Formatted Table Name Dependent On Number Of Loops

Jul 9, 2012

Recorded macro. The hope is to insert a excel formatted table a set number of times. I have found a loop code that references a Cell A1 and repeats that amount of times. So if A1= 10. There should be 10 tables inserted. However on the second time there is a fault with the table name. I need the name to change each time the loop is run. ie Table1, Table2, Table3 etc up until the loop stops (A1 contents).

I am using excel for windows 2010. The macro that i have so far is below.

Sub LoopTest()
Dim n
Dim V
V = ActiveCell.Value

[Code] ........

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