File Gets Bigger After Deleting Data
Apr 10, 2007
I have a file about 13 Megs. I deleted a lot of data and saved it. It was 1 Meg bigger. I closed it, reopened, saved again. 700 k smaller than before, but still bigger than original. That is strange. There must be a way to get the dirt out.
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May 25, 2014
As you can see in the picture, the box which I am writing in won't get bigger. I want it to cover the whole workscreen, but so far nothing has worked.
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Nov 7, 2007
how can i make the drop down box bigger to display my text?
heres my problem
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Jul 8, 2009
Sometimes my brain just fails me and I'm pretty sure this is a simple one:
In M5:
IF(ISBLANK(L5), (Use whichever number is greater: G5 or H5), (otherwise Subtract L5 from greater of G5 or H5))
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Jul 13, 2009
The jist of the problem is that employees are paid their normal wage up untill 37.5 hours of work. From 37.5 to 40 hours of work they are paid 1.5 times their wage. Any hours over 40 are paid at 2 times the regular wage.
So i need a formula that can work out their total pay. Im not sure what i could put in a dummy document to help you since it would just be one cell for their hourly wage, one for their hours worked and then one for the calculation. so you can reference any cell as an example and assume £6 as hourly rate
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Mar 30, 2007
Is there a forumula that will allow me to find the smallest number in A1:A10 that is also larger than the number in B1?
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Mar 12, 2009
i found this example of a combobox at but I don't think it is for excel. Is there anyway I can use code to make it so my combobox's list will be like the picture so it shows all the words instead of cutting them off?'
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May 30, 2007
I have and xls list that needs to be saved in a text format without the use of "". The data needs to be read as data not as "data". The only way I have been able to do this is to save the file as a .prn and then rename the extension to .txt. My problem is that in order to rename the prn file i need to exit the file. If I do that then the macro ends and it will not rename. So I have worked around that by saving a second copy and then renaming the first copy. But I do not want to have a second copy. any ideas on how to get around this or to delete the scond copy from within the macro?
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Nov 10, 2006
I'm trying to automate a redundant task. I have several Word files in one central folder. I need to open each file, remove all paragraph marks (via find/replace all), copy the result, and paste it into an Excel sheet. This process will be repeated for each file in the folder.
The code I have is almost there, however, I can't get it to do the find/replace. Below is an extract of my code for the Word application part. The code for the copy and paste will be inserted after the replace action works:
Dim Wapp As Object
Dim i As Integer
WorksheetsLocation = TextBox1.Value ' this is the folder location brought in from an input box
On Error Resume Next
Set wApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number 0 Then 'Word isn't already running
Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
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Jan 11, 2008
I have a template that when it is opened it will automatically save the file to a specific location with the date in the file name.
Currently my code is
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "G:Shared"IT_New " & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") & ".xls", , , , , , xlShared
End Sub
Does anyone know a way to have this code disabled (either by deleting or making it all a comment) on the saved file (xls) so the speadsheet does not try and overwrite itself when I go back and open a previous days spreadsheet?
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Apr 9, 2014
I have a list with random ordered numbers (each number in a cell of a row): 1, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16...
On the other hand I get a value (x). I want a formula that:
- If x is in the list, returns x
- If x is not in the list, returns the next higher value. For example, if x=8, returns 11
I want also a variation of the same formula, that returns the next lower value. For example, if x=8, returns 6.
Note that x will never be smaller than the first number on the list or higher than the highest number in the list.
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Apr 5, 2009
Is there any way witch i can use to make the auto-filter range bigger than 1000 cells?
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May 30, 2006
I am trying to figure out how to create a Macro code in Excel that will delete text file page breaks. Each page break starts with a square in column A and ends with the word continued in column D. I've tried several times, but when I test the code and I highlight the section to delete, it only deletes those specific rows next time. How can I get it to delete the rows from the square to "Continued" throughout the document without making reference to specific cell numbers?
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a blank file and a data file for current year with formulas.
So I am trying to take a couple of tabs from current year data file and pasting them into the blank file.
My question when is do that all the formulas get referenced to the current years file. i want to keep the same formulas but reference the tabs on blank file.
Is there a quicker way to do this rather and going into all the cells and changing reference from current years files data to blank files data.
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Oct 25, 2012
I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)
I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.
So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.
So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.
[Code] ........
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May 16, 2006
I have several files of data that are from a data logger. The data is broken up by day. Each day has roughly 43000 rows of data, at its sample rate. This has made charting the data a nuisance. Is there a way to resample the data so it fits in the 32000 points excel can chart? In the future I will set a sample rate that will keep the number of points below the 32K per series. I would like to be able to have the total number of points reduced by averaging the data not by simply deleting one of every four rows.
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Jul 17, 2014
formula to make data on same line.On converting data2 is above data 1. I insert a column on left . Need to use mouse right click shortcut delete manually shift cells left and then delete shift cells upto have both data on same line but should be in different cells and same sequence per attached ALSO TO REMOVE "/ -DASH HYPENS.
What I need is formula to move the data2 on same alignment and to delete the two empty rows between both data.
See annexed file for expected results.I have preference to have a formula much more.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have 3 columns of data that are being copied from a .csv file. The data is pasted into Columns B, C, & D. Columns C and D are hidden. So that the user does not have to unhide the columns in order to delete the data, I would like to make it so that when the data in column B is deleted, the data in columns C and D is also deleted.
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Jul 8, 2014
I am currently dealing with an excel sheet that I am using to track people that I have contacted over the phone.
I created a drop down box for a column titled "Contacted". Under this drop down I have included: "Yes" - I reached them; "YES/CB" - I reached them, but need to call back; "NO/LVM" - I did not reach them, but I left a voicemail; and "NO/NVM" - I did not reach them and I was unable to leave a voicemail.
My goal is to have several Sheets in this 1 workbook.
Question: How do I get the WHOLE row of data to transferred to a new sheet(s) depending on the selection I make, i.e. "Yes/CB" or "NO/NVM" ??? Make note: I would like the data to disappear from the original sheet when it is transferred to its new home.
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Oct 29, 2007
I have a spreadsheet in which invoices are listed. Some of these invoices have been cancelled with a negative invoice, so I want to match the negative invoice to the corresponding positive invoice so that accurate averages of all the data can be attained.
RefSurnameNameMonthTimesheet Rate PHValue
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Feb 22, 2007
I'm using excel to parse txt a file with account numbers in it. If it finds a dodgy number I want it to delete the entire line in the text file. I have manage to write the code that opens the file and locates the dodgy numbers, however I'm not sure whether it is posible to select the line and delete it.
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Dec 18, 2012
I have a template file for ordering trafolyte and steel plates. I have added macros to this template file. The existing macros do the following (shortly described):
Macro 1: clears order
Macro 2: update order date + send a read only file to the supplier of plates + save a read only copy of the file into one of three folders acc to info in one of the cells.
It's the Macro 2 I want to edit.
I want to add a "function" which copy a selection of data.column A to N from row 12 to 548 but only the rows where there is a value in column A.
Row 1 to 11 includes standard order info and Macro buttons.
Row 11 includes the heading for order data.
For everytime someone click on the Macro 2 button in the template file, I want the selection to be paste into the first "available" row in a "Total list" file.
The "Total list" file may have to be open (or a function to open, paste selection and then close the "Total list" file may be added)
File and Folder info:
To simplify suggestions, the following file and path info can be used (I can change to the correct later):
Template file name: template_order.xlsm
Template file location: \servershared emplate
Total list file name: total_list.xlsx
Total list file location: \servershared otal
Selection info:
The template file exists of a "general order info area" A1:N10
The column heading for order data is located at A11:N11
The selection to be copied is A12:N550 - But only rows where column A includes data (not empty).
(If the spesific order consists of 14 plates than there will be item no 1-14 in column A and I then I want to copy A12:N25 (row 25 will be item 14).
When I try to use record macro it looks like it only records what's happening in the template file - It doesn't record the pasting in the total list.
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Apr 21, 2008
I have to delete data from D15 to AZ129, D168 to AZ282, D312 to AZ426 in 46 excel files, saved in the same folder. I go through the process manually by opening each file and then deleting data.
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Jul 8, 2009
I have Work book that is quite big and I was silly and put in tables, but this ultimately slows down excel so much so that I have to wait 20-30secs while it performs a single task (PC is i7 with 4g of ram).
B/c I have been working on this Workbook for a long time it has multible sheets all interconnected and I can't go through all the sheets and redo the equations , as that wouyld just take too much time. Is there a way of leaving the data the way it is and deleting the table? This is an example below of the type of table I am talking about.
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Jul 24, 2013
I have two sheets. One of them has a long list of numbers and the other one has a shorter list, all of which are also on the first sheet. How can I automatically delete the second sheets numbers from the first sheet?
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Dec 6, 2013
What I need to do is under Document Number (column D) is to delete the rows that do not start with "RM", "AG" or "MA"and then move the rows up.
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Jan 27, 2014
Any way of finding particular data from a data set and deleting the data from that field without using conditional formatting or remove duplicates?
I have used a vlookup to find the words that I needed I now need to find where the are located in my original data set and delete these so I am left with data that if I perform a vlookup on it will not bring back any words as they will have been deleted.
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Apr 2, 2014
I want a macro which can detect empty cell in rows and can delete whole row in which that empty cell is .and want to shift rows up. Macro should start searching empty cells from Column B meaning that It should not delete cells in Column A.
And I want this function in all sheets except parent sheet at position 1.
File is attached : inquiry 3.xlsx‎
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Oct 28, 2008
I have searched around and cannot find exactly what im looking for. I have a table of data and want to delete it all by clicking a button. I only want it to delete the rows which have data in.
A1 = Apple
A2 = Apple1
A3 = Apple2
A4 = Apple3
A5 = *Empty*
So it would delete A1-A4 and not delete A5.
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Jul 26, 2009
I have created a spreadsheet with 4820 rows of data (4821 for computational purposes, the last row being blank) with 5 columns.
1. every third row is blank and it needs to be removed (3, 6, 9,...4818, 4821). Once this is accomplished,
2. I need to move the data that is now found in the even rows, column E moved to the above, current odd row, column F. (ie. E2 to F1, E4 to F3, E6 to F5,...E4808 to F4807...,E4820 to F4819 (however it won't go this high). then
3. I need to delete all the current even rows, as the data I need will be in the odd rows.
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