Delete Adjacent (hidden) Data When Deleting Visible Data

Dec 10, 2009

I have 3 columns of data that are being copied from a .csv file. The data is pasted into Columns B, C, & D. Columns C and D are hidden. So that the user does not have to unhide the columns in order to delete the data, I would like to make it so that when the data in column B is deleted, the data in columns C and D is also deleted.

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Macro To Filter And Delete Row Not Deleting Visible Filtered Rows

Jun 6, 2013

I'm working through a filter macro to delete unecessary rows of data from my dataset.

- I have a Dynamic Range for my dataset called "CanadaData"
- I'm trying to delete rows from the 5th column of my dataset for cells containing "DIRECTSHIP"

The macro filters the range fine, but when if comes to deleting the row, the macro stops.

Sub CanadaWarehouseFilter()
x = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("E22:E" & x), "DIRECTSHIP") > 0 Then

With Range("CanadaData")

[Code] ......

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Format All Cells In All Sheets To Protection Hidden On Visible And Hidden Tabs

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to format all cells on all sheets (hidden or otherwise) as "Locked" so when the sheets are protected the user can't see the formulas. This macro individually selects every sheet in the book and applys the formatting. Is there a way to modify this code to accomplish the same thing without having it actually select every sheet? The only reason it is an issue is that after running the macro you end up on the last sheet in the book.

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Rule To Delete Data From Adjacent Cells

Feb 5, 2008

For the first grouping of data (Ex 1) I need to do the following; if the value in column J is less than 49 then delete the data in the corresponding row from column E to K. For the second grouping (Flx 1) if the value in column R is less than 49 then delete the data in the corresponding row from column M to S. I would like to be able to do this for all groups all the way to group Flx 5. All my sheets are set out in this way but I am not sure if I can do this using a formula or a macro (which I am not very experienced at writing).

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Can't Delete A Table Without Deleting The Data?

Jul 8, 2009

I have Work book that is quite big and I was silly and put in tables, but this ultimately slows down excel so much so that I have to wait 20-30secs while it performs a single task (PC is i7 with 4g of ram).

B/c I have been working on this Workbook for a long time it has multible sheets all interconnected and I can't go through all the sheets and redo the equations , as that wouyld just take too much time. Is there a way of leaving the data the way it is and deleting the table? This is an example below of the type of table I am talking about.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Excel 2007 :: Using Formula On Filtered Data - How To Select Only Visible Data

Jun 1, 2011

I have a 5000 line table I am filtering by a few columns, and I'd like to calculate an exponential trendline value.


But I actually don't want all the values from R1059 to R1167 - I want to select only the displayed values (R1059, R1068, R1077, etc). Is there a way to select only display values to use in a formula? The problem is it would be a lot of manual work to select them all - there are 50 or so instances I would have to select 13 manual values.

I am using Excel 2007 on XP.

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Keeping Track Of Data Over Time Even If The Data Is No Longer Visible?

May 20, 2013

I work in a medical facility, and I need to track data I've entered representing patient visits indefinitely over time. I've attached a weekly grid to this thread that I use to record which patients have had visits during the course of the week. It sums their total visits on the right. I need to continually track these because every patient gets an insurance-mandated progress update after 10 visits. Unfortunately, they don't always show up, and the most I can possibly keep track of is two weeks, max, and most patients only get two visits per week. Is there a way to dump these sums into another column indefinitely?

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Hidden/Visible Sheets In Listbox

Sep 22, 2009

I'm trying to create a userform that allows the user to swap sheets from visible to hidden status. I've made it to the point where all the sheet names are populated based on their current status in their respective listbox, but I am stuck on using the results of any swaps to newly set their visible property. the code I have in the userform is as follows:

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LastRow Needs To Select Next VISIBLE Row (not Hidden Row)

Jul 19, 2007

I'm having a problem moving the cell cursor 2 rows down once I find my LastRow (see LastRow code below). My problem is I need to move down 2 VISIBLE Rows down and I'm running into it moving 2 Rows down whether they are Visible or Hidden? If Row 50 is my LastRow, and I have it move 2 rows down, if Row 52 is Hidden, it still moves to Row 52 which can't be seen by the user after I do my stuff to that row? I can't unhide any hidden rows for other reasons. Is there a way to have the cursor move down 2 VISIBLE Rows instead of 2 Rows regardless?

The code I use to select the LastRow is:

LastRow = Cells(4000, 8).End(xlUp).Row
I move down 2 more rows using:

Cells(LastRow + 2, 8).Select 'Then I do some stuff here for the user, so it can't be a hidden row

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Spreadsheet Open But Not Visible. Hidden

Nov 8, 2006

I was working on a multi-tab spreadsheet (7 tabs to be exact) and I went to hide one of the tabs and all of a sudden the worksheet went away and I was left with my empty personal.xls spreadsheet. If I go into tools and visual basic I see my spreadsheet listed as VBAProject (Durex Sales Oct 1 to Oct 28 06.xls) with the 7 sheets listed below it within a folder called Microsoft Excel Objects, but I can't get it back in spreadsheet form.

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Toggle 2 Subs (between Either Hidden Or Visible Menus)

Dec 11, 2013

I would like to toggle (button) between either hidden menus or visible menus. I have the following code:

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

[Code] .......

Will not work. either one state or the other is visible.

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Change Textbox Border Color - Visible Or Hidden

Mar 8, 2012

What command I would use to change the text box border color, and set text border to visible or hidden?

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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Resample Data: Total Number Of Points Reduced By Averaging The Data Not By Simply Deleting One Of Every Four Rows

May 16, 2006

I have several files of data that are from a data logger. The data is broken up by day. Each day has roughly 43000 rows of data, at its sample rate. This has made charting the data a nuisance. Is there a way to resample the data so it fits in the 32000 points excel can chart? In the future I will set a sample rate that will keep the number of points below the 32K per series. I would like to be able to have the total number of points reduced by averaging the data not by simply deleting one of every four rows.

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Formula To Move Data On Same Row And Deleting Empty Rows Between Data

Jul 17, 2014

formula to make data on same line.On converting data2 is above data 1. I insert a column on left . Need to use mouse right click shortcut delete manually shift cells left and then delete shift cells upto have both data on same line but should be in different cells and same sequence per attached ALSO TO REMOVE "/ -DASH HYPENS.

What I need is formula to move the data2 on same alignment and to delete the two empty rows between both data.

See annexed file for expected results.I have preference to have a formula much more.

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Deleting Visible Cells?

Apr 30, 2014

I have a data in which I have inserted a table with headers.

I then filter the type of data I want removed from the table using the drop down

Then goto special, visible cells only, press delete.

Now, the data is gone, but when I select all again to pull up the entire table, the data is gone, but rows are still there. So now I have tons of empty rows in between the rows of needed data. Any way of removing the rows in between as well as the data?

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Deleting Hidden Rows

May 6, 2006

Why do I get a "sub or function not defined" error on the first line? The problem seemed to arise out of nowhere. The sub is located in module 1. I call it with "Call DeleteHiddenRows" in sheet1 inside of a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)" event. Should I be adding some declaration somewhere (some "dim" line?)???

Sub DeleteHiddenRows()
For j = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row To 1 Step -1
If Rows(j).Hidden Then
Rows(j).Hidden = False
End If
Next j
End Sub

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Getting Data In Adjacent Cell To Calculate Data

Dec 17, 2012

I want the user the be able to pick a number. This number corresponds to a table value. The formula needs to take the value in the adjacent cell from the picked number and run a calculation on it.

For example, if the user picks 7, it will select the adjacent value to 7 in a table for use in a calculation in another cell.

I attached an example : example_001.xlsx‎

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Macro- With Deleting Only Visible Fields

Mar 24, 2009

I will paste data into columns A-H, I have headers in rows, 1,2 and 3. I have formulas in a few cells in row 2. After inputting my data on the sheet etc I copy all the formulas from row 2 and paste in teh relevant columns, I then select my autofilter and my selection (in this case #N/A), i then choose all visable cells (Alt and ;)and delete them. The problem is I do not want to delete rows 1,2 or 3 but all other rows (i.e. just the selected N/A rows). Can anyone help on how to do this?

Once i have figured this out I will then continue the macro to select 'all' on the filter and do the same to a few other columns.

So far I have this;

Sub Macro6()
' Macro6 Macro
' Macro recorded 24/03/2009 by Richard Tydeman

Application.CutCopyMode = False

I think the extra bit of code needs to go in after selecting visible cells - something that says exclude row1,2 and 3 but im not sure.

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Transferring Data To New Sheet And Deleting Data

Jul 8, 2014

I am currently dealing with an excel sheet that I am using to track people that I have contacted over the phone.

I created a drop down box for a column titled "Contacted". Under this drop down I have included: "Yes" - I reached them; "YES/CB" - I reached them, but need to call back; "NO/LVM" - I did not reach them, but I left a voicemail; and "NO/NVM" - I did not reach them and I was unable to leave a voicemail.

My goal is to have several Sheets in this 1 workbook.

Question: How do I get the WHOLE row of data to transferred to a new sheet(s) depending on the selection I make, i.e. "Yes/CB" or "NO/NVM" ??? Make note: I would like the data to disappear from the original sheet when it is transferred to its new home.

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Deleting Hidden Rows Based On Results Of Autofilter

May 23, 2007

I am performing an autofilter within a spreadsheet to display only those lines where a name exists in column A. Then I delete all hidden rows. I am having a problem when the autofilter results in no rows being visible. Here is the code I am using for the delete hidden rows:

On Error Resume Next ' In case there's no hidden cells

With Cells
Set rngHidden = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
.EntireRow.Hidden = False 'Unhide all cells
rngHidden.EntireRow.Hidden = True 'Hide previously visible cells
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete 'Delete previously hidden cells
rngHidden.EntireRow.Hidden = False ' Unhide previously visible cells
End With
End Sub

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Keep Data Summary Always Visible

Sep 28, 2006

I have a spreadsheet, whereby I have a list of items that grows regularly, but also have a brief summary of items, however I would like the summary to float, so that it always appears on screen, and I don't have to hunt for it on the spreadsheet.

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Autofilter Data Not Visible On Worksheet?

Aug 5, 2013

I am going bonkers with the worksheet autofiltered result. On userform "Find" when I use one of two comboboxes to filter the results no data is displayed. Using the textbox on that form the filtered data is displayed.

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VBA Visible Column Data Copy?

Jun 20, 2014

I want to sum filtered data from one column V and paste value into TextBox1 Goal for this code is that sum will be displayed into textbox automatically. Also i select data as last row Column "I"

Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
Dim LR As Long LR = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).RowTextBox1.Value = Sum(Range("V2:V" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)).ValueEnd Sub

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Refresh RowSource Visible Data

Jun 12, 2009

How can you make a ListBox RowSource show only visible data from a filtered range and then when the filtered range changes with new filter criteria, show the new visible data?

I Have a Defined Name Range named “Quantity” with the ....

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Autofilter: Determine When No Data Visible

Nov 29, 2006


Dim rng As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim worksheet1 As Worksheet
Set worksheet1 = worksheets("MAIN")
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=I*", Operator:=xlAnd
With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng2 = .Offset(0, 18).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1)
.SpecialCells (xlCellTypeVisible)
On Error Goto 0
End With
If rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No data to copy"
Set rng = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
rng.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1).Copy _
End Sub

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Copy Data Without Hidden Rows?

Aug 21, 2014

Is there a way to copy and paste a sheet from one spreadsheet to another without getting the rows that have been hidden? I have a database with about 800 rows and another 150 or 200 scattered through it that are currently hidden. For what I need right now I don't want any of that hidden data. Do I have to manually delete it or is there a way to ignore it (I thought of paste special but I can't find one that works).

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Hidden Background Data File

Jun 15, 2009

Can you get Excel to open another Excel file linked to the first automatically (preferably hidden and read only) in the background ?

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Find Hidden Data In Worksheet

Jul 6, 2006

Excel 2003. Windows XP Professional. Bank reconciliations. How is it possible in an unprotected worksheet to hide additional data input in formulas so that visible invalid numbers produce accurate results? Displaying hidden formulas in formula bar reveals nothing. Blank cells have been included in formula, but searches for hidden numbers and links in these cells produced nothing. I'm at my wit's end to correct this misuse of Excel in my office.

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