Fill All Rows Across All Columns In Step

Mar 18, 2008

I have 4 columns. I want to add 100 to all rows in the first column, 150 to the ones in the second, etc. Is this possible? I have Excel 2007.

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Step Average Across Every X Columns

Mar 11, 2008

Is there a way to loop through a range of numbers, pick the first 24 columns, do some kind of caclulation for each column and row, the start again on column 25 for another 24 columns, perform the same calculation, go to the next set of 24 columns, etc?

I have tried using, for example, AVERAGE(OFFSET(range,0,0,24,24) and that correctly returns the average for the first 24 columns (range being the range of data I am using like D366:HK389). However, unless I manually change the starting column for the next set, it doesn't return the correct result. I have attached a sample data spreadsheet. There are 9 Locations in the spreadsheet where each Location contains a 24x24 matrix.

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Hiding Rows That Have No Fill Color In Any Of Columns?

Apr 15, 2014

I have a pivot table full of data that needs a macro/vba/something to loop through it and hide all rows that have no fill color. The table had 210 rows so I want a quick way of hiding the irrelevant ones (only the ones filled in green or red), and so all the ones with no fill need to be hidden. Something like a button to hide/unhode would be ideal.

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How To Fill Color For Multiple Rows And Columns

May 21, 2014

I want to write a macro to fill color in row 8 of the worksheet as solid black . Also columns P,T,AP,BC ,BE and BG should be filled solid black and width should be 1 for the row and the column.

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Columns And Rows - Fill Values For All Data In CSV

Sep 18, 2012

I have a table = Columns A - E contain data in a variety of formats

Code 4
Code 5



What Column F (code 6) should contain is a csv of Columns A-E as shown.

What formula for Column F will automatically fill the values for all data within a row in a csv?

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Macro To Fill Cells Of Rows Based On Two Other Columns

May 28, 2014

Data file with few columns. There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.

First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.

Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.

The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.

See here Fill Cells.xlsx

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Fill Array From Range Selecting All Rows And Some Columns

Jul 21, 2014

I want to fill an array from values in range A1:H10. I want to fill the array with all rows in range and only columns B,C and E. I have the code below so far using index function.

Is there a more direct way to select all rows from desired range to avoid the need to create an array of rows from 1 to LastRow and then use Application.Transpose(RowsArr) (in red) inside Index()?

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Fill Formula Reference By Rows When Copying Across Columns

Dec 20, 2007

I am trying to fill in reference cells horizontally but fix the column and increasing the row number as it fills. For examples I want to start my refence as "=A1" in cell B1. I want to copy this reference horizontally to column Z1 but want the refences to be A1, A2,...,A26. Excel only seems to increase columns when filling horizontally and rows when filling vertically. Transpose works but it's an array which would slow the spreadsheet down.

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Macro Executing Step By Step

Jun 5, 2008

I don't know what exactly is happening, but every step of the macro is happening every 1 second. Literally, the BPM is 60. It will execute a step in the macro every second, when in other macro's i've made, it zips right through as if it was on fast forward.

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Delete Columns And Rows Based On Cell Fill Color

Jan 31, 2014

I am a locksmith and attempting to write a spreadsheet app. for my line of work. The output page will use columns A-G and rows 1-?10000? depending on the size of the system. If a 5 pin system is requested then columns A+B will be blacked out. 6 pin system A is blacked out. 7 pin system nothing blacked out. Also, if any cell matches the master key that was input, that cell is filled with red. I know, confusing.

Basically, I am trying to remove the blacked out columns automatically, and to remove the enitire row is any cell in that row is filled with red. Then to remove blank lines.

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Create Function To Selects Data From ABC Column And Put Into New Columns For Each Step

Mar 3, 2012

Is this possible? If

0 0 0
0 0 0
1 4 5
2 4 8
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
2 6 9
8 9 3
3 5 6
0 0 0

In the raw data, the 0s split up the data into different steps. I am trying to create a function that selects the data from the ABC column and puts it into new columns for each step. I.e:

New Columns with:
1 4 5
2 4 8

2 6 9
8 9 3
3 5 6

In the raw data files, there will be 10 steps, with a varying length of data.

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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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Linking 2 Columns To Fill 2 Columns In Dropbox List?

Mar 3, 2014

It's quite easy, I am trying to do a droplist (that's easy) but I want that drop list to take infos on 2 different columns and fill the 2 columns I want in the main sheet (see attachment)

On tab 'dealers' I have dealers name and account numbers. On tab 'Mileage' I have a cell call "NAME' and a cell call 'Accnt #/NB'. Here is what I want to do:

On sheet 'Mileage' I want to choose from a drop list a dealer name and I want Excel to populate the cell "Accnt#/NB" automatically by chosing the account number that is appropriate to the dealer choosen which is column 'B' in the dealers tab.

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Multiple Columns Which Need To Be Combined With Some Columns Not Having All Cells Fill

Apr 30, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 10 columns which are for tags for products. Some columns are filled in for 10 products and some are not. For instance, product 1 has 7 tags while product 2 has only 2 tags and so on. Now what I am looking to do is combine all the tags for each product with a "," inbetween each one. The problem is if I just use a simple =A2&","&B2&","&C2 etc formula is that if there are only 2 tags then I get 8 ","s. I also tried it with an IF statement but by the time I was done nesting items I became cross eyed and said there has to be an easier way to do this.

I have create a spreadsheet with the data and the result that I typed into the "result" column.

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Inset Rows & Fill That Rows Base On Formula

Feb 15, 2010

dear friend in my document column "L" has some numbers & formulas.if any cell has formula base in that i need to inset rows below that formula cell & that formula need to spread on that new rows.i have 4 type of formulas.each formula has (1.5).that part is common. it 's like this...

(01.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5 ,need to inset one row below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this..
L1 cell =150*1.5
L2 cell =150*1.5

(02.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+50*1.5 ,need to inset two rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this..
L1 cell =150*1.5
L2 cell =150*1.5
L3 cell =50*1.5

(03.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+130*3*1.5 ,need to inset four rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this..
L1 cell =150*1.5
L2 cell =150*1.5
L3 cell =130*1.5
L4 cell =130*1.5
L5 cell =130*1.5

(04.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+130*3*1.5+20*1.5 ,need to inset five rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this..

L1 cell =150*1.5
L2 cell =150*1.5
L3 cell =130*1.5
L4 cell =130*1.5
L5 cell =130*1.5
L6 cell =20*1.5

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Fill In Empty Rows Below With Data From Rows Above Macro?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a worksheet with 40 colums and 9200 rows. There are columns with empty data in the rows. Can I have a macro to copy data in the rows in Column E, F, I, J K and L to empty rows below?

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Transpose (switch) Rows Into Rows And Columns Into Columns?

Jul 28, 2013

i need to mark some row (which has some content written in), mark other row(with data too) and switch/transpose them mutual. when i was trying transpose method, which is using for switching rowns and columns, it wrote me error, that data are overlapping. it means it cant work on same things (rows > rows, columns > columns).

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Using Step In A For Loop

May 7, 2006

I'm trying to run a loop that doesn't go through every value between the lower and upper bounds so am using Step at the end of the For line:

For j = 0 To s Step loop_step
'Does stuff in here - not relevant
Next j

The amount that is being stepped through is set as a variable previously - called loop_step, and works fine for small values (e.g. stepping through 10 at a time) but comes up with an error for 1000. I haven't checked how large the value needs to be before it creates an error, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there's a limit on the number you can step through? Otherwise I have no idea what's causing this problem!

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How To Fill In IF Function Across Columns Changing Column Ref Only

Jan 16, 2014

My formula in sheet "A" in cell D7 is this


What I would like to do with it is fill in row D7 to AH7 with this formula without changing the row reference in the IF function, only the column reference.

On the Activity_Log worksheet, my data is listed from cell C2:C32, which is selected from a drop down list, and F2:F32, which contains the formula =(E2-D2)*24.

I've attached a sample : Sample_MonthlyReport.xlsx

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Drop-Down Lists: Can We Fill 2 Columns At The Same Time?

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to have a drop-down list fill two columns (actually, two adjacent cells) when a selection is made from the drop-down list? Maybe using an array in the source formula?

For instance, let's say I pick a doctor from the drop down list, I would like the doctor's practice to automatically fill the cell next it so that the two always go together correctly. In the lists example below, when I select Dr. Elmer in column A, then I want Internal Medecine Associates to go in column B.

MD Practice
Dr. BartholomewCentral Endocrine Specialists
Dr. Elmer Internal Medicine Associates
Dr. StamfordCardiology Associates

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Fill Cell W/ Value Present In Another Row, If Columns Match

Jun 30, 2009

I have a slight conundrum that goes as follows:

If in a given row, the cell in column A is empty, but the cells in columns B and C have values--would it be possible to automatically fill in the empty cell with the same value of another rows column A cell, if both rows share the same value (nb: not case sensitive) in the column B and C cells.

For example:

If one row, say Row 44, contained the following:

Column A Cell =
Column B Cell = sunday
Column C Cell = dog

and another row, say Row 10023, contained:

Column A Cell = Walk
Column B Cell = Sunday
Column C Cell = Dog

How would I go about automatically filling in Row 44's column A cell with the value "Walk", as both rows columns B and C cells match up.

I should mention that I am dealing with a sheet with over 30'000 rows, so it would be incredibly time consuming to find matches and input the missing value directly.

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ListBox Fill 3 Columns With Worksheet Range's

May 10, 2009

Hi if possible can someone please tell me how u populate a list box with three columns i want 1st col "A12:A209" 2nd col "B12:B209" 3rd Col "D12:D209" shown in it. Ive tried everything i can think of and cant get it to work

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Fill The Empty Rows With Value From The Row

Jul 31, 2009

I would like to fill the empty rows with value from the row before them that has a value.

row 1 has a value "a"
and row 2-5 has no values
row 6 has "b"
then row 7 has no value etc...

i would like help getting row 2-5 filled with a, and row 7 filled with b and any subsequent rows that may have a value

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Vba To Step Thru And Edit Data

May 26, 2008

I get a report that I have to manually edit everyday. I've done some VBA, but not sure where to start with this one.

The attachment has two sheets, first is what I get and the second is what I want. I'll explain the process i have to go thru now and maybe I can get some help to automate it.

-Add the tech number to the first column for each job for each tech.
7988 us the first tech number.

-Then delete every row that isn't a job.
-Add a column with the install date.(report data near the top.)
-Add a column and populate it with the system, which is the sheet name.
Thats why its example.

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Getting Range To Step Through In A Loop

Apr 6, 2012

This little piece of code is where I'm having problems.

A36:A45 will always be the same.

The problem is in getting ("R2:AA2") to move to ("R3:AA3") ...

What needs to happen for the loop to work?


I've tried:

Dim rngDC as Range

then Set rngDC = Worksheets("Month").Range("R2:AA2")

So that I can later use rngDC = RngDC.Offset(1,0)

However, when I try rngDC.Select I get an error saying I can't select the variable that way.

Here's the complete code:

Sub Import()

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True

With Sheets("Month")

[Code] ....

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How Can I Step Through Project Code

Dec 7, 2006

I am looking at the code in a MODULE, I can use "F8" to step through it.

But if I have no module just the main project code I cannot find a way to step through it.

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Step Through Works But Not When Activated

Sep 24, 2007

I have written this code to change the colour of a row of cells to bright green and to change the cell contents of cell(Row, 15) from “L” to “F”: This is the main workbook into which are pulled values from three others. I then want it to open one of the subsidiary workbooks, that feeds the information, to change the same job row to bright green and to change the cell contents of cell(Row, 15) from “L” to “F”. Then I want to save the changes and return to the main sheet: - The ActiveCell contains the Job Number.

Option Explicit
Public rw As Integer
Public Col As Integer
Public Job As String
Public JobNo As String
Public RowNo As Integer
Public wName As String
Public times As Integer
Public Pips As String
Public Nicolas As String
Public Cindys As String
Public wb

Sub FinishedinOfficeCindy()
rw = ActiveCell.Row
JobNo = ActiveCell
Col = ActiveCell.Column
If Col 1 Then
Check that the correct
MsgBox "Please choose the Job Number first"column is selected and
Exit SubThat the workbook is
End Ifthe correct one
If Cells(rw, 14) "Cindy" Then
MsgBox "Wrong Secretary Chosen - whoops!"
Exit Sub
End If

All works perfectly when I step through it but, when it is activated (Ctrl+Shift+C) it opens the other workbook and then seems to end? I even tried putting in delays to see if they would help but they didn’t.

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Single Step Window

Oct 31, 2007

I do have code, but this thing (which appears on the Excel window, not the VBE window) doesn't seem to be connected to any of my code.

What is this, and what caused it to suddenly pop up on me in Excel?

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Different Results When Running Vs Step Through

Jan 12, 2010

My workbook contains several worksheets with queries to external SQL Server database. All queries use background updates. Each query uses a parameter for the SQL query string. The parameter value is obtained from E2 Reports!B4. Manually changing this cell returns results on worksheet Job Summary in range("A6:K6"). This works great!Worksheet Order Details contains a list of job numbers in column B.

I wrote a VBA sub that loops through these jobs, changing E2 Reports!B4 for each job. I then call the Application.RefreshAll function. Finally, I copy "Job Summary!A6:K6" to a row on worksheet Order Summary. If the next job is the same order, I copy with a paste special to add the results.The problem occurs when running the VBA sub. If I step through the code, waiting for the RefreshAll function to finish, the correct values are returned. If I step through fast, without waiting for the RefreshAll, the values for some jobs are copies of the previous job, but other jobs are correct. If I hold the F8 key down or hit the F5 key, all values are the same as the first job.I've tried DoEvents, turning off screen updates, and turning off background updates.

Private Sub
Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) If Target.Name = "Order Summary" Then ' rj references position on Job Summary sheet Dim rj As Integer ' ro references position on Order Summary sheet Dim ro As Integer rj = 6 ro = 6 ' clear all rows Sheets("Order Summary").Range("a6:a65536").EntireRow.Clear Application.CutCopyMode = False ' turn off screen updating to avoid flicker..........................................

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Step Calculation Formula

Apr 14, 2007

I have a simple calculation - Say 0-6. What i need to do is, if the value is <7 place a 10 in the cell, or if the the value is <12 place a 5 in the cell, or,
lastly if the value is <21.5 place a 0 in the cell. Is this at all possible - as i can only do it with conditional formatting using colours at present

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