Cell Color Fill Depending On Condition Of 2 Other Cells
Jun 23, 2009
Afternoon everyone i am having abit of trouble working on an excel 2007 spreadsheet. In cell I1 i have a tab called Color. i want the cells below I1 to be filled with one of 3 colors green, yellow, or red depending on whats in cell F "Status" (closed or open - in progress) and cell G ECD for estimated completion date.
Green - i need it to fill green if status is closed. Yellow - need it to fill yellow if ECD is any date greater than today and if status is open. Red - need it to fill red if ECD is todays date or older and status is open.
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May 1, 2008
I have a template I have been asked to amend and I know I need to use Conditional Formatting I just can't crack the formula I need to use. Cell A2 will have either "CD" or "CW" or "IN" input into it
When user inputs either "CD" or "CW" into cell A2, I want cell G2 to have "Margin Movement" automatically displayed. When user inputs "IN" into cell A2, I want cell F2 to have "MV" automatically displayed, and I want cell G2 to be coloured in bright red fill. Then user is to go to cell G2 and input some text as a description, and I want the red fill to disappear once they have input something in there.
I thought I had it licked using IF statements for the "Margin Movement" and the "MV" cells, but I can't get the conditional formatting to work - I assume this is because the cells aren't technically "blank", as they have IF statements in them.
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Mar 2, 2013
fill color of autoshapes on condition depend on cell value
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Mar 22, 2007
Is there a way to color fill an entire row based on a value in a certain column? Say I have a large file and one column is "yes" or "no" If I wanted all of the "yes" rows to be colored -
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Sep 17, 2012
I have a conditional cell that change color or not if condition...OK so far. Now, how can I change the color of a range of cells when condition is in just one cell. Ex:
If C15>=150, change (C3;C20) to yellow.
I really can't find the way to do it.
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Nov 22, 2012
I want to highlight the cell of Column 'A' of excel only when it does not contain the text like "Verify", "Validate" or "Evaluate" in its content if, the value in corresponding cell of Column 'B' holds the value 'Y'. Secondly, the column 'A' can't contains the words like 'Verify', 'Validate' and 'Evaluate' if the corresponding cell in Column 'B' holds value 'N'. So just need to highlight those discrepancies if its there.
Column A
Column B
Expected Action
Press F3
Its Fine
Verify this..
Its Fine
Need to Highlight Cell of Column A as Value in Column B is Y but the column A does not contain any value like "Verify", Validate" or "Evaluate"
Verify This.
Need to Highlight Cell of Column B as the Value of Column A contains words like "verify", "validate", "evaluate" but corresponding cell value in column B does not hold value "Y".
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Nov 10, 2008
when I execute this code on the selected cells, it completely ignores my selection, and makes the entire worksheet black.
Sub ColorCells()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Selection
If cell.Value = "U" Then
cells.Interior.Color = 3
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Nov 2, 2008
I'm trying to add a textbox at the current position (selected cell) with a set size, fill color, and border color. I found this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...8(VS.80).aspx:
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Sep 22, 2008
I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.
This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)
I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them
i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.
i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.
I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.
I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.
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Aug 24, 2009
I have column "C", starting from "C5" with dates till C200, but not all cells have dates some of them are also blank.
I want the cell to change color depending on the date.
If the written due date is in a month from today, I want it to turn yellow, and if the due date is in the past from today, I wanted to turn red. I want it to get updated every month.
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May 17, 2006
I m trying to bypass some code if a certain condtion is meet. If Cell A1 has a zero in it I want to skip the following code and continue one with the rest of the macro. This is the code I have.
j = 0
RowCount = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
cell_a = Range("A1").Value
If Not cell_a = 0 Then
Rows("1:" & cell_a * 2).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
For i = 1 To cell_a * 2
Range("a" & i).Select
ActiveCell.Value = j
j = j + 0.5
Next i
I put the If Not/Then statement in there to try and figure out what do. But I don't know what to put after the THEN statement. Basically I want run the code after the THEN statement if there isn't a zero in cell A1 and skip the code if A1 contains a zero.
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Oct 4, 2011
I need to be able to fill a cell in the same row based on values in two other cells in different columns.
Current Layout. Call these columns A, B, and C
I have 3 different states I work with, OH, IL and PA. There are different tax exemptions based on whether or not the class is RES or COM.
State = PA, Class = RES, Tax Exempt = 1
State = PA, Class = COM, Tax Exempt = Null (not "0")
For all other states, Tax Exempt will always = 1
I need the VBA code that will autofill column B with the proper Tax Exempt status based upon columns A and C.
The code I have now just looks at the first value in columns A and C then fills all of column B with that number.
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Jan 11, 2013
I need change the color of the cell depending on the following conditions. (By the way the column will have names list)
1. single punctuations are allowed anywhere in name apart from first position.-->color should not change
2. If any name got consecutive punctuations --> color should change to RED.
3. Any punctuations apart from Dot(.), hyphen(-), apostrophe('), Space( ) are not allowed-->color should change to RED.
ShivakumaraNo Change
Shiva kumaraNo Change
Shiva'kumaraNo Change
shiva.kumaraNo Change
shiva kumarared
shiva' kumarared
shiva. Kumarared
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Feb 9, 2007
Is it possible to use a formula to shade a cell dependent on a condition? I have tried an if formula (see below) but it is incorrect. =if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6>'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [red],if('November 2006 SVOC'!B6<'March 2006 SVOC'!C6,'November 2006 SVOC'!B6 [blue],))
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Sep 3, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to fill a row with a color depending on the value of a certain cell. Say, if the value of cell N5 is 0 then row 5 turns red.
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Jul 3, 2009
I have another macro request.
I would like to ‘grey out’ a certain qty of cells depending on the 1st number in another cell. So 1st of all it would have to check in column B to see if there is any data and then check for the first number in that cell (there will be many numbers in the cells but we only need the 1st one (Ex.: B3 = “3 / 8 & 8”).
Then it should start counting from column D the found number of cells multiplied by 2.
Ex.: if Cell B3 contains “3 / 8 & 8” it will count 3 x 2 = 6 (3 cells x 2 = 6 cells)
Then, if after that count (now at I3), in the next cell over (J3) if the is data in the cell above (J2) then it should apply an Interior.ColorIndex of 15 for the next cells until there is no data in the cells above (if nothing after K2 the grey will be applied to cells J3 & K3 only).
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Feb 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.
I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.
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Jan 10, 2014
I want to color cells if it is texted as ULF by green, if it is texted as OS by red in the all row down, it easy but I can't.
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Mar 13, 2009
The code changes the cell color depending on how many clicks you give it.
The code it self works fantastic but the problem i have is if i manually unlock the sheet every time i click any where in sheet it locks it again.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo Error
Dim I As Integer, I1 As Integer, ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("36hr Plan")
ws1.Unprotect "muppeticity"
I1 = 40
For I = 5 To 25 Step 5
For I1 = 22 To 204 Step 13
Offset1 = 0
If Not Intersect(Target, ws1.Cells(I1, I)) Is Nothing _
Or Not Intersect(Target, ws1.Cells(I1 + 1, 5)) Is Nothing _
Or Not Intersect(Target, ws1.Cells(I1 + 2, 5)) Is Nothing Then.............
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Jun 10, 2008
I am getting with the great user defined function (SumColor) you posted here and that I have modified a bit to suit my need. I have a spreadsheet thanks to which I calculate the total cost of a product (find spreadsheet attached below). There are three types of costs:
1. Amortization: always start with AMOXXXXX which I locate in the end of the spreadsheet
2. Assemblies: always start with a 99XXX or 98XXX
3. Components: any other notation (90, 91, 92, etc.)
Each product can have until 5 levels of subassemblies:
1. Level 0: always located in row 8 with big bold letters
2. Level1: cells in yellow (color index = 36).................
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Dec 10, 2012
As seen from my attached file,
The colour of the percentage cell changes according to its percentage. I would like the S/N cells to have the same colour as the total percentage cells automatically. (Even when the percentage updates)
Secondly, for the cells under "Target", if the target dates are 1 day before today(the current date on a particular day) and the actual date is not filled, the cell fill will turn amber.
If today is on or after the target date and the actual date is not filled, the cell will turn red.
However, if the actual date is filled, the target date cell will be filled green, overwriting the above two condition.
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May 27, 2014
if I have one cell that ive enlarged to half the sheet.... and it is effected with rollover hyperlink so that when I hover over other cells. it turns different colours..
is it possible to make that cell open up different files using the double click event depending on the colour it currently is?
i.e. if its blue, open file1. if its yellow, open file 2 etc
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Sep 15, 2014
See attached work book, it is an mot booking system that is all working fine except for one thing that I don't know how to change.
At the moment if you double click a cell in the test type column it enters the required data and turns the cell green highlighting the length of time and values this is all good but I am wanting the ones that start with n-side to turn yellow just so that we can see our own internal tests easily. It is control in the coding not formatting . Is there a way this can be done?
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Dec 6, 2007
I have an excel spreadsheet where column "D" will have one of fifteen different names inserted. According to which name is present, the cell needs to be a specific color. Any ideas on what would be the best code to use to read the entire column and format the cells that have names?
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Jan 27, 2005
how can I automatically fill cells with certain colors based on the value of the cell. (i.e. I want to search an entire workbook and fill cells with values between 80 and 99 green, 60 to 79 yellow and 0 to 59 red.)
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Jan 23, 2009
i would like to be able to fill color numerous rows of cells that have a number in one of the columns that is either above a certain number or below a certain number.
example 3-Nov 5 H
5-Nov -3 V
6-Nov 4 V
9-Nov 12 V
10-Nov -1 H
in this example i want to fill color any row that in column 2 has a number less than -1 and greater than 4.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have no knowledge of VB programming and the conditional formatting seems limited. I want to change to the color of cells to yellow if the cell value is greater than 80 but less than 99, and if it is 100 or greater to fill red. Is this possible and if so can it be applied to a range of cells?
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Jan 13, 2009
I want cells containing the same contents to fill with the same color. But I want different colors for each matched set. I know I can match text to a color, but I may have 100 possible items and to create matches for all 100 would be time consuming and there are not enough colors. I just want random colors picked by excel to create some visual separation to similar cells.
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Aug 26, 2009
how can i count the number of cells by their background/fill color?
Can I use the function COUNTA??
C3A4B5C6D7E8F9G10 11COUNTA(C3:C10)
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Oct 26, 2007
A friend is trying to change an entire row's color based on a specific cell's value in that row. He cannot use conditional formatting. This is the code he's tried, to no avail:
Sub temp()
totalrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Row = totalrows To 2 Step -1
If Cells(Row, 25).Value = 4 Then
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Next Row
End Sub
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