Fill Cells Matching ComboBox With TextBox

Jan 1, 2007

I have a userform with text boxes and a combobox referencing a named range in the spreadsheet. What I'm trying to accomplish is when I click on a name in the combobox, I would like the text I'm adding to this name to be on the same row. Currently a new row is created with all this information instead of being added to the existing row and I end up with duplicate names in the combobox.

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Fill ListBox With TextBox Matches While Excluding Those Matching ComboBox Choice

Jul 11, 2009

I've created a macro that searches the active worksheet for a textboxvalue and copies all full and partial matches to a multicolumn listbox. However, I'd like to install some sort of filter that prevents registrations not containing the value in a combobox from making it into the listbox (so I'd actually like to search for registrations meeting two criteria, i.e. an advanced search). The macro I'm using is:

Private Sub Query_Change()

Dim vFound As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String

On Error Goto ErrorHandle

Set vFound = Cells.Find(What:=Query.value, After:=Cells(1, 10), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not vFound Is Nothing Then
strFirstAddress = vFound.Address

I've attached the workbook I'm working on, in case I haven't made myself sufficiently clear in the above.

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Fill Textbox With Info From Combobox

Jul 31, 2007

I am trying to insert information from a combobox into a textbox. The issue I have is that the information in the combobox is generated by accessing a network folder and filling the combobox with the names of the various folders. The combobox only generates the first seven digits of the folder...

Private Sub combobox1_DropButtonClick()
Call ShowFolderInfo("j:Consultant ServicesState Projects")
End Sub

Sub ShowFolderInfo(folderspec)
Dim index As Object
Dim fs As FileSystemObject
Dim folderObject As Folder
Dim SubFolders As Folders.......................

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Fill Automatic Textbox When Combobox Select Any Value?

Jul 28, 2014

I have sheet "MySheet" with data in range A1:B200, when i change or select value in combobox, my textbox will fill. But i need return respective rows in column A inside textbox.

Private Sub ComboBox_Change() On Error Resume Next
TextBoxCod.Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Range(MyRange"), ComboBox.Value, 1)
End Sub

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Fill TextBox With Offset From ComboBox Choice

Nov 20, 2006

I'm trying to get my textbox in my userform to get its value from my combobox's value with an offset and its been giving me some trouble. This is what I got so far and it works with no offset

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = ComboBox1.Value
End Sub

And this is what I got so far for an offset which doesn't work

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
For i = 1 To 43
TextBox1.Value = ComboBox1.Value.Offset(i, 1)
End Sub

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Fill Textbox Based On ComboBox Selection

Jan 5, 2008

There is a small command button in cell A11 that brings up the userform. I have a multi-tab user form the userform contains a number of combo boxes with an associated textbox right of each. I would like to populate the textbox based on the value selected in the combo box. For example when Ice Foot is selected (Type of Fast Ice) populate the textbox (txtFastIceEncoded) with the value of 6. These values are located on 'decode' sheet. I then want to take the four values and place them in the textbox 'txt_Tw_Tw_Et_DE_ai_group'. Ultimately I want the values to end up back in the worksheet 'Synoptic Ice Obs'. Perhaps there is a better way to do this than I am trying. I have poured through countless threads in this forum and have tried a number of these. I however always seems to run into some problem that I do not understand fully. I have included a copy of the workbook.

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ComboBox Value To Fill Corresponding Cells

Apr 21, 2008

I have a spreadsheet dealing with orders made by customers and the delivery of the items they have ordered.

When I have delivered the items to a customer I need to note down that their order has been delivered. I also need to enter the date on which it has been delivered.
I have created a user form in which I select the order number of that particular order from a combobox and state whether or not it has been delivered, this is either a "yes" or "no" selected from another combobox.
I then have to note the date in a text box on which the items were delivered.

My problem is getting the answer "yes" or "no" and the date to fill in on the worksheet next to the corresponding order number.

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Fill Cells Based On Corresponding Cells Matching 3 Criteria

Jul 1, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet for a shoe company. I have separate columns for the size, model, color, and item number of a shoe. I get everything except for the item number from a written document; I then have to find the item number for the shoe from another excell document called the Master List.

I was hoping there would be a way to have Excell auto-fill the item number for me. For example, if a shoe is a Red, Athens (the shoe model),size 12, its item number (which can be a pain to find) listed in the row of the Master List is aaabbb. So I want to just enter in the size, color and model number, and have Excell find the item number for me, and fill it in.

I have enclosed an example. Sheet 1 is the sheet I would be working on. Sheet 2 is a portion of the Item master list, which is actually 50k lines.

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Fill ComboBox With Cells Meeting Criteria

Apr 1, 2008

Well, after reading "Best Practices", it looks like I've got lots to learn about Excel and VBA Hope I don't break too many rules. see code below. I have a form that uses a set of dynamically filled combo boxes. The difficulty I'm having is in filling the combo boxes with correct data when updating an existing record. As per the code below, the Activecell. offset(0, #) references in the "if" statement in the For..Next loop process correctly, but Activecell references that fill the combo boxes seem to behave like an absolute references to Row 1, which are the Column Names. I've tried creating an Activecell.offset(0, 0) before every fill combo box statement and then using Activecell.offset(i, #) to reference the relevant cells, but to no avail. Obviously, I'm missing something here...

Private Sub cboUserName_change()
Dim usrnam As String
Dim found As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer
usrnam = cboUserName.Value
found = False
If usrnam <> "" Then
intRowCount = Range("A1"). CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1 ................

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ComboBox Selection That Fills A TextBox And Other ComboBox

Sep 28, 2013

I created a UserForm then linked ComboBox1 to range A2:A, TextBox2 to range E2:E, and ComboBox3 to range M2:M of the same worksheet, named Sheet3. The row contents in Column A, Column E, and Column M are associated. Therefore, when the UserForm is active I want to be able to select a row from Column A in ComboBox1 and have the UserForm pull the contents from the same row of Column E into TextBox2, and Column M into ComboBox3. Here is what I have so far, but its not quite doing it.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ColARange As Range


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Fill ComboBox With Cell Range And Link ComboBox To Cell?

Oct 15, 2006

I have two questions.

1). I have dates listed in excel (01/01/2006 to 12/31/2006) say from range B12:B376.

How do I get these values to a ComboBox.

2). If the above is possible and if I select a value in ComboBox say 08/07/2006, it should get updated in a particular cell say A1

So selection of 08/07/2006 in ComboBox, should reflect 08/07/2006 in cell A1.

Note: This ComboBox is on the UserForm and not on the Excel Sheet.

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Return Matching Name To ID In TextBox

Apr 7, 2008

I have a userform with several textboxes. I am trying to get one of the textboxes to auto populate based on the entry in another textbox. example: I want to enter a customer ID in one box and then the customer name to automatically appear in another box. The customer ID and names are stored in another workbook.

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Combobox.value To Textbox

Jun 25, 2003

I have created a userform with several comboxes in which the user can select a value which is in the worksheetrange a1:a70. Now what I want to do is, when the user selects a value I want a textbos to be filled with the value out of the cell next to it. (if user selects a5 I want the textbox to be filled with the value in b5)

I've several values which you may be wanting toknow

Rowsource: a1:b70
Columncount: 2
Boundcolumn: 1
Controlsource: D1

I now expect to do something on exiting the combobox like:

Private Sub ComboBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
TextBox9.Text = ComboBox2.Value
End Sub

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Fill ComboBox On Worksheet By VBA

May 3, 2005

i have a Combobox on my sheets(1) named Combo1,this combo could be a listbox, so I rather would like to use dropdown...

say I have this array:


How can i fill my combo with the values i have stored on myarray?

Sub help()
Dim x As Single
Dim myarray()
myarray = Array("QQ", "BBBB", "CCCC", "QWERTY", "ASDFG", "ZXCVB")
Dim Combob As OLEObject
Set Combo = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("Combo1")'dropdown("combo1")


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Fill Combobox With All Available Fonts

Jun 17, 2008

I am trying to find a quicker way to populate a ComboBox with every possible font available to the user on their particular computer in a manner other than simply using a ton of .AddItem statements.

Is it at all possible to get a user created ComboBox to essentially function the same way that the ComboBox for selecting font works normally? Or is it necessary to go through and add the statements myself?

I am creating a interface to specify default settings, one of which is font.

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Populate Textbox From A Combobox ()

Jul 3, 2009

It's a customer form where I need the contact person (txtContact) to be filled out when selecting the customer (in the cboCustomer).

The data is listed on the sheet "Customer", where all the customer names are in column from B2. The contact names are from C2 in the same sheet.

I have made a list in the namemanager called Contactlist (=OFFSET(Customer!$C$2;0;0;COUNTA(Customer!$C:$C)-1;1)

I have this VBA for getting the customer to the cbobox

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Combobox Link To Textbox

Mar 3, 2009

I have browsed this subject on the thread but I did not find specific answer to my problem. I am into inventory of items and I have created a userform and placed a combobox (as dropdown list for me to choose the products) and a text box for my qty input. Will you kindly help me put the right code if I choose product A in the combobox list the textbox entry will fall into the same row as the product on the appointed column in the excel sheet.


A 25

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Populate / Fill Combobox From Range Name?

Feb 22, 2008

I have a userform (uf_PaxInput) with a Combobox (cmb_flight_dest) which I am trying to populate from a worksheet range ("Dest") using the following code:

Sub LoadForm()
With uf_PaxInput.cmb_flight_dest
For Each Item In Range("Dest")
Next Item
End With
End Sub

The code seems to run okay however whent the form loads the combobox drops down to show only blank items to select. These blank items number them same number of items that are in my named range ("Dest").

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Using A Combobox To Fill Data In Sheet

Feb 22, 2010

Using a combobox with dropdown choice you can select today or yesterday. After this i want to fil in cell A1 the date (now) if choose today, and date (-1) if choosen yesterday. I attach a test sheet with this post.

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How To Elegantly Fill A List / Combobox

Feb 29, 2008

I am using the method below to fill a list or combo box. It works but is slow when there are to many entries.

Is there a more elegant way to do this? I heard there was a method using the Excel filter function that makes the whole procedure below not necessary....

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Fill Combobox With Month Names

Aug 15, 2008

I will preface with what I am trying to do. I want to populate a combo box with months. The list will be populated based on a the date range in a dataset, so all 12 months may not bee populated in the combo box. I want the months to be listed in the combo box with their text names displayed(Jan, Feb... Dec) but have their numerical values when selected (1,2... 12). I'm sure there is a way to do this, but for the life of me I can't find how. My initial thought was to assign a value to a specific list index, i.e. assign the value of listindex 6 as "Jun", but I can't figure out the syntax to do that.

This doesn't work, but might give some insight into what I am trying to do

form.combobox.ListIndex(6) = "Jun"

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Fill ComboBox With 2 Dimensional Array

Oct 9, 2004

I can set up a 2 dimensional array by using

array = Workbooks("Workbook.xls").Worksheets("Data"). Range("D_all")

as range D-all contains 2 columns and 20 rows

I can send that list to a combo box by using

Me.ComboBox1.List() = array

If I have ColumnCount set to 2 then both columns will be listed

If I have ColumnCount set to 1 then the 1st part of the array will be listed

But how do I list just the 2nd part of the array

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Fill Textboxes In UserForm From ComboBox

Jun 4, 2006

I've been trying for hours to populate a textbox on a userform based on a combo box. I'm including a zip of my workbook to see. (don't laugh to hard at my code, like I said I'm green...:) When you select a mix design in my form I want the next six combo boxes to populate. The way I have it now is based on one of the many examples found here, (none of which have worked for me so far, but this one said "the simplest way to do this is......") And I get an error 425 - "Object not found". I've done searches based on the error but haven't found an answer.

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Fill ComboBox Based On Selection In Another

Jul 6, 2007

I want to dynamically list items in combobox placed in excel sheet. I have a list of 10 values in a column in excel sheet. I have placed two comboboxes in the same sheet. Now depending on the first combobox selected value i want to list either all or only few values from the available 10 values.

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Fill ComboBox With Worksheet Names

Jul 6, 2007

I have a form created, were the user can select up to three pairs of open worksheets for sheet subtraction, to see where Im going with, aka the big idea see here: Column Subtraction With Criteria Via Box & Produce Results In New Workbook

What I dont know how to do, is get the form in the attached workbook to show all the available worksheets. Specifically, from the dropdown combo box, I would like it to list all open worksheet title in all open workbooks.

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Fill Combobox From Multiple Worksheets

Aug 24, 2007

I have a combobox that I populate this way:

' Sets Names in ComboBox1 Contents
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, "A"), .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With
With ComboBox1
.RowSource = rng.Address(external:=True)
End With

What I have are 4 sheets one of which has 3 columns that I need to combine into one "Master" drop down, is that possible?

Sheet1 - Column A
Sheet2 - Column A, B and C
Sheet3 - Column A
Sheet4 - Column A

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Fill ComboBox With Only 1 Occurence Of Each Item

Feb 15, 2008

The ideal is I have a list which the use fills in, for sack of argument Goal 1, Goal 2, etc but I have a problem. This list which the user builds I want to appear in a combobox with is quite easy using the list function and naming the range.

The problem I have is that Goal 1 or 2 can be in this list more than once, if it is at all possible I want or would like the Combobox to only show Goal 1 once and not twice or how many times it occurs. I require the Combobox just to show all Goals once no matter how many time they occur.

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Add ComboBox And TextBox To ListBox On UserForm

Jul 23, 2013

I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.

Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1

[Code] ....


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Multiple Combobox > Textbox Form

Feb 17, 2007

creating this excel file with multiple comboboxes, i was wondering if i can add another into the equation. so i can have sub-categories.

i have attached the original file and how i would like to change the layout!

i also have another question, see with the info that would go into the textbox is there anyway you can put writing on seperate lines,


all within the same cell?

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How To Reset All Combobox And Textbox With One Command

May 27, 2008

Is there a function that reset all the combobox and textbox at once?

It is because I have changed my userform and now there is nearly 100 combo and textbox in it.

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