Fill Listbox Based On TextBox Value

May 15, 2007

On Sheet1 I have four columns populated with data below the following header row titles.

Column1 [A1] = Batch Number
Column2 [B1] = Forename
Column3 [C1] = Surname
Column4 [D1] = RefNumber.

I have set up UserForm1 with TextBox1 and ListBox1 controls. What I am trying to do is open the UserForm, type in a Batch Number in the textbox and fill the listbox with the Forename Surname and RefNumber associated with the batch number.

Example ....

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Fill In Data From Textbox Into Selected Row In Listbox?

Jun 2, 2014

I have a listbox that is automatically filled with data in two columns through a lookup function from a worksheet. That works fine. But now I want to fill the third column with data through a text box, but only in the rows I have selected in the listbox.

My code so far is:

[Code] ....

The number I want to insert into the listbox appears, but not in column 3 in the selected row(s).

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Fill ListBox With TextBox Matches While Excluding Those Matching ComboBox Choice

Jul 11, 2009

I've created a macro that searches the active worksheet for a textboxvalue and copies all full and partial matches to a multicolumn listbox. However, I'd like to install some sort of filter that prevents registrations not containing the value in a combobox from making it into the listbox (so I'd actually like to search for registrations meeting two criteria, i.e. an advanced search). The macro I'm using is:

Private Sub Query_Change()

Dim vFound As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String

On Error Goto ErrorHandle

Set vFound = Cells.Find(What:=Query.value, After:=Cells(1, 10), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not vFound Is Nothing Then
strFirstAddress = vFound.Address

I've attached the workbook I'm working on, in case I haven't made myself sufficiently clear in the above.

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Highlight Matching String In Listbox Based On Textbox Value

Jun 26, 2014

I thought I would get this on my own, but I digress.

I received sample code to populate a listbox from tab names of a workbook, yay!

What I have attempted is to use a user form, enter a string in a textbox and if it match's any string in the list box, then highlight.

Basically, its a simple search engine.

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Populate Data In Listbox Based On Textbox Value Change

Dec 31, 2013

I need to make a userform, my userform contains (1 textbox , 2 labels , 1 listbox , 2 buttons(clear & cancel))

I tried my best but I unable to make it perfect..

I need to populate data in listbox based on textbox change, below is my condition

Required column Headers in listbox is "Acno Nbr","investname","amount"

- textbox contains only number if user enter text then msgbox should show plz enter numbers only & as well as in lable
- our account nbr which we are enter in textbox that should be start from "9" if user enter number otherthan "9" , msg should show invalid number & as well as in lable
- if user entering the number & whatever the number user enter listbox should populate required data whatever the account nbr starting with that number(textbox value)
- suppose if user enter only lessthan 10 & greaterthan 10 then in lable show invalid number u have enter lenght of account nbr(textbox value)
- suppose if textbox value is available in worksheet then in listbox populate the required data and in lable populate "yes it's power goal number"
- suppose if textbox value is not available in worksheet then in lable show "no records found - might be its not a power goal number"

See attached file..

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VBA Countif To Fill Textbox Based On Two Comboboxes

Jan 30, 2014

I need to get TextBox1 to fill with a number.

Basically, I need the textbox to look at spreadsheet 1 and count the number of times a name occurs in a column given a certain week.

ComboBox3 has the name in it,ComboBox4 has week number

So when I press CommandButton1, the script will look at the week, find all instances in that week, rows, look at the name, then count the number of times the name comes up that week. and return that number to TextBox1.

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Fill Textbox Based On ComboBox Selection

Jan 5, 2008

There is a small command button in cell A11 that brings up the userform. I have a multi-tab user form the userform contains a number of combo boxes with an associated textbox right of each. I would like to populate the textbox based on the value selected in the combo box. For example when Ice Foot is selected (Type of Fast Ice) populate the textbox (txtFastIceEncoded) with the value of 6. These values are located on 'decode' sheet. I then want to take the four values and place them in the textbox 'txt_Tw_Tw_Et_DE_ai_group'. Ultimately I want the values to end up back in the worksheet 'Synoptic Ice Obs'. Perhaps there is a better way to do this than I am trying. I have poured through countless threads in this forum and have tried a number of these. I however always seems to run into some problem that I do not understand fully. I have included a copy of the workbook.

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Fill Multi Columned ListBox Based On Range Meeting 2 Conditions

Mar 14, 2008

I'm trying to populate a dropdown Combo Box by using conditions.

In the example I attached...I would be trying to use ComboBox1.ListFillRange to populate the ComboBox only with players who have "C" in the Position column and "ANA" in the Team Code Column. Which would give me all the Catchers on the Angels.

I've been trying to use worksheetfuntion.Index.

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Creating Range Of Listbox Based On Selection Made In Another ListBox

May 1, 2014

I have two lists mainly TV Brand & There Models.

List 1 (TV Brand)
Depended List 2 (Models)
Sony LG Samsung
EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP
EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP
EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP
EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP
EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP

I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.

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Fill Listbox: AddItem

Dec 12, 2006

I am trying to get a range from a worksheet and add it to my listbox1 on a form but i keep getting this error message.. Run=time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_worksheet' failed

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("iSheet")
Dim ilastrow As Integer
ilastrow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim irow As Integer
irow = 0

For irow = 0 To ilastrow
If Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) <> "" Then
With ListBox1
.AddItem Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) & " - " & Trim(ws.Range("b" & irow))
End With
End If

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Add & Fill Listbox On Worksheet

Mar 8, 2008

I can easily put a listbox into a spreadsheet and fill it with a rage of data from a sheet, however I am looking to create 2 listboxes where one will be filled with hidden spreadsheets within the workbook and the other with non hidden, to give the user the ability to move one from the other. The problem I am having is that I do not know how to call these created listboxes from in VBA. I can easily acheive this in useforms but would prefer it to be in the spreadsheet as I already have a number of userforms that fill data in a large number of spreadsheets that I want to hidden initially.

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Listbox And Textbox On Different Forms?

May 13, 2014

I have a listbox on userform1 with multiselect and i am trying to populate the selection into textbox1 on userform2.

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Selected Listbox Value To Textbox

Nov 14, 2011

I want to add the selected value from listbox to textbox.

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Listbox Filtering Via Textbox?

May 10, 2012

I have a listbox set as multiselect that looks at a worksheet that contains in excess of 11,000 items. I would like a way to filter down this list by the entry a user types either via a textbox or some other way.

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Searching Listbox With Textbox

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to write a code that will allow me to search a multiselect listbox. The listbox has 4 column. The first column is Manager's names. I want to search this column by typing the name in a textbox. The code I have will find the name, but the first record that matches appear at the bottom of the listbox. This is the code i copied from another website:

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'the change event runs each time the user
'types into a text box
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
s = TextBox1.Text
'Note the use of the ListIndex property of the ListBox
'If the ListIndex is -1 means nothing selected
'If 0 means the first item selected
ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then 'nothing typed
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
'use the LIKE operator to compare
'convert both to Uppercase as well so case does not matter
If UCase(ListBox1.List(i)) Like UCase(s & "*") Then
ListBox1.ListIndex = i
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Also I want to be able to copy the selected items in the fourth column to another worksheet.

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Fill Listbox Column Heads

Apr 28, 2009

I got an example xls but can't figure out how it's done....

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Fill Listbox With Array Of Folders

Jan 26, 2010

(Modifying some code by Leith Ross) I am stumbling why I get an error trying to fill the listbox with folder names. (See code in red for error location) ....

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Fill ListBox With All Sheet Names

Jan 23, 2013

How can I fill a Listbox on a worksheet with all the work sheet names in a workbook. If one is added it will update the listbox, not using a userform. All the sheets will be hidden except main sheet with listbox?

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Fill Forms Control ListBox

Jul 29, 2006

I created a list box from Forms toolbar (instead from VBE). I would like to add items to this list box using VBA, but cannot find right qualifier to access this object. When I tried to use " recording macro," the code that was generated was

ActiveSheet.Shapes("List Box 7")

but if I try something like

ActiveSheet.Shapes("List Box 7").addItem "hello"

it doesn't work, because well, addItem method belongs to ListBox object, not to Shape. So if I want to add an item to this list box, how should I reference this list box so that I can call addItem() on it?

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Fill ListBox & Allow Editing Of List

Oct 17, 2006

I am trying to set the controlscource property for a listbox but i get a "Invalid Property Value" error. I am useing the

ActiveWorkbook. Names.Add Name:="Amm_Edit", RefersToR1C1:="=Developments!R" & (Rynommer + 4) & "C" & Kolomnommer & ":R" & (Rynommer + 33) & "C" & Kolomnommer
ListBox0.ControlSource = "Amm_Edit"

The first line definetly works but the second gives me the error. Why is this?

I want the user to be able to edit some of the data I have in excel. It there some other way around this problem?

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Fill Listbox From Filtered Data

Jan 11, 2008

There is a sheet with some data. Suppose for a perticular column, say A, I put a filter.

Now, when I click a command button, I need a listbox which contains all the data in the filter. I mean, if there are 500 records of 5 different types, 5 different records are shown in the filter. I need that 5 records to be displayed in the listbox. Am creating an application which makes use of those records in the listbox.

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Add ComboBox And TextBox To ListBox On UserForm

Jul 23, 2013

I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.

Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1

[Code] ....


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Get Data From UserForm (TextBox, ListBox)

Feb 4, 2010

I spent so long time to fix this problem, but it seems that I can't go on. I have a simple question. How can I get the data from the UserForm and use it in the worksheet? Everything works fine, only the UserForm makes problems. Here is the

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Search In TextBox, Return In Listbox

Jan 10, 2008

I'm using a Textbox macro to search my database for a specific date, and return the company name of all entrys for that date, into a ListBox.

Now this is the only way I'm prepared to look at doing, and I have managed to do it...... partially - as stupid as it sounds, I cant get multiple results to list in the ListBox itself, and for the life in me I cant find out how to do it.

Also, once the options have been brought back into the ListBox, I then need code which will then populate further locked TextBox's which the rest of the company info, when selected from the ListBox.

I know its asking alot (or maybe not) but I believe, (unless ive done it a really awkward way, I'm not too far away, I just dont know the code to enter, to be able to do it.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Nullstring

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If TextBox1.Value = "" Or Nullstring Then
MsgBox "Please enter a date to search for"
GoTo error1:
End If.....................................

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Filling A Textbox After A Listbox Is Clicked

Sep 12, 2006

I'm having some trouble with the following. On a userform, I have 3 listboxes:


When I change the value of any one of the Listboxes, I would like to fill the corresponding TextBox. They're named:


So, if I:

* change ListBox1Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox1Amount
* change ListBox2Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox2Amount
* change ListBox3Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox3Amount

So the numbers 1, 2, 3 should match. Does anyone know the code for this?

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Display Items In TextBox From ListBox

Jul 31, 2008

I am confronting a problem with a ListBox that displays Item by the selection of a ComboBox in the same Userform.

All works like this in the column “A” from my data sheet I have a list of names and in the column J I have a list of years.

What my UserForm1 dose is to select the year column with the ComboBox and display in the ListBox the corresponding name from this year selection. Until there all work fine.

Now I have to display in the TextBoxes form the Userform2 all data form my (data sheet) and this dose not work properly.

What happens is that when I select and Item in my listBox.Userform1, Usrform2 kind of display Items from another person.

I will also attach an example on this thread for a better view of my problem.

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Select Listbox Entry Based On Another Listbox?

Mar 18, 2014

I have 2 userforms. UF1 and UF2. UF2 has a rowsource set to its Listbox. UF1 has a search function that searches the original sheet. Now I want to double click on an entry in UF1's Listbox and select the same entry in UF2's Listbox. I want to then work with that entry in UF2.


I do all of this to circumvent Excels restriction. I can't search in a rowsource Listbox, but any edits done to my new Listbox wouldn't be made to the Excel sheet.

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ListBox Fill 3 Columns With Worksheet Range's

May 10, 2009

Hi if possible can someone please tell me how u populate a list box with three columns i want 1st col "A12:A209" 2nd col "B12:B209" 3rd Col "D12:D209" shown in it. Ive tried everything i can think of and cant get it to work

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Base Listbox Fill Range On Selection Of Another

Oct 30, 2009

Have 2 listboxes, the contents of the second (fmmultiselectmulti) is populated based on selection of first. Sometimes (50%) when I open the workbook I receive a "Object Required" runtime error..

Private Sub ListBox1_click()
Select Case ListBox1.Value
Case "All"
ListBox2.ListFillRange = "_Sheet2!A1:A1"
Case "A"
ListBox2.ListFillRange = "_Sheet2!B1:B18" <--- example of line that gives the 424 - Oject Required
Case "B"
ListBox2.ListFillRange = "_Sheet2!C1:C18"
End Select
End Sub

Looks as though sometimes when it runs, listbox2 is not yet initialized ?? If I go into Debug and look at ListBox2 it shows up as type "Variant/Empty" and not " ListBox/ListBox" ??!!?? Is this some type of timing/race condition on the loading of controls ? I'm out of idea's. Both listboxes are on the same worksheet (Sheet1). The ListFillRange for Listbox1 (which is a fmmultiselectsingle) is hardcoded and also references a range in _Sheet2 - no problems with this control.

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Fill Cell With MultiSelect ListBox Choices

Nov 20, 2006

I refer to the following article from last year, with a similar question.
Multiple Selections Drop down list to one cell.

I would like to be able to choose multiple values from a list box and print them into one cell (or at least print them anywhere).

For example: I have a list with products A, B, C, D, E, F
Those products are shown in the list box. If e.g. B, D and E are chosen, I would like to have this selection shown together in another cell. That means the content of the cell should be "B, D, E".

If I use the INDEX function (which works fine for single select list boxes), only one of the selected items is displayed in the cell and not even the one I selected.

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