Filling Comboboxes With Lists

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to fill some combo boxes on a userform with arrays stored as variant type (this is how I was told it's done). The problem is, I'm using exactly the same code in two subroutines and it works in one and not in the other. I have a button to reset the form and a subroutine that runs when the form is initialized. Here's the code for the reset button which works:

Private Sub Reset_Click()
App1Date = ""
App2Date = ""
App3Date = ""


At the moment I've got the 'Journeys' and 'TimeArray' declared as public variables for maximum scope, so that they can be used by both subroutines. But I've also tried declaring them localy in each subroutine and it still doesn't work! By using a breakpoint I can see that the line

carJourneysSaved.List = Journeys

is definitely running when I expect it to but the combo boxes remain blank unless I click reset!

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Filling Comboboxes Based On Value Of One Combobox?

Jun 30, 2014

I have 2 combo boxes dependent on one combo box. When I select an item from the dropdown list in ComboBox1, I want the corresponding data attached to ComboBox1 to be available in ComboBox 2 and ComboBox3.

ComboBox1 ComboBox2 ComboBox3
John Male English

Data for ComboBox1 are in column A2 (Names), data for ComboBox2 are in column B2 (Gender) and data for ComboBox3 are in column C2 (Language spoken).

I chanced upon a code written by royUK from this Excel Forum, which works well for 2 ComboBoxes. This is the code:

Option Explicit
Dim rSource As Range
Private Sub ComboBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)


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Comboboxes Producing Specific Lists

Jul 25, 2006

My objective is to create a "guide or cheat sheet" for the correct combination of various tools.

My user has to choose (1) Mother Tool and (2) If the tool is to be used uphole or downhole.

I need the spreadsheet to automatically limit the choices for Combinability that corresponds to uphole or downhole.
After selecting Combinability, the 4th ComboBox must automatically limit the choices specific to subs that fall under the tool chosen under combinability.

I can create a spreadsheet and color-code the combinations however it will be very busy as the list is very long.

I wanted to use ControlBoxes but I can't get it to work - my brain can't seem to connect the dots in VBA.

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Creating Cascading Data Validation Lists / Comboboxes Without Named Ranges?

Jul 28, 2014

Is there a way to add cascading lists (from data validation or form/activex controls) to my excel spreadsheet WITHOUT using named ranges? Maybe structured references?

I need to avoid the named ranges because it will cause my workbook to have duplicate named range titles which I cannot avoid.

As a general example my issue arises because I have something like this where the titles are the same but they map to slightly different data. These also have to be cascading because the titles align to another list which I do not show in the example. I also considered using pivot tables, but the issue there is that the data validation lists repeat in the same worksheet. So I would have 3 cascading lists in row1 dependent on each other, but the same 3 lists in row2 dependent on row2 but not the previous row.

[Code] .....

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Using INI Files With Comboboxes

Jul 22, 2014

I'm thinking of writing a small tool to store user information on certain files.

The user data will be input by means of comboboxes on a userform.

Each combobox will need to contain a list of values previously used for that combobox. (I'm planning to use a separate ini file for each combobox)

All of the user data entered for a file will be saved into a single ini file.

Most of this is straightforward however I'm not good with comboboxes. And working this in with Ini files makes it harder!

I'm struggling with the following concepts:

SOLVED - How do to make a combobox populate with all the values from its ini file
SOLVED - How to identify if a selected value in any combobox is new (i.e. wasn't in the original list presented to the user)
SOLVED - (From above) How to write this new value to that comboboxes ini file (so it will appear in future lists for that combobox)
How to input two values from any given combobox
(From above) How to record two values for one field into the files ini file.

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Comboboxes 2 To List 500 & 225

Aug 27, 2009

i have a table on sheet1
(Names) (Total) (Status)
1. John 500 Active
2. Dave 200 Active
3. Andrew 175 Active
4. John 225 Active

On my userform there are 2 comboboxes. In combobox 1 I have Rowsource as Column A (Names), if I select John I want Combobox 2 to list 500 & 225.

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Tab Between Worksheet Comboboxes

Mar 1, 2008

I'm sure this must have been answered before but I cant find it, sorry.....

I have 12 comboboxes on a worksheet. They are normally filled out by typing the first 3 characters of one of the entries in the list they are populated with.

I.e. the list starts;

AAC - Al Arish - Egypt - HEAR
AAN - Al Ain - United Arab Emirates - OMAN
AAW - Abottabad - Pakistan -

The first 3 character are unique to each line.

I'd like to be able to enter the 3 characters in the first combobox & then tab to the 2nd combobox, etc, etc. No problem in a userform but how on earth do I do that when the comboboxes are on the worksheet?

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Two Comboboxes On A Userform

Jan 20, 2009

I have two comboboxes on a userform, they both get there list from the same formula. What I am trying to do is have the second combobox have it's selection preset based on the selection in combobox 1.

Combobox1 = 6:00 AM
when you click on the dropdown for combobox2 i would like 6:00 AM to be the first selection possible, but I dont want it displayed in the box unless it is selected.

Dim timdat1(1 To 85)
For i = 1 To 85
timdat1(i) = Format(TimeSerial(5, (i + 1) * 15, 0) - Int(TimeSerial(5, (i + 1) * 15, 0)), "h:mm AM/PM")
Next i
combobox1.List = timdat1
combobox2.List = timdat1
i am at a loss for where to go from here

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ComboBoxes Collection?

Jun 20, 2006

I am using the following code to determine whether a given range is the linked cell for a Combo Box by looping through the shapes collection.

Function LocateFormControl(OverRange As Range) As Shape
Dim objTemp As Shape
For Each objTemp In OverRange.Parent.Shapes
If Left(, 6) = "Drop D" Then
If WorksheetFunction.Substitute(objTemp.ControlFormat.linkedcell, "$", "") = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(OverRange.Address, "$", "") Then
Set LocateFormControl = objTemp
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set LocateFormControl = Nothing
End Function

However, when I use this code on big worksheets with many other shape objects (such as Comments), the program runs very slowly. Is there a ComboBoxes Collection that I could use to avoid looping through all shapes on the worksheet, or is there a different, faster way to run this code?

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Populate Comboboxes And Listboxes Using VBA

Apr 12, 2010

Looking for examples of the following:

1. population a combobox in excel vba using code as opposed from a sheet
2. population a listboxin excel vba using code as opposed from a sheet
3. population a combobox in excel vba using text from a file as opposed from a sheet
4. Getting the values from a combobox on a form to populate cells on a worksheet

These list boxes and comboboxes will be on a form.

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Using Indirect Function With Comboboxes

Apr 22, 2011

I totally understand how to make the combobox under form controls now but I am not having any success with the indirect function I was using as a list now that I have a combo box. I have attached the current form I am working on that just shows the list function still. How to convert this over to combo boxes with the indirect function?

I attached a second form with the feature I am asking about. It is just lacking the third list that I now have in place. (on the 1st attachment).

Attached Files

File Type: Corp MASTER (3).xlsx‎
File Type: Quote form (2).xlsx‎

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Populate 5 Comboboxes With Values 1 - 10

Mar 3, 2014

Within a userform, I want to populate five combo boxes and with the values of 1 - 10. I looked through several excel websites and found several solutions. However, I could not figure out how to adopt their solutions to my specific case.

My naming convention for the combo boxes are: cmboPeriod1, cmboPeriod2, ... , cmboPeriod5.


I know my with statement is incorrect. I know the compiler will automatically think 'cmboPeriod' is a variable. I just don't know how to get it 'cmboPeriod & j' to do what I really intend for it to do.

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Add Comboboxes On Userform At Run Time

May 7, 2009

I have a userform that has a text box. If user puts a number in it and click on proceed the userform must expand and display that many comboboxes. for e.g. if user inputs 8 and then click on proceed then there should be 8 comboboxes on the form. Is it possible to do?

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Disable Typing In ComboBoxes

Jun 10, 2009

How do I keep users from writing data into ComboBoxes on a UserForm?

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Multiple Comboboxes One Click

Nov 27, 2009

I have 2 comboboxes created on a userform.

This is my code for both of them

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ComboBoxes - Getting Data From Different Worksheet

Jul 6, 2012

In one worksheet I have a large amount of data (around 300 columns and 1000 rows), growing bigger each day. This worksheet is called "datas_pH" and consists of column A with different categories, column B with different subcategories, and then the rest of the columns with the pH data.

In a different worksheet (called "database") I have 2 comboboxes where you should be able to select the categories and subcategories. For example, in the first combobox if you select A you should only be able to view and select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you select B you should only be able to select 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. (I believe it may be called cascading comboboxes or something along those lines?).

Anyway, here's a code that works perfectly if the comboboxes and data are in the same data sheet:

Combo Box 1:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Dim d1 As Object

Set d1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 2 ' start at row 2
x = 1

rowValue = Cells(i, 1) ' set rowValue to the value of the first cell (top data row)

[Code] .....

How do I modify these codes so it will pick up data in the other worksheet ("datas_pH"). Combo Box 1 should pick up data from cells datas_pH!a:a, and Combo Box 2 should pick up from cells datas_pH!b:

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How To Link Two ComboBoxes Correctly

Sep 27, 2012

Linking two comboboxes. Actually My department consists of 4 divisions and each division contains 3 sections, that is beside Department manager staff and planning group.

In the attached workbook:

- Combobox1 contains All divisions, Department manager staff and planning group)
- Combobox2 contains all sections of the selected division in Combobox1.

What I want to do is the following:

In Combox1, I want to hide all records not related to the selected division.
In Combox1, I want to hide all records not related to the selected section.


I depend for filtering on the org. code for each division and section.

Fifth and Sixth digits of the first Division's Org. Code are 21

Fifth and Sixth digits of the second Division's Org. Code are 22

Fifth and Sixth digits of the third Division's Org. Code are 23

Fifth and Sixth digits of the third Division's Org. Code are 24

First section's org. code for each division ends with 11

Second Section's org. code for each division ends with 21

Third Section's org. code for each division ends with 31

I have created the following VBA codes to reach the said purposes, the first three ptions in Combobox1 work just fine, but the other options sometimes work fine and other times don't!

Moreover, Combobox 2 is not working at all:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case ComboBox1
Case Is = [AC4].Value

[Code] ........

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Dynamic Filtering Comboboxes?

Nov 28, 2012

I am having some difficulty trying to implement the following. Lets say I have a reference list

X 1
X 2
X 3
Y 4
Z 5
Z 6

I want to have two drop downs on my worksheet. One that filters by x,y,z and then based on the option i select there only give me the corresponding values in the second drop down.

Eg if i select X in my drop down I only want 1,2,3 as options in my second drop down. Or if I select Y only the value 4.

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Mutually Exclusive Comboboxes?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a question about mutually exclusiveness in combo boxes. I know radio buttons are if they are grouped together. I have 2 combo boxes, you can select either 1 or 2.

I want it to be when you select 1 in one of the combobox, it automatically disables you from selecting 1 again in the other combobox. How do i do this without a macro?

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3 ComboBoxes As Critiria For VLOOKUP

Jul 6, 2006

The syntax to use the values from 3 UserForm ComboBoxes as the critiria for a VLOOLUP statement in a UserForm TextBox?

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Multiple Comboboxes In A Userform

Feb 17, 2007

I have a worksheet "Master Log" with a UserForm "UserForm2" set up that has 4 comboboxes and 2 text entries. I already have the filtered unique values for each combobox sent to columns "O" thru "R" and they are dynamic ranges. I have the code to populate one of the comboboxes in the userform but cant figure out how to modify the code to have all four populated without getting ambiguous entry errors. And also, do I have to initiate the form for each combobox? Below is the code Im using for a single combobox.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim MyUniqueList As Variant, i As Long
With Me.ListBox1
.Clear ' clear the listbox content
MyUniqueList = UniqueItemList(Range("o4:o100"), True)
For i = 1 To UBound(MyUniqueList)
.AddItem MyUniqueList(i)
Next i
.ListIndex = 0 ' select the first item
End With
End Sub

Private Function UniqueItemList(InputRange As Range, _
HorizontalList As Boolean) As Variant
Dim cl As Range, cUnique As New Collection, i As Long, uList() As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For Each cl In InputRange
If cl.Formula <> "" Then
cUnique.Add cl.Value, CStr(cl.Value)
End If
Next cl
UniqueItemList = ""
If cUnique.Count > 0 Then
Redim uList(1 To cUnique.Count)
For i = 1 To cUnique.Count
uList(i) = cUnique(i)
Next i
UniqueItemList = uList
If Not HorizontalList Then
UniqueItemList = _
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function

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Delete All ComboBoxes On Worksheet

Apr 22, 2008

On my Worksheet, I have a Commandbotton that executes this macro to delete all comboboxes in another sheet.

Sub DeleteShapes()
Dim obj As OLEObject
For Each obj In Sheets("Sheet").OLEObjects
If TypeOf obj.Object Is MSForms. ComboBox Then
End If
End Sub

This method works most of the time, but sometimes I get this error:
delete method of OLEObject class failed. I red in this forum, that I should set the TakeFocusOnClick Property of the CommandButton to false.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Multiple Comboboxes

Jul 23, 2014

I am trying to develope a userform in EXCEL 2010 that has a couple of comboboxes that pulls data from a specific worksheet. The first combobox is initialized with data from column "A" of the worksheet, which I can get to work perfectly. But what I am having trouble with is the second combobox, the data that needs to populate combobox2 is dependent on combobox1 results which are the column headings ("B" thru "E"). What I want to do is search row 2 find the result from combobox1 and populate combobox2 with the data below that result. Below is my data that I am working from.


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Change Size Of Text In Comboboxes?

May 14, 2013

Before i start and to save you time looking at my profile, i am using excel 2010. So i have one worksheet with loads and loads of Combo boxes (form control) that are linked to a cell on another sheet and that sheet uses the linked cell along with a index and match formula in one to fetch data from a range for my chart. So based on the selection of the combo box option the chart changes.

My question is how do i change the size of the text in the Combo boxes (form control)? Is there any VBA to do this? .Font.Size?

If not i don't mind changing all my boxes to Combo boxes (activeX control), but i do have over 100 so what would be the best and fastest way to change all my current Combo boxes (form control) to Combo boxes (activeX control) whilst keeping everything the same so it all still functions. Maybe some more VBA? Plus i also need to be able to change the size in the new Combo boxes (activeX control) as well so telling me how would be splendid.

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How To Empty All Comboboxes And Textboxes In A Userform

May 3, 2009

I have a userform with many comboboxes and textboxes and I am using the following code to empty those controls:

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Comboboxes (linking And Automatically Updating)

Jun 5, 2009

I have the following workbook (attached) and it is in various states of disarray but I have two questions concerning it;

First, there are three ComboBoxes that need to be linked to each other in the form. When I say this, I mean that depending on the user, it will be easier for them to enter the property name, versus the property number or AFE number or visa versa. Is there an easy way to have it so that when any of the three boxes (WELL NAME OR YARD, PROPERTY NUMBER, or AFE NUMBER) are selected, the other two populate with the corresponding data?

Second, there is a tab to enter new property details (the tab is not finished) as additional wells go on line. I can get it to the point where the input data will appear on the bottom of the PROPERTY DATA sheet. However, how can I create a dynamic range that will include this new information in the corresponding ComboBoxes on the first sheet automatically? Or, if there is a better way then a dynamic range to accomplish this, I would love to hear that too.

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By Selecting From 2 Comboboxes, Copy From One Sheet Into Another One

Nov 9, 2009

I have 2 comboboxes in the complett worksheets. By selecting some values in this comboboxes, I need some code that will copy automatically some data from worksheets a and b, to worksheet export.

For example if I select "a" and "A26" in the comboboxes, I need range E26:B26( 4 col to the right of A26) from "a" worksheet, to be copied with Paste Special /Values/ Transpose into "export" worksheet in range A1:A50. Also I need in range A51 from worksheet "export" the value "A26" selected in the second combobox. Also in range A52 from worksheet "export" the value from range H40 from "complett" worksheet.

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Define Range Start And End Using Comboboxes

Jan 25, 2012

I have a daily collection of data based on half hour meter readings. Responsibility for this data is to be split between core and non-core hours so for example core hours would be from 6:00 to 18:30.

What i would like to do is have a combobox for both the start time and end time allowing the user to change these as appropriate.

Where i'm struggling is using these comboboxes to select the data between these two times and total the values per row.

My data is currently arranged with the times (staring at 00:00) running horizontally on row 14.

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