Final Ranking
Feb 12, 2009
I need to do a final ranking for the employees those who have been already ranked on three different segments. And there will be also employees who are not qualified for the ranking in any one of the three different segments. So in the final ranking need to find the final qualified employees who are ranked in all the segments and we need to rank them, and the employees who are not qualified also has to be mentioned.
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Mar 30, 2014
Ranking values and ranking duplicates the same rank I'm looking to rank a group of numbers that will possibly have duplicate numbers that I want to show as a tie but have no break in the rankings.
The ranking I am looking for is:
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Aug 12, 2014
I am facing some problem with ranking formulae. Attached is a file illustrating them.
Problem 1: Ranking without zero I have a set of data for products. They have a number next to it. Some of the products have a ZERO value next to them. I want to rank the data in an ascending order while ignoring the products with ZERO value next to them.
Problem 2: Ranking on multiple factors I have a set of data for 50 products. There are 5 factors based on which I want to pick the best and the worst. Each factor has a value which can be a negative number, zero or positive number.
This is what I am doing presently: Ranking the products on each factor in a separate column. Points are assigned based on the ranking, i.e. if the ranking of "product A" on Factor 1 is 32, then it gets 32 points It is assumed that equal importance [weight] is given to each factor, thus average points is calculated based on ranking of each product on each factor. Average points are again ranked in descending order The top & bottom 10 are picked from this ranking.
Number of products and number of factors can be different for each analysis. Presently I am giving equal importance to the rankings for each of the factors, what if I have to give varied importance [weight] to the factors.
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Jun 14, 2012
I need to cut and move data in a worksheet where the bottom always changes. The header row should stay in worksheet 1 and row 2 down to the bottom needs to be cut and moved to worksheet 2. One time it could be 100 rows and the next time a thousand or more.
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Jan 31, 2010
I think the title pretty much says it all... Now I have a file I can't send to anyone to do anything with... I've googled a few things but I've found nothing to work with... It was only a few hours worth of work but this seems ridiculous...
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Feb 13, 2014
How to get final figure each product from sample data above:
the result:
Key chain = 27
Gift = 4
Hamper = 1
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Mar 26, 2009
Finalrow = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Finalrow2 = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
I need my "Do until" loop to run until the activecell in sheet1 =finalrow
I tried "Do until activecell.row=Finalrow", however that didn't work because it ended my macro too soon.
I tried "Do until sheets("Sheet1").Activecell.row=Finalrow
But it won't accept that.
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Jun 15, 2009
If I have a columns of numbers that vary in length, and can have empty cells between the final value and the formula to pull the number (of varing lengths), what formula can I use to repeat the final value?
For example - here are two columns:
<formula to pull 46,594>
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Jan 21, 2012
I've modified some code to perform a loop which creates a new worksheet for each item in a pivot table Page By field (EmpName), copying and pasting values for the displayed pivot table with each name selected. Everything is working fine until it gets done with the last item in the list, at which point I get a Run Time Error 1004, "Unable to Get Properties of the Worksheet Class".
I want the MsgBox to pop up at the end, stating how many sheets have been added.
Sub Loop_PivotItems()
'Turn off screen updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Store the sheet with the Pivot Table
Piv_Sht = ActiveSheet.Name
'Loop through every PivotItem in the PageField (Filter) of the Pivot Table
[Code] ...........
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Aug 15, 2012
I am attempting to sum the final two values in a list. Each week, I add a new value to the bottom of the list. I would like the formula to calculate only the final two values, and update each week. For example, in Week 1, I would have the values 4,10,12,6 in Cells A1, B1, C1 and D1. The formula would calculate the sum of C1 and D1 = 18.
In Week 2, I would input the value of 15 into Cell E1. I would want the formula to now calculate the sum of D1 and E1 = 18.
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Mar 24, 2007
If coded correctly, there are various Excel functions & tricks for creating a formula to send someone on a wild goose chase through many worksheets and cells before finding the final cell that contains the final value. I was able to use =Cell("address",...) function to cut through the many paths and retrieve the address of the final cell. Is there a VBA trick for doing this to the active cell? I would like to be able to run a small VBA routine that would trace back the fomula of the active cell and return the final cell's worksheet and cell address.
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Jul 13, 2007
I run a report of varying length that generates times. I need to take the final time from 'Column J' and make that the final value for 'Column U'. 'Column J' has a varying number of entries and the times are not equally spaced out. In 'Column U' I want to go from the start time (which I have referenced from J:2) to the final value in 'Column J' and include every minute in between. Then I need to take the new list of every minute from 'Column U' and make it the x-axis of a bar chart.
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Mar 28, 2008
I need to calculate the final balance of a savings account. Thought this could be done using the function FV. However I had not used this function before. Therefore to make sure that I had set up the formula correctly I checked it manually with a small example. The results are set out below. You will see the function FV fails to include the final interest payment. (£2620.32 - £2472.00 =£148.32)
The data to be used will be:
A regular payment of an identical amount on first day of every year.
Compound interest calculated annually and credited to account on final day of every year.
Period of years.
Example of Saving Regular Amount every year at Compound Interest
Using =FV(A1,A2,A3)
Amount of Saving per annum £1,200.00 A1
Rate per Annum 6.00% A2
Period of Years 2.00 A3
Manual calculation of example:
Payment at start of first year£1200.00
Interest at end of first year 72.00
Balance at end of first year 1272.00
Payment at start of second year £1200.00
Balance at start of second year 2472.00
Interest at end of second year 148.32
Balance at end of second year £2620.32
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Jan 16, 2014
I'm currently running this macro:
Sub CopyNextTab()
WorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
I'm not entirely sure if this is correct, but what I'm looking to do is the following:
1. On the currently selected sheet, copy all data into the "Pasted Data" sheet on "Test.xlsm"
2. On the "Calculations sheet", copy all information across to the next available row on "Master Sheet"
3. Select the original Workbook and move to the next tab
4. Repeat until there are no more tabs remaining
So far as I can tell steps 1-3 are working (however I'm not entirely confident with my code to move to the next sheet as I'm not sure it will end the sub on the last sheet).
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Jul 30, 2014
I am having trouble with the final formula for this spreadsheet.
I want to be able to select "Holiday/Sunday" from the drop down men in column H, and have it multiply the total in column F by 2. There is already a formula in column F that sums column E-D.
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Mar 4, 2009
I am wanting to create a VB script that will take a number (in general format) of two or three digits, convert it to text, then make sure that there are enough zeros preceeding the number to make exactly 6 digits. Examples of the initial number (before the macro is run) and the final number (after it is run): ..
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Oct 8, 2008
I am attempting to check to see if the current week is the end of a period or not. If it is, I need to display some text, and if it is not, I need to display nothing.
Since I am Computer Science major, the best way I can describe this is through and if structure from a low-level programming lanuage (like C++ or Java):
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Mar 19, 2013
I am trying to calculate final grades with weighted averages. However for the final grade I need to drop the lowest of the test grade which come after the bold line to the right, making the total relative weight of Tests, the weight of 2 tests. How would I go about calculating that with a SumProduct formula? I do not need to drop grades from B4:K4, however from L4:N4 I need to drop the lowest grade for my final grade, which needs to be rounded to the nearest integer. The relative weight of each assignment is given in Row 1.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a workbook that is titled "Results". It has 2 columns that I need, a 'status' column (B) and a 'finalized date' column (C)
Column B is the 'status' column: Formula: ('[May Database]Summary'!$B$1)
The May Database B1 column is a dropdown with options "In Progress" and "Final" that will be switched manually.
The results workbook pulls it's status from the May Database workbook.
So I need my results workbook to update it's 'finalized date' column (C) when the May database says "Final" but populate and save the day that the May database was manually switched to 'Final'
My question is would this formula work?:
Results workbook status column: C1= IF(B1="Final", Now(), "")
Would this save the date when the May Database was manually switched to 'Final' or will this just update my current day everytime I open this workbook since Now() returns current day? Is there a way to save a date when it was finalized and then keep that date?
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Jul 2, 2014
So I have a few hundred spreadsheets with the following structure:
Persson L. S skogsarb Granberg Malung
Persson M R fru
Persson N skogv Sjog 23 Torsby
What I want to do is move/split the ultimate word in every cell in column A to a parallel cell in column B, and then delete the word from column A.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have a complex sorting macro with userforms & Modules. Works great! Now I need to save the final Worksheet without the macros. The final step to my project is a Application SaveAs. Can I add a delete-all-macros step when the user clicks the Save As button which would create a new workbook with the finished worksheet and NO macros?
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Sep 11, 2007
I have many customers particulars and data coming in everyday. How i do create a code such that with one click i'll be able to update my worksheet in Excel without typing in manually?
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Jul 3, 2012
I am trying to combine data from two separate worksheets onto one so it can be sorted for printing. Using the macro recorder, and the search function on the forum, I managed to ham-fist my way through most of it - except for one issue.
How can I have Excel/VBA go to the first open cell in column A before it pastes the 2nd batch of information? I get an "object required" error with the MyRange variable.
Sub UpdateSortedTab()
Dim MyRange As Variant
' Removes Old Information
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
' Copies Bench Stock Information
[Code] ........
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May 26, 2014
I want to run macro for copying specific cell values from worksheets according to their headers in one final worksheet of the same workbook. worksheets can go upto 30-31 ws as per the dates in the month. This would really save time and energy of copy paste.
Attached is the workbook : Datewise.xlsx‎
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Jan 30, 2009
I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of values from a 10 x 10 grid that does not have values in every cell.
(I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.)
I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.
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Mar 13, 2014
I have done all the computation and final output was in the form of tables with different solution sets in one worksheet in an excel.
From the dropdown list (List of solution models), when I select one solution set it should pick that particular workout and populate the final output table in the new worksheet in the same excel. Firstly, I need to establish dynamic linkage between the drop down list and final output tables and then push the final table to new worksheet based on the option selected.
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Feb 2, 2009
I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of all the values from a 10 x 10 array that does not have values in every cell. (I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.) I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.
how to properly execute that function. One earlier comment was that I was not specifying criteria. I'm not sure from the description and help section of "morefunc" as to what those criteria specs are, other than specifying the whole array. I am attaching a test file with the 10x10 grid & some missing values in A1:J10. Cell L1 has the ARRAY.JOIN function with the entire grid specified, but the output is only the first cell of the grid.
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Apr 29, 2013
Formula to show the final/total a numeric values appears in an adjacent column.
I am currently attempting (I've researched many posts on this), to count /show the final totals a duplicate numeric value appears in one column, in an adjacent column (example below).
I am currently using an array Frequency formula below (courtesy of the board) filled down in column Q. this works well to count the frequency of duplicate numeric values appear on the list.
Formula used in Column Q below
However my aim is also to show the final entry of a numeric value in adjacent column R, by displaying text to indicate this. My example below shows “final†in column R
NB: My list is sorted by column C to ensure all numeric values are in ascending order.
Column C Column QColumn R
12567 1 final
15789 1
15789 2
15789 3 final
23456 1
23456 2 final
12678 1 final
18965 1
18965 2 final
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a need to combine multiple columns into a long list of results in 2 final columns. Here is my example...
Current layout with varying number of data points per row...
ColumnA | ColumnB | ColumnC | ColumnD | etc...
example1 | Test1 | Test2 | Test3 | Test4
example2 | Option1 | Option2
example3 | Number1 | Number2 | Number3 | Number4 | Number5
Desired Result
ColumnA | ColumnB
example1 | Test1
example1 | Test2
example1 | Test3
example1 | Test4
example2 | Option1
example2 | Option2
example3 | Number1
example3 | Number2
and so on and on and on until all rows have been filled in down the file...
Is this possible?
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Jun 13, 2006
my Excel teacher doesn't even know how to do this! The chapter is Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks, and we went into linking workbooks, linking worksheets, using the VLOOKUP function, and saving workbooks as templates. This is Case Problem 2 and i'll attaching the file.
It says:
1. On the Grading Criteria worksheet, enter the text "Exam Average" in cell A1
and the text "Grade" in cell B1.
2. In the range A2:B6, create a lookup table for the range of grades specified by Professor Templeton. (Hint: Each letter grade should be matched up with the lowest score possible for that grade.)
Here are the specified grades:
0 to 49 = F
50 to 59 = D
60 to 74 = C
75 to 89 = B
90 to 100 = A
3. Insert a formula in Column E of each worksheet to calculate the overall score of each student based on the grade table you entered in the Grading Criteria worksheet.
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