Combine Data From Two Separate Worksheets Onto One - Final Row Error
Jul 3, 2012
I am trying to combine data from two separate worksheets onto one so it can be sorted for printing. Using the macro recorder, and the search function on the forum, I managed to ham-fist my way through most of it - except for one issue.
How can I have Excel/VBA go to the first open cell in column A before it pastes the 2nd batch of information? I get an "object required" error with the MyRange variable.
Sub UpdateSortedTab()
Dim MyRange As Variant
' Removes Old Information
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
' Copies Bench Stock Information
[Code] ........
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Jun 28, 2014
I have multiple files in a folder.
The files are named:
....and so on; the number of files varies. I am trying to write a macro, to combine all *.xls files in one workbook having each file as a separate worksheet.
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Mar 18, 2008
I am trying to copy raw data from two worksheets (Sheet2 = "550 Report (raw data)" & Sheet3 = "305 Report (raw data)"), that I cannot edit, over to a new worksheet (Sheet1 = "Exception Management") that I can edit. I have been successful in coding Sheet2 to come over correct, but am having problems with Sheet3 because of a few issues:
1st: Column A on both sheets contain a unique alpha-numeric identifier that can be used to identify records that can be combined. Sheet3 will sometimes contain multiple records for a single Sheet2 record.
2nd: Matching rows from Sheet3 will always be done based on Sheet2 column A (So I need to search through Sheet3 column A based on all values in Sheet2 column A).
3rd: The dataset is MUCH larger than my example files. Sheet2 normally contains 700+ rows of unique identifiers with 56 columns of data. Sheet3 is pretty much as-is, except ususally 1/10th the number of rows as Sheet2.
Here is the code I am experimenting with:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets("Exception Management").Select
' Prepare Exception Management sheet for new data
Cells.Select .......
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a need to combine multiple columns into a long list of results in 2 final columns. Here is my example...
Current layout with varying number of data points per row...
ColumnA | ColumnB | ColumnC | ColumnD | etc...
example1 | Test1 | Test2 | Test3 | Test4
example2 | Option1 | Option2
example3 | Number1 | Number2 | Number3 | Number4 | Number5
Desired Result
ColumnA | ColumnB
example1 | Test1
example1 | Test2
example1 | Test3
example1 | Test4
example2 | Option1
example2 | Option2
example3 | Number1
example3 | Number2
and so on and on and on until all rows have been filled in down the file...
Is this possible?
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Oct 5, 2009
I would like to combine the data (in table format) on 900 different worksheets in one workbook (file) below each other, on one worksheet.
The data are in colombs B,C,D,E & F on all of the 900 different worksheets. The number of rows differs on each of the 900 different worksheets.
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May 23, 2014
I have data in multiple worksheets and I want it all combined in 1 excel sheet. The 1st worksheet is named as A and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. 2nd worksheet is named as B and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. and there are some more worksheets like that. The start point of data will always be same but can end till any row. Can I get a code for collating all together in one sheet,
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Nov 13, 2006
I have 5 worksheets (all formatted the same) with data inputs from row 19 to 119 and columns A to BA. After row 119 I have several sums based on the data that is being entered on rows 19 to 119, I don't want this data being copied over. In most cases all rows from 19 to 119 will not be used, so I would only like to copy the rows that have data. To complicate matters, there are times when there will be blank rows within rows that have data. For example rows 19 to 25 will have data and 26 will be blank but rows 27 to 38 will have data. The blank rows are identified by column A (Job Number) being blank. This occurs because a job is dropped from the schedule and is no longer necessary.
In the end, I would like to have a button using VBA that will first clear the data in the new sheet (the sheet that is being populated with the information) and then re-populate it with updated data from the 5 worksheets.
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May 26, 2014
I want to run macro for copying specific cell values from worksheets according to their headers in one final worksheet of the same workbook. worksheets can go upto 30-31 ws as per the dates in the month. This would really save time and energy of copy paste.
Attached is the workbook : Datewise.xlsx‎
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Aug 13, 2009
I have four worksheets that all contain the same header row in row 1, but different data in the data rows. I would like to combine all the data from each of the 4 worksheets into a new (created by code) worksheet named "WS Combine". The worksheet named "Result I want 01" simulates exactly what I want the "WS Combine" worksheet to look like. Can this be done?
The header row, however, only needs to be brought over once (with all formatting intact; ie header pane frozen, yellow, centered & bold).
The Worksheet named "Result I want 02" simulates the second thing I would like to do. This worksheet basically looks at "Result I want 01" and copies ONLY the rows that are RED and BOLD and pastes these rows (along with the header row). This worksheet could be named "Red Totals"
A couple of nuances...
1. The rows that are RED and BOLD in the four original worksheets are not always in the same position. That's because they don't currently populate that way so I wanted to make this as real as possible. Therefore, ideally, code that says "just copy all data from four worksheets" would not be sufficient.
If it's not possible or too involved to have the worksheet named "Result I want 01" reorder the rows this way when copying them over, then having them in any order is fine.
2. I need to keep the font formatting of ALL the rows intact as future code will not work without this formatting retained on the two new worksheets.
3. It is possible that duplicate rows can be created (two worksheets have the same exact data) when combining these four worksheets into one. If this is the case, then either allow that to happen or simply delete the duplicate row, whichever is easier.
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Feb 10, 2010
I have 2 sheets in the same workbook (sheet 1 & 2) with one matching column (A) of info and need them to combine and fill the missing data. Each sheet has identical column heading and the amount of data is not the same; sheet 1 has ~2000 rows and the other ~5000. Sheet 1 is consolidated so I would like to fill in the missing cells from sheet 2.
Ex. Sheet 1.......
Ex. Sheet 2.....
As you can see, the missing cells in sheet 1 could be filled from the data in sheet 2; also note that the above info is on different rows (and will be random for each case). I only want the columns to fill in that have a matching email, the other 3000 rows in sheet 2 do not match with sheet 1 and I don't want the rest of it to transfer over.
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Sep 20, 2009
I am trying to combine sorted data from 2 worksheets to a new work sheet to process further. I have one worksheet with order number, part number, order qty but with different delivery dates. On another worksheet, I have the order number too, part number, the qty delivered. The qty delivered is not always the same each delivery.
My aim is to find out how many are already delivered under a certain purchase order and the balance of undelivered parts.
I used pivot tables to sort out the data but I am stuck here not knowing how to extra the sorted data from the pivot tables to the 3rd worksheet. I will need to match the order number and the part number.
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Jun 17, 2014
i have a worksheet that has information filled in columns A-N and rows 3-7262 (not including title and labels)
i need a macros that will separate this data into multiple worksheets based on the word in Column A; these words could be HDA, CCR/NHT, GRU/ATU (essentially dividing this data up by area name, there will be 14 worksheets)
i would also like to be able to update this master worksheet and have it be reflected in the multiple worksheets that are divided by their areas.
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Oct 30, 2010
I have a macro below which splits the data in my workbook (Attached) into seperate workbooks on the basis of each change in data, and saves the new workbooks with the value available in column A. Everything else works perfectly with this code I just want the code to take the workbook name from Column B, not Column A as it is currently taking.
Sub Test()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim List As New Collection
Dim Item As Variant
[Code] ......
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Jan 14, 2008
I have a spreadsheet of ~5000 rows of data that I would like to separate based on the product code column (11 product codes - 43,301,304,313,332,334,979,984,985,986,992). As it stands, I've been copying the sheets, then removing the data by filter, but doing this every week seems to be a waste of time.
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Oct 10, 2007
I have a data sheet of 190,000 lines. It is a telecommunications bill with has approx 15 columns.
I need to separate the spreed sheet into the respective "call types" and put this data onto separate tabs, at the moment I do it all manually with Excel 2007.
Is there a way of automating this separation of data
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Feb 22, 2014
I have a master workbook that has been set up to mirror the structure of a single worksheet in various other workbooks saved in different directory locations. I need some VBA code to retreive specific data from a specified worksheet in multiple workbooks which are saved in different directories and then copy the data to the master workbook, listing each data set one after another. I do not want to open any of the source workbooks to acheive this.
I attach two example workbooks to better explain:
The code has to look in various sub directories to find the relevant workbooks, (Source1) then find the specified worksheet, (Stock) and copy only rows that have data from column B to O. The data needs to be copied to the master workbook, (master) from all the source workbooks as a list with no space.
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May 22, 2014
I need to split the data into worksheets (see attached) by the Advertiser column and then by the deal year and deal code columns. I need each worksheet to be named per advertiser and deal year_deal code. I took off and replaced the data since it is sensitive information.
creating a macro or implicating one into the workbook to run for future reporting.
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Apr 11, 2012
I am looking to split data in a worksheet into separate sheets based on Column C which contains Either Babycare or Homecare or Industrial or Professional. Eventually there maybe more names. If possible I would also like to name each sheet.
My VBA skills is limited to this particular task.
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Mar 14, 2009
I have on inventory sheet that has all the data in each cell 2612 to be exact! That changes month to month with deletions.
The format is: Sheet 2
The master worksheet has about 5000 items and the (A and B) data are both on it with other data ranging from (A-Y). My question is how do I have a cell look up data and return that it exists or doesn’t exist on the inventory sheet?
35/ 465/881676311350/311350/UEMR8ZTU
My other problem I need to take that months inventory list and have it look at the master list and return the system number from the master list (B) next to the matching inventory number (C). Allowing me to cross match inventory to master each month and save inventory worksheet each month.
I know I can copy the column and past is as a value so I won’t lose the numbers as the master changes but getting the data onto that months inventory has been a pain.
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a custom data entry form which is working fine. The form completes customer data for reviewing at a later date. I have now been asked to change it so it will seperate the data in to customer's who require some documents sent out and some that dont.
Is it possible to have a combobox on the form and if the options on the combobox are Yes and No (original), when either option is selected the data will complete on to a seperate sheet for cases with documents required or documents not required?
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Mar 26, 2009
I am trying to combine data from multiple worksheets and make a chart. I have about 200 keywords in every worksheet (about 50), and some of them repeat themselves through worksheets and some don't. For every keyword, I have an associated value in the next column that I want to portray over time (each worksheet is for a different period).
So what I need to figure out is how to be able to pick any 10 keywords from the worksheets and put them in a line chart where I can see the associated value for each period for every worksheet so I can compare my keywords' efficiency. The tricky part is that some worksheets do not contain the keyword and other worksheets contain the keyword in a different cell than the previous wsheet.
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Feb 13, 2014
How to get final figure each product from sample data above:
the result:
Key chain = 27
Gift = 4
Hamper = 1
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Sep 26, 2013
I need a macro that will combine/consolidate rows when cells from 2 separate columns match. example...
Column A column B column C column D column E
row 1 Seminole 80 unleaded 1064 100100
row 2 Seminole 36 clear dsl 825 100100
row 3 Seminole 80 unleaded 1101 100100
row 4 Seminole 30 dyed dsl 3421 100100
This is what I need the macro to do:
Column A column B column C column D column E
row 1 Seminole 80 unleaded 2165 100100
row 2 Seminole 36 clear dsl 825 100100
row 3 Seminole 30 dyed dsl 3421 100100
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Sep 11, 2007
I have many customers particulars and data coming in everyday. How i do create a code such that with one click i'll be able to update my worksheet in Excel without typing in manually?
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Apr 23, 2014
I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.
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Nov 22, 2008
I have two worksheets with a column of part numbers. I am trying to combine them in a new worksheet and remove duplicates.
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Aug 14, 2006
I need to transfer a lot of data from many worksheets into one worksheet. The columns are all uniform, but the rows are not. I’d like some VBA code that would look at worksheet A(1) and copy the first entire row where column A is not blank and paste it to the first blank row in another worksheet titled “A(Combined)”. The code would then copy the second blank row in A(1) and paste it into the next blank row of “A(Combined)”. The code would continue until all rows with data in column A are transferred to “A(Combined)” and then proceed to worksheet A(2), etc. and do the same. See the attached workbook
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Jul 16, 2012
I have a a client who sends me an excel workbook quarterly. There are 90 worksheets and each has 20 language columns which are suppose to be the same on each worksheet.
My Problem is I want to merge them into one worksheet so i can add them to a database, but the client keeps changing the order of the languages!
So as an example I need to be able to identify the Polish, Russian and English columns on every worksheet and then combine each language to a new column on a new worksheet.
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Jun 28, 2008
I want to combine data from several worksheets into one worksheet.
For example, I have data in Sheet1 (Columns A,B,C), data in Sheet2 (Columns A,B,C), data in Sheet3 (Columns A,B,C) all with varying amounts of rows. (All the rows contain text data).
I need to combine all of the data from the 3 sheets into a single sheet, Sheet4 (Columns A,B,C), eliminating the empty rows.
I've been looking into this for a while, and can't find anything that really helps. Anyone got any pointers of what to look into?
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Jul 18, 2012
I have an excel workbook with 11 different worksheets. Each worksheet represents a project my company is working on. And in each worksheet there is exactly the same table, just with different data).
Now we would like to get an overview of all these different data put together in one 'summarizing' table on a new worksheet (number 12).
-Is it possible make such a table without having to copy past all the time?
-The data in the tables may change over time, so it would be good if that 'summarizing' table automatically adapts to the other ones.
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