Find Each First Of Month In Column Of Dates

Jun 12, 2014

I'm working on more code to take data from hotel reports, compile totals and transfer data to several other workbooks. In prior instances, I'd been working with data that had been converted from Adobe .pdf format, so while the cell values appeared to be dates, they actually were text. I'd come up with a solution to find the first of each month in a column of dates and insert a row at that point. However, I'm now working on this with a system that actually outputs in Excel format. As such, the date column is actually normal date serial value, rather than text and my code doesn't work. What can I do to modify this snippet of code to find the first of each month and insert a row when the values in the column are actual date serials?

Here's the current code:

With Sheets("Sheet1")
For RowToInsert = .UsedRange.Rows.Count To 14 Step -1
If (Range("A" & RowToInsert) Like "*/01/*") Then Rows(RowToInsert).EntireRow.Insert
If (Range("A" & RowToInsert) Like TodayVisualMatrix) Then
Range("A" & RowToInsert).Value = "Subtotal"
End If
Next RowToInsert
End With

Row 3 doesn't find anything because while they appear in that format, the value of the cell isn't */01/*....

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Auto Fill Dates: The Sheet To List The Dates In A Column For Each Month Automatically

Jun 17, 2007

I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date “jan07” and the period “10” months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07…jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.

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Configuring Dates: Enter A Date In One Column, Another Column Will Automatically Populate With The 1st Of The Next Month

May 8, 2009

how to make a certain type of date automate. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically, I'd like to make it so that when I enter a date in one column, another column will automatically populate with the 1st of the next month. For example:

If I enter 4/26/2009 in the 1st column, column 2 will read: 5/1/2009
If I enter 1/19/2008 .................................................. 2/1/2008

Also, it's very important that if the FIRST date is already the first of the month, then the second column will read the same. For instance: If I enter 3/1/2009 in the first colum, the second column will ALSO read 3/1/2009.

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Calculate Number Of Dates Within A Column Based On Month

May 15, 2009

I have a column say column B for example that has a list of dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I would like a summary at the top of the columns to state how many dates there are for the current month. But I wondered if this was possible based on the TODAY() function or similar. Thus the user would not have to change anything.

So for example at the start of the month it may state 14. Half way through the month down to 6 and at the end of the month 0 for example.

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Count Where Text Value In 1 Column & Month Of Dates Meet Condition/Criteria

May 23, 2008

need a formula to calculate the total number of x's in one column (column B, C, E are training types= x) where the corresponding column date falls within a date range. It’s to total each type of training done for each month. I have 3 training type columns and a cell that calculates the total number of trainings for the each month:=COUNTIF(F2:F100,">="&DATE(2008,2,1))-COUNTIF(F3:F200,">="&DATE(2008,2,31)).
So now I just need it broken down by training type per month. How many x's in each column for February as an example.

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Find Date / Month In One Column Only?

Jan 2, 2013

I've been using the following code to go the current date on a spreadsheet. I now have to add the current date somewhere else on the sheet How do I modify the following code to only have it look in A:A ? Date is formatted -- m/d/yyyy (1/2/2013)

HTML Code:
Sub gotodateday()
Dim C As Range
Set C = Cells.Find(Date)
If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Select
End Sub

If I name ranges as Months, (Example: January_13. -- I can use the month without the year if it makes a difference),. How would I change it to look for the current month in A:A.

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Find Median Of Set Of Numbers On Column That Correspond To Dates On Left Column

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to find the median of a set of numbers on a column that correspond to dates on the left column. I want a monthly median average of the numbers on the right which correspond to the dates on the left. So for example. I want to make an equation that gives me the median of all the numbers on the right if they fall within the range of a certain month(in this case October). I've tried These:


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Insert All Dates For A Month Weekly When User Inputs Month And Year?

Jul 10, 2014

I have created a time sheet in excel (see attached) that will be part of the larger workbook that will be linked with other sheets to auto fill in most fields. I am wondering if there is a way for an user to enter a Month and a Year at the top of the page and that in turn automatically fills in the days of the month by week.

So in attached sheet there are 5 boxes representing 5 weeks in a month. So if we used May 2014 as an example I would like to know if there is a way that once May 2014 is entered in up to top that. Excel fills in the dates in Week #1 with under Thursday showing 1st, under Friday showing 2nd as on for the entire month...

So as the month go by all user has to do is state the month and year and excel fills in the weekly dates for each day in month.

Attached File : Time and Attendance.xlsx‎

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Automatically Get All The Dates Of A Month Entering Specific Year And Month

Dec 1, 2012

In a sheet I enter the following:

... in A1 a year (say 2012)
... in A2 a month, formatting as "MMM" (JAN, FEB, MAR etc.)

How to automatically get in column A (say from A3) all the dates of the month entered, formatting as "D/M/YYYY" (e.g. 1/1/2012, 2/1/2012/ 3/1/2012, etc.)?

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Dates - Show Month Only, And Actually Be The Month Only (not Just Format The Date)

Jul 28, 2008

I have a range of dates from 2003 to 2012. I formatted them to the 'Mar-01' option, but when I want to pivot on the month, Excel still reads them as the date - example 3/25/2008, 3/28/2008...and so my pivot table has multiple columns for all of the dates present in that month.

How do I truly format my dates so that excel reads them as the month only so that I can then pivot and show 12 columns (months) per year?

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Find Non US Dates In Column

Apr 21, 2008

I having trouble with a find function see attached sample. If I do it manually it will find it, but if try in a record macro i received a variable not set error.

Sub Macro3()
Cells.Find(What:="04/07/2008", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
End Sub

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Find Missing Dates In Column A

Mar 13, 2009

I have two columns

Date Cab No

1 4501
2 4501
3 4501
5 4501
1 3603
2 3603
5 3603

The cab no 4501 is absent on 4th & cab 3603 is absent on 3rd and 4th i have more than four thousand entries with 50 cabs how to find with count if or any other formula the missing dates of the cabs

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Grouping Dates In Pivot Data By Month As Well As Sorting Dates In Ascending Order

Apr 30, 2013

I have a pivot table and and struggling to group these by month as well as to sort thee in escending order.

Pivot Table  ABC3Row LabelsSum of DebitSum of Credit
18898.0318065.4813/10/2012 7210.52913/11/201241969.041767.821013/12/201232844.7724041.26

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VLookup To Find The Customer And The Dates And Then Bring Me Back An Asterisk In A Separate Column

Jul 27, 2007

I have 2 spreadsheets. One is a promotion calendar that lists the dates that promotions on a certain product runs. The other is a shipment grid of shipments of that product to the customer.

I want VLookup to find the customer and the dates and then bring me back an asterisk in a separate column to show me that that certain week that product was delivered was a promotion week. The problem I have is using Vlookup to lookup 2 things at once (and if they match to the promotion calendar) and return me an asterisk.

Here is my formula now:

=IF(VLOOKUP(J2&" "&L2,'East Data'!M:AU,2,FALSE),"*",0)

J2 is the customer name
L2 is the week
"East Data" is the spreadsheet with all of the promotions and customers.

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Last Ocurance Of The Last Date Used For Each Month And Then Use The Cell Number To Calculate The Column Totals For That Month

Jan 28, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year

Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-

1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09

Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .

I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.

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Using Month Function To Obtain Month And Copy It To Next Empty Column

Apr 4, 2013

I am working in a spreadsheet that contains a bunch of data, it is not limited, and varies. It has some fiels such as: name, date of birth, address, and others. I am interested in creating a column with only the month digit of the date of birth for each row.

I have been working with some code, I am not quite sure how to continue. The following table would be a example that I have of the data, it has only to entry in the column of Date of Birth, but my data range will always vary. I want to get the month and past it in the next cell that is available in this case would be column c or 3... The worksheet name is REP.


Dim Cell As Range
' 1st cell with the posting date
Set Cell = Range("A2")

Do While Not IsEmpty(Cell)
If Cell = "Date" Then

[Code] .....

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Days Between Two Dates Separated Into Days Per Month For Multiple Dates - Excel

Feb 13, 2013

I wanted to determine the number of days between two dates. Specifically, if the initial date is in one month, and the second is in a different month and an output would result a number of days in each month until the final date. BUT I have a large amount of data to do this for in a list view, way to put a formula in excel and just drag down the entire list to get the required information. see below for an example.

The result I'm looking for is the separate the months and only show the relevant months between the two dates in one cell or the adjacent. Something similar to the table outlined below.

Input Data
Start Date


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Pick Range Of Dates And Find Number Of Days Without Sales Between Those Dates

Feb 23, 2014

Here is my set up:

A2 to BF2 is a range of dates

A3 to BF3 are sales. Days without sales are 0.00

I want to pick a range of dates and find the number of days without sales between those dates. So, a formula that will look to a start date in A1 and an end date in B2, and then count the number of days that did not have sales between. Index/Match/Countif/Dateif I can't seem to make anything work.

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SUMIF Month & Year: Find Total Cost By Month Only For Year 2009

Dec 17, 2009

In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?

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Formula To Find Missing Dates From A List Of Dates

Jan 22, 2014

I have a tracking template with a column listing dates, all i want to do is find all the missing dates from that column of dates.


Column A

I want to list the missing dates from this list.

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Huge Table Of Dates, Find Range Of Dates

Aug 16, 2006

I have a masive table of dates (the date is created via a if formula)
what i need is so wheni enter 2 dates in 2 cells the system checks all the dates between the two specified and then returns the contents of them to a small area on the page.

Dates To Test 14/08/2026 19/08/2026









i dont mind using script or anything like that, i dont have much knowlage of it but do have coniderable understanding of other langages and usually figure it out :D

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Reflect Month Name When Column A Date Is Same Day And Month

Jan 8, 2014

How to correct this formula to get correct output.


It's working fine if the year is 2014 but not if the year is different.


If the date is today then only the month should display else blank. The year should be ignore.

For example:

08/01/2000: January
01/01/2000: blank cell
08/01/2014: January
01/01/2014: blank cell

The date is in column 'p' in dd mm yyyy format. In short if the date is current date that is for today '8' then only the month should be display in the output.

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Sum Values In Column That Correspond To Column Of Dates Between Two Specific Dates?

Jun 25, 2012

What I am trying to do is sum values for each day of the month up to a designated date.


A1=any date of the month

A2-A31 = 6/1/2012-6/30/2012
B2-B31 = values that correspond to each date

how can i sum the values in column B from the beginning of the month to A1?

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Change Dates To The 1st Of The Month

Oct 19, 2008

I am working in a large database and trying to change the date field. I want to change all the dates to the first of the month.(ie 10/19/2008 to 10/01/2008) Is there a way I can change this in excel without having to go in and manually change all the days to the first.

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Sum Values Of Corresponding Dates By Month

Jul 10, 2009

I have a sheet that lists dates (several per month) and corresponding values. I want to sum all the dates for each month on a separate sheet. I was able to find the formula I need on another thread (, however, my formula does not seem to work for the month of January. For January only, it actually sums all of the data available and gives me the total. Am I doing something wrong? My formula is:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH('2009 Tickets'!$B$11:$B$5000)=1),('2009 Tickets'!C$11:C$5000))

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Add Columns For Each Month Between Two Dates

Apr 20, 2013

In column (A:A) A1="Dates" (Sorted A - Z). For e.g. 1st date is 27-12-2011 and last date is 18-03-2013. I want to create month wise columns from B:B. Month Should start from the previous month of first date but for same year till the last date in above e.g Jan 11 till Mar 13.

B1= Jan 11 C1=Feb 11 D1=Mar 11 E1=Apr 11 F1=May 11.........................till AB1=Mar 13.

with VBA codes to accomplish above.

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Turn Dates Into Month

Dec 1, 2006

I have many dates 1/21/06,2/1/06,3/16/06,1/23/06 etc...I wish to convert into month only such as
1/21/06 ---> Jan
2/1/06 ---> Feb
3/16/06 ---> Mar etc...

I tried month(1/21/06) but it does not work. Is there a function to do this?

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Sum Based On Month Of Corresponding Dates

Aug 20, 2008

I have a worksheet of data I need to sum based on a monthly date range criteria onto a separate summary worksheet. Both are in the same workbook. I tried using SUMIF and SUMPRODUCT but can't seem to get the criteria correct when I add in LEFT into the argument for the date criteria "6/" or "06/". Here's where I'm at so far:

My table looks something like:

Log NoShip DateQty


The 6/1/08 entry is intentionaly blank to be filled in as the value becomes known and then the totals would of course need to be updated.

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Calculating Dates In Each Month

Sep 27, 2006

I need to calcuate how many times a date( any date for the month) aprears in the list. it needs to be calucated by each indivual month form a list that will span over a 12month period.

the problem i'm having is how do i get it to only read the month that i want?

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Get Month Number From Dates

Apr 18, 2008

I want to assign a number or a letter to cells that are similar to eachother. For example if there are 3 different dates that are in the same month I want a latter A or number 1 in the cell next to each of them...and so on.


I want:
03/15/2008................A (or 1)
03/25/2008................A (or 1)
03/29/2008................A (or 1)
04/02/2008................B (or 2)
04/16/2008................B (or 2)

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