Count Where Text Value In 1 Column & Month Of Dates Meet Condition/Criteria
May 23, 2008
need a formula to calculate the total number of x's in one column (column B, C, E are training types= x) where the corresponding column date falls within a date range. It’s to total each type of training done for each month. I have 3 training type columns and a cell that calculates the total number of trainings for the each month:=COUNTIF(F2:F100,">="&DATE(2008,2,1))-COUNTIF(F3:F200,">="&DATE(2008,2,31)).
So now I just need it broken down by training type per month. How many x's in each column for February as an example.
I have a spreadsheet with 3023 rows and columns A-L. Here's a small sampling of Column A (with heading "sku" included, copied exactly as it appears in the spreadsheet):
A sku 3102-0400-100000 3102-0400-200000 3102-0500-100000 3102-0500-200000 3102-0600-100000 3102-0600-200000 3102-0700-100000 3102-0700-200000
I need to delete every row in which column A includes the text "200000".
Although the above sampling shows "200000" appears in every other row, that is not the case in all 3023 rows.
Basically, need to count rows that have 5 columns of data in it. If all 5 columns within a row have something in them greater than one character, that row needs to be counted.
In my spreadsheet I have several columns and I have written a formula that has two conditions. If these are met the result is counted. However I want to add another condition. I need to write a formula that displays information relating to the conditions in a cell if the other two conditions are met. For Example, if the formula picks out that a row has the word 'John' and has the a number between 1 and 14 it will copy the inputted data at the beginning of the row.
I need to sum a column when the quantities meet two criteria. The name in one column, and the date in another column. Probably an easy formula, but new at this and having trouble.
I have a filtered list of data expanded to "all" in each column. One column is "percentile" (25%, 50%, 75%, etc).
Search down the "percentile" column until you encounter 25% as an entry, then sum a number in the same row from a different column with each 25% entry you find.
I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.
I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".
The "detailed" table is something like the following:
001 01
001 05
The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:
ID (unique) VOL (concatenated)
001 V01, V03, V05
002 V01, V04
003 V06
PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...
I tried to ask this question yesterday -- but it was a follow-up question stuck at the bottom of a thread. So, with your indulgence, here is a simpler version of the question, complete with an attached spreadsheet, if you wish to use it. I also closed the other thread by marking it "Solved", since it answered my initial question.]
The situation:
I have two columns of data. The data is not in alphabetical order, and every column includes duplicate values.
namegender jones m martinf smithf collinsf wilsonm jones m martinf hughesm wilsonm martinm smithf west f jones m west f martinm
The challenge:
In one cell, count the number of unique names that appear in the name column 3 or more times... with the additional condition that each unique name (which appears at least 3 times) must include at least one one woman!
I'm developing a spreadsheet for a nonprofit that provides feedback on their major fundraiser/auction. I'm trying to create a formula in a cell that will look at the bidder #'s in column B and add the value of the their purchased items found in column C and return the number of the bidder that has the largest total value of purchases.
This can be done with a pivot table and give a table of all bidders, their total amount paid for items, and the number of items purchased.
I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date “jan07” and the period “10” months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07…jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.
I am trying to count dates from a list using sum product (I found the formula via google) I have plugged it into my spreadsheet but it does not seem to be calculating correctly.
I have attached the spreadsheet too : sumproduct_Error.xlsx
I'm trying to create a formula that tells me the following:
If the item is marked as closed (vs. active), then how many renewals/terminations replacements/etc are there? These are two difference columns in a worksheet.
I am only interested in one of the column which is 'Type'. Within this column it specifies the type of order it is. I would like to count through the sheet and get a final count of the different order types on the other sheet, so if there are 56 instances of 'trace' orders then I would like this displaying on the other sheet as Trace = 56, and so on
I have a spreadsheet that has 35000 entries and i am trying to count how many material are assigned to a particular group but cannot get it to work. I have included a test spreadsheet to explain what i am trying to achieve
I have a spreadsheet which lists letters issued, the date issued and the potcode. I need a formula that counts, on a weekly basis, the number of letters issued to postcodes in Sutton and Bexley.
I have a count sheet set up on one worksheet and the list of postcodes applicable to each area are listed on another worksheet. I have been playing around with sumif, sumproduct etc, but these don't seem to work as I am pointing the formula to a list of postcodes and not an individual postcode. For example, the formula for one week needs to tell me, the number of letters issed to Sutton between 26/07/08 - 01/08/08. This is what I tried -
But I get #N/A - if I change the last refernce to a specific cell instead of a range it works, but this will make the process very lengthy as there are lots of postcodes!
how to make a certain type of date automate. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically, I'd like to make it so that when I enter a date in one column, another column will automatically populate with the 1st of the next month. For example:
If I enter 4/26/2009 in the 1st column, column 2 will read: 5/1/2009 If I enter 1/19/2008 .................................................. 2/1/2008
Also, it's very important that if the FIRST date is already the first of the month, then the second column will read the same. For instance: If I enter 3/1/2009 in the first colum, the second column will ALSO read 3/1/2009.
I have a sheet named "XYZ Activity" with meeting dates in column B starting with cell B4. There are duplicates in this list, that should only be viewed as one meeting. On another sheet, each company that attends the meeting has a specific join date found in Column C (C4 is the first company start date). I am trying to figure out an equation that will count how many meetings the company could have attended. I already calculate the total meetings they have attended using either of the following equations: