Find Max Date Based On Criteria
Mar 20, 2012
I have a table of shipments made to my company broken down by style, color, and delivery date. I need to find the most recent delivery date for each style/color combination.
This is my table
ABCStyleColorDelivery Date1ABCRed1/1/20122ABC
and my desired results are as follows:
StyleColorMost Recent DeliveryABCRed3/1/2012ABCBlue2/15/2012123Red3/12/2012123Blue3/20/2012
The style and color columns are already filled in, I just need a formula for the date column.
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Jan 25, 2010
Ok so let me set this up. I have 2 columns: .....
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Feb 25, 2014
I have a forecast monthly trial balance sheet and an Income Statement Analysis sheet. I am analyzing the Year to Date performance for Dec-2013. I need a formula that will match the income statement line i.e revenues, accounting expenses etc. and then sum horizontally from Jan-2013 to Dec 2013 ( if YTD month' Dec-2013' is greater than or equal to date range then sum horizontally the corresponding income statement lines up to the reporting month).
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Dec 24, 2012
I want to know the macro code to find out the oldest date in the Calculation sheet of the attachment based on two criteria.
The criteria should be if the Item ID on Calculation sheet matches the Item Id Pivot sheet and then if the Status on pivot sheet and calculation sheet matches then the macro should find out the oldest date for each item ID. And once the oldest date is identified the difference on pivot sheet should be added to the cost basis column on calculation sheet to the already found oldest date lot.
Find the attached excel sheet : Book1.xls
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Aug 18, 2013
Finding nearest date(others1-5) compared to Column C's dates(birthday).
1. must not be after column C's dates
2. must be at least 4 days apart
attached comments in spreadsheet.
Date Example.xlsx
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Feb 26, 2009
I have a sheet with 3 columns - Line, Product and amount. I have to calculat the amount based on which line it is, and which product.
I. e I want to calculate all the amount in Line 1 except if the product is 3,23,31 (just an example - the range can be longer).
In workbook added i have shown the problem. I have tried the sumproduct formula, but cant get it right!
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Mar 28, 2014
I'm trying to combine the hours that a employee worked on a single date, with one of multiple time periods that exist for that employee.
I have two sets of data.
Set 1 (hours)
Employee number, date, hours
12345, 1-2-2014, 6
12345, 1-3-2014, 8
12345, 1-10-2014, 8
Set 2 (periods)
Employee number, start date, end date
12345, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
What I'd like to do is to add the start and end date of Set 2 to Set 1 for every row in Set 1
In above example the result should be like this.
12345, 1-2-2014, 6, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 1-2-2014, 8, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 1-10-2014, 8, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
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Jun 7, 2009
I have the following dataset:
[Date] [Category] [Currency] [ExchangeRate] [.....], etc.
1-3-09 A USD 0,8
1-6-09 A EUR 1
1-7-09 A USD 0,7
1-8-09 B USD 0,9
1-9-09 B USD <formula>
I'd like to have the value of <formula> looked up in older records. Currency and category should match and it should pick the exchange rate with the maximum date.
Which formula and what syntax should I use to have this done?
I use Excel 2007.
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Aug 9, 2013
In excel 2007 i have three sheets.
In sheet1 : Cell : "D3" : I have find out & show maximum date with two criteria (i.e. code & series) from all sheets.
Also in cell : "E3 : I have find out maximum date with two criteria from particular one sheet only.
I have mentioned comments in attach file.
In sheet name 1112 & 1213 : I have a lot of data approx 40000.
Column A : Invoice no
Column B : Invoice date
Column C : Code
Column D : oano
Column E : Name
Column F : city
Column G : distric
Column H : Series
In yellow highlighted cell i required formula.
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Mar 9, 2009
I have a data set where I am trying to find the nth largest value based on one criteria? How would one use do this using the large function?
Dept. Name / Widgets
ABC / 10
ABC / 8
XYZ / 9
ABC / 3
XYZ / 4
If I need the third most widget production of Dept ABC, the formula return 7.
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May 30, 2009
I'm trying to find a suitable formula that looks at two cells (J3 and V3) in Sheet 1 (a person's employment grade (e.g. 18) and their performance percentage e.g. 92.5%), finds those values in a table on Sheet 2 and then places the corresponding value from that table in Sheet 1 at cell Z3.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a workbook with a number of sheets, the first 5 are data sheets populating the other 30 (more will be added in the future).
These worksheets are renamed with a macro when the data is refreshed, allowing the sheets being used to vary week on week
The code i currently have running does a number of things, however i need it to run only for the relevant worksheets
The sheet names are either 4 digits long, or 1 digit if unused.
I need a bit of code that says run my macro for all sheets with a name of 4 characters and ignore the rest.
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Aug 22, 2008
I have a bit of a challenge. You'll have to take a look at the attached files to understand what I am trying to do. I am asking for your advice. I am creating multiple spreadsheets (QPPcompany.xls) that will refer back to a master data(QPPdata.xls) file.
I am trying to figure out how to best set up the data file so that I can do lookups on the data from the referencing files. Here's the challenge. I need to be able to find in the data page the company name in Column A and then how many L's (or C's or P's) they had in a specified month. So for instance I need to be able to find the number 3 in cell E6 and place it in B15 of the referencing file. The required criteria for lookup are Company Name, Month and then L, C or P.
So my question is, is this possible with how my data file is currently set up? I think it may be a problem to have the month/year in row 4 refer to 3 different colums for each month (L, C and P). I don't mind making changes to the data file to make these lookups possible and I think it may be necessary.
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Dec 5, 2008
I have a workbook in which I have two sheets. One sheet is a report and the other is a data dump. The data dump has headers in in column A starting in cell A6 and headers in row 5 starting in cell B5. There is then data going from B6:J20.
In my report I then I have same setup with headers in column A and row 5. The difference is that the headers are not in the same order as the dump. What formula could I use that would look for the two headers in my report sheet and then match it with the value in the data dump that uses the same two headers?
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May 12, 2009
I have a sheet of pump test results, placed in rows, where the test rig is set at a specific speeds and flow and it records pressure. At each stage of the test a number of snapshots will be taken (Usually between 3-5 at each stage), so I have 3-5 rows of very similar data. I only need to use the best row from the selection available, so I am hoping to find a formula or code (Don't care which) that can look at the results and select the row of readings where the speed AND the flow are closest to the targetted data.
For example: In cells G6:G8 I have flow result values 0.129, 0.151, 0.156 and in H6:H8 I have speed result values 72.536, 71.82, 72.13. These are actuals. In cell N6 I have the target speed (75) and in O6 I have flow target (0.15), but these could be moved anywhere to suit really. What I was hoping to do, but am struggling big time, was to just flag up the row of readings where these two values are closest to the targets by placing a check mark in column L:L which I have formatted in monotype sorts and would like to place a "4" (Which gives me a check mark) on the 'best' row. From that I can do more with some simple IF statements.
Is this feasible, or am I trying to do something beyond Excels capability, it is certainly beyond mine at the moment. I was looking at the check mark method, but that is not essential, so if anyone has any suggestions on an alternative means of identifying the best row of data, that might make it easier to do, then I am listening.
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May 20, 2014
automate a data table I set up in excel. I need the formula to look through a bunch of raw data I have, and add quantities in each row, but only from the rows that have the same machine numbers. I attached the document of raw data I've collected, and on a separate tab, an organized table. I would like this table to automatically be updated with the appropriate data, as I enter it as raw data.
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Mar 20, 2014
Im looking to find the max or highest time in column G based on the criteria (date selected and name) So if the date is the 10/02/2014 in G10 it would look up that date and the name and bring back the time in column H. I have put an example answer in H12.
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Mar 21, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that I am trying to create a formula for that will bring back the data found when you compare an X and Y axis. A sample is attached as the data is huge and I figured what ever you all created I could modify.
I need it to bring back the data found when I run my finger down the column till I hit the appropriate row.
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Nov 24, 2006
I wanted to solve a problem in excel. For a particular period there will be flow of units on a daily basis, which can be more or less than actual capacity. Flow received will be done on first in first out basis. I wanted to know the completion date for the same in excel. I'm attaching the sample sheet of the same.
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May 23, 2013
I'm trying to use countifs on a filtered table to find the sum for a column based on 2 criteria.
I've used =SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(Sheet3!K7,ROW(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K7:K20000)-ROW(Sheet3!K7),0)),--(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K20000="Yes"))
for a single criteria which is great, but I also need it to look at column B.
In a non-filtered table it works as:
=COUNTIFS('Sheet3 '!$K:$K,"Yes",'Sheet3 '!$B:$B,B5)
Is there any way to do this?
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May 15, 2009
i'm trying to write a summary page for the data collect on the first sheet and would like to find a way of counting the number of records within certain date criteria (those that are more than 30 days old). now the crucial part is that the records have a second set of critical data, their Status, and i need to find only the records that have a particular status (in this example that is Pending and Open).
if you look at the second sheet you'll see that i can find records that are associated with a specific date, but not with a range of dates; which is particularly annoying because DCOUNT can find ranges of information when using other types of number.
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Jul 16, 2007
I need to determine the MAX date in a column based on specific criteria. Column A6:A500 = Task Names, Column N6:N500 = Dates (there are some blanks).
What I need is to determine the latest date in column N6:N500 based on which task I choose from column A6:A500.
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Jan 3, 2007
I am trying to get a function to return a date based on the string in the preceding cell. If the cell, say A1, has the string "Before 12:30", i want the cell B1 to put the date 5 days from now in the cell. If there is any other string entered then 6 days from now. I also need it to include the networkdays function.
Here's what i've got, messy i know but functions aren't my strong point. Also would i save file size if i did this in VBA? ....
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Jun 28, 2014
I'm working with many rows of data (500,000+) and many columns. To simplify my question, I'm going to provide a simple example using made up numbers and only the columns I'm concerned with.
BillT Doc.ItemQty
I am trying to remove the docs that have two Bill types that cancel each other out, where the qtys match and highlight the rows where the qtys don't match. The macro needs to have the positive and negative bill types programatically entered, where for example F1 and F2 are positive and S1 and RE are negative. Keep in mind the data may not necessarily be in order as it is above.
So for example with data above, the rows for doc 777 would be removed completely because the item numbers are the same, the qty is the same, and the bill types oppose each other. Doc 123 and Item 10 lines should be highlighted since their bill types are opposed bu their qtys don't match.
I hope this makes sense. I tired to achieve this using multiple loops and arrays, but ran out of memory when working with the entire set of data. I'm assuming their must be a better way to do this, I'm hoping some of the intelligent individuals here will be able to point in the right direction.
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Dec 2, 2008
using various keywords, and I haven't been able to find a solution that works. It would seem SUMPRODUCT is what I need to use, but thru all the combinations I've tried, I still can't get the syntax right. The problem is: I have dates in col A, and the word "Holiday" in col D. I need to create a formula that counts the number of instances of the word "Holiday" in col D, only where the date in col A is =DATE(2008,1,1))*(A11:A45
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May 7, 2008
I have a sheet of data, and i need to extract rows that contains dates containing 5 in them. Eg, 5 Jan, 15 Jan, 25 Jan... 5 May, 15 May, 25 May and copy them into a new sheet. Is there a faster way to do it via VBA rather than manually extracting them?
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May 26, 2013
how to find the max date of a value in column A. From there I need to link up the price associated with that date. VBA is preferred. The information I'm working with is structured like this in this image:
What I want to do using VBA, is to look at the values in column A and for each of them, find the max date or most recent date. Once that is determined, on a new sheet, I want to write the value found in column A in sheet2/ColumnA and the date in column B, and the price in column C. In a nutshell, I'm looking for an effective date for pricing. The example on the bottom is basically what I'd like to extract with code onto another sheet.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am looking for a formula that returns the latest Sale date for a each model of car. Below is sample data which I am trying to use the formula. I tried with below formula, but not successful.
MakeModelSale Date
AudiA4 11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro 12-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro3-Jan-14
AudiA5 Cabriolet 14-Jan-14
AudiA5 Cabriolet q15-Jan-14
AudiA4 16-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro17-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro18-Jan-14
AudiA6 quattro19-Jan-14
AudiA4 10-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro09-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro10-Jan-14
AudiA4 11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro11-Jan-14
AudiA4 quattro11-Jan-14
AudiA8L 11-Jan-14
AudiA8L 11-Jan-14
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Jan 1, 2014
I would like to ask how can I get to work the index match function (if there's any formula other than this current function its fine) if i have a start date and end date as range date then another criteria for name to get my desired result. im having a hard time to explain so i attached a workbook so you can around it.
I found a formula and tweaked it but still cant get to work.
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May 21, 2006
ColumnA in my data base contains dates. How can I delete the entire row if the date is before today's date and add a new date at the end of the range to replace the deleted row.
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