using various keywords, and I haven't been able to find a solution that works. It would seem SUMPRODUCT is what I need to use, but thru all the combinations I've tried, I still can't get the syntax right. The problem is: I have dates in col A, and the word "Holiday" in col D. I need to create a formula that counts the number of instances of the word "Holiday" in col D, only where the date in col A is =DATE(2008,1,1))*(A11:A45
On one sheet (Data) I have a list of action items, each with owner; target date; classification and in some cases revised target date. I'm trying to report on these fields and provide a status, by owner and classification, of how many are overdue; due this month; due next month; due beyond 2mths.
Using a SUM array formula on another sheet I can count the number that are overdue based on date; owner; classification; and target date, but can't find a solution if there is a revised target date. Any guidance you can give would be greatly received.
What I require : Column F to be blank as long as the following is true:
1) Column A (Order) cannot be blank. 2) Column E (Status) has to be equal to either "Completed" or "Successful". 3) Column D (Sales) has to have the same date as Column C (Contact), but due to bad data quality each order number can have several rows and as long as the Sale date from one of the other "Duplicate" rows equals the contact date it needs to be counted. This is as long as there is not already a row for the Order that already has Sales / Contact day matching.
In the attached spreadsheet, I have highlighted the rows that should be blank in column F in green. My attempts at formulas to count this are in the columns highlighted in red.
I need to have multiple ranges count based on several criteria. The hitch is that needs to count if one or more criteria is met not all. I tried using a COUNTIFS however that seems to evaluate based on AND not OR.
Is there a nested COUNTIFS or similar function that would work?
I can't seem to get a formula to work. I am trying to count the number of times "EE" shows up in a range only if "CR" is listed in that row within another range. For simplicity Column A has a list with the following values scattered from A2 through A100: CR, LT, ST, DI. Column B has a list with the following values scattered from B2 through B100: EE, EF, EG.
I need to know how many EE's are listed in column B if CR is on the same line in column A.
I have the below table of data and what I am looking for is a formula that will count the number for unique numbers (col E) depending on a several criteria. So far I have got this formula but it's not working!
I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.
Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!
I have a spreadsheet which lists letters issued, the date issued and the potcode. I need a formula that counts, on a weekly basis, the number of letters issued to postcodes in Sutton and Bexley.
I have a count sheet set up on one worksheet and the list of postcodes applicable to each area are listed on another worksheet. I have been playing around with sumif, sumproduct etc, but these don't seem to work as I am pointing the formula to a list of postcodes and not an individual postcode. For example, the formula for one week needs to tell me, the number of letters issed to Sutton between 26/07/08 - 01/08/08. This is what I tried -
But I get #N/A - if I change the last refernce to a specific cell instead of a range it works, but this will make the process very lengthy as there are lots of postcodes!
I am trying to find a formula to count rows that meet multiple criteria, but one of the criteria can be multiple values. I have a list of people with a list of clients that they are responsible for. Each person is responsible for 10-20 clients. Every day I run a report that shows the project worksheets submitted for each client and if money has been awarded or not.
I'm wondering if there is a way to count, for each person, the number of project worksheets that show "awarded" in column K. That would mean that I would have to look for, for each person, any of their multiple clients in column B and "awarded" in column K.
I am trying to put the formula in D2:D9, as I use A2:D9 for a chart. O1:P79 contain the names of the people and the applicants that they are responsible for. A17:D158 contains the list of project worksheets (updated daily). I used =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(B17:B999,P1:P14)) to count the actual number of project worksheets for each person, but I can't figure out a way to modify that to add in the "awarded" criteria also.
I have a date range that I'm trying to get a total count on. The criteria is any date in COLUMN I that is not "approved" in COLUMN L and the date is less than the current date which I have in cell U5.
1: NAME 2: DESCRIPTION 3: DATE "12/15/2007" format
I would like to know if anyone knows how I can perform the following. And please excuse me for not writing this very technically I am a bit lost.
if name = "JOHN" and description = "APPLE" count how many apples there are for john.
Now it gets complicated for me because the dates are as follows. Lets say it starts 1/1/2004 the next cell might be 1/3/2204, 1/6/2204, etc all the way to 2008. I would like to find a way to say
If date = day/month/year I would like to count the whole month instead of the individual days. am I making sence? Let me give you another example.
if possible, with a Excel formula. Assuming a column (M7:M200) has this information:
John Mary Lisa Mark John Albert |_Empty _| |_Empty _| |_Empty _|
I would get the sum of the cells except "empty", "John" and "Mark". The result would be: John: 2 | Mark: 1 | Others: 3 (My only interest is the formula to get the result "Others: 3") I tried with this formula: = COUNTIF (M7:M200, "<> John") but remains exclude "empty" cells and "Mark."
I need to somehow count the number of times two criteria are met in a certain set of data and store it in a cell on a seperate sheet. My data is all stored in a sheet called Data and the conditions are as follows:
1. Column C = WEB AND 2. Column D = Cancelled
So I need to count the number of times both these events occur and save them in my other sheet called Metrics. i lokoed it up on google but all the formulas I found referenced the same sheet and wouldn't work for my data set.
I need a way to find a value in a column which has one or more corresponding values in an adjacent column. Then take all of the corresponding values found and count all occurrences of the found values in another column. But I only want to count the entries if an adjacent column is not blank.
Not the easiest thing to describe. Starting to wonder if I need to think in reverse. I hope the attached example makes more sense.
The "TRAINING" sheet has a formula in column "R" which checks and counts clients in the "DATA" sheet.
Inside the formula it looks for a date in Column "O" of the "DATA" sheet equal to or greater than 01/01/2014.
I would like use the date (Month) as the criteria shown in Column E of the "Training" sheet, still using Column "O" of the "DATA" sheet so that the result returns the count of only those within that month's date.
My colleagues tried countifs in excel 2007 but i have 2003. i want to specify all the four criteria in a single function to achieve my result (IN EACH MULTIPLE CRITERIA)
I am trying to count AE2:AE601 if AE2:AE601 <= 2 and if AF2:AF601 = the value of AH2 but the formula that I have create returns a 0 when it should be returning a 1. Where did I go wrong? Here is what I have so far. =COUNT((AE2:AE601)*(IF(AE2:AE601,"<=2",IF(AF2:AF601,"="&AH2))))
This is probably a simple question for excel gurus, but I am a molecular biologist, and don't set up these formulas every day. I have a table full of genotypes that I have indicated as 0, 1, 2 or 3 in columns. Column heads are gene names; row heads are subjects (patient numbers). I want excel to look in row 1 in column A and see if there is a 1 and also in column B in the same row to see if there is a 1, and if both are 1, count that patient in a tally. I want to be able to get a count of the number of patients with 1's in both columns. If someone can tell me what functions I use to set up this tally, I think I can set up more elaborate formulas. At the end, I want excel to look at several columns and tally the number of patients that have 1's in several columns.
I have a spreadsheet for my customers. i Break them down in 3 categories L c r Column o gives me the total dollar amount of all columns. I have figured out how to tell how many of each I have sepratly and there respective dollar totals
How do count how many $0 amounts in column o belong to l r c respectively In other words if I had 10 c's how many were $0 in o. Lets say I had 10 c's but only 6 had a total greater then $0 in column o that would be 60 percent
I have a list of ID# (Col A) and dates (Col B). The ID # of reference is Col (F) and today's date (Col G). I need to count how many future dates there are in the list (Col B) that are unique and in the future from today's date.
I'm still fairly new to all these formulas and functions which is why I'm not attempting this in VBA.
I've attached an example work book and I would like the result in H2.
Iam doing a market report for real estate. I have attached a file for reference. I am trying to track the Active Listings within a given time period and within a specific zip code. Unfortunately my local MLS does not track historical data on Active Listings, and therefore I have to use the Listing Date and the date it no longer went active to determine which listings were active in a given time period. Some of the listings are still active and therefore do not have a "No Longer Active" date. These listings will need to be counted as well.
OK, I have a list of sales that my semester long company has sold. In the midst of these sales we are sellling a versoin of the bumble watches. people can either buy a watch, (which includes a face and a band) a face, or a band.
So I have this giant list and only like 10 watches on there. I need a formula that will count how many watches and faces we sell.
I was initially thinking something along the lines of: =COUNT(OR('Sales Journal'!D:D="Watch",'Sales Journal'!D:D="Face")) =COUNT(OR('Sales Journal'!D:D="Watch",'Sales Journal'!D:D="Band"))
Which worked great until I had more than one watch in there.
I can't figure out dcount, and don't know if it's even the right thing to use in this instance. If you want I can post the sales journal..
I have a bunch of cells that i want to count in a table based on 2 criteria. The first would be checking whether or not it matches a certain text which i can do. Now i have a column for "Completed Date" and "Deadline Date". Each deadline date is different. I know i need some sort of array function in there to compare all the completed dates vs deadline dates but i just can't think of it. This will be the second criteria.
I have a list of 267 individuals who are each in one of 4 class designations (A,B,C, & D). They produce widgets for me. The individuals’ names are in A2:A268, their class designation is in B2:B268; and the number of widgets they each produced is in C2:C268. Row 1 is a header row.
I used the FREQUENCY function, for the first time, to show how many of the individuals produced 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, and 60+ widgets last year. NOW, I’d like to take it a step further and show the number of individuals that produced widgets in each of these number groupings, but want it further split out by their A, B, C, D, class designation. So, I want to see how many individuals in the “A” class that produced 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc. widgets; and how many individuals in the “B” class produced those numbers, etc.
I’ve been playing around with using the COUNT and IF functions together and the FREQUENCY and IF functions, but have not been successful. Am I making this more complicated than it is? By the way, their class designation doesn’t have any relation to the number of widgets they produced, and the data is sorted alphabetically by the individuals’ names.
I am trying to figure out how to create a formula using multiple criteria in different columns. Ideally, I need to use the whole column (i.e. E:E rather than E2:E400) because I don't want to have to update the formula every time I input data.
I will simplify my spreadsheet for example purpose. Basically, column A has a unique identifier that either begins with an "M" or an "R." Column B either contains a person's name or a "-". Column C contains a dollar amount.
1. I need to be able to count all the cells in Column A that begin with an "M" AND have a "-" in Column B.
2. I need to be able to SUM the $ amounts in Column C ONLY for the items that begin with an "M" in Column A and have a "-" in Column B.
Is there any sort of formula that might do this? I have tried SUM arrays but as I said before, I would rather be able to use the whole column.
For example, each job has a specific ref number and within that job ref number there is a number of lines of data, some of which we ignore and some of which we include. Each job will have a planning time using an old methodology (Planning A), a planning time using a new methodology (Planning B) and an actual time. There are a few other variables too such as the category of work.
I am trying to count the number of each unique ref no. within the sub category of work I am looking at (there are circa 50 sub categories of work). Each ref no. will only have 1 combination of work cat and sub category.