Find Text, Go To Found Cell & Show Message If More Than 1 Occurrence

Oct 1, 2008

I have a file that the user selects and when they enter a value (in this case, a job title) into the input box, my macro looks for the value in that file. If the value is there, a msgbox pops up that lets the user know that the value was found and it then goes to that cell, displaying in the next msgbox the cell address of where the value was found. I already have the code down for this part of the macro.

My problem is what happens if the file has the same value more than once. Ideally, I'd like to display a message box that returns the addresses of both cells with the same value and then prompts the user to select one of these values as the value they are looking for. I am not sure if a msgbox or a msgbox and then an input box are most appropriate for this situation. Once the user does this, the macro continues. The rest of my macro is built on the cell where this value is, so it is crucial that I make sure there is at least one value selected. Any help is much appreciated. I have included a sample worksheet of what this situation might look like.

Here is the code I presently have for this part of my macro.

Sub GetOpenFileName()
strFind = InputBox("Please enter the job title you wish to search for:", "Search for job title in this file")

If strFind = vbNullString Then Exit Sub

With Sheets(strSheetsMainCompProfile)
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 100)), "*" & strFind & "*") = 0 Then
MsgBox strFind & " cannot be found on this sheet"

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Count Of Cells Where Occurrence Of Some Specific Text Is Found

May 28, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that lists all the work done by employees within a specific area. Some employees cover multiple areas.

I am now needing to work out the average work completed by each area. I need a formula that will count the number of employees by each work area.

I know this is something I have done before, but my mind has gone blank and I can't for the life of me work it out again (it's one of those days).

Row 3 of the spreadsheet contains the codes for the work areas they cover (CM, V & TC) and some employees only cover one (which would be a simple CountIf) but some have multiple.

What is the formula to, for example, count the number of people who have CM in row 3 even if they also have other entries in that cell.

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Show A Message When Cell Text Is Changed

May 16, 2006

In a range of cells (e.g. B26-B40) I have names (first name and second name or first initial and second name). This data is carried from sheet 1 to the second sheet via formula. Some cells may be blank as well.

A VB code to display a message when the user changes the name in any of these cells with data or adds a new name to a cell that is blank, in sheet2

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Find Text/Value & Use Found Cell, Row, Column In Macro Code

May 10, 2008

I am trying to clean up and simplify my macros by compartmentalizing frequently repeated commands. I like to search for text in column headings and define the cell containing it as a range that I can later use .column or .row commands on, so my macros are a bit more flexible. The code I currently use for this is

Dim XColumn As Range ‘the cell containing the text “X”
Selection.Find(What:="X", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Set XColumn = ActiveCell

I would like to be able to create a Macro (possibly name FindSetCell()) that will accept arguments and achieve the results of the above code in other macros
I think the command might look something like FindSetCell(“text to be searched for”,”name of newly Defined Range”) But I have not figured out how to code it

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Find The Last Occurrence Of A Cell That Contains >=1% In A Column

Jul 8, 2006

I have just been thrown back into programmng after a two year break so I am obviously rusty.

I have the following
Sub NumberOfReceiptFlowsAfterInitial4()

Dim my_cell As Range
Dim first_one As Double
Dim second_one As Double
Dim running_total As Double
Dim final_total As Double
Dim result As Double

I need something similar to this routine that will find the last occurrence of a cell that contains the value greater than or = 1%.

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Find Text And Copy Found Range

May 15, 2007

I have some EXCEL files, titled as "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", so on... Calculated values are placed in Column Z for each file. In order for me to export the files to another software, I would need to create another new EXCEL file (I call it MASS) and place all the calculated values in that new file. In that new file, the titles have to be on Column A and the calculated values on Column B.

For example, File "AAA" has 120 calculated values. In MASS, the word "AAA" has to appear on Column A a number of 120 times and the 120 calculated values are then placed on Column B. Each value must correspond to the word "AAA". The same procedure goes for "BBB", in which the word "BBB" is placed on Column A after the end of "AAA". What I want to achieve is by using a macro that will look up the title of the Active Worksheet and then scan Column A in MASS. If the title matches whatever is in Column A, then the macro will paste the corresponding calculated values onto Column B automatically.

For example, for file "GGG", the macro will look up the word "GGG", scan through Column A in MASS for the start of the word "GGG" and paste the calculated values at the start of Column B. Could I have an idea of how might the macro looks like?

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Find Text & Offset By Found Value Row And Column

Apr 16, 2008

I'm writing some code where I need to know the column in which a specifc text string occurs. Because of the nature of the sheet, the string will only appear in one column, but that could be in almost any column on the worksheet.

For example say the text string is "Year 1", I need to find the column with this string, and then offset down to a predetermined row, or offset over to the appropriate column (something like below).

With Selection
.Offset(0, x).Select
If List.Selected(0) = True Then
y = i - 1
With Selection
.Value = Salary * Inflation1 ^ y
End With

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Handle Find Macro Error When Text Is Not Found

Mar 1, 2008

I have the following macro which I've pieced together which works great at clearing the cell as long as the text entered by the user is found in the specified column.

Unfortunately I'm a big rookie with this stuff and I can't figure out how to handle the process/error when an entered value is not found. When ChosenRow returns with a 0 I get a Run time error '91', Object Variable or With Block variable not set.

The code...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
oldSheet$ = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim ChosenRow As Long
Dim loc As Variant
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With UserForm4
loc = .TextBox1.Text
End With
With ActiveWorkbook
End With

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How To Show A Message If A Cell In A Row Is Blank

Nov 19, 2012

I am new to excel vba. I want to show a pop-up message when user tries to save the workbook keeping cell(1,3) blank.

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Show Message Box When Certain Value Entered Into Cell

Feb 19, 2009

This seems like a very simple question but I can't find the answer that I'm looking for. I have a spreadsheet with a drop-down ( validation) list. Based on what the person selects, I then would like to have a message box to come that would direct them that certain cells then need to be filled in.

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Show Message Box If Cell Contents Changed

Nov 2, 2012

What i am trying to do:
1) check whether any value in column J, rows 7-18 is changed,
2) check whether the value is above the value in col H, respective row multiplied by 1,25,
3) if point 3 true, clear the contents of cells E24, F24, and show up a messagebox,
4) run another macro by pressing button in cell C24 in order to fill the E24 and F24 cells again.

What happens: Points 1-3 work perfectly well, but then i have a problem in point 4 - the messagebox of point 3 appears again and the work of macro of point 4 interrupts showing an "Application-defined or object-defined error".

The file with the code is attached : Example.xlsm

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Set Variable To Found Cell Using Find Method

Jun 17, 2008

If Not stfound Is Nothing Then 'if value is found then do this

is causing me a run time error 424 when I try and run my code "Object required". Entire code is pasted below...

Option Explicit ....

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Display Not Found Message

Aug 11, 2009

code that would generate the 'Not Found' message

I have a date in HC4, which appears in column 112, so cannot understand why it finds nothing ?

Sub Macro6()

Dim C1 As Range
Application.Goto Reference:="CURRENT"

Set C1 = Range(Cells(4, 8), Cells(4, 200)).Find(Range("HC4").Value)

If Not C1 Is Nothing Then

C1.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

MsgBox "Not found"
End If

End Sub

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Find Value, Copy Adjacent Cell & Paste To Corresponding Cell Of Another Found Value

Apr 5, 2008

I have found many posts similar to what I am trying to accomplish, but nothing that I have been able to modify and make work. I need a VBA script that will find a cell with the text data "Difference" and copy the adjacent (to the right) cell's data. I then need to find a cell with text data "Ops" and paste the previous data to it's adjacent cell.

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Find Out What Row Or Cell Address That The VLOOKUP Found The Data

Dec 18, 2008

When I use VLOOKUP formula within a VBA routine ex:
For LoopCounter = 1 to LastRow
With Worksheets("0MATERIAL")
.Cells(RowCounter, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "VLOOKUP(RC[-2],'0MAT_UNIT'!R1C1:R65520C12,4,FALSE)"
End With
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
Next LoopCounter

How can I find out what row or cell address that the VLOOKUP found the data? The above code works perfectly but the problem is I need data from that same row in columns 4-11. I replicated the .Cells line above and made each one a VLOOKUP (for column 4, 5, 6, etc...) but this kills the performance. I have around 32,000 rows in sheet 0MATERIAL and around 50,000 rows within sheet 0MAT_UNIT

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Find & Populate Data Relative To Found Cell

Sep 20, 2007

I want to find the subtotal amount on one worksheet, which is two columns over from the text, "Sub Total:" on the same row. The subtotal line floats up and down each week. Once I can find the subtotal I want to populate another worksheet with the data.

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Display The Message If Findstring Has Been Found More Than Once

Mar 4, 2009

I need it to display the message if findstring has been found more than once (i.e Twice)

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Looking To Find 1 Of 2 Words In A Cell In Column B And Return Word Found In The Same

May 27, 2014

Looking to find 1 of 2 words in a cell in column B and return the word found in the same row in column E. This seemed easy but I am not having any luck.

the cells in column B have several words in them but I am looking for 2 specific words "PLAT" and "ORIG". If the word is not in the cell, it should show a blank cell in column E in the same row, otherwise one of the 2 words should be in that row in column E. A VBA loop would be ideal but a formula that can do it might work as well.

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Return Yes If Text Is Found Within A Cell

Dec 24, 2013

I currently have the below formula to search for text of interest (A1) within each cell of a column (B6:B30).


The formula works perfectly if there is only a single value in the cells. But not so well when the cell has multiple values separated by a comma.

For example:

Column B

T, X, Y, Z

It would return a "Yes" for X, Y, and Z because those are found individually. However, T will appear as a "No", because it is found within a cell that is separated by commas.

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If Date Found In Cell Above, Put This Text In Comment

Feb 12, 2009

Cell B4 is selected by user and then runs the macro. The macro then looks UP (A3, A2, A1 etc) cell by cell until it finds the first cell that has a valid date in it and if that date is same as the date that the macro is being run pastes "This Text" into the comments section (Not replacing everything in the comments but simply adding to it.)

Column A

(empty cell)

(empty cell)

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If Text Found In Cell Then Place A 1 In Another Column

Dec 21, 2009

What I would like to do is if a string e.g. "*12/18/09*" is found in column A, then place "1" in column B. There are many rows that I would like to search. Either a formula or VBA would be fine.

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Find Second Occurrence Or Third Or Fourth

Jul 13, 2013

I am trying to find an in-cell formula to find a cell with a specific value and return the value in column A of the same row. Typically this is handled by Lookup or VLookup or HLookup. However, these only find the first occurrence of the value, I even know how to find the last occurrence, but what about in between? In my spreadsheet I have reoccurring values that I need the value in column A of the same row, but I need more than just the first or last but every instance in between. How to do this?

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FIND LAST Occurrence Of String

Nov 12, 2013

I understand that the function FIND(find_text, within_text, start_num) will find the first occurrence of a stated string. And by adjusting the start_num, you can skip a set number of characters before the search begins.

But, is there a way to find the Last occurrence of said string? In my case the find_text string may occur multiple times in the variable length within_text cell to be searched.

Sample: Find the last occurrence of MDU


In the above 2 sample strings the output of the Find() function needs to be 26 & 40. Having a cell formula would be desirable, but if it can only be done by VBA that is acceptable, also.

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Count Occurrence Of Find

Apr 7, 2007

In one column, i get the ID. In the next column of the same row i get the status. My question is to find the number of occurrence of a specific ID with a specific status on another sheet. Attached worksheet sheet "count" has the source with ID at column C and status at column D. My expected result is in another sheet "expected result". I think a macro is needed, but i can't really figured out the way to do this counting.

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Change Cell Content If Text Is Found In Different Cell?

Nov 29, 2011

I need a macro or formula that can parse a column of data and if it finds a specific string of text ,then it changes another cell on that row to zero. It can have multiple text variables but all return the same value. For Example,

artisan - matte - flat black
artisan - matte brushed gold
small - canvas - flat black

is found in a longer string of text

then it should change another cell on the same row to have a value of 0. Also i should mention that i need it to loop as it will be parsing through potentially thousands of rows.

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Find Last Occurrence Of Character In A String

May 23, 2007

I would like to find the position of the last occurrence of a character in a string. For example, I have a string with the following:

"c:wwgpeToolbidsTest File.GP$".

I would like to find out the position of the last '' in the string because I want to pull the filename, 'Test File.GP$' into a variable. I would like to avoid writing code to do this. Are there some Excel functions I can use for this?

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VBA Find Exact Match And Nth Occurrence

May 30, 2012

This section of code I am working on requires me to find an exact text (I tried lookat:=xlWhole, but I can't get it to work right). The problem being is when it searches for Q1, Q10 is an acceptable answer ans so on. I need to get the 4th occurrence, but my research into Nth occurrence stuff is confusing.

The search is in a single column.

With Workbooks("FY12-Q3 Data Tables.xlsx").Sheets("PBA Crosstabs").Columns(1)
Set c = .Find(rCell, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With

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Find Next Occurrence Of Carriage Return

Jan 7, 2013

I am working with a data sheet that holds a cell containing a number of position entries with each entry separated by a carriage return within the cell. I need to determine the entry associated with Accountant. The formula below determines if the entry Accountant exists and if so, displays 14 characters of information starting after the 12th character. The entry after "Accountant" is variable, but will have a carriage return at the end of the line. How can I identify the placement of the carriage return after the Accountant: entry?

=IF(ISERR(FIND("Accountant:",'Dynamic Report - WIP HDCI-Qu~01'!G7)),"",MID('Dynamic Report - WIP HDCI-Qu~01'!G7,FIND("Accountant:",'Dynamic Report - WIP HDCI-Qu~01'!G7)+12,14))

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Using FIND To Locate Second Occurrence Of Character

May 28, 2013

7900 Personnel:7980 PR taxes:7985 Medicare

I can use the FIND function to find the first occurrence of ":" and therefore select everything to the right of it, but how do I locate the second occurrence of ":"?

I want to segregate the 7985 Medicare. What if the data varies, i.e. some rows have one occurrence of ":" and others have two?

7900 Personnel: 7970 Bonus. I always want to segregate the last 4-digit account number and description.

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Function To Find Most Recent Occurrence

Mar 19, 2008

I need a function that will do the following:

Look at the name in Column H2 of the current spreadsheet
Locate that name in Column H on worksheet 'Project Info' for the match with the most recent date in column F also on 'Project Info'

Return the value of corresponding column K on 'Project Info' divided by column I on 'Project Info'

Project Info has a header line so the data starts on line 2.

I don't know how to tell it to find the most recent date.

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