I have tried to these through formulas without success but i think i need VBA also which i am not very experienced.
I want to paste a list in the "InsertList" sheet. This list will only contain the word "Correct" or "False". From then on i need a way to search for the word "Correct" or "False" in the columnS P,Q,R,S,T,U,V.
e.g. If in the column "P" on the "InsertList" sheet the word "Correct" is found, i need that entire row from A to V to be copied onto it's destination, in this case "sheet1".
If the word "Correct" is found on the column "Q" on the "InsertList" sheet, the rows from A to V need to be copied in the Sheet2. And so on..
I have written a code for reading the excel and capturing the content as an image but now i want to paste the captured content into another sheet of the same excel and want to add new column in the same captured image?
Is it possible to add a column in the captured image?
I have a workbook, wich copies content from an overview sheet to different other sheets. that works fine, but if I try to hide the content-placeholder sheets, I can't copy my content anymore.
here the part where I get the error;
'OldValue contains the name of the "copy to" sheet as a string
I have 11 worksheets in one workbook, the last worksheet is a total page.
I'd like to run a macro that copies the information from each sheet and pastes it into the total sheet. My range on every sheet begins at A2, but the end of the range is unknown.
All I have so far is trying to loop to a new empty cell on the total page (coded in a module - is that right?):
I am working on getting a macro to find a name in column "B" and once found copy its row to another sheet. I have been working on an "IF" statement that checks for the given name and if true copies the row. I can not get it to keep checking and then stop using "loop" What i got so far:
I have a excel file with two worksheets. I need to find a specific row in column g, cut the entire row, and paste it into sheet2. I have started off by using this code, that I got off of some site. It works wonderfully in finding the specific cell, but just copys and moves the specific cell into sheet2. Whereas I need it to cut and paste the entire row where it finds the cell that begins with a 3 in column G.
Sub Copy_To_Another_Sheet_1() Dim FirstAddress As String Dim myArr As Variant Dim Rng As Range Dim Rcount As Long Dim i As Long
I would like to create macro, where it would on macro run copy text from active cell and find that value in another sheet (in column H) and select that cell.
I would like to be able to find all cells in row 2 that are "greater than 0". Then I would like to return the coresponding job number in row 4. I need to create a list of each job with the number of hous spent on that job next to it. I may have 30 different jobs but only 5 jobs that have hours for the specific week.
How I attemted to solve this is to create a table that listed all the hours from the largest number in row 2 to the smallest. Then I found the job number corresponding to that number of hours. The problem with this meathod is that if two jobs have the same amount of hours then the first job number is returned for both values that are the same. See attached example.
multiple search match and replace content in a different column so for example
new workbook (look up table) sku search1 search2
so something like where you compare two tables and find and replace based on another cell that matches in my sku.. more details would be if the table column aren't exactly matching but the column header and the row header would match and fill or replace in the correct/corresponding cell is there a macro or vba to do this job in excel?
Cell A1 needs to contain the contents of A3 without the user having to go and type the entry in each time the next cell along changes.
For example, let's say that last week 1.81 was typed in A2. The user then had to go in to A1 and also type 1.81. This week 1.83 has been entered in A3 so the user will manually have to go in to A1 and type 1.83. Next week when something is entered in A4, the contents of A1 will again need to match the contents of A4 and so on for the next 52 weeks. We'd like a formula in A1 that automatically shows the contents of the next cell along as soon as the content exceeds Zero.
I want to copy cells content from the sheet1 column A to sheet2,I was tried by the function Sum but problem is some of cells which i tried copy have combination letters and numbers as content.
Maybe, specific things is because i wont copy cell A2 sheet1 to cell A2 sheet2.
I'm using Excel 2007 and s/s is 325501 rows deep. It consists of series of ranges between 4 and 30 rows deep.
What I want to do is locate the next appearance of a name and copy its accompanying number. Doing this manully is not feasible, given the large size of the s/s .
I enclose a small attachment showing what I am trying to achieve. For those who don't like opening attachments the wording in it is :
The desired objective is to place in column Q the next appearing number in column L of the name in column C.
The VLOOKUP formula in column Q presents the desired number but (problem!) presents a zero when next appearance = blank.
When this happens I want the formula/code to repeatedly lookup the next appearance until it finds a number.
Examples of where next numbers appear are given here in column R.
I want to use a Login screen for a little "request-program" I made. Logging in works and when I log in as an administrator, an extra window pops up where I can add and remove new users (with pass). Users (column A) and passwords (column B) are located in a 'logins'-tab in my worksheet. Adding a new username works fine, but I don't seem to get the password next to the username. When adding a new name, the code searches for a blank cell in column A, adds the name and then sort the rows (so username and password still correspond). Usernames are filled out in a combobox (so you can select one to delete) and passwords in a textbox.
A single worksheet holds all the values I need to move to various worksheets in the destination workbook. The destination workbook is MASTER.XLS and is already open. The source workbook has various names.
I have the macro walking through each value in column E of the source worksheet. When a match occurs, the corresponding cell in column F has the destination worksheet name, the corresponding cell in column G has the destination cell address and column H has the destination value (string value).
I have dim statements for SheetName, CellAddr and CellVal ; all set for String. I have been playing with "Offset" as well as "Select"ing through the worksheet hierarchy to drive to the desired destination cell. All seem to be more work than necessary and none work properly.
What I am looking for is a set of macro statements that I can use as a "template" within the balance of the macro I have written. I would also happily accept recommendations about books that provide a step-by-step approach to learning the capabilities of Excel's VBA functions. I know from my limited programming background that there are many ways to do the same thing. I'd rather start with the most efficient rather than burn lots of hours experimenting.
I am trying to do some thing simple, but i causes me a lot of problem in several areas. I am using the
sheets( range("c5")).select
to simply select the sheet that is named in cell c5 on the current sheet. can anyone give me a correct way to accomplish this that I can use in other applications that i come accross?
I have 2 worksheets, let's call them "Sheet1" and "sheet2".
Sheet 1 has 2 columns (A, and B)
Ie. "Sheet1:"
Col A, Col B
Red Green Yes Blue Yellow Orange Yes
For each entry in Column "B" that has a "Yes" value, I need to copy the color value in column "A" into the next available empty cell in "Sheet2" in column A.
Col A, Col B
Red 3 Blue 5 Yellow 6
Final Result:
Col A, Col B
Red 3 Blue 5 Yellow 6 Green Orange
how to do this particular challenge? For Sheet2, I think I'll need a function to determine the first available blank cell in column A.
I use this to read cell content, add some text/characters (ie. [ and ]) and change the properties of the complete cell
Sub COMMENT() Worksheets("DVD Lijssie").Activate If ActiveCell.Value 0 Then ' Change all in to ... ... ... ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.Value & " " & "]" & " " & "[" With ActiveCell.Font .Name = "Arial Narrow" .Size = 8 .ColorIndex = 16 End With End If End Sub HOW can I change this vba-code so it leave's the content of the cell like it is and add some content with the use of let's say TexBox1 and ONLY use different font properties for the newely added content?
I want to do is add data into Sheet A each day then press a button which will copy the data in a range and paste it into Sheet B, but I want to create a list of all data so I need it to find the next empty cell and start the paste from there (if that makes sense).
I want it to create a data base on one sheet from a daily import, I have a code to copy one cell to next empty cell but dont know how to duplicate it to a range.
I hope I have given you enough info this is what I have done so far
Public Sub CopyData() Dim ws As Worksheet, bi As Byte, vData(1 To 1) Set ws = Sheets("A") For bi = 1 To 1 vData(bi) = Application.Choose(bi, ws.Range("A1"))
Formula/macro/etc that would enable me to have content of a cell changed based on the content of another cell in the same row.
Example: cell in column D says "PSA" - so I would need the cell in column H for that same row to read "Radio"
I would need an entire sheet scanned to review for these occurrences and make the appropriate changes. I also would need the formula to be inclusive enough to scan for variations in column D cell content (PSA 1, PSA 2, etc).
I am trying to look up a numerical value in Sheet 1 Cell:F7 and find that value in Sheet 2 Column B, then offset 29 columns in the row where the value was found. The number will not have any duplicates within Sheet 2.
I'm supposed to find duplicates in sheet_1 Q6:Q251 and copy one of each to sheet_2 D6:D243 as well as unique values from the same column. In a sheet_1 B6:B251 I have values related to Q6:Q251 and I have to copy each of them to sheet_2, E6:I6 in the same row as the related duplicate (I'll have max 5 duplicates). You can find attached simple example of what should be the result (sheet_2)
I have a value in sheet3 cell "C9". (the value is stewart)
I am tring to have the macro go down column "C" in sheet1 and the value is the same as "C9"s value in sheet3 then copy the 7 cells to the right and paste them in the 7 cells right of "C9" in sheet3.
Example: If the value in cell "C9" in sheet3 = "stewart" and the value in "C109" in sheet1 is "stewart" the copy C110:C116 in sheet1 and paste those values in C10:C16 in sheet3.
I guess you wouldn't have to offset, you could copy C109:C116 and paste it to C9:C16 since its the same value.
I have a table (called 'tblFuels' on worksheet"Fuel Data") which contains Fuel Names in column A, I have named the range 'FuelNames', there are several properties for each fuel in columns B to V.
On a separate sheet i have a dropdown box which is populated by 'FuelNames'. When a fuel is selected from this dropdown list, and a button pressed, i would like the corresponding row to be copied and pasted in to a third sheet for use in calculations etc.
The internet has given me several ways of doing something like this and I've given this one a crack, it just doesn't work.
Sub Find_CopyRows()
For i = 4 To Worksheets("Fuel Data").Range("A64000").End(xlUp).Row '("InputFuelSel") is the 'range name' of one cell which contains a dropdown list of all the fuels found in column A
Thank you all so much for this wonderful forum. Today has been a day of going through post after post. I am usually able to solve my problems through reading similar issues. However, just can quite get this one and I think it is rather simple, but frustrating none the less.
Attached is a spreadsheet with a list names in column B. The codes I have tried to write or have copied find one name and paste it to sheet 1. However, I need to find several names and then copy each row to sheet 1.