Find Cell That Contains Specific Character?
Jul 17, 2012
Cells A1:A5 all have a vlookup formula that will pull one of the following into it:
1. The word "NONE"
2. #N/A error since it doesn't exist in the table
3. A text value that has the format
I want a formula that will look at these 5 cells and give me #3. That #3 value can only appear once in the 5 cells in any of those 5. The other 4 cells will contain either 1 or 2.
3 always has length equal to 11. It always has periods in those places. The digits do change.
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Dec 9, 2009
I am trying to put an IF statement together. If the 7th character from the left is 5 it must show M, and If 0(zero), it must show F
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Jan 23, 2014
I want a formula to find "#" character in a text.
PO# 4343434, MINCDSD.LTD, 977766
Here i I want to find out the character "#" position
I used =FIND("#", A1,1) Answer is 3 it's ok fine.
But I have problem with this below example;
Revised PO#545455, INV# 434344 ABC LTD
In this example i want second "#" position..
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Mar 13, 2008
I have an excel file in which the cell has more than 3000 entries, like following. I would like to copy the contents before ";" to next row & continue.
Answer should be in excel:
I do not know how can I achieve this through "Macro". I would like to detect ; in the cell & copy the contents before/after it in the next rows & continue till the last figure.
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May 16, 2014
In column A, I have the following lines:
2014-05-15 02:08:43 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:31:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:20 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 03:07:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:01:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:04:46 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
I would like to use conditional formatting to highlight cells which have the same first 16 characters (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) before the "@" AND that contains the words "CHANGE WORLD". Therefore, I'm looking for a formula I could include in the conditional formatting so I can easily find the "CHANGE WORLD" that occurred at the same time (minus the seconds, they may vary slightly).
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Feb 25, 2014
Essentially what I'm trying to accomplish is import a file from Quickbooks and determine whether it was a Credit Card, Check or Invoice based on the account number.
For example:
45-12345 should return the value CC in an adjacent cell because it contains the "-" character.
I0123456 should return the value INV in an adjacent cell because it contains the "I" character.
01234567 should return the value ACH in an adjacent cell because it doesn't contain either character.
I tried using VLookup, but I can't figure out how to write a formula for when it just contains a character, only if it matches it or is text/number.
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Mar 3, 2008
I have a row of cells that contain a single letter: W,C,O.
I need to provide a count of the number of occurancies of each letter. So I have a cell that shows me the total W's, a cell showing me total C's and another showing total O's.
Whats easiest way to do this?
I know its not ideal, but on this occassion ive no desire to add and hide another column.
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Mar 9, 2014
How to find and show position number? I try merged two function, but doesn't work
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Feb 17, 2014
Can I get a formula for the below specification.
if a cell contains character A THEN multiply by cell B * 0.02,if a cell contains character B THEN multiply by cell B * 0.05,if a cell contains character C THEN multiply by cell B * 0.010
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Jul 26, 2013
I have an excel spread sheet & I wish to highlight any cell that contains any of the following characters with in a string of text.
/ : * " < > ? |
E.g. a cell in the spread sheet containing the text "Is this a Question?" would be highlighted.
I have tried to use - 'Format only cells that contain' > Specific Text > Containing > for each of the characters and this does not work.
When I do this any cell containing any text is highlighted.
In addition there is formatting on any cell > 60 characters which turns the cell red and this works fine.
What would happen if (when I get the problem above resolved), a cell is > than 60 characters & contains a character listed above?
Does 1 formatting take precedent over another?
(Not critical to know the answer to the additional question, just curious - as long as it is highlighted one colour or another then no problem.)
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Mar 15, 2014
I have following kind of sting in the cell.
I want to extract the number between <abc_nbr> and </abc_nbr>. i.e., "00000000009882203100".
The starting number of the string may varies.
Macro should pick the number and paste it into the next cell.
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Nov 7, 2008
how I could find 1 character and replace the entire cell. For example, it would find "<12", "<3", and "<32" based on "<" and then replaced that entire cell with "N/A".
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Jun 22, 2012
If I have a cell which begins with a few spaces and then has a character, how do I use the find function to see how many spaces until some character is present in the cell. The * does not work with this.
Excel 2007
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Aug 5, 2013
I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.
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May 8, 2014
I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.
I am using code similar to the below:
[Code] .....
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May 5, 2014
1) In any cell, I would like to remove "Area#xxxxxxxxx" (where x are random numbers).
Example : "INFO Log - [sys] Area#541185471Character#46545"
2) I would like to remove x characters before a word.
Example : 2013-08-28.txt@INFO
I would need to remove 14 characters before the character "@".
I tried to play with the LEN and RIGHT/LEFT formula but so far, I can't get it to work... The idea is to parse some text and remove the part in red (I was thinking about using SUBSTITUTE).
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Jun 1, 2012
In a cell(s) I have for example {text}dd%2BMore_Text}
what i want to do is search and replace the final }
so it should be {text}dd%2BMore_Text
the regular search and replace in excel removes all } which is not what i need.
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Nov 27, 2013
Switched to Excel after using OpenOffice and I'm stuck on knowing what an old a 'find and replace' formula would be in Excel. It would remove a specific character (or word) ONLY if it was the last characters in a cell.
The old find and replace for open office:
Find: (.*)/$
Replace: $1
It's not that important now to delete a word, mainly the last slash '/' ONLY if it's the last character e.g. this data has 2 rows with a '/' as the last character
Running my old find and replace formula would remove the last slashes, but leave the others
Need simple replacement to the find and replace but a formula is also right.
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Jul 25, 2006
How to get Excel to select all cells within a specific column that contain a specific character. In this instance, I need to select all the cells which contain a comma...
And even better would be if I could get Excel to not just select all the cells in a specific column containing a comma, but each of the rows in which those cells reside.
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Mar 4, 2013
I have a database that contains many products. All of them has a number.
I have an cell and a button for search. I am entering on the search cell the 254 number , and when i click the search button , i want a macro that can select me the cell that contains the 245 number from A column.
Till now i had tried with the following procedure.
I had made another cell which contains the following function
=MATCH(G6,A1:A100,0) , where G6 = my search cell for the number. This return my cell number from A column , but i don't know how to select that cell from the vba
I had tried with the ActiveSheet.Range , but i had to input the cell which i want to select , or it's there a way to enter the collumn where to find and the cell number to get from my MATCH function ?
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Mar 23, 2009
I need to make a list of Part Numbers in quotation marks. If a number of digits of a P/N is less than 13 a number of space characters has to be added to make the string 13 characters long.
We have example P/N:
should become:
"1234567890123(no extra space characters should be filled-13chars)"
"12345678(5 extra space characters here)"
"123456(7 extra space characters)"
Is there a function that inputs a cerain number of a specific character ("space" in this example)?
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May 23, 2008
How can I extract mid section of the string which is always 5 characters long and is always followed by a period "." ?
My account strings are in 3 sections (but the third section isn't always used)
For example,
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Jun 11, 2008
I have one column with many numbers. Some have one dash and some have two.
Is there a way that I can remove all characters after the last – (dash) in the number?
If number is 123-123456-65
Then 123-123456
If number is 98B12354-889
Then 98B12354
If someone could just lead me in a direction, I might be able to figure it out. However, my code is elementary and most of the time, I record macros and the play with the code until it does what I want.
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Jun 25, 2014
I am trying to check some data (about 5000 rows worth) and don't want to have to go through each row. What I need to do is check whether the 7th number in a string is below 5, and then to return a text result for above 5 and a different result for below 5. For example:
B4: 88050170088
7th value = 7, therefore return "Male"
I have tried =IF(MID(B4,7,1)>5,"Female","Male") but it is not working and I can't figure out why..could also just be making a rookie mistake....
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Oct 12, 2009
I have absolutely no idea how to get starting on this one. I've got a long string in cell B1. At some point there is the word "oms:SomeString," (without the quotes). I need to know whether SomeString is somewhere in the active sheet or not (the workbook running the VBA-code is not the active sheet). I can't just compare the cell B1 because it contains multiple words. Any hints are very welcome.
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Oct 26, 2009
I need a vba code that will find all the columns (j) which there cell(1,j) includes the word "Date". the word "date" will be a part of a title, for exmple: "due date", "starting date"
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Jul 6, 2009
i'd like formula to find value above and below specific cell
for ex
i have value in cell c5
i want formula helps me to find
values above c5 in cell c4,c3,c2,c1
values below c5 in cell c6,c7,c8,c9
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Jun 29, 2007
I have at database which i want to search in... The problem is that i wanted to search in specific cells, or ranges. So i made a for loop searching for words in one range.. But it doesn't work.
For i = 0 To antal - 1 Step 1
If Range("B5") = "X" Then
c = InStr(1, Range("B" & 2 + anRow * i), sgbygsag, 1)
Range("A1") = c
End If
anRow is the delimiter between to databases. And sgbygsag is the string i am searching for, i have made sure that this really is a string. No matter what I do this code sets Range("A1") to "0".
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Mar 6, 2013
How can i split a string of "name*sirname" by the * character. At the end i want to msgbox the both 2 results as "name" and "sirname"
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myArray() As String 'DEFINE THE ARRAY
i = 0
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Jun 10, 2008
What formula or function truncates a text field that is in the following consistent format:
number. name
ie. 3. Super Bella
and 150. Taoist
I wish to truncate the field so I have just the integer without the dot, space or word(s).
Tried Len, Left & Replace but they require a specific number of characters. Since the number can be 1 to 3 digits long, this doesn't work.
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