Find First Row With A Value And Select That Row And All Rows Below?
Mar 25, 2014
Like say I have a column which begins with an indeterminate number of blank cells before there is an indeterminate number of cells with numbers or blanks in them. I need to leave the beginning blanks alone, and perform a sort on all of the rows below. How to code up a macro to do this, but I don't know jack about that, so I was wondering if there is some kind of function or conditional sorting I could record as a macro?
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Dec 8, 2006
I would like to do a find in a column for “yes,” and if it is True I want it to cut the row where it was found as well as the one above it to Sheet2. I need it to loop through the sheet appending to the ones that were found previously in Sheet2.
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Feb 4, 2014
I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.
I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:
Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate
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Aug 14, 2009
I just spend 30min dealing with this stupid Cells.Find function and still cannot get any results.
Could someone please tell me how to search for the text (is displayed via formula on my active sheet) named "lonstaying" and then select this cell as my activecell? (there is only one cell with this word)
I want to set the RowHeight for the row containing that cell and the row afterwards to 15px.
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Aug 27, 2009
Is there any way to create a script or macro to "find" a number from column A that is in column B, then select it that row? Then it willl repeat that process with the next number in column A until the end....
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Nov 12, 2009
I have a sheet with dates on it, when i open my userform and select a date i want it to go to the sheet and look for a match on the date and select the cell where the match is. There will never be 2 dates that's the same. I have attached an example.
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Oct 8, 2006
Attempting to hide columns (of cities) via VBA generates an error when that same city is reselected (either individually, or as part of the group) in the list box, upon clicking the 'Hide' button.
The error happens at this point: ...
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Apr 25, 2014
I've got two listboxes
Listbox1 has
Listbox2 has
If someone clicks "A" in listbox1, I want to select "1" & "4" in listbox2.
If someone clicks "B" in listbox1, I want to select "2" & "3" in listbox2.
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Apr 12, 2007
how does one go about finding a specific valuein a worksheet, then selecting the value in the next column, then pasting the value in a different worksheet?
For example, I want to find a particular person's name in a worksheet, upon finding the name, I want to select the number associated with the person which is in the column to the left of the name. I then want to copy and paste the number in a different worksheet.
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May 19, 2009
I am trying to work out how to select a range from a formula.
One formula works out when a specific number in a list of rows is reached, and returns the number of values it counted before it reached the number.
With the figure returned from that can I then select the range from the first row, to the number of rows counted. And with that selection find the highest number within that range, specifying the highest number as the result?
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Jan 31, 2014
I am having issues with a VBA script. The Spreadsheet is linked to a SQL DB and updated with data from scripts that are executing throughout the day. This is then fed to a dashboard. We have a Baseline that shows in the Date column as 0/0 and 1/1. I need a way to ensure that the 1/1 is always in the last row of the chart so the baseline shows across the entire range of dates. The current method is to declare a variable and add 1 to it whenever we iterate through the sort for the other dates. However everyday the 1/1 baseline column ends up further to the beginning until it is next to the 0/0 in position 2.
So I am trying to find a way to have the macros find the last row of the Date field and then set the position to be equal to the last row.
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Mar 25, 2009
I want to know how to find certain String and select the cell it on finding the String.
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Jan 13, 2010
I am trying to find a table of text, and copy it to another worksheet. I want to copy it as a range, not as rows or columns. Using Find, I can get to the 1st row of the table. Using Find again, I can get to the last row of the table.
What I don’t know how to do next is select the range.
For example; The table is in cells A10:F20. “Start” is in cell A10, and “End” is in cell A20.
Starting from cell A1, how do I find and select the range A10:F20.?
I will be doing this twice in the same macro, as there are 2 tables. Each of the 2 tables has the same “Start” and “End” text, as described above. The 2 tables will not always be located in the same location within the original WkSht.
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Aug 23, 2012
I am trying to achieve something like this :
Find a specific text in my column B (example : "Proposal ID"), when "Proposal ID" is found, select this cell and offset to the column C (Offset(0, 1)). Then copy this cell value in another sheet.
This will be repeated with different texts (always in the column B), so if the text is not found, I need the macro to continue running.
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Feb 19, 2008
When recording a macro, how would I have it record me searching for a word in a cell, then select the two rows beneath it so that I can hide/unhide the hidden rows?
The reason it has to search for the word in the cell is that with changes above, the rows keep getting bumped further and further down (i.e., a moving target).
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Jun 20, 2006
how i can go about finding the next empty row (and select the first cell of that row (column A))? edit: It probably should be noted that there are cells in Columns A through P. There are rows where all and/or just one cell contains data per row. So i cannot use a " lookup" based on a single column.
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Feb 2, 2014
The below code compares the Data in a Field that must be set and collect the duplicate Values in a second Worksheet.
The thing I want it to copy the rows, when a duplicate is found in Col A. editing the code below:
Original Sheet:
"A" "B" "C" "D"
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Dec 27, 2009
to be able to select every row, 1-3000, containing a value that will be typed into b2.
In other words, say I type 213 in b2, I need each row that contains 213 to be selected so that I can use those rows in another macro I have running.
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Oct 30, 2012
I have recorded the following into a macro where the cursor returns from another workbook and wants to select from where it starts (Row 2) and where it ends (could be one row or could be several hundred) as it is to stop where it sees the next break (empty cell). The first set that is recorded happens to have four rows but could be one row up to several hundred. How can I have the cursor land and select the data if it is only one row, 10 rows or many more? There are more rows below the first group so once it selects and copies the data, the cursor should go to the next group and select the group before copying out again i.e once it copies the first four rows, the cursor will go to row 6 (there are two rows between each group) and select from row 6 to the bottom of that section which may be only row six or could be row 58 etc.
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May 24, 2007
10.000 Rows have full of numbers in Cells.I have a Macro for each row.But I want to use this Macro for all Rows automatically.
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Feb 28, 2008
I am trying to record / edit a macro in Excel Office 2003 that selects a cell (c6), then goes to the last cell to the right of that range which I am doing fine
What I do now is select from that last cell found in the range down to the last cell in that column and I am getting that to work OK
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
I now have a range of data on one column selected as the last column of data in a range. What I am having difficulty finding the solution to is how I can keep this range highlighted and include on the highlighted range the previous column of data as well (column to the left) - which would give me the last column of data (this months infomation so to speak) and the previous columns data as well (last months so to speak) - so I can then progress to copy paste to a selcted area - later I will add a new column of data so the last column and the previous one moves to the right every month so cannot select by specific cell references
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Jul 13, 2012
I would like to search Column C for an instance of the text "Std. Residual", then cycle through the non blank cells to the right and run some formatting code:
'this line will be modified so that i cycle through the non blank cells that i have found
For row_cycle = 1 To 7
'not signifcant
If Abs(ActiveCell) < 1.96 Then
Selection.Interior.Color = 255
[Code] .....
I then want to search for the next instance of "Std. Residual" in Column C, do the same again, and so on for the entire Worksheet.
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Oct 14, 2013
I am trying to find the last cell with data in a spreadsheet once this has been found select all up upto cell A4 and then format these cells into number format to zero decimal places so far I have the following which finds the last cell:
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range(Cells(LR, 1), Cells(LR, "A")).Select
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Dec 11, 2013
Two months ago our employer seriously limited the size of our mailboxes. We are "forced" to store emails as msg files on our network. PST archives are not allowed. This naturally sucks, as in Explorer you only have the file names and dates to look for that one particular email amongst hundreds (thousands) of msg files. I was able to compose a program in Excel 2010 that generates a list of msg files from a selected folder, together with metadata (sender, receiver, etc.) and so on.
In a test the program worked fine with 6,710 msg files I could post the code here, but the comments and many of the variable names are in Dutch (I never expected it to work in the first place). There is one thing I would like to add to the program. Sometimes I want to add an email to a new email as an attachment. Nowadays I have to look for the right msg file in Explorer by hand, which is a pitty, because I have the paths and filenames in my worksheet. I can put that in a string variable and let VBA do the looking up.
But I don't know how. I would like to be able to let VBA look for the file in Explorer, select it and then stop. I could then drag and drop the selected msg file in my new email. But all my attempts to find example code end up with code that enables a user to select a file and immediately open it. That is one step too far for me. If the msg file is opened, I cannot add it to a new email as an attachment anymore.
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Nov 27, 2007
i need a method to find the end value in a row (right side) and select the empty cell to its right to paste data in.
problem is the row where this data is may change so using
limit = (row, col).end(XlRight).Col
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May 24, 2008
I have a large database of equipment on one sheet and an input form on another. For inventory control, when a user scans a number into the input form, the main inventory sheet is updated with the current location. I have it working using functions, but I need to do this in VBA. I am looking to do the following;
User enters 2222 on the input form. The code matches 2222 on the inventory sheet, moves the activecell 10 columns and updates a value in that cell. Cell A2343 is "2222" then Cell K2343 is changed to "WAREHOUSE 4". What is the best way to find the match and then select that cell in VBA?
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Jul 23, 2014
I'm trying to analyse some data, consisting of a table with clients "checking in" at a certain restaurant at a certain time. In another table I have the restaurant data, including information on different discounts they offer on different days and at different times. If a restaurant offers distinct discounts for distinct days of the week (or hours), it will be listed several times. Now, for each check-in I'd like to know, how much money the client safed (all check-ins are within some of the discount hours of the restaurant they checked in at). If there were only one line per restaurant, VLOOKUP would do the task without any problem, however, as there are several rows per restaurant, I don't know how to look up the correct discount according to the date and hour the client checked in. I've attached a data sample.
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Aug 19, 2008
I have a very large worksheet with many dates entered. I want to be able to run a macro that prints all the rows that has a date less that 35 days ahead in the future. all the dates are mixed up and not in any order.
Is there a way i can do this?
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Dec 22, 2008
How do I select all the Columns and Rows that are not being used so that I can hide them. I like the blue background it gives when they're all hidden. I am using Excel 2007 and it's not too bad selecting all the columns but there are just way too many rows.
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Jul 17, 2014
I am trying to select the active row and the next 21 rows down, so in all 22 rows should be selected after the macro runs.
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