Find Last Cell In Column & Average Backwards
Aug 5, 2009
First off, I hope one of you will end my suffering . I have been googling this thing every which way and haven't found my answer to what seems like a simple question.
What formula will find the last cell with data in a column (in say column 'B') and average backwards 30 data points? The last cell changes constantly, but I need the last 30 averaged consistently.
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Jul 27, 2009
Attached Dummy file. I would like to be able to get the average time spent on a process for the day recorded on the "Results" tab. I have posted the answers it should be on the Results tab, which was done manually. I would like the file to do it on it's own. On the individual's tab, the time and instances will be recorded for each job. I believe I am close, and the only thing I need is the Results page to be able to return the desired results. Ranges varies day-to-day, and I think (maybe), I can figure out the dynamic range settings.
I would like to avoid creating a helper column for each set, because then I would be dependent on the person expanding on this. I am also avoiding Pivot Tables, I understand it, but not the ones that needs it. This will have about 15 tabs for employees, and could be possible that more or less will happen, depending on workload. This will continue to be manual for now.
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Feb 13, 2012
I am using excell 2007 and 2010
I need to find the average numbers on sheet 1 column D. Column D contains numbers as well as Blank cells. The info will be presented on sheet 2 in a monthly view. In other words i need to ssearch awithin a date range and determin the average of those numbers. This works on some months but return a DIV/0 erro most of the time.
=AVERAGEIFS('2N Stats'!$I:$I,'2N Stats'!$E:$E,">=2/1/2011",'2N Stats'!$E:$E,"
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May 10, 2006
I need to get the average of every 6th cell in a column, excluding errors --- three times.
The first average should be every 6th cell beginning with z4, the second every 6th cell beginning with z6, and the third every 6th cell beginning with z8.
Is there an easy way to achieve these 3 averages?
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have a formula in Cell A1. It tells me the cell location of the last number in column E. So, for example, I input the number 44 in cell e85, the value for cell A1 becomes $E$85.
Let's say I now put the value 33 in cell e86, now the value for A1 becomes $E$86.
I want to calculate the average of the values in column E, all the way from E1 to whatever is in A1.
Here's what I need: =AVERAGE(E1:<whatever is in A1, like $E$85>)
How do I write the AVERAGE formula to make this work?
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Aug 6, 2009
Please see the attached sheet. I have columns B through a lot (B through O in my oversimplified example). In every 7th row in each of these columns there is either a 1 or a blank/zero. I need to multiply that 7th number by the Quantity in column A, to achieve a total (ie the sum of each result of 7th cell*quantity) for each column in the bottom row, labeled "Totals".
In the actual version of my sheet, there are far too many rows to select everything manually. I've been fiddling with combinations of COUNTIF/COUNTA and OFFSET, but I haven't come up with a way to check for the 1 in every 7th row, THEN multiply that 1 by the quantity in column A, THEN add up the results for each column. As you can see, there are 1's elsewhere in the columns that are irrelevant to this particular calculation, so something like LOOKUP would also have to look in every 7th cell and couldn't just look at the column as a whole.
If you can't provide an immediate solution, but can at least point me to a resource that would allow me to devise a way to isolate every 7th row (THAT part is the sticking point), I'll surely post the solution to my own thread with updated keywords if I need it.
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Sep 8, 2013
I am trying to find a way to use lookup or any other formula to return the results of the first value bottom up.
My data is an org codes. So, if the object code is (3), I want excel to give me the org code of the first (2) starting from the selected cell going up.
1 120000
2 120001
3 120002
3 120003
3 120004
2 120005
3 120006
3 120007
So, 3 120006 should return the value of 2 120005 not 2 120001.
I've tried lookup, vlookup, index, match, nothing worked so far or I night not used it right !
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Mar 26, 2007
I have a range of data that looks like this:
1 No.Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 Result
2 4305 N Y N N 3
3 4319 N Y N Y 1
4 4320 Y N Y N 2
5 4321 N N N Y 1
6 4327 N N N N 4
7 4339 Y N Y N 2
I need to know fore each number the number of weeks since there last was a Y.
Eg. Results for:
No. 4305 the answer would be 3 weeks.
No. 4319 the answer would be 1 weeks.
No. 4320 the answer would be 2 weeks.
how to do this via formulas or even vba? The number of weeks would be around 52 weeks worth..
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Mar 26, 2009
Can I do a vlookup backwards on a row
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May 6, 2009
I have built a patient satifaction workbook that tracks patient response to question. I have been able to build it to look a month and year. I want to able to trend over three months, six months, or a year. The user selects the month and year from drop downs they want to look at. I was thinking to do the same to select how far to go back six months to year. My question is can I get excel to find each month backwards and recognize a year chage.
What I have done
HTML =TEXT(DATE(R1,IF(MONTH(Q3)-1>0,MONTH(Q3)-1,12),1),"MMMM")
To make a header
turn the month into number
to make a month format
I did this down line backwards until I ran into Jan to December the year did not change
So I am stuck so I turn to you all for assistance
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Aug 3, 2006
I need the Lookup/match functions. In this case, I need to put 1's or -1's in the " Step Changes" column. A 1 or -1 should appear on the condition that the price has gone up or down by .15 since the last 1 or -1. From reading some things on here, it also appears that Lookup/VLookup has problems with unordered columns (and unfortunately, the prices should not be ordered in size here). What I had been trying was: =IF(B27>(VLOOKUP("TRUE",$C$3:$D26,2))+0.15,"1",IF(B27<VLOOKUP("TRUE",$C$3:$D26,2)-0.15,-1,""))
The last column (which I would hide) simply says if there's a number in the 3rd column:=ISNUMBER(C4). I need a way to make sure the lookup is searching ascending, so it doesn't find the first 1. If anyone knows a way to use the Match/Lookup/etc. functions to do this
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Aug 7, 2013
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Jan 13, 2014
How can I extend a table backwards my table starts from column B and i want to make it from column A to make it start from column A that is, if its possible.
I have uploaded my workbook : Stock Request - Copy.xlsm
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Nov 2, 2009
Is there a way to find the last matching row in an array? For example, I can find the first matching row in an array by using the MATCH function. Is there a way to search through the array backwards?
If I use =MATCH(10572, A2:A6,1), I will get the result "3". How can I get the result "5" (to tell me the row number of the last match)?
A more accurate example of what I am trying to do would be:
If I feed the number 2 in as my search value, I want to know the range of rows where the OrderID is less than or equal to 2. In the case above, it would be rows (assuming "OrderID" is in row 1) 2 through 4. I can get "2" back by using =MATCH(2,A2:A7,1), but I don't know how to get "4".
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Apr 11, 2014
I have below VBA code which output with adding , in between ranges. I am looking for way to running loop through range backwards.
[Code] ......
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May 24, 2008
I have an excel sheet I am working on and in columns F1:F2000 I have an IF statment, I need to be able to add more "IF"s to it but I will exceed the 1024 char limit. Is there a way I can put this formula into VB as a function called DocumentType() and then in excel F1:F2000 =DocumentType()?
Is it as simple as:
Function DocumentType()
End Function
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May 5, 2009
I have a job tracker program that daddylonglegs helped me with a few days ago. I thought I would be able figure this out on my own but failed. I've attached the file to help show what I need. I know the final ship date of a project. Sometimes my projects need to go out for teflon coating.
I need Networkdays to give me a TO TEFLON date that is 5 days before the final ship date and factor in weekends and holidays.
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Jan 18, 2013
I'm trying to come up with a formula to seach through an array backwards, and tell me where the first negative number is located.
[Code] ..........
If you fill out the cells A1:J1 like so, and enter
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Dec 8, 2008
I'm trying to create a userform to act as a walk-through for a process. I've settled on using a multipage to conserve the required screen real-estate, and break the process into natural 'stages'. I've happily got these stages fixed into the userform's pages, with a couple of command buttons running events OnClick - but cannot figure how to get the spinbutton to navigate between the pages.
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Sep 11, 2007
we would use a byte data type as a counter in a For Loop, but just today I have been having trouble with this. When I try to count backwards with " Step -1" I get an "error 6: overflow" on the FOR LOOP line. When I count forwards it works fine.
For example ....
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Jan 14, 2013
I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:
Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8")
For Each aCell In rng
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] .......
It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.
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May 27, 2014
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
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May 23, 2014
file storage
1. Look at the "Days so far" section
2. Ignore cell C1
3. All the other cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.
4. Look at the "Volunteer" row - all the cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.
5. Wherever a name - any name - appears in the "Volunteer" row, 1 is added to the previous number in the "Days so far" section and the result is displayed in cell from the "Days so far" row above that Volunteer's name.
6. For example, we begin in C1 with a count of 12 days so far - this was manually entered
7. In cell H5, we see Henry has volunteered 1 day. The total no. of days so far should now be 12+1. Therefore, the number in H1 should be 13.
8. In cell G47, we see Joseph has volunteered 1 day. The total number of days volunteered BEFORE Joseph volunteered is 15 (see cell D43). But now, with Joseph volunteering 1 day, the total no. of days so far should now be 15+1. Therefore, the number in G43 should be 16.
9. what formula l must put in the "Days so far" row (excluding cell C1, which is manually input) to give me the "should be" results predicted in that row? I'm guessing it will be a formula which looks at each row fragment of the "Days so far" row, row by row, right up to the previous cell in that row, all within one formula.
P.S. I just want to leave the "Days so far" row blank, for any columns where there are no volunteers in the "Volunteer" row, so please don't give a formula which inserts zero for days with no volunteer, and then sums the cumulative total.
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May 21, 2008
how to explain this except by showing it, so I explained it as best I could in the attachment. Anyone think they have a solution for this? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!
the macro will look at the value I entered in cell A1, then find all instances of it in Column A
in every row that A1 matches, if the value in column E is "0", I need the macro to change the value in column E of that row from "0" to (that row's column B * $B$1)
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Jun 10, 2008
I have a drop down list in a merged cell B12-F12 and B13-F13 and B14-F14 . . . B30-F30.
I need the adjacent merged cell to populate a reason (text) based on the text answer in the drop down list or the entered text in the first merged cell. For example in the cell B12-F12 the user picks from the list or types in "Amiodarone." I want the adjacent merged cell G12-J12to automatically fill with "Heart Rhythm." I also want to be able to set up multiple if - them statements like if Amiodarone is entered then fill adjacent cell with Heart Rhythm and if Toprol XL then fill adjacent cell with Heart / Blood pressure and if simvastatin then fill adjacent cell with Cholesterol, etc. I have about 30 different options for cell 1 that I want to have auto fill in cell 2 based on the contents of cell 1. I've attached my file.
I want the user to be able to choose from the list or type the drug name in.
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May 25, 2008
I have 3 excel sheets (A,B and C) linked to a master sheet (X). In each sheet (A,B and C), people enter unique idetifier in first column, its type (mr, ab, J) in the second column, start date in the third column and finish date in the fourth column. At the end of every week, i subtract each start date from the finish date and get the number of days spent for each unique idetifier (column N). I preiously posted a thread (Calculate difference between dates excluding weekends) to inquire about how to calculate the difference between finish date and start date and exclude the weekends. I received some nice solutions, but none has worked as the start date cane be weekend as well.
My second and major query is once i have the difference in weekedays for each unique identifier in all the three sheets, I want to calcuate the average of each identifier type (mr, ab and J) in the master sheet. In the master sheet, i have used sumproduct to calculate the average of each idetifier type from column N for each sheet. That means i have a column for A sheet, subdivided into three types, which include the average. I am using sumproduct for this. Once this is done for each sheet type, i need a final colum in the master sheet that calculates average of all mr from A, B and C together, and similarly for ab and J. The problem here is if i combine all the sumproduct formula, i am not gettng the right answer.
My formula looks like SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40)) for all mr in sheet A. I then divide this by SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>"")) to get the average of all mrs in sheet A. I do the same for sheet B and sheet C for all three identifier types. Now i want to combine the formula for all sheets together under mr, Ab and J. I thought the following should work ((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(She etB!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40)))/((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr") *(SheetB!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40<>""))).....
But this is giving me wrong value. It is working fine when done for individual sheets, but when combined for all three sheets together, the value is wrong.
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Oct 4, 2008
Column B: The day of the week that the date is, Sunday, Monday, etc.
Column C: Every date in 2008
Column D: my data (the number to be averaged)
What I need the formula to do:
Look in Column B for every instance of "Sunday", and count them up (they count only if the data in column D is not 0) and use that number to average the number in column D
So if I have 52 Sundays and we are only 4 weeks into the year and the 4 data points are 50, 100, 75, 25. The average will be 62.5 instead of 4.8 (divided by 52).
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Nov 27, 2008
I am trying to figure out how to take the average of the last 4 "non-zero" numbers in a series of values.
The sheet looks something like this, numbers are all in one row:
7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32
I'm looking for a formula that will look at all the last few totals (starting from the end) and take an average of the last 4 totals that were > 0. In this case it would average {32, 32, 28, 32} ignoring the 0 total.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a total in F16 that i need to find an average of.
The range is set from f4 - f15 (12 months) and need to find the running average per month. but as we only have done 5 months of the year so far that is the only average required (F16/5).
I need this to count at the end of june (F16/6) basically not counting any zero months (jul, aug, sept etc until the end of each)
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