Find Path With Only Having Folder Name

Apr 11, 2012

Is there a way to find a folders path? I have a folder Dropbox

I want to find the path up to this folder on the current computer. Is there a method to accomplish this?

I am fine if you want to give VBA code so I can put it in my immediate window for now and then I can attempt to add it to existing code later.

So an Example of the possible result would be
Directory is C:MyNameUserDropbox
Or on another computer maybe C:User1ListingFilesDropbox

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Get Folder Name & Path

Jan 4, 2007

I want to know how to index a drop down list to be used for calculations.

Up until now I was using

Range("B1").Select 'the cell where the drop down list is
ActiveCell.Formula = SiteID 'site id

But for whatever reason it trims a trailing zero from SiteID when setting it in the second line. SiteID is a VBA string.

Indexing it would work, as would preserving the zero so help on either one is appreciated. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Correction, I lied. I was using this line to set it.

Range("B1").Select 'the cell where the drop down list is
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = SiteID 'site id

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Setting Dynamic Folder Path?

Sep 6, 2013

I made an excel document for my boss with the list of the furniture in an flat that we will rent. The document will be signed by the the guest of the apartment and will be used if anything at the end of the renting period is ruined or is missing. It's kind of insurance. The problem is that next to the cell with the list of furniture I made a list of hyperlink connected to the photos of the furniture. Everything is working on my computer where the photos are in a folder that is contained in "documents" but as soon as I try it in another computer placing the folder again in the document folder it doesn't work. It says "the file is missing". I just realized that I need a dynamic path but today I have to handle the excel file and I don't know how to do it and to change the path of every link with just few clicks I have no time to change photo by photo (there are like 300 pictures).

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Acessing Starting Folder Path

Oct 2, 2008

I start an Excel program from a shortcut in different folders. I know that I can find the path of the Excel program in "Parent.Path". But I don't know how to find the path of the folder the shortcut was in. It should be findable because when I try to do something like <Save>, Excel knows the correct folder there.

An example: I open Excel in "Folder 1" using a shortcut to the Excel Program in "Folder 2". Parent.Path tells me "Folder 2". How do I find out what "Folder 1" is from inside Excel?

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Copy File To Specified Folder W/out Path

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way for excel vba to find a folder named "MyFolder" in Drive C: and copy/paste a file into that folder without knowing the entire path?



"C:" Pathfile "MyFolder" . paste

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Excel VBA Current Folder Without Complete Path

May 15, 2009

What's a proper way - in Excel VBA - to get the current folder *without* the preceding folders/path?

For example from folder "C:oracleora81sqlplusdemo" I'd like to retrieve "demo".

Currently I have:

DirNames = Split(ThisWorkbook.Path, "")
CurrentFolder = = DirNames(UBound(DirNames))

It works, but I suspect something exists specifically for this one.

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Automatically Remove Folder From Directory Path

May 9, 2007

i am wanting to automaticaly remove a file from a directory when this directory is populated and move to another directory that is secure, how would i do this? just say directory 1(where it will be removed from) is s:/ddc/reports

moved too-- s:/ddc/test

test folder will be secure

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VBA Folder Path - Extract Some Data From Specific Sheet

May 7, 2012

I am using some code to loop through a folder and extract some data from a specific sheet.

Now say a user moves the file to another folder etc... The macro will pull up an error, now is there a way i can have it dynamic linked to the spreadsheet so no matter what folder it gets moved to,

My folder path will adjust to that or need to take another route?

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Browse For Folder & Set Initial Path To Network Drive

Nov 28, 2007

information about users selecting a folder at this link. However, how do I change the starting point to a network drive, as opposed to "My Computer"?

For example, we reference our network drives like this:

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VBA - Attach Multiple Files To Email Using Folder Path Loop?

Feb 7, 2014

I have two pieces of code that each work, but I am struggling to combine the two.

I started with Ron de Bruin's code to attach multiple files to an email and then found more code that will loop through a folder to attach multiple files to an email.

Essentially, I would like the structure of Ron de Bruin's code, with the ability to have folder paths in the cell range, rather than file names.

Here is the code that works to loop through a folder, but it only works when I have the paths listed in one column, not in a range (e.g. columns C-Z)

Sub Send_Indv_Files()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object


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Macro To Save As File To Current Daily Folder, Path Changes

Aug 6, 2008

I have a report send to me daily. And I want to have a macro to save this report in the daily folder, such as “c:

eports8052008”, so tomorrow 's folder would be “c:eports8062008”.

All the daily folders already exist. Just need to change the file path. I tried some codes including sPath and format(now(), “mmddyyyy”), get error message.

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Copy Files To New Folder Path Based On Cell List

Mar 14, 2008

Essentially, the Engineering Dept has given me 550 AutoCad files I have dumped into a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsDump

From these 550 DWG files I need to manually filter and separate 260 drawings that I actually need to use and move them to a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsFiltered . This manual filtering process takes a lot of time and is tedious work and it has got to be done everytime Engineering changes drawings because they are not kind enough to provide me a delta list.

In Excel 2003 I have setup a list of all 260 drawings I am interested in and that I call my filtered list. Is it possible to create a script that will enable Excel 2003 to compare my filtered list to all of the files inside C:/DrawingsDump, and then copy only those files that match to my Excel Filtered list and then paste only matching files into the C:/DrawingsFiltered folder?

If Excel 2003 can't handle this, is there a third party application that will let me perform a file management function like this with minimum startup time?

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Excel 2010 :: Searching A Folder For A Keyword And Returning The Full Path?

Jun 19, 2013

My Excel 2010 spreadsheet contains client data like the below:


What I'm trying to get from this is a personally addressed email with 2 attachments, one will be standard to all recipients and one will be unique and specific to that recipient. The filename of the unique attachment will contain the reference but will have some other stuff in the filename as well on either side that I will not be able to remove.

In terms of the file locations the unique ones will be in subfolders of the folder holding this workbook and the generic one will be in the same folder as the this workbook.This is some adapted code that solved a similar problem (in Excel 2007 though) on a different website.

Sub Mail_Report()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object [code]....

In that case the file started with the "reference" field but in my case it is in the middle and the formats vary depending on the provider, there will only be a maximum of 5 providers but I would like to avoid 5 different macros if at all possible so I need a search function of some sort.

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VBA Code To Find A Folder Name Within Parent Folder That Contains Defined Text

Jul 23, 2014

I have an Excel VBA Macro for creating/logging drawing numbers. Each drawing belongs to a job number. Each job number has a folder name containing the job number followed by a description (ie 999999 - bracket assembly) for storing drawing pdf's. The job number is only known as a 6 figure number in the drawing creation process BUT for the PDF saving process it is a string my example above

I have to change my process by pre-creating the Job Number folder, then have the macro look for the appropriate folder by searching the parent folder for a sub folder containing the job number (always the first 6 figures).

I want to insert in my macro some code that searches...

The parent folder for a folder containing the job number. The macro value for the parent folder is P:engineeringdrawings (this never changes). the macro value for the job number is iOpenair (it's an entry that is entered as start the macro). Imagine the value for the job number is "999999" the search would be for "999999*.*" The code needs to search the parent folder, find the folder name that begins with a six digit number. Capture the complete name of the folder and store that name as a Dim value that I can call up elsewhere in my macro.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Current Month / Date And Time In A Folder Path In VBA Code

Feb 4, 2014

I’m working on a project using Microsoft Excel 2010 and I want to add some features to facilitate saving and retrieving files process.

1.How can I save the daily created workbooks (Assume 15 files a day) in order to contain the current date (and time if possible) linked with certain cell(s) I have at my workbook forming the file name? (XYZ 2-4-2014) and/or (ABC 2-4-2014 23:11) and so on …

2.I’ve been through some other posts and I found VB code which saves the active file into specific path, but it is only useful for single workbook because multiple files are getting overwritten automatically. Is there a code which allows multiple/different files saving & creates daily folders?

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To FIND The Filename In A Path

Dec 20, 2007

I'm trying to FIND the filename in a path such as:
F:userdjleeCSCAV Remarks.png

My path is different for each record.

I tried =RIGHT(C1,FIND("",C1)), but it does not recognize the "".

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Find File Path To USB Drive

Jun 12, 2009

I have a file which is kept on the C Drive. Each day, a different excel file is downloaded to a usb memory stick. The first file reads data from this file. The problem is, the drive letter keeps changing from E to F and the macro then crashes out.

The file on the memory stick always has the same name, so is there a macro to find the drive letter of this file and then use it in my existing macro?

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Find Filename In Path Regardless Of Number Of Subfolders

Jan 29, 2014

I have a list of files in column A:


in column B I would like to see just the filenames:


How can I achieve this? On the internet I found this forumule which looks promising but unfortunately finds the first slash (instead of the last) and prints what's to the right of that slash:

=RIGHT(C2; LEN(C2) - SEARCH("/";C2))

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Find Path To Template That A Workbook Is Based On

Aug 18, 2006

If you have a workbook or a template open you can find out the full path of the file from the .FullPath property. My problem is that when a user double-clicks my .xlt file (to create a new workbook based on it), I want the code in the Workbook_Open event to be able to tell the full path of the template it was created from (because the code will later go on to save the new workbook under a date related filename in the same directory that the template was located in). I haven't been able to find a property that gives me any clue as to the location of the template this new workbook is based on.

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Find Customised Toolbars File Path

Oct 2, 2006

In Windows 98 for example when you created a Customised Toolbar and attached macros to it a file was created with the user name followed by 8.

i.e. timbo8

You could copy this file and keep it was a backup in case you lost the toolbar/s. Which invariably happened whn someone else logged onto your pc. When the company transferred over to Windows 2000 this file was called something else I thing it ended in a .xla extension but I don't know what it was called or where it it located.

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Find A File And Present Its Location (Path) In A MsgBox

Jun 5, 2006

I am looking for a VBA Code which will:

1. Search for a specific File.

The file will the same file (ABC.xls) BUT the user might want to change it by typing a new name & Extension in the first Inputbox.

2. A second InputBox (Drive & Path) should now Pop-up.

If it will be left empty - the search should take place throughout ALL the installed HDs.

If the user decides to minimize the search range he/she will type a Drive & Path, the search should reduce/constrain itself to the specific Path ONLY.

My task is to show its Path location in a MsgBox (or to show "file not found")

It might be a good idea if the code can be extended beyond presenting the Path to:
1. Open the Windows "Explorer" (or "My Computer") in the specific Path with the file being selected (marked).

2. Opening that file, in "Excel", upon finding it.

A 3 section, VBA, code will be more than appreciated.

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Save Hyperlink Path For File With Absolute Path And Non-Relative?

Mar 4, 2013

is it possible to configure Excel in order to save the Hyperlink path for a file with absolute path and non relative?

I notice that the hyperlink is ....pdf ry.pdf

if I change the position of the file excel there is a problem!

I would like to save es. d:invoichepdf ry.pdf

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Plan Path And Actual Path Distance Calculation?

Feb 11, 2014

I am using an XY scatter chart that displays the planned path and an actual path as I go. The planned path is set up in 100' increments and goes 12000' and actual path varies along the way.

My data that I use is the Northing (ft), Easting (ft) and Vertical Section (ft) for both the planned path and actual path.

I was wondering if there was an east way to get that information from the chart or if there is a formula that would allow me to calculate distance between the two points by using the data I use for my chart.

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Macro To Separate File Name And Path From Complete Path

Oct 3, 2012

I want to run a macro to separate File Name and Path from the given complete path

For Example


In Column A : Given Complete Path " C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1Record.pdf

I need it separeted like


In Column B :File Name = Record.pdf
In Column C :File Path = C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1

Is there any way to do this through a macro

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Find Any Ones Desktop Folder

Jun 3, 2009

I am having an issue with trying to find anyone's desktop folder. I'm trying to write a path to the desktop but once again the desktop is different on every computer. The problem line is in red.

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Find Filename In Folder

Apr 10, 2007

I have created a separate SAVE button that when the user hits that button, it saves the file in a network drive using the current date as part of the save-file name. Ie: Sheet20070408.xls, Sheet20070409.xls, Sheet20070410.xls, and Sheet20070411.xls.

I am currently working out all the "idiot proof" safety features. My code looks something like this:

oldfilename = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
newfilename = "C:NetworkFolder" & format(date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newfilename
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=oldfilename

Why am I saving it twice? When the user clicks SAVE, I want to save over the copy of the current sheet they use, even if they save it on their desktop, and then save it to the network drive. This way, if they keep a second copy in an easy to find location, it will save the data to that sheet as well. Just in case they forget to save on the current sheet. I need to be sure each copy of the file has the most up-to-date information, as well as save a copy for retention.

My question is this: Can I search a folder for an existing file name? If the user goes into the network drive to open an old file for retention and they click SAVE, I don't want to accidentally overwrite a file in the retention folder.

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Find A Folder Extension Macro

May 23, 2008

this query has now took a peculiar twist in the fact that my boss now wants to change the goalposts

here is a thread with the code in


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Find Newest File In A Folder

Oct 29, 2008

I am doing a project for work at the moment where by I have to manipulate a report compiled by an external program and do various bits and bobs to it. Trouble is, the other program creates a new version every time it runs the report (i.e filename.1.xls, and the next day filename.2.xls, and so on). Is there any way of searching the folder these files are in to find the newest file and select that one as the one to open and manipulate? There will be no files other than these in the folder.

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How To Find The Next Workbook In Curent Folder

Apr 10, 2009

How could I find the next .xls file in the current folder using VBA?

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Find Workbook Name In Specific Folder

Oct 27, 2006

I am trying to have a worksheet linked to another workbook, but this workbook name will change. It will always start with Blockbuster - Valuation but the rest of the file name is the date and the version of the workbook. Do you know how VBA can go in a folder and look for the entire file name of a workbook starting with Blockbuster - Valuation.

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