VBA Folder Path - Extract Some Data From Specific Sheet

May 7, 2012

I am using some code to loop through a folder and extract some data from a specific sheet.

Now say a user moves the file to another folder etc... The macro will pull up an error, now is there a way i can have it dynamic linked to the spreadsheet so no matter what folder it gets moved to,

My folder path will adjust to that or need to take another route?

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Extract Data And File Names From File In Folder And Paste Into One Sheet?

Jan 13, 2013

The code below looks at file names in column A and then goes to a folder and opens and copies the data in range c2 -lastrow from each file and pastes the data into sheet2.

how I could add to the code so that it also inserts the file name in column c?

It would make it easier to track the data in column B.

Sub CopyFromFile()
Dim fPath As String
Dim lRow As Long


I have attached a sample workbook. The list of file name is in sheet 1. An example of the output is in sheet 2. The data in column A is dummy data generally spans 100's of rows not just 10 as in the example.

The purpose of the code is to be able to put a list of file names in column a in sheet 1 and extract data from those files in a folder. The data extraction works fine. The reson for adding the file names is so that I know what file the data came from.

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Time For Getting Data - Search For 445 Files In Folders On Specific Path

Jan 1, 2013

I build a VBA that search for 445 files in folders on specific path.

The code opens each file, take each time the same 31 rows, filter them and paste in the main data base file and then close the origin file.

So, for 445 files it takes about 6:30 minutes.

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Excel 2003 :: Extract Variable Rows Of Cells From Files In A Folder To Existing File In Folder

Mar 15, 2013

I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.

At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.

At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).

I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).

The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".

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Import A Text File From A Specific Folder Into A Sheet Without Split It To Columns

Sep 26, 2007

I have a variable list. Each column will be 250 digits and numbers of rows will be variable. I want a macro to import a text file from a specific folder into a sheet without split it to columns. So we will work only in column A

Then macro will find B1002 wording in A1. if it is exist, it will copy the next 36 digits after B1002 wording if not then it will search A2 row. The next step will be to search and find another wording "B1001" if it finds it will replace copied 36 digits text. If it can not find B1001 wording it will go to upper row and search B1001 wording here and paste the text. This will go on till row shows #END. This means it reached the end of the list. And then macro will save this file as text file to another folder.

So macro will go to beginning to open other file in the folder and this will go on till last file in the folder.

This is the logic of the macro. Here is the sample of what I want.

Original Data: ....

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VBA To Print Active Sheet To PDF Auto Save In Specific Folder Then Mail Using Outlook

Jul 17, 2014

How do I write a vba code to print active sheet to pdf, auto save in specific folder then mail using outlook

im using 'Nitro PDF Creator'

also id like it to automatically save the pdf as the same file name as the active worksheet and also auto enter the following when opening the email server:-

Address: Cell D18
Subject: Cell D21
Email body:

find attached quotation

Optional installation available on request

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Automatically Open File In Specific File Path When Another Sheet Is Opened

Mar 20, 2014

I want to open a specific sheet and refresh only said sheet when i open another sheet for example x.xls

So opening x.xls will automatically open y.xls

I've tried this in the workbook code area but it doesn't do anything.

[Code] .....

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Get Folder Name & Path

Jan 4, 2007

I want to know how to index a drop down list to be used for calculations.

Up until now I was using

Range("B1").Select 'the cell where the drop down list is
ActiveCell.Formula = SiteID 'site id

But for whatever reason it trims a trailing zero from SiteID when setting it in the second line. SiteID is a VBA string.

Indexing it would work, as would preserving the zero so help on either one is appreciated. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Correction, I lied. I was using this line to set it.

Range("B1").Select 'the cell where the drop down list is
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = SiteID 'site id

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Find Path With Only Having Folder Name

Apr 11, 2012

Is there a way to find a folders path? I have a folder Dropbox

I want to find the path up to this folder on the current computer. Is there a method to accomplish this?

I am fine if you want to give VBA code so I can put it in my immediate window for now and then I can attempt to add it to existing code later.

So an Example of the possible result would be
Directory is C:MyNameUserDropbox
Or on another computer maybe C:User1ListingFilesDropbox

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Setting Dynamic Folder Path?

Sep 6, 2013

I made an excel document for my boss with the list of the furniture in an flat that we will rent. The document will be signed by the the guest of the apartment and will be used if anything at the end of the renting period is ruined or is missing. It's kind of insurance. The problem is that next to the cell with the list of furniture I made a list of hyperlink connected to the photos of the furniture. Everything is working on my computer where the photos are in a folder that is contained in "documents" but as soon as I try it in another computer placing the folder again in the document folder it doesn't work. It says "the file is missing". I just realized that I need a dynamic path but today I have to handle the excel file and I don't know how to do it and to change the path of every link with just few clicks I have no time to change photo by photo (there are like 300 pictures).

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Acessing Starting Folder Path

Oct 2, 2008

I start an Excel program from a shortcut in different folders. I know that I can find the path of the Excel program in "Parent.Path". But I don't know how to find the path of the folder the shortcut was in. It should be findable because when I try to do something like <Save>, Excel knows the correct folder there.

An example: I open Excel in "Folder 1" using a shortcut to the Excel Program in "Folder 2". Parent.Path tells me "Folder 2". How do I find out what "Folder 1" is from inside Excel?

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Copy File To Specified Folder W/out Path

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way for excel vba to find a folder named "MyFolder" in Drive C: and copy/paste a file into that folder without knowing the entire path?



"C:" Pathfile "MyFolder" . paste

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Open PDF File In Specific Folder To Copy Data

Nov 21, 2012

I have to open each pdf file in a specific folder, select and copy all contents and paste it in column 'A' of a new workbook.

I have tried following code but not worked...


Sub ConvertPDF(control As IRibbonControl)
Dim AdobeApp As String
Dim AdobeFile As String
Dim StartAdobe
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject


I have Acrobat Reader installed. Any method without using 'SendKeys'?

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Collating Data From Multiple Spreadsheets In A Specific Folder

Apr 13, 2007

I have built a timsheet template which I intend to issue to c.140 personnel in my company to fill in for the month of May. On receipt of these timesheets, I will save them all in one, specified folder. I would then like to consolidate the total number of hours worked by adding cell N53 from each timesheet received. Is there any macro/ VB script which can add the contents of a particular cell (N53 in this case) from all the spreadsheets contained within a particular folder?

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Excel VBA Current Folder Without Complete Path

May 15, 2009

What's a proper way - in Excel VBA - to get the current folder *without* the preceding folders/path?

For example from folder "C:oracleora81sqlplusdemo" I'd like to retrieve "demo".

Currently I have:

DirNames = Split(ThisWorkbook.Path, "")
CurrentFolder = = DirNames(UBound(DirNames))

It works, but I suspect something exists specifically for this one.

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Automatically Remove Folder From Directory Path

May 9, 2007

i am wanting to automaticaly remove a file from a directory when this directory is populated and move to another directory that is secure, how would i do this? just say directory 1(where it will be removed from) is s:/ddc/reports

moved too-- s:/ddc/test

test folder will be secure

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Browse For Folder & Set Initial Path To Network Drive

Nov 28, 2007

information about users selecting a folder at this link. However, how do I change the starting point to a network drive, as opposed to "My Computer"?

For example, we reference our network drives like this:

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Extract Specific Data And Copy

Jan 4, 2010

I want to extract specific expense for my year 2009 work book. such as just rent with relevant data from all other expeses.

for example in my work book, I want to extract rental expense with relevant GST PST and Total for all three months. i attached a excel work book for broader idea.

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Macro To Extract Data From Specific Column To New Sheets Specific Column?

Jun 14, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.

For instance, in Sheet1:



So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.

NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.

I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.

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Extract File Name From Path

Jan 10, 2008

I am having trouble with a macro of mine. Essentially it opens a file, based on user input (Full path is stored in variable FilePath), but then I want to select that workbook, and therefore need just the .xls filename. I figured I would create a new variable, FileName, to pull out the filename.

How can I edit the string in my macro to extract just the filename.xls from the full path?

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Pass Data From Userform To Excel Sheet Using File Path?

Jan 18, 2012

How to pass data from userform to excel sheet using file path?

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VBA - Attach Multiple Files To Email Using Folder Path Loop?

Feb 7, 2014

I have two pieces of code that each work, but I am struggling to combine the two.

I started with Ron de Bruin's code to attach multiple files to an email and then found more code that will loop through a folder to attach multiple files to an email.

Essentially, I would like the structure of Ron de Bruin's code, with the ability to have folder paths in the cell range, rather than file names.

Here is the code that works to loop through a folder, but it only works when I have the paths listed in one column, not in a range (e.g. columns C-Z)

Sub Send_Indv_Files()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object


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Macro To Save As File To Current Daily Folder, Path Changes

Aug 6, 2008

I have a report send to me daily. And I want to have a macro to save this report in the daily folder, such as “c:

eports8052008”, so tomorrow 's folder would be “c:eports8062008”.

All the daily folders already exist. Just need to change the file path. I tried some codes including sPath and format(now(), “mmddyyyy”), get error message.

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Copy Files To New Folder Path Based On Cell List

Mar 14, 2008

Essentially, the Engineering Dept has given me 550 AutoCad files I have dumped into a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsDump

From these 550 DWG files I need to manually filter and separate 260 drawings that I actually need to use and move them to a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsFiltered . This manual filtering process takes a lot of time and is tedious work and it has got to be done everytime Engineering changes drawings because they are not kind enough to provide me a delta list.

In Excel 2003 I have setup a list of all 260 drawings I am interested in and that I call my filtered list. Is it possible to create a script that will enable Excel 2003 to compare my filtered list to all of the files inside C:/DrawingsDump, and then copy only those files that match to my Excel Filtered list and then paste only matching files into the C:/DrawingsFiltered folder?

If Excel 2003 can't handle this, is there a third party application that will let me perform a file management function like this with minimum startup time?

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Extract Data From Webpage At Specific Time?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to extract some data from an online page, but I require a specific cell at an exact time, each day.

For example, I would like to acquire the main data from the following page: [URL]

into excel, but additionally, I require the ESU14 (Sep '14) Open cell at exactly 0700 BST. I am currently using the 'Data' - 'From Web' feature to scrape the necessary fields into Excel however I haven't found a way to acquire one of those cells, at exactly a certain time, every day, even when Excel et al aren't open.

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Formula To Extract Specific Data In Cell?

Dec 2, 2011

I have data in several cells, and I want to extract only the information in the cell up to a /. For example "joesmith/shipping" I would like to have only joesmith in the cell next to it.

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Extract Data In Table With Specific Order?

May 19, 2012

I want to extract data in table with this order C7:AA7


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Extract Data In Specific Order From Table?

May 30, 2012

i want to extract the data from the table

Sheet2  ABCDE1Data    2ABSCar1Car3Car6Car13ADFCar2Car5Car3Car24ANDCar1Car1Car1Car35ADXCar6Car6Car5Car1
6     7     8     9Results10   Car1Data11    ABS12    ABS13    AND14    AND15    AND16    ADX17     18    Data19   
Car2ADF20    ADF21     22    Data23   Car3ABS24    ADF25    AND26     27    Data28   Car5ADF29    ADX

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Excel 2010 :: Searching A Folder For A Keyword And Returning The Full Path?

Jun 19, 2013

My Excel 2010 spreadsheet contains client data like the below:


What I'm trying to get from this is a personally addressed email with 2 attachments, one will be standard to all recipients and one will be unique and specific to that recipient. The filename of the unique attachment will contain the reference but will have some other stuff in the filename as well on either side that I will not be able to remove.

In terms of the file locations the unique ones will be in subfolders of the folder holding this workbook and the generic one will be in the same folder as the this workbook.This is some adapted code that solved a similar problem (in Excel 2007 though) on a different website.

Sub Mail_Report()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object [code]....

In that case the file started with the "reference" field but in my case it is in the middle and the formats vary depending on the provider, there will only be a maximum of 5 providers but I would like to avoid 5 different macros if at all possible so I need a search function of some sort.

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Formula To Search A Cell For Specific Data To Extract

Mar 13, 2009

I was wondering if there is a formula that will search a cell for a word or other specific criteria then if it finds it, puts the requested data / word in the formula cell


If I have a list of vehicle descriptions all in different formats:

CAR1 1.4 SRI 3 door Hatch
CAR2 5 door saloon GSI 2.0 V8
2.2 CDX 5 door CAR3 Estate
CAR3 Estate 5 Door CDX

Say I want to know which ones are CDX varient I need the formula to look in the cell and return "CDX" or "YES"

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