Finding Max And Average

Mar 24, 2007

Sub maxTemperature()

Dim myrange As Range
myrange = ActiveCell. CurrentRegion
cellcount = myrange.Count
imax = ActiveCell.Value

i = 2
Do While i < cellcount
If Cells(i, 2) > imax Then imax = Cells = Cells(i, 2).Value
i = i + 1
Range("a25").Value = imax
isum = 0
For i = 1 To cellcount

isum = isum + Cells(i, 2)
Next cellcount
ave = isum / cellcount
Range("a26").Value = ave

End Sub

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Finding Average With 2 Criteria.

Mar 10, 2009

I have 2 rows of data
1. title
2. value


Row 1: Title1, Title2, Title1, Title4, Title2, Title1
Row 2: 2 , 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 6

In the above I am looking for the average of Title1, where the value is greater than 0. There are 3 occurances of Title1, but only 2 have values. The answer i am after is Sum is 8, average is 4 (ie 8/2 and not 8/3)

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Finding Average With Few Conditions

Nov 20, 2009

I am using EXCEL 2003. I am to find Average using few conditions. I have explained the requirement in the sample workbook.

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Finding An Average With Sumproduct

Jan 2, 2009

I’m using the following formula:


To find the number of instances where there was an issue in a certain building during a certain month.

What I can’t figure out is how to find the Average number of such instances for the past 3 months, the last 6 months & the trailing twelve months. If I change the formula to:


I get the correct sum for the months of May, June, July & Aug but I need an average number of instances per month for the last three, last 6 and TTM but not to include the current month.

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Finding Average Of Multiple Ratings?

Jul 30, 2014

I have a number of rankings, all from different spreadsheets that I wish to combine and average out.

Thus far I have pulled all the relevant worksheets into 1 spreadsheet. The issue I'm having is that each worksheet contains slightly different names.

So as an example, Sheet1 may have 4 columns: Bob Hope | 4 | SE | PM |

Sheet 2 may have 2 columns: | Bob Hope, PM, SE | 8 |

Sheet 3 may have 3 columns: | Bob Hope, SE | PM | 9 |

What I need to do is have a master sheet which just pulls through the name and then the average of the scores, i.e.: | Bob Hope | 7 |

I have approximately 400 people that I need to do this with.

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Finding An Average Couple Numbers

Jul 9, 2008

I am trying to get an average of a couple numbers, but I have to enter both numbers in one cell.

I have to enter the numbers in a cell as a range (ex. "1000-3000"). I need to convey it as a range in the spreadsheet I am doing, but in a separate cell I need the average of the extremes (1000 & 3000). Is there a formula or anything that would let me get the average of those two numbers(2000) directly from that one cell? If needed, I could make the cell "1000,3000" instead. I just don't want to make two separate cells, one saying 1000 and the other saying 3000.

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Finding Average Of A Range With Macro

Jun 1, 2009

I'm working on a project in which i had to calculate the average of particular field and that also with a macro in this application i had done that that's working supperb but i'm coming accross a problem according to which the range which i had to take average dosen't contains all integers

eg if range is A1:A10

then data is like


now ave for this range can't be calculated directly as many values are strings
what i need is

using a avg function on this range where TBA(To Be Anounced) is to be treated as 0 and N/A(Not Applicable) as null value

here's da avg dunction which i had used in macro

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Finding The Average Across Multiple Sheets

Oct 18, 2005

I'm trying to find the average for a person with scores in column 4 on 3 separate sheets. The following function returns #VALUE.. Because the person may be in a different row on each sheet, I'm thinking I need to use the VLOOKUP function.... Also, as an aside, the person may have a zero on one sheet that would affect the average score...


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Finding Average With Multiple Criteria?

Feb 27, 2013

I have to find the average of a set of data with a lot of different criteria. I think an array formula would work wonderfully but I just cannot seem to get it.

My example: I have a large set of data that I must get multiple averages from that fall within differing sets of criteria. For my example we'll just say that I have to find the average of the number column that occurs on or after Jan-12 (January 2012) and is type "p1" or one that has no date and is type "p1" and to not average numbers that are equal to 0. So logically it would look like this: If date

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Finding Average Age From List Of Dates?

Jul 20, 2013

Finding an average age from a list of dates. This is just a small sample:


I tried using =AVERAGE(DAY(A1:A10)) CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER, but that just doesn't seem correct.

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Finding Average Of Groups Given Multiple Criteria

Jul 26, 2012

I am trying to average PT ScoreS from multiple groups based off of different criteria. Please see below tables:

MS = Class CO = Company PLT = Platoon SQD = Squad
A/1 = Alpha Company, 1st Platoon (Example of Company and Platoon PT Score Average)
A/1/2 = Alpha Comapny, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad (Example of Company, Platoon and Squad PT Score Average)
F14 is the average of all PT Scores



[Code] ....

I need to find the equations of different groups of PT Scores. I want the averages/equations to go below the different groups.


MS 1
MS 2

[Code] .......

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Count No Of Unique Months For Finding Average

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to calculate the average headcount for different categories (over a certain period of time, by product, by job type etc) and I want to do it using a formula instead of a pivot table.

I have this set of data with a detailed headcount for every month. And I can find out the total HC for different categories using sumif/sumifs but if want to find out the average for a certain period, I need to split that total to the number of months where I have a HC.

For example, if the HC per month would be:

May 2013 - 12
June 2013 - 10
July 2013 - none
August - 5

in a 4 months period I would have a total HC of 27 and the average would be 9 (27/3 - July shouldn't be counted). How can I get the average in a single formula?

Prod type


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Finding Average Based On Certain Criteria Of Another Column

Apr 24, 2014

I have 2 columns of data in Excel which I have brought a small section of it below. As can be seen the values in the left column have a large spike (difference of more than 10) at certain points (in this case at 34). I wan to find the average of the numbers in the right column but only till the point where the large spike happens (in this case the average of the first 5 numbers). I've tried AVERAGEIF but it's not what I want. I want this to repeat for the entire column and give me the averages of each of these groups.




[Code] .........

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Finding Average Based On Month And Year

Aug 4, 2009

I have 5 years of data in 2 columns:

Col A. Col B.
8/2/2004 Value 1
7/31/2009 Value n

I have a table set up as follows

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I was wondering how I could construct a conditional statement to pull the associated values with the given month and year in the table...

I tried the following to no avail... I'm just getting a zero value:


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Excel 2003 :: Finding Average With Multiple Spreadsheets?

Dec 24, 2012

I am currently using Excel 2003. I have a worksheet with two tabs.

First tab has a list of bank Names. Second list has Bank Names and balances.

I need to find out the the average from a Bank in the first tab, to the same bank on the second tab that reflects the balances.

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Excel 2010 :: Finding Average Value For Positive And Negative Set Of Numbers

Aug 25, 2014

Please find the attached MS Excel 2010 file <average set.xlsx>.

There is set of positive set & negative set of values available in the Column A. The values are plotted against Column A in Column B. Light green are positive sets and light yellow are negative sets.

Now I want to calculate the average for the positive set & negative set of values as shown in light majenta in the cells F4:F9. Also all majenta cells to be plotted by formula.

The Column H and Column I also same as like above , but here negative set of numbers starts first.

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Finding Multiple Names Within A Range And Calculating Its Total Corresponding Average

Apr 16, 2007

In column A I have a list of 5 Auditors labelled Q1 - Q5, 5 Coolum’s across in column F I enter in their scores as a % e.g. 80%. ...So Q1 - 50%, Q2 - 60%. In column A37-A41 I have Q1-Q5 listed, in Column B37-B41 I need to calculate the average deviation per Auditor eg. If Q1 has 2 entries of 50% and 75% return average value in cell A37 which should be 62.50%. I am trying to calculate the average for each Auditor. find attached example.

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Average Column Of Cells But Ignore Errors And Return Average Of Numbers That Are There

Jun 14, 2013

E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).

E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.

I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.

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Finding Name Then Finding Reoccurring Numbers

Feb 25, 2014

I have been trying to write two formulas in one cell. I have been able to write them both separately but have been unable to join them both together. What I am trying to do if first search name them how many reoccurring numbers appear. I have provided an example below

a b c d

1 Tom 333
2 Sam 22
3 Sam 22
4 John 5
5 Sam 22
6 Sam 1
7 Tom 3
8 Tom 333

So the answer would be

Tom = 2
Sam = 2
John = 1

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Average And Vlookup: Average The Grades With Appropriate Names

Dec 9, 2008

i have two columns...a and b (a w/ names, and b w/grades). then i have the table lookup with names and grades all mixed up for many rows. i want to be able to average the grades with appropriate names.

=average(vlookup(name, table, column, false))?? i don't get it to work and how can i specify the grade to average?

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Worksheet.function Average Returning Error "Unable To Get The Average Property Of The WorksheetFunction Class"

Jan 23, 2007

TotHCInv.Value = WorksheetFunction. Sum(KRInv, PBLInv, CRInv, PVInv)
If i >= 34 Then CPSCtphRMA.Value = WorksheetFunction.Average("G" & (i - 30) & ":G" & i)

The first line runs properly, but the second line bugs out with the error message "Unable to get the Average property of the WorksheetFunction class". I can simply do the math, but I thought that using the worksheet function would be easier than summing and dividing. I'm curious, though, as to why I can't seem to use the Average function.

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How To Get A Minimum Average And A Maximum Average

May 23, 2014

Can I get a minimum average and a maximum average, I have a worksheet with days of supply for 100 stores with about 100-200 products each, the dos resides in column D.

I was going to create a summary page and reference column d.

The following just gives me the min, I want the min average if possible:

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Grade Point Average Using AVERAGE IF AND

Sep 1, 2006

I am attempting to calculate Grade point averages for my students for all classes. There are 5 columns of grades to be considered. I frist assign values of 0-5 to the grades then average the points. My problem is that I want the AVERAGE to ignore the zero but it calculates it as well. (I enter a 0 if I have no grade for that class.) I have tried the{ } to make it an array formula but this also did not work. Here is what I have, can anyone help?

=SUM(AVERAGE(IF(AND(L2>89,L2<100),5,IF(AND(L2<90,L2>79),4,IF(AND(L2>69,L2<80),3,IF(AND(L2<70,L2>59), 2,IF(AND(L2>0,L2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(T2>89,T2<100),5,IF(AND(T2<90,T2>79),4,IF(AND(T2>69,T2<80),3,IF( AND(T2<70,T2>59),2,IF(AND(T2>0,T2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(AB2>89,AB2<100),5,IF(AND(AB2<90,AB2>79),4,IF(A ND(AB2>69,AB2<80),3,IF(AND(AB2<70,AB2>59),2,IF(AND(AB2>0,AB2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(AJ2>89,AJ2<100),5,I F(AND(AJ2<90,AJ2>79),4,IF(AND(AJ2>69,AJ2<80),3,IF(AND(AJ2<70,AJ2>59),2,IF(AND(AJ2>0,AJ2<60),1,0))))) ,IF(AND(AR2>89,AR2<100),5,IF(AND(AR2<90,AR2>79),4,IF(AND(AR2>69,AR2<80),3,IF(AND(AR2<70,AR2>59),2,IF (AND(AR2>0,AR2<60),1,0)))))),-1)

I know it is huge. The syntax is correct. It calculates the average, but always for all 5 columns. It will not ignore a 0 in a column.

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Formula =AVERAGE(B16:L16) To Give The Average

Jan 7, 2008

I'm using the formula =AVERAGE(B16:L16) to give me the average.

However I have a couple of problems with this. Firstly I would like to exclude the value zero from the average. Secondly to also ignore the lowest and highest values.

Example, if the values in the cells are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 then the current result shows 5, by ignoring the 0 and lowest value 1 and highest value 10 the average should be 4.5.

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Avoiding Average Of An Average: Times

Oct 11, 2006

Ok, I for some reason just cant wrap my head around this. I need to to get the average time per call of two rows, but they are based on how many calls taken.

so in one column i have 50168 calls taken at 4:21 seconds per call. and in the next row i have 597 calls taken at 5:20 per call. I need to see what the new average will be with them combined, and I need it to display in m:ss form.

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Making Average Buy Price And Average Sell Price

Aug 13, 2008

to formulate Excel formulas to obtain the average buy price and average sell price for me to do this futures trading. Thanks a lot. I downloaded the Htmlmaker to post the spreadsheet here to show the manual way to calcualte the average buy price and average sell price but when it is on html form, i clicked on the 'Please click this button to send the source into clipboard' button & then i paste into this thread. Is the way to make my spreadsheet appear here correct cause it cannot work.

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Finding N/A

Nov 10, 2008

I have sheet with rows and column from cell(1,1) to Cell(8,18) and it has #N/A inside these data. Is there a way to use Find function to find #N/A and replace it with empty space?

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Finding Last Row

Feb 2, 2010

I am working on a macro that has a VLookup in it.

The sheet that this will be applied to comes in weekly and can have anywhere from 10K to 30K.

I want the VLookup equation to be able to find the last possible row with data in column A and then copy the Vlookp equation in column B to the last row.

Can someone please provide the correct code that will allow me to do this?

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Finding Last Value In A Row

Mar 13, 2002

What formula will return the the first value to the right?

For example: A1=empty cell, B1=3, C1=empty cell, D1=0, E1=5, F1=empty cell.

What does the formula need to be in G1 to return the value of the first cell to the left than contains 0 or a value, or in this case 5 (E1).

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Finding The Value

Jul 8, 2008

In my code I have a very useful line:

[other code stuff here]...Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

That helps me find the value in the last row that actually has data in my spreadsheet. This is great, but I want to try to accomplish the same thing without vba. In other words, in cell A3, I always want the value that is in the J column, but the last row that has data. (In other words sometimes the last data row ia 97, sometimes it is 23.) Since the value is always changing this won't be vlookup. Is there another excel function that can find the end without the use of vba?

This might seem goofy to need to do since I already know how I can in vba, but in my (admittedly pathetic code) I keep have an endless loop and if I can figure out a way to get this value on the ss.

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