I need to get a range of cells to flash when they get close to todays date, I have tried but can't do it, not very good at conditional format or vba, easy step by step if poss, i have sheet if required,
todays date = 11/01/12 (in cell O1 as autodate)
title in cell K7 is date on site
in Cell K8 = 13/01/12 in Cell K9 = 19/02/12 etc....
I would like this cells background to flash if its 2 days from the onsite date
I m wondering if it is possible to cause a worksheet tab, within a workbook, to flash? What I have is a check box, that when clicked, opens up a hidden worksheet. What I would like to have happen is once the worksheet is unhidden, the worksheet tab begins to flash to show the user it is now active.
I originally posted this question with out the code I'm using. I am trying to make a specific cell flash to catch the attention of other dispatchers. The problem is when I we try to close the active page it will automatically open. The only way we can completely close the page is to close Excel completely. Doing this though also closes several other pages that we need to have remaining open.
Public NextFlash As Double Public Const FR As String = "B3" Sub StartFlashing() If Range(FR).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then Range(FR).Interior.ColorIndex = x1ColorIndexNone Else Range(FR).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If NextFlash = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Application.OnTime NextFlash, "StartFlashing", , True......................
This might sound daft, but im just wondering if it is possible to Flash text 2 different colours in a cell. Cell A1 will say - - - Well done. and I want it to flash blue and red, but not use VBA to do it. Can it be done or am I wishful thinking? This would be on Office 97.
A while back I was assisted with trying to prevent excessive screen flashing...
I was originally using the Application.ScreenUpdating=False method...but it was still a little jumpy... so Richard Schollar (a valued member in our forum) helped me with this code and it seemed to work...
Now I am trying to apply it again to another macro and it is not working so well. The thing I found is that on some people's computers it does work well, but not on mine.
Does anyone know why that is and how I can fix it so it doesn't flash on mine either?
I mean to format a cell in a way that it will flash if certain conditions are met. For example : to make C14 to flash if B14>0. Different colour formatting is not enough to catch the "oldies" eyes!
Any way to make a button to blink if by the user form?
What I mean: I got a "UserForm", it got 9 buttons and each of them have a macro (everything works perfectly), but is there a way without affecting the current macro for each button, somehow when pressed chosen me button, it flashes while delivering its intended macro?
Sample: UserForm: in there Button in this button have a macro Sub blqh_blqh hfhglhgd vfdbdfbd End sub ..........​follows another macro to the button flashes................
I have a VBA macro that sort several worksheets during th e processing but the screen flashes it move between worksheets. I would like to be able to just show a messae or have the display stay on the strting worksheet
The code does exactly what I want it to do, but when Sheets 2 and 3 are hidden images of what is being pasted briefly flash up on the screen. Is there a way of avoiding this? The amount of data in the whole sheet is quite large (about 4MB), could it just be that the program is running too slowly?
I have attached macro code, which populates a three page template and clears the contents, so that the process can be repeated. I would like to stream line the macro which populates the template - currently there is alot of screen flickering back and forth between worksheets.
I have macro running with time application. when msgbox pops up, excel tab on windows taskbar should flashes, but it doesn't.When switch to excel, didn't even see the msgbox until I click on any cell.
When I return to a sheet by clicking on the tab of the sheet, the sheet is not immediately visible. When the sheet does become visible a cell has a black flashing background. Sometimes, but not always, the flashing cell is the activecell. Through the activate event of the sheet I attempt to make $A$1 the active cell:
After using Copy/Pastespecial in my macro, when it completes I have the flashing border around the range that was copied, (like you do when you do it manually). What line of code do I need in my macro to make this go away?
I have a choice of 9 command buttons on a form that enter a short string of text into a textbox. Each button enters a different string into the textbox. The string is the prefix to a product serial number. Once the user has clicked the button & entered his preferred prefix I would like the cursor to be flashing after the last character ready for the user to manually type in the remainder of the product serial number. I'm guessing (with my limited ability) that I have to create a function to do this & then call the function when the button is clicked ?
At the moment I have two macros. One loads up a background picture into my work sheet when I start it up, the other two are called ‘StartBlinking’ and ‘StopBlinking’.
This is the macro code I have to load up the picture:
1: Is their anyway I can get rid of the File, Edit, View, etc buttons at the top of the document so everyone that opens it can not see them? and also the save button, the idea is they have to use the button to save the sheet.
2: I have a button on the sheet with a macro that saves the sheet once it has been worked on, the sheet flashes when this button is clicked is there any way I can stop the sheet flashing ?
Excel will hang up as if it's gone into a continuous loop (Although no looping macros are active) when you open or close a user form. The task bar in Excel will flash Ready Calculate. Visual basic reports no code is running but excel either crashes or becomes very unresponsive. I have to exit and reopen excel in order to fix the problem . It also doesn't happen at any one specific point it can vary. I have various VLOOKUPs around the workbook and userforms display the correct information. I use the INDEX formula in the control source of textboxes. I also use the offset formula to make sure DTPICKER displays correctly.
I am using 'Option Explicit' at the start of all my code. I have tried a 3rd party code cleaner. No visual Basic references are MISSING
I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).
When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)
So my questions are:
1. Is this due to the formatting?
2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?
I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.
I'm trying to workout how to take a known initial date a repeating frequency and work out the next due date from today.
Initial Date :- 1st of January 2014
Frequency :- every 5 weeks
Current Date :- 9th of March 2014
Next Due date should be :-12th of March 2014 (if I worked it out correctly from my paper calendar)
I want to use a cell formula to do this for different initial dates and varying frequency periods (the frequency will always be whole weeks i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,10)
I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:
and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.
I have data going in to a small table which has some empty rows as that data is not yet available... My problem is, I need to sort this table in date order but with the date nearest to today's date at the top...
The sort function puts oldest at the top or oldest at the bottom which is no good for what I need...
i have several styles to handle mentioned under different rows separately.
all the styles have their various raw materials inward date mentioned under different column of their respective rows from column Q to Y
now i need to 1. extract the latest date of any particular raw material which can be in any of column from Q to y columns ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT STYLES IN A Particular row automatically that is AC
i would like to use the formula "now()" to establish a date in a document. is it possible to lock this date to the initial date? (so when the document is created the date won't change the next day)
I need an IF formula, that states if a date is more than a month after the date in the cell then it is timely and if it isn't then it is not timely. For example the date in A1 is 12/11/05, if the cell is A2 is 13/12/05 (or any date after that) then A3 should read Not Timely, if A2 is 12/12/05 (or any date before that, including a date before the date in A1) then A3 should read Timely. Is there any way to do this?? At the moment I am having to go through manually and put in either Timely or Not Timely.
I need to compare the date from the user input and the date listed on excel. How can I compare it? Is it correct? lngCmp = Val( Cells(I, 31))
Dim lngBegin As Long, lngEnd As Long, lngCmp As Date, lngResults As Long lngBegin = 9 'beggining of data lngEnd = 232 'end of data lngCmp = InputBox("Please enter the date", "Begining of the week")