Format Color For Some Days Of Week

Feb 16, 2007

I have a Timesheet where I am trying to get Saturday and Sunday to auto fill with a certain color whenever the month is changed. The spreadsheet is setup so that if the month is changed in a specified cell, then the dates of that month auto fill down a specified column. I would like Saturday's and Sunday's to be a certain color without having to manually color fill them every time the month is changed.
Is there a formula or macro for this. I have tried setting up conditional formatting but I don't know how to get the color to follow Sat&Sun. I have attached the spreadsheet.

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Format Date To Separate Different Days Of Week

Apr 29, 2014

I am very new to Excel. The date is in column B as Tuesday, 29 April 2014, but I need to format the spreadsheet in such a way that every day of the week is a different colour e.g. Tuesdays are Blue, Wednesdays will automatically turn pink etc. how will I do that?

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Color Format Odd Days From Dates

Oct 25, 2006

I am trying to use Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: #FFFFFF;padding: 2px;font-size: 10px;width: 550px;"");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>formatting.htm" target="_blank">Conditional Formatting to change the cell color based on wether the content is an even number or an odd number. Actually it is an even or odd date but I figure that it will read the date as it's serial number and that would be a number. I thought I would use something like "Formula is: =MOD(VALUE,2)" but I can't get it to work. I'd like to be able to do this without using the Analysis Toolpack. Even though ISEVEN seems like it might be a good solution.

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Auto Set Days Of Week

Oct 4, 2012

Any 'date' or 'day' formula that will automatically insert days of the week in a column? I am attaching a sample.

I want to be able to use a drop-down menu to insert a day of the week (e.g.: Sunday) in cell B2 and have the succeeding days (Mon, Tues,Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat) populate cells C2~H2 in sequence.....

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Average Of First Three Days Of The Week?

Feb 9, 2014

I have following data

Column A Name of the company
Column B Date
Column C Day
Column D Week of the Year
Column E High Price
Column F Low Price

My requirement is I need the average high price for the first three days of the week i.e Mon, Tue, Wed in Column I and average Low Price for the remaining days is Thu, Fri, Sat , Sun in Column J.

If in some case any day is missing then average high / Low price for the next two days is to be calculated.

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Delete Days Of Week

Aug 16, 2013

I had a column of text and numbers in col A; day of the week and date (taken from a web scrape, so have no control over how they are imported), such as in the following example. Additionally i have put a column of one's beside it in col B, and then summed them in col C.

A ..........................................................B .....................C
Friday 16/08/20131
Thursday 15/08/20131
Wednesday 14/08/20131
Tuesday 13/08/20131
Monday 12/08/20131
Sunday 11/08/20131
Saturday 10/08/20131
Friday 09/08/20131
Thursday 08/08/20131
Wednesday 07/08/20131
Tuesday 06/08/20131
Monday 05/08/20131
Sunday 04/08/20131
Saturday 03/08/20131sum=14

If i parse the text from the numbers, and then use a filter to remove Saturdays and Sundays, the sum total of col B will still remain the same. What i need is a method to totally delete or neglect Saturdays and Sundays so that the sum would equal 10 for example. Note that the data is updated daily, so in A1 today will be Friday 16/08/2013, but A1 tomorrow will be Saturday 17/08/2013. Also note that i have used 1's in my example, but that is just for explanation purposes, the actual data is varied.

I have just spent the last two days making this spreadsheet only to realize that weekend data is totally messing up my calculations.

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Filter Days Of The Week

Oct 18, 2007

How could I filter days of the week.

Although the date formatting contains the date, ie Thursday, 18 October 2007, when I try to use a contains filter it wont recognise the text of the day I want to filter.

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Production Days In A Week

Sep 10, 2008

I have a production schedule with start and finish dates for each project. To the right of this I have a matrix with "week starting" dates. What I am looking for is a formula that will indicate how many days in each week the project will take. Below are the cells filled in correctly. However, I did this manually. Any idea of a formula? I'm pretty new to this.

WEEK STARTINGSTARTFINISHUNITS PER DAY9/1/089/8/089/15/089/22/089/29/089/10/089/24/0813.4503530

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Counting Days Of The Week

Jun 5, 2009

I need to be able to count the number of each day that has passed so far this month. For example, so far this month the table would look like:


I don't want the count to include the current day. My data is in a workbook called "Stock Today.xls" on a sheet called "Sales" in column S.

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Weeknum Says There Only 2 Days In Week

Jun 11, 2009

Why does Weeknum say there are ONLY 2 days in the first week of 2011? Aren't there 7 days in a week?

=Weeknum("1-1-2011",2) = Week 1
=Weeknum("1-2-2011",2) = Week 1
=Weeknum("1-3-2011",2) = Week 2

(I'm assuming the first day of the week is a Monday, but I still get wacky results if I start the weeks on a Sunday.)

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Vlookup Function: Re-format The Information Into A Horizontal Format By Week

Feb 3, 2007

I have a forecast which is sorted by product code by week vertically. I need to create a lookup to re-format this information into a horizontal format by week. I have started this by transposing the information as my attachment shows but I am hoping there is a lookup formula which will be easier and quicker. I have attached the actual document and the data I want to sort is Sheet 2. I have started in Sheet 1. I want to look up the code in column A, then lookup the week number which would be B2 in Sheet 1 and return the value of that Code in that week from Sheet 1.

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Auto Fill Days Of The Week In A Row?

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to fill a row with abbreviated days of the week. example type Wed in cell A1 and cells B1 through Z1 change to the appropriate day Thu, Fri, Sat etc. I know how to do it with the fill off the menu but want to be able to change Wed to Thu and the same cells will change.

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Days Of Month And Day Of Week Automatically Set?

Feb 25, 2013

I currently am trying to refine some spreadsheets at work (hospital setting). The type of files im working with are medication sheets where on the left it states the medication and to the right of it, the cells have the days of the month(1-31) but I need them to change depending on the day they come into our facility. Above the numbers i would also like it to say the day of week with the first initial (M, T, W, T, F, S, S) in the cells are the top. It is something that we have to make for each day it it gets really annoying and is a waste of time moving the dates over for every day. find a way where I can open the file and the numbers and letters are all in the right place without having to change it for the day that the patients are coming in.

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Show Days Of Week In Excel

May 24, 2013

I have created a excel file which stores attendance for my employees.

The format is like

Select month in one cell
select year in other cell

And from cell e8 to ai8 i have nos (1-31) represent no of days in a month:

a8 - 1
b8 - 2
c8 - 3
d8 - 4 like wise till ai8

Now I want a calender where user need to select the YEAR, and then MONTH and based on the above selection both days as well as date (not the month and year) should be displayed.

I am currently using this formula "=IF(ISERROR(--(COLUMNS($E8:$E$8) & "-"&$C$2)),"",COLUMNS($E8:$E$8))" for date and your vb code to hide the cells depending on days of months.

I need something like this

sun mon tue wed thur fri sat sun mon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Number Of Days Remaining Until End Of Week?

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to get a formula that will give me the number of days remaining in the week. I have a formaula for number of days until the end of the month and number of days until the end of the quarter, but just need the week.

So if the formula was run today it would show 4 as the result.

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Using Days Of Week As Criteria For Filtering?

Oct 20, 2013

Row H contains a date.

This date "example... 10/14/2013" Will always be a MONDAY

I am trying to figure out the code to filter out any Monday that is not of the current (changing) week.

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Build Array With Days Of The Week

Aug 7, 2008

This line will give me the current weeknumber

wkNumber = DatePart("ww", Now(), vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
But also i would like to have a dynamic array that will give me the dates of this week
Currently i do that using vlookup in a table stored in my personal.xls but that is no longer possible as i have to distribute my macro and i no longer have that possibility.

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Calculate Days In A (06 Day)Working Week

Dec 27, 2008

to calculate no.s of workdays between two given dates,

1.We work 06 days a week (so only Sunday is OFF)

2.What if I have some holiday between the given dates + Sunday OFF

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List All Days For The Week For The Year

Oct 11, 2009

i have the year in cell A1 (Just The Year)

what i was looking for is a formula that will list all the days of the week..

IE if i pick Monday form a drop down list than it would like all the mondays for all twelve (12) Months

so Jan Column would say


and so on for each month than if i picked a different day it would do the same

Using Microsoft Excel 2003 On Windows Xp Home Edition

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Setting A Formula To Relating To Days Of The Week

Oct 6, 2009

Sheet1!A1 = Sat

Sheet2! A2 = I need this to equal Sun....

I tried =sheet1!A1+1 but got #value

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COUNTA And Sum: Counts How Many Week Days There Are In A Particular Month

Feb 4, 2010

I have using the following Formula: =COUNTA(A3:A7,A10:A14,A17:A21,A24:A28,A31:A35)
Basically is counts how many week days there are in a particular month. Now I have a cell (B47) that counts how many Bank Holidays are in that month. I am having trouble using the formula then minus B47. I must be missing something really simple.

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Calculate Number Of Week And Days Between Two Dates?

Sep 28, 2011

Any example of counting the # weeks/days between two dates?

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Year,month,week,days Calculation

Aug 3, 2006

What I am trying to to is calculate the number of Years, Months, Weeks, and Days from one date to another. So far I can calculate years and months accuretly but I'm having trouble with the days and can't seem to figure out how to do the weeks.

I'm using the formula: =DATEDIF(B1,B2,"y")&" Year(s), "&MOD(DATEDIF(B1,B2,"m"),12)&" Month(s), and "&(MOD(DATEDIF(B1,B2,"d"),365))&" day(s)"

B1 is the current days date
B2 is the entered date

What I am getting when I enter the date 9/14/09 with the current date (8/3/06) is 3 years, 1 month and 43 days. when it shoud only be 3 years 1 month and 11 days. Any date I enter the days are not right. I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Also I'd like to get the weeks to come up also. Such as Start date 8/3/06 Entered date 10/19/09. What I want to see: 3 year(s), 2 month(s), 2 week(s), 2 day(s).

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Subtract Two Dates To Get Number Of Week Days - Networkdays Does Not Work

Dec 10, 2013

I am trying to find a formula that will return the number of week days between two dates. My specific situation is that my job sets up work orders (WO) to be completed by our staff. We have 3 dates - the date the WO was created, the date the WO is due to be completed, and the date the WO was actually completed.

I would like to subtract the Complete date from the Due date. Generally, this should always equal zero because our staff should be completing WOs on the due date! But obviously that doesn't always happen. There are times that they complete them late, and times they complete them early (yay!).

The problem with NETWORKDAYS is that even when they are completed on time, the result is 1. This formula counts instead of subtracts. I adjusted the formula to =NETWORKDAYS(A3,A4)-1 which works fine for those WOs completed on time or completed late. But for those completed early, it adds (or subtracts, really) 2 days. So for a WO completed a day early, instead of it showing -1, it shows -3. I've attached an example of WOs and the NETWORKDAYS formula I've used so you can see.

Subtract Days.xls

I'm really looking for something that will subtract week days, not count them.

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Calculate Numbers Of Days Elapsed A Week / Month Or 6 Months From Now

Dec 31, 2013

In one column I'll have a list incrementing in 1w,2w,3w,1month and I want to be able to count the number of days that have elapsed till the latest cell. Right now I'm just winging it by saying there's always 31 days in one month using a COUNTA function, but I need it to be accurate.

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Generating List Of Week Working Days And Identifying Holidays

Oct 28, 2009

From another thread I got this formula placed on B5:

his generates the number of working days for that month (regardless of the date on B4) that exclude Holidays listed under the range "Holidays".

I also got this code (Credits to XXXX)

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VBA - Finding And Counting Unique Dates And Days Of Week Within Date Range

Feb 11, 2013

Within a user entered range of two dates, I would like to identify the individual calendar date(s) and count the number of Mondays which fall within the specified date range.I will eventually be using the same "Monday" code to find the same data for every day of the week within the dates ranges, but I figured I'd start with Mondays and build from there.

For Example: Date range 1/1/2013 - 1/15/2013 (date ranges could potentially encompass a full business quarter) Within the range, list each of the dates as dates. (used for comparative counting purposes elsewhere in the document)Count the number of Mons, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fris, and Sats within the date range.Based on the example date ranges above; Mons = 2, Tues through Sats = 3 each.

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Format Date Cell With Week Number

Jan 8, 2009

just wondering if its possible to format a cell to display date and week number and if so how to go about it


04/01/09 week 1

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IF(Is Blank) - Show Date Format For Day Of Week

Jun 8, 2013

Z3=Z4 in a "ddd" date format
Z4=mm/dd/yy (this is auto populated)

What I want in Z3 is for it to show the ddd format for the day of the week (which I have done), BUT I want it to be blank if there is nothing in Z4.

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Excel 2003 :: AutoFilter By Day Of Week When Day Is From Custom Format?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm working with three large data sets covering a month of data in 5 minute intervals. There is a single date and time column which I am using some custom formats to list Time in 12 hour format, AM or PM and Day of the week.

Based upon the various analysis scenarios, adding some Autofilter columns is meeting most of my needs. One issue I am having is that I can filter on a single day using the built in list that Autofilter provides. But I have been asked to look at weekend vs weekday.

Since Excel 2003 only offers two filter criteria, I thought I could use a custom filter with Saturday and Sunday as include or exclude criteria. But, what I am findings is that while the Autofilter shows each day in the dropdown, certain attempts to use them within the custom autofilter do not work.

For example, equals Saturday and equals Sunday correctly returns only weekend data. However, if I try changing both to Does not equals, the result is that no data is filtered.Some of my research indicates that the problem is that the date information being presented as days of the week would need to be text strings . This seems to shed some light on the issue as any attempts at using wildcards fail.

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