Formula To Adjust Based On Target Cell

Mar 11, 2007

I have a spreadsheet at work . I am tracking the quality target for the department and I need to create a formula that adjust accordingly to the target set for month end which is 90%.

I have build in the foreacasted numbers for the whole month but I need the formula to indicate the minimum error points needed to achieve the target of 90% for month end when I replace the forecasted numbers on a daily basis with actual numbers.

I have attached the spreadsheet which will be clearer.

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IF(VLOOKUP) Formula That Also Copies Cell Background Color To Target Cell

Jul 4, 2014

I am currently using this Formula to Search a table on sheet 2 (Tabelle2) and copy the date in the relevent cell (Cells) into the correct cell on Sheet 1 (Master Sheet).

[Code] ..........

Used in cells E10:AZ30 and E33:AZ46

This works perfectly and is the formula behind all relevent cells in Sheet 1.

I would like to keep this but to add that it also copies the background color of the cell in Sheet 2 to the cell in sheet 1.

If i can Bring this Formula into VBA and add the color changing part, It must only work on the cells listed above..

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Worksheet Change Event Where Target Cell Contains Formula

May 23, 2007

I need to hide/unhide a couple of rows based on the result of a formula in the Target Range. Basically, Cell D2 contains the results of a sum (a+ B), if this is greater than 10,000, unhide the next row.

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Formula To Target Another Cell: Formula/Data In Same Cell

Oct 1, 2006

Note: I know the syntax below is not how you would enter forumlas into Excel but I am using it to quickly illustrate what I'm trying to do and need help with. A cell not in column D, E, or F contains a formula of the form: F=IF(D>0, D/E, "blank") .
Note: If a cell in column D>0 (eg. D5>0) then the cell to the right of the selected D cell (eg. E5) will also be >0 ; otherwise, both cells will be empty.

This is what I want to do: If cell D?>0 , then F?=D?/E? ; otherwise, F?=empty .

Example 1: If D5>0, then F5=D5/E5 ; otherwise F5=empty .
Example 2: If D7>0, then F7=D7/E7 ; otherwise F7=empty .
Etc. I want this to apply to all rows.

I cannot enter the formula directly into the F? cell because sometimes I will need to enter data into cell F? manually. When I need to enter data manually into F? this results in the formula being overwritten by the new data and this means that if I ever needed to have data calulated based on the formula F=IF(D>0, D/E, "blank") I would have to re-enter the formula from scratch over again; obviously this is a nusance.

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Command For Target: Send A Target Link To A File

Sep 1, 2007

i am needing to issue a dos command in excel? basically i need to send a target link to a file. i cant use a hyper link for several reasons, and this is the only way i know how to go about this.

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Formula To Trim And Adjust Data

May 1, 2014

In need of a formula to trim data:


* 5 Extravagant Mak (nz) (100) Need the number plus a dot then space then the name, then minus everything after the name, so this would now read 5. Extravagant Mak thats 5dot space Extravagant Mak
11 Frisbee (100) This one would become 11. Frisbee thats 11dot space Frisbee

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Adjust Simple Formula To Find Last Row

May 8, 2009

I am using this formula in Cell J12: =AVERAGE($G$12:$G$85)

It will always be $G$12 but $G$85 needs to be done so that it goes until the last empty row on the worksheet.

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Conditional Formatting That Will Adjust Based On Percentage Ranges

Sep 29, 2011

I need to have a conditional format that will adjust based on percentage ranges.

1% to 25% would be shaded red
26% to 50% would be shaded Orange
51% to 100% would be shaded Green

I was hoping to reference another cell and have the formatted cell reflect the conditional format. I dont think that's possible, so I can include a percentage in another cell and have that highlighted.

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Adjust Worksheet Placement Based On Dropdown Selected

Feb 8, 2012

I have created validated dropdown, which in turn I have used for conditional formatting to highlight specific consecutive rows based on the dropdown.

Is it possible for the worksheet to be positioned based on the dropdown chosen, so that the highlighted rows are visible without having to manually scroll down, looking for the highlighted rows?

If dropdown chosen highlights rows 50-60, I would like the page to automatically show rows 50-60 (not necessarily hide the others, but at least scroll to rows 50-60).

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Formula In Target

Apr 30, 2007

in selection change event how to identify formula in target?

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Adjust Headcount Formula In Attached Document?

May 28, 2014

I've posted a document in which I'm trying to calculate the weekly headcount for employees using their timecard entries.There are many entries per week for each employee, but I want to count them only once per week rather than each time they make a timecard entry. I need to tweak it to deal with one condition that it currently doesn't handle.The person who provided has said he doesn't check in with the forum very often, so I'm putting this out there to a wider audience.

Whenever the value of column W = "UTO" (unpaid time off) I want the formula to ignore that entry (count it as 0 rather than 1) and continue on to the next entry. The way I have the formula now, it counts any "UTO" entries as 0, but then it does not count the subsequent non-UTO entry as 1. I'm not expert enough to fully understand the formula that was provided


I have added embedded the formula in an IF statement to ignore the "UTO" entries.

=IF([@[Util?]]="UTO",0,--(COUNTIFS(B$2:B945,B945,U$2:U945,U945)=1)) ("Util?" is the header for column W)

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Adjust Formula To Show A Selected Day Of Week?

Feb 25, 2014

I have a formula that displays the 1st monday of a month, I need the formula to take into account which day is selected and then display the first of the selected days date for the month.


Is there any way to adjust it to do this the drop down box for the day will be in F9.

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Adjust Formula To Allow For Changing Sheet Reference.

Nov 22, 2009

I was using the formula below which was working fine for copying across 20 columns and down however many rows, but now the requirements have changed to 90 columns. I have tested this out with the 90 columns but the Indirect function is bogging down the spreadsheet with the constant recalculating.


I rearranged the formula to the one below, but how can I have the reference to the sheet name changed as in the formula above without using the Indirect?


The sheet reference will change from '1' through '90'.

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Adjust Range Within Formula To Get Expected Results?

Dec 13, 2013

I have a system that generates 4 databases with different types of statistical data. Observed defects, Calculated Defect, Capability and Number of points. I have set up a system for telling me what ranges each section is and I am manually changing the ranges to get my expected results.

Is there a formula that I can use that could adjust my ranges, within my formulas?

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Compare Dates In Table & Adjust Adjacent Value Based On Result

May 6, 2008

I have built a macro that tests to see if a date in a range is before the Period Start Date, and if it is, then the labor rate in that same row (3 Columns Over) should be escalated by the appropriate AWI. My code below works, but I am wondering if there is a better way than using offset(0,3) to prevent a code breakdown if columns are inserted between the Date and Rate columns. The date range is names "DATES" and the rate column in names "RATES"

Sub CountTheCells()
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim i As Integer
For Each cell In Sheet2.Range("DATES")
If cell.Value < Sheet2.Range("POPS") Then
i = i + 1
End If
MsgBox ("You have " & i & " Rates that will be escalated b4 the POP Begins")
yesno = MsgBox("Would you like to Escalate the Dates and Rates?", vbYesNo)
If yesno = vbNo Then
MsgBox ("Not Done")

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Monthly Increase Based On Annual Target

Nov 17, 2007

I am trying to figure a formula that will give me a monthly increase with a annual target. Example:

2006 sales were $100,000 and December 2006 sales were $9,000.

For 2007 I would like a 10% increase in sales which means I should end up with $110,000 at the end of 2007.

The formula should figure a gradual sales increase each month until December 2007. I am assuming the business sales trend is upward with no seasonality so that January 2007 should be the annualized increase over December 2006.
I have used the formula =100000*((1+.1)^(1/12)-1) which works for 2007, but it gives me a large jump between December 2006 and January 2007 and then a slight increases each month.

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If Statement/indexing: Column To Adjust Based On The Date Of The Transaction/trip

Jun 17, 2009

I have an employee expense voucher with a column that calculates mileage. I also have a column that lists what the mileage rate is. I'd like for that column to adjust based on the date of the transaction/trip.

Here's an example. Trip between 7/1/08 - 12/31/08 = .585 mileage. Trip between 1/1/09 - 12/31/09 = .405 mileage. If someone turns in a receipt for a trip taken on 11/13/08, I want the form to adjust the mileage rate to .585. Wasn't sure if this is an indexing kind of thing, or if there's an if statement I could use.

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SUM Formula Target Is In Sheet With Variable Name

Jun 5, 2014

In the first sheet "Sheet1", I am trying to SUM the values of column C from another sheet 'XXX'. The trick is that the name of this other sheet is a variable, like Sheets(1+i).name , "i" being an integer. I can't find the proper syntax for the formula below.

PHP Code: 

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(XXX!C[1])" 

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Formula To Show Target For Today?

Jan 18, 2012

What i have in cell D3 is the formula 'Today ()' to show the date formatted like so. January 2012.

In cells B1,B4,B7,B10,B13,B16,B19,B22,B25,B28,B31,B34 are results showing targets for set each month of the year (B1=January, B2=February etc). What i want to do in cell D4 is show the target for the month that we are in, in other words the target for the month showing in cell D3.

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Formatting Based On Percentage Complete And Target Date?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a sheet (example is attached) that lists multiple jobs and their related tasks. I want to know if it's possible to create a conditional formatting that says if the percentage complete under the "task" is under 100% and within X number of days of the target date, it's red/yellow/green.

So, if a target date is 70-100 days out; 0%-10% - RED, 11%-45% - YELLOW, 46%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 40-69 days out; 0%-45% - RED, 46%-75% - YELLOW, 75%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 20-40 days out; 0%-60% - RED, 61-90% - YELLOW, 91%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 0-20 days out; 0%-85% - RED, 86%-95% - YELLOW, 96-100% - GREEN

If a target date has passed, Anything under 100% is RED.

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Daily Sales Target Based On Yearly And Monthly

Jan 7, 2014

I have a problem here in calculating the Daily sales target based on Monthly Targets and Year End Target.

I am attaching the file herewith which has Yearly & Monthly Targets defined. Need calculating Daily targets which should match with Monthly & Year end target .

I have the split of day wise sales for a week as well in another tab. However not able to get the exact monthly target as listed .

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Automated Target Dates Based On Priority Rating

Dec 16, 2008

I have a list of issues and depending on their priority would require a different target closure date e.g. low priority = 90 days, medium = 45 days, High = 10 days.

So if I have the following columns:

Issue No (Unique Ref #)
Date Raised
Priority (Low/Medium/High)
Target Closure (based on the pre-determined criteria as detailed in above paragraph)

Can somebody suggest a formula to enter in the "Target Closure" column so it is automated?

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Change Target To Full Text Based On Letter

Jan 10, 2008

how to allow both these codes to work on say sheet 1. I can get one to work just fine. So, any tips on how to get them both to work on the same sheet would be great.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, .Range("n1:n200")) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "S" Or Target = "s" Then Target = "Submitted"
If Target = "A" Or Target = "a" Then Target = "Approved"
If Target = "I" Or Target = "i" Then Target = "Investgating"
End If
End With
End Sub

and this,.............

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Concatenate Two Text Fields BUT Left Adjust First Field And Right Adjust Second Field

Jun 22, 2012

I want to concatenate two Cells into a single cell BUT have the first field left justified and the second cell right adjusted.

A1 = "John Williams", A2= "Single"

A3 = "John Williams Single"

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Adjust Formula Range Reference As Columns/Rows Added

Apr 4, 2008

I'm using a template that has formulas using a $ sign to attempt to stop the ranges they refer to changing. The problem is, when I use the template (which involes Access importing some data and adding columns to the sheet the formula refers to in the process) the rows referred to in the formula change in line with the number of rows of data that have been imported. Only the row numbers change not the column headings. So for example:

=( SUMPRODUCT(((Workings!$H$3:$H$1000=Explanation!B9)+(Workings!$E$3:$E$1000="Buy")*(Workings!$J$3:$J$1000))))-998


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Calculate Employees Incentives Based On Target Achievement In Different Scales

Feb 16, 2014

I need to calculate the employees incentives based on target achievement in different scales. In attachment sheet i filled the output manually but i need the actual formula .

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SUMIFS Formula To Work Out If A Rep Is Below Target On Selling Brands

Aug 10, 2009

i am trying to us the SUMIFS formula to work out if a rep is below target on selling brands.

I have two worksheets summary and data, Summary worksheet is where i am trying to do the sumif formula against a sales average taking the information from the data worksheet
I have account manager name, brand, sales, DSI
I tryed the below sumifs formula but its coming back as 0

Please could someone have a look and point out the error in my ways
The first count if should count how many times the account manager appears in the brand and the second count is if his DSI on the data worksheet is higher that the target dsi on the summary sheet

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Formula For Number Of Perfect Ordered Needed To Achieve Certain Target

Jun 11, 2014

I was working on a chart to calculate my Amazon seller rating to see how many more perfect order I need to hit my next target grade. Here is how the calculation works.

Order with no problem gets 100 points per order
Minor problem gets 0 point
Moderate problem minus 100 points
Severe problem minus 500 points

Grade are evaluate by:
<84.5 Fair
<96.5 Good
<98.5 Very good
Above is Excellent

Total points / total orders = final grade (or percentage)

As of now i got : 53800 (points) / 624 (orders) = 86.22(%)

Now that I know what grade I've got so far and I also want to know how many more perfect orders I need to achieve my next targets or in case some bad orders come by and how far they pull me down.

Attached is my work sheet so far and I'm just missing the calculation for the orange shaded part.

Amazon seller rating calculator.xlsx‎

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Formula To Return Multiple Criteria Including Stretch Target

Jul 8, 2014

I'm struggling to come up with a formula that ill give me the following:

I have will have a row of data (cells A4:H4 on the attached example), in the respective cells below each value in row 4 I want formula that will give me a value of 10 if it sees 90% in the cell above reducing to a value of 0 if it sees 80% in the cell above. I think that there should be a relatively straightforward formulae for that, my problem is that I want to add a further criteria that says; if the value in row 4 increases above 90% and reaches 95% then I must return a value that is 10 for 90% but "stretches" to 12 for 95%. Anything below 80% should return a value of 0, and anything over 95% should return a value of 12.

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Formula To Determine Required Values To Achieve Target Percentage?

Aug 24, 2014

Data is;

83300 - hypothetical number of times I have fired my gun at target.
43209 - hypothetical number of times I have scored bullseye.

So, my bullseye percentage = 43209/83300, or ~51.87%.

Need formula to determine how many more consecutive bullseyes I need to shoot, in order to achieve 70% ratio.

Since each shot from now on will be a bullseye, both values (hits & shots) will increment together.

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