Formula To Find Last Non-zero Number In Column?

May 20, 2014

The simple table (attached) represents our problem.

We want the letter in Column-B that corresponds to the last non-zero entry in Column-A. So in the example provided, the answer will be cell B12 which is "L". Also, if there are blanks (rather than zeros) below the last non-zero entry, it still needs to work.

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Formula To Find Column Number

Feb 2, 2009

I have a a spreadsheet with content (text) in one cell pr line. The content can be in the range column 1 to 8. I want to make a formula where I get the number of the column where there is content. I know how I can make this by using nested IF's, but are there any better proposal?

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Find Cell Value Row Number & Use For Column Number

Jun 2, 2008

to update these values via a form in this sheet. I can find the correct row to be edited by entering a value from column A and B. The problem is if I want display the values of that row first and then change it. If I want to change row 10 data how can I bring back the value in ROW 3 AND THE COLUMN VALUE? The next step would be to do the actual update if I want to change ROW 10 to "Ooi" and a sales value of 200?

This is what I have done so far:

Dim myRows As Integer

With Sheets("Mrt")

'Retrieve history information for row
For myRows = 4 To 49
If comboxDay.Text = Range("A" & myRows).Value And textboxdescription.Text = Range("B" & myRows).Value Then
textboxbedrag.Text = Range("C" & myRows).Value
chkBTW_Ja.Value = Range("D" & myRows).Value
txtNota.Text = Range("S" & myRows).Value
End If
End With

Picture attached to show how sheet looks like.

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Find First Column With A Number

Aug 16, 2007

I'm having trouble coming up with a formula that will find the first month with a number in the 'Total' row (row 22) without using an array function or VBA. The months are in row 13 and can vary from 1 to a whole lot. The number of line items, column C, will also vary, but I wouldn't expect that to effect any function (aside from changing the row designation). Here's what I put together using an array function: {=MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(D22:L22),0)}

Again, don't want to use an array function. Other people will be using this and when they mess with it, i don't want them asking me why it won't work anymore.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutM14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21D22E22F22G22H22I22J22K22L22M22=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Find Greatest Number Used In A Column

Feb 1, 2013

I have a set series of numbers as follows:






[Code] ....

I would like to disregard the digits before the hyphen (not always four digits) and check only the values of the last set of digits (also not always 4 digits). I would like to search for the greatest suffix used to find the next available number. In my data above the result would be 132.

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Find Number Of Column With First <>0 Value In Row X Without Macros

May 13, 2009

I Have a row witch contains some numbers…..some of them are zero. I want to look: column after column throw this row and find first not zero item. For example:

0 0 0 12 3 0

Result is “D”

U want to make it with standard excel functions, without programming any user functions with VBA! Only Excel…

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Find Row Number With Two Column Match

Jun 14, 2007

I'm trying to do something similar to the Vlookup function (or Index/Match method) but with two or more parameters to match instead of just one. I want to returnn the Row where two columns match the input parameters. Using Vlookup is a problem because it only returns the first one.

Is the standard method to us Vlookup for one parameter, then check the second and if it doesn't match reduce the search field, find the next and check the second again etc? That would work but it would be much simpler if there's a 2 parameter function.

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Look Up In Column A Of "AS" Once It Find That Number I Need It To Return The Number Thats In Column E Of That Row To Sheet "IS"column D

Nov 20, 2008

i have 2 sheets one called "IS" and the other called "AS" in cell a2 of "IS" is a number that i need to have excel look up in column a of "AS" once it find that number i need it to return the number thats in column e of that row to sheet "IS"column d. summary: a2 of "IS" looked up on sheet "AS" and returns the number in column e to cell d2 of "IS"

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Formula To Find Matching Number

Feb 21, 2010

I have a total of six columns divided in to 3 columns. Each column has a number in it. I need a formula to tell me which number from the 2nd 3 columns match the number or numbers from the 1st 3 columns.


123 367 ..... the #3 is a match. the number 3 is in the 1st position. I need a column to relay this information

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Formula To Find A Value In Column A Corresponding To First Blank Cell In Column B?

Aug 7, 2013









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Find The Largest Number And Then Return The Name From A Different Column

Jan 15, 2007

I'm using the LOOKUP function to find the largest number and then return the name from a different column, it looks like this:


but all I get is hashN/A?

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Find Column Number And Then Use Index Function

May 28, 2008

I have a database with over 100 products listed across the first row.
Column a has a list of over 500 projects. Across each project various columns are marked with a number depending on how many of each products are being used on that project.
For Example

A B C D E etc.
Products --> X Y Z AA
Proj 1 2 3
Proj 2 1 4 5
Proj 3 2 4

I want to be able to create a report for any given product.
The report could look like,
Product Z
Proj 1 3
Proj 3 2

So I need to lookup the product code across row 1 and determine the column number and then INDEX down that column and find all non blank cells and read the project names from column A.

I am familiar with formulas with INDEX and V/H LOOKUP functions. I am not very good with VBA codes.

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Find Next Number In Column That Hasn't Been Closed

Jan 19, 2010

Yet some more changes to a badge log, have worked out most of it but am having problem selecting the right row. The problem I'm having is finding the badge number (set in column J) and then finding the row that doesn't have the check out date (column B).

I know this code will find the first entry in the data sheet, I just can't figure out how to set it up to find the badge number that hasn't been checked in yet.

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Find Row Number Of Last Non-blank Entry In A Column

Jul 28, 2006

I want to find the Row Number, not necessarily the cell value, of the last non-blank entry in a Column.

If the address of this row is found, then that could also be useful. I believe there are some simple Excel functions to do this, maybe involving the X1Up feature. I've searched the threads and haven't found a clear answer this.

Below is code that I custom wrote, but its long and tiresome to use.

'The purpose of this sub is to find the last filled row in a column
'Knowing this last row is useful for telling later
' looping operations which row to stop on.
'The logic of this sub is that it will look down a column.........

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Formula That Advances Column Number While Being Dragged Down Single Column?

Jan 14, 2014

I am creating a tool that is populating information off of another excel document and presenting the information in a different format then the data originally appears. Basically I am unsure how to create a formula, for example, in cell A1, that as I drag it down (A2, A3, etc) the column letter in the formula advances but the row number remains the same. In another words as the formula moves into cell A2, the "Sheet1!D3" changes to "Sheet1!E3", where as normally it would advance to "Sheet1!D4". I just started back up in excel, im sure this is way easier then I am making it seem but I have been unable to come up with a solution.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Last Value In Column Regardless Of Number / Text?

Nov 1, 2013

I've used the below, for example in Column E, the actual data starts in row 4, so I can't use the full E:E syntax:


The above basically checks for a number, and if fails (there could be #N/A, #DIV/0!, text, or Number-stored-as-text in any cell here), it checks for text. (the 65000 is arbitrary; we will never have more than a few thousand rows)

However this is not reliable--the main problem seems to be number-stored-as-text. And it's not possible for me to do the Paste-Special Multiply *1 trick to convert the numbers because this data is dynamically generated from a database--the user would have to do that every time the sheet opens.

Is there not some formula that simply says: "Give me the last non-blank cell after row 4 in column E, regardless of what type of data"? (Excel 2007)

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Formula To Find Lowest Unique Number In Series

Sep 22, 2009

I'm holding a Reverse Auction where people pay a dollar to place a bid, BUT the twist is they are giving me a number that they how will be the lowest number but it has to be the only occurrence of that number (greater than 0).

During the party people can guess as much as they want to pay. I think i'll use a spreadsheet with their names in column A and go out in the row with however many cells for how many numbers they guess (so there would be blank cells in the overall range of the whole list if one guy buys 10 numbers and another only 1, for example).

So, i need a cell at the bottom that tells me the lowest number that wasn't guessed more than one time.

I've found how to FIND duplicates and the lowest number but i don't know how to write it so that it discards the duplicates.

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Formula: Find Number In Range & Calculate If Found

Oct 10, 2006

I'm looking for a formula, which says if a number is within a range, perform a calculation. I have a table of ranges (0-6000,6001-10000,10000-12000, and so on). My formula looks at the current month cumulative balance, and inserts the value into the line of the range it falls into. However, the formula now contains lots of nested "IF" statements, due to the number of ranges I have. Also, if my cummulative balance is 6005 for example, but was 5005 in the previous month, I would like to see 95 in the 0-6000 row, and 5 in the 6000-10000 row. I making a complete nonsense of trying to explain myself, so I'll attach a quick example of what I'd like to see.

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Find Last Cell With Data In Column A Select All Up To A4 Then Format To Number

Oct 14, 2013

I am trying to find the last cell with data in a spreadsheet once this has been found select all up upto cell A4 and then format these cells into number format to zero decimal places so far I have the following which finds the last cell:

LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range(Cells(LR, 1), Cells(LR, "A")).Select

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Sep 25, 2008

ColumnA Column B ColumnC (Yes/No)
2121 345766
23423 6456546
4234 6456456
7567 64566456
76756 654645
67567 3344534
76575 34534534
756756 45345
7657 534545
756767 4534534
756756 435345

What I am trying to do is

Search the number written at ColumnB in ColumnA and if found write YES to column C

if not write No

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Find Largest Number In Array And Give Result As Column Heading

Aug 9, 2013

I'm trying to find the largest number in a row and then have the column heading (text) as the result. I can find the largest number by using =max(numb1, numb2 ....) but then how do I get the heading of the column as the result. An example of what I want to happen is below




I anticipate an issue where 2 columns have the same largest number and not sure how to over come this either with multiple answers

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Find Column Number From Search Pass To Integer Cell Reference

Jul 21, 2007

I am building a Workbook which takes data from SheetA and inserts it into SheetB.
Part of the data is only entered when a positive value exists.

I then do an export from SheetB.

The problem is that I need to get the column number and pass it to the cell reference based on the field name in row 1.

Dim sFindstring As String
Dim rFindcell As range
Dim iR As Integer
Dim iC As Integer

sFindString = " Find this string in the cell"
'Using cells find the findstring
Set rFindCell = Cells.Find(What:=sFindString, After:=[A1], LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)

'OK so look here
iR = 3
'I am trying to pick up the column number
iC = rFindCell.Column

rFindCell throws an object or with block variable not set error. Is there some property that I need to set.

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Find Column That Has Value And Put Formula In Cell

Dec 11, 2008

I had posted this earlier but it was moved. I think this post will explain it better. I put data into a worksheet called "Budget" each week. When I put the data in I type a date in Cell "BL7". In another sheet called "EV Report" row 8 has week ending dates (i.e. Sunday of each week). I want to run a macro after I change the date ("BL7") and data in the "Budget" sheet that will search row 8 of the "EV Report" sheet to find the date in cell "BL7" of the "Budget" sheet. Once it finds which column that date is in I want it to put a formula in row 13 of the same column (the one found based on the date of BL7) that will add the value in row 12 of the same column with the value in row 13 of the previous column.

I don't want the formula to be there until the macro is run. I'm doing this because I have a graph of the formula and I don't want the graph to show the other cells.

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Array Formula Find Last Value In Column

Nov 10, 2008

I have 13 columns (C-O) of data that will span up to 1000+ rows. I want to put a single row of cells at the top of the sheet that will display the last row of data from all 13 columns. I want the row at the top to always represent the last row of data, which will always be the most current data.

This is what my data will look like: ....

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Worksheet Formula To Find End Of Column

Feb 6, 2007

I have a simple list of data on a worksheet. It is appended occasionally by the program user. The new data is always added to the bottom of the list so the list grows increasingly longer day after day.

There are a couple of formulas at the top of the worksheet that calculate statistics from the list. I'd like to make the formulas apply only to the last 25 rows of data. Basically, I need a way to make the ranges in the formulas automatically adjust themselves each time the list grows so they always use the last 25 rows of data.

I can do it using VB but I'd rather just build this into the formula on the worksheet if possible.

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Find Phrase In One Column And Apply Formula To Different Columns Same Row?

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying to come up with a macro that will find rows that contain the words �as % of Revenue� and then calculate and apply the appropriate formula to the actual and budget columns. I have attached a sample of what the source data look like.

The formula divides the category�s total expense by the revenue in row 4. For a complete macro, I would want to also subtract the budget result from the actual result and put its result in the �better (worse)� column. I need to use this on 12 or so different workbooks which is why I�m wanting a macro.

Here is my attempt to accomplish this task; however, I quickly realized it is woefully inadequate because I neither understand how to apply it to the different columns or how to find the next instance of �as % of revenue�).

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Cells.Find(What:="as % of Revenue").Activate
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C/R10C"
End Sub

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Column Name From Column Number For VBA Formula

Aug 3, 2006

Say i have a many headings in the first row and one being 'CallStack'. Now i run for loops to find in which column (the NUMBER) is the call stack.

I now pass the number to another function which inserts a formula into the column adjacent to the found column.

So, id need to use the column name (as in $C) whereas i only know the number (which is 3).

how i can get the column name from the number? Is there an excel vba function for the same?

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Formula To Increase Row Number By One (1) In Each Column?

Jun 12, 2013

writing a formula for the situation below,

In column "A1" i have the formula =C8. I now need to copy this formula across to column "B1" to get =C9 and also copy it across to column "C1" to read =C10.

So the row number should be increasing by 1 and the column remanin constant.

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Column Number In VLookup Formula

May 15, 2014

Is there a way to put a formula within a Vlookup formula that will act as the column number? For example I have this simple Vlookup formula: VLOOKUP($B4,'TAB'!$A:$N,8) and 8 references the year 2014. Well if I update the numbers on the separate tab and the year 2014 changes to a different column, I want the formula to automatically change to that.

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Use Variable Row/Column Number In Formula Via VBA

Aug 26, 2006

I want to create a custom updating formula that finds the last data element on a different sheet and then updates it's own formula. I have to do this because I want to find all of the blank cells and count them up (for missing data purposes). How can I go about putting the last row number in the formula?

This below is the best I can get but it 1004 errors out, I'm assuming because of my "Row" variable. Should I try a concatenate and custom build the formula each time within the macro?

Sub MacroToRun()
Row = Selection.Row

Sheets(" Chart Data").Select
Range("B2").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(CleanData!R[-1]C[17]:R[row]C[17],"""")"
End Sub

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