Function For Recognizing Matching Text And Adding Up Columns

Jan 8, 2007

I am currently tracking online PPC keyword reports with Excel and need to know if there is a function that will find and match words and phrases and then add the columns that are queried for the matching words/phrases. I think an example is definately in order.

December PPC
Keyword Clicks Cost Revenue
large dogs 45 .18 $12.00
small dogs 35 .25 $15.00

January PPC
Keyword Clicks Cost Revenue
large dogs 12 .14 $8.25
small dogs 18 .18 $5.35

Now using the example above I need a function or maybe even a macro that will scan all "keywords" and find a match for each keyword each month, say large dogs, and then add the clicks, costs, and revenue columns and post them on a particular row or rows.

So when running the function it will find and match "large dogs" for each month, it will then add the clicks for all months with "large dogs" in it and then populate a column or row with the total along with the keyword "large dogs" next to it. Is there a function that will do this or maybe even a macro?

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Adding Search Function To Delete Matching Records..

Jun 1, 2009

I'd like to do is click the delete button and when clicked, it will search for matching records in column A & B and if they match... I'm thinking the code for that is <> but I'm not sure, then delete that record, and shift the cells up. Do this until the search results are empty below the delete button. Like I said, it's probably more understandable to look at the workbook.

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IF Function True Not Recognizing Numbers

Sep 22, 2009

I am working in two different files. If number "40556" on worksheet B is showing on worksheet A, the function is to state "TRUE", but it's stating "FALSE". Both files' numbers are listed as GENERAL under FORMAT CELLS.

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Recognizing Data In Adjacent Columns

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to find a formula that calculates the longest period from data in an adjacent cell.
The attached spreadsheet might better explain this

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Match Function Not Matching Text In Formula?

Jul 11, 2014

with Match function not matching text in this formula?

Using the below formula cell $L$11 (it contains "abc") will not match the respective cell contents in array E:E even though "abc" is in a cell within column E.

=IFERROR(INDEX('Paste In Data File'!G:G,MATCH($L$11,IF('Paste In Data File'!C:C=B14,'Paste In Data File'!E:E),0)),"")

The cells within column E are populated using a formula such as =IF(MID(A6,3,1)="a",MID(A6,435,9),"")

Column A is the data source and contains a text string.

After much trial and error, it seems the cause preventing the match is; $L$11 contains typed in text "abc" and the above formula for column E is pulling in 9 characters, not just 3.

It seems that if I can modify the entry for the array E:E to just look at the left 3 characters only, it may work.Problem is I do not know how to modify E:E accordingly.

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Adding Columns And Copy Function Without Messing Up Original Code?

Dec 19, 2013

I have attached a copy spread sheet. This has been working great but i have been asked to add some items and i dont want to screw up the working functions.

I now want to add incert two columns so the actual costs of a first and second service can be added to the contracts and used contracts sheets, this information allong with data from a,b,e,g h needs to be copied over into a new sheet (report sheet) which will have the budgeeds costs in column i,j starting from row 3 and finding the last row so as not to overtype so that a report can be sent showing profit/loss.

The costs will be put in at diferent times so it only need to up date a changed cell

If i just add columns will this effect the auto archive coding? Could the data be copied over to the new sheet using the original code on start up? (so customer etc copied then as cost are put in these would be added to the respective rows on each start up.

I have had to remove some of the sheets to up load this so my not work correctly, but you can see the funtion in the code

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Adding Text To Rank Function

Aug 12, 2008

I am trying to rank a list of numbers, such as:


I have no problem with the rank function in terms of the ties showing as duplicate values, however, when this occurs I would like a "T-" to appear before ranks that are tied, and show nothing if they are not tied. Essentially, I want the final result to look like this, without having to manually add the "T-" after the ranking is complete.
1 T-5 3 T-3 5 1 3 T-3 4 2 1 T-5
I have done more complex Excel formulas before, but for some reason this is stumping me.

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Find The Matching Text TRUE/FEE Or FALSE/FEE In Columns

Dec 8, 2006

I have 2 sheets. On one sheet, this column J2:J490 contains text that either says "TRUE" or "FALSE" and another column AJ2:AJ490, text that says "FEES". (many of the other cells in this column say something else). I need a formula that can find the matching text TRUE/FEE or FALSE/FEE in these columns, count them, and give me the product.

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Adding Speechmarks Around Text In Columns

Dec 7, 2012

I am trying to write the code for adding double speechmarks for the number of columns on my spreadsheet with a column heading Notes. There are about 10 columns out of 30, and all of them need double speachmarks.

My manual process was to insert a new column in from of the 'Notes' column, use the concatenate function for example - =concatenate("""",A2,"""") and copy the function down the column. The I was geting rid of the formula by copypaste special values, transfering to my original 'Notes' column and at the end deleting the new column that I added at the beginning.

Is there a quick code to populate a concatenate formula via VB? If not, what code can I use to replicate my manual process via VB. On the quick note, the spreadshee has always the same number and order of columns, but number of rown is defferent each time.

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Text To Columns Function...

Apr 1, 2009

I have a spredsheet with multiple Alpha Numeric codes in one cell. I would like to seperate the codes but instead of placing them in the adjacent columns, like the text to columns function does, I want them to go to the preceding rows.

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Text To Columns Function

Jan 28, 2010

I have a list of items with a cell, however these are on seperate lines (using Alt+Ent) function. Example of entered text within the cell below:


The beginning of each line will always start with an underscore ( _ ). The items within the list will either be 2 or 3 characters long (which includes the underscore).

The required output I'd like is (spaces used to indicate seperate cells):

_UN _OD _PN _H

I'm trying to use the 'Text to Column' function to solve my problem, however I haven't yet managed to get it to work. I've tried using the 'Fixed Width' function within this, however when I use this, it inserts an 'Enter' within the cell, which I don't want.

Does anyone else have a solution? Any help would be appreciated. Preferably I'd like this to be automatic using a formula, instead of me having to click the 'Text to Column' button each time.

(I'm using Excel 2007 if this makes any difference too)

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Macro For Text To Columns Function

Mar 31, 2013

Macro for text to columns function (if this is the best way to go).

Our work report exports customer subscriptions which we call "role name". Our customers subscriptions have a valid and start date, but our customers also can purchase multiple subscriptions and we need to separate this data in order to report by subscription.

Our export has an * after each subscription, the date is in square brackets and each subscription is separated by a semi column.

So for arguments sake, let's say we have the following subscriptions:

subscription a
subscription B
subscription C
subscription D

if one customer has purchased four subscriptions on various dates, their exports may look like this:

Subscription A* [01/02/2012 12:00:00 AM]* [01/02/2013 12:00:00AM]; Subscription B* [01/03/2012 12:00:00 AM]* [01/03/2013 12:00:00AM]; Subscription C* [01/04/2012 12:00:00 AM]* [01/04/2013 12:00:00AM]; Subscription D* [01/05/2012 12:00:00 AM]* [01/05/2013 12:00:00AM]

I then use a text to columns function to separate by the * and the;
I then am left with a column for the role, one for the start date and one for the expiry date.

The roles are in alphabetical order, but sometimes some manual sorting needs to be done to delete the roles I don’t need and keep the ones I do. For example someone could have subscribed to subscription B and not in A that means that the first column may not have all the roles I need, it may be in the second or third column depending on what other subscriptions they have.

So not sure if text to column is even the best way to go?

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Matching Name Then Adding?

Jan 10, 2009

I'm trying to get column Z4:Z14 to add automatically from information from Cells A15:Y17 under the correct name of each person. I have created an example sheet.

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Text To Columns :: Use Function When Original Cell Has More Than One Line

Oct 10, 2007

I want to use the text to columns function when the original cell has more then one line (lines are separated with Alt+Enter). Somehow Excel does only notice the first line.

cell A1:
Bookrunner: Lehman Brothers;
Mandated Arranger: CapSource Financial Inc;
Participant: Citibank NA

(After the ";" is an ENTER)

And i want it to be like this at the end:

Cell A1:
Lehman Brothers
Cell B1:

Cell A2:
CapSource Financial Inc
Cell B2:
Mandated Arranger

Cell A3:
Citibank NA
Cell B3:

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Adding Matching Row Data To Another Sheet?

Sep 28, 2012

When you run the below macro from my orders.xls file it opens my template.xls file and writes data to specific locations and saves the file as the order number from my original file orders.xls. Now for single item orders which are located on the 2nd row there is no problem, but for multiple item orders which each item is on its own row it overwrites the first order because the order number is the same.

Here is the macro and in comments is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Sub PackingLists4Protocol()
' Protocol flatfile ProtocolOrders.xls translated and creates files named by order number
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+P


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Adding To Summarize Values After Matching Criteria

Apr 26, 2007

I have three worksheets. The first one has a 20 digit code that is broken into eight sections ( cells) and an amount assign to it. There are currently 150 codes but can grow bigger as new codes are assigned with their own amount. The other two worksheets have the same breakdown for the code but will be filled in as needed. They will record additions or subtractions to the code, like a register. I would like to then summarize (on a fourth worksheet) the +/- activity from worksheet 2 and 3. To do this I will copy the first worksheet then setup three additional columns one will be Increase the other Decrease and the last one Balance. What I will need to make sure that I only pick up the amount for the right code. So I need to create a formula that makes sure that it compares wks 2, cell A1 to wks 4, cell A1 AND wks 2 cell B1 to wks 4, cell B1 AND wks 2, cell C1 to wks 4, cell C1 and so fourth until the eighth breakdown of the code. When this is true then I will need to add the amount that was recorded on wk2 or wk3 for that code on wk4. The codes may be used various times so the sum of the values of wk2 or wks3 will need to be cumulative.

I've been reading about Sumproduct and I have created this formula but the result is # NUM....

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Text To Columns Function Picks Wrong Number Format After Conversion

Jun 16, 2014

Using the text to columns option on a comma separated file in csv format leads to the right preview in the text to columns wizard.

The column titled "ATTIC: Zone ..." shows the desired format in the preview window. Please look at the screenshot 1.jpg.

After pushing the finish button to obtain the result the number format gets suddenly changed and differs from the preview.

Again check for the "ATTIC: Zone ..." column as reference: 2.jpg

Is there a menu where one can look up, or specify how to format data to force the right comma placement? What settings might be wrong?

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Matching Last / First Name From Two Sheets - Adding Email Addresses To Third Column

Jun 4, 2014

Have two sheets, both very different, but each containing Last Name, First Name and a column for email addresses (one sheet has the email addresses entered, the other does not)

What we are trying to do is look for matches in Last/First columns between the two sheets and if/when found copy the email addresses from one sheet to the other.

Worksheet A: Last=B2 First=C2 Email Address=F2
Worksheet B: Last=A2 First=B2 Email Address=C2

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Matching 2 Columns On One Worksheet With 2 Columns On Another?

Apr 24, 2013

i need to match 2 columns on one worksheet with 2 columns on another.

One column is alphanumerical (Reference Numbers), the other is company names.

I need to ensure that both the Reference and Company name match from one sheet, with the company and reference from another.

e.g if A1 and B1 on Wks 1 = A1 and B1 on Wks 2 = TRUE, anything else is FALSE.

There is likely to be Reference number and Comapny name duplicates, therefore the trick is to ensure that the number of duplicates match?(I.E ABC Company, Reference number 1234 may appear 5 times on worksheet 1, however if it is only on Worksheet 2 4 times, then this must be flagged).

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Function For Matching Last 4 Characters To Second Column

Feb 21, 2009

I've been trying to find this on the web but haven't a clue now, I have a database query that I am pulling from an access database and now I am trying to match the last four characters of a referral string to a current location, let me show you what I mean. Example,

A(location string) B(current location) C(last location)
car/kitchen/house kitchen NO
kitchen/garage/car car YES
kitchen/car/garage car NO

I want to write a function in column C that matches the last four characters of the location string (column A) with the current location (column B) , and if they match have a YES in column C, or a conversely a NO.

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Recognizing Two Of The Same Number In A Row

Dec 7, 2009

I have a football pool worksheet. My goal is to have a button that displays a message box with the players in order of how many points they have. So far I have been able to display this message box with one problem...

The problem occurs when there is a tie between two players. If they have they same score it will only display the first score in the row. In my attachments when you press the macro button "score" it displays a message box saying:

"Sue is in first place with 12 points.
Bob is in second place with 9 points.
Bob is in third place with 9 points.
Larry is in forth place with 3 points."

I want it to say:

"Sue is in first place with 12 points.
Bob and Dave are tied for second with 9 points.
Larry is in (third or forth, doesn't matter) place with 3 points."

Even if it needs to say
"Bob is in second place with 9 points.
Dave is in third place with 9 points."
would be an improvement.

Here is my code so far and i've attached the file.

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Recognizing THE Weekends

Sep 28, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which will be used to measure raw material consumption by day.

I wish to list all days of a year down a column - that I can do.

However, I would like to conditionally format any cell (preferably the row) which contains either a Saturday or a Sunday.

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Vba Lookup Not Recognizing Value

Oct 26, 2007

I am tryig to create a macro that looks up a value between two workbooks. In the workbook the value may be on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd worksheet. So far all that is returned after the macro is run is a cell with the formula in it with no values. This is the macro formula:

Do While rcnt <= lrow
Cells(rcnt, 3) = "=if(iserror(vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng1,12,0))=false,vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng1,12,0),if(iserror(vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng2,12,0))=false,vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng2,12,0),if(iserror(vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng3,12,0))=false,vlookup(cells(rcnt,2),rng3,12,0),"""")))"
rcnt = rcnt + 1

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Matching Names On Different Worksheets With Function To Add Abbreviations

Jan 12, 2010

writing a macro script. I want to find matching names on two diffferent worksheets. More specifically I need the ability to match if I apply a abbreviation(s) to worksheet one in order to get matches in worksheet two.

e.g Company = Co. or
Insurance = Ins

Please see my attached excel document for an example.

I have over 27000 lines so doing this manually will take forever!

Ideally I would like this to be a macro script that I can edit to add as many different abbreviations as required. The attached document will make my task a lot clear.

Unfortunately I don't have any starting code as I am not an excel/visual basic programmer, But i hope somebody will be able to help me out here.

The reason I need to do it this way is because I have been given a file from a partner company that uses different abbreviations to the ones we use in my company. I want to see if the companies in the list I have been given already exist in out company database, therefore we need a suitable matching procedure.

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Matching Columns

May 6, 2009

I want to add these numbered steps onto the macro I already have, which I pasted below.

1. Starting in Row 2 in the worksheet named Report 1 look at contents in Column A then look at the contents in Column C, if the contents in Column C do not match exactly the contents in Column A then copy the contents in the range column C:E from that row till the last row in Column C:E.

2. Now we will have a range that is made up of cells from C:E. I would like to move that range down a row at a time, until the first cell in Column C from the range Column C:E matches exactly the contents in Column A. Then I would like to continue this pattern for every row in the worksheet.

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Matching Two Columns

Sep 11, 2009

I have two spreadsheets, both contain matchable data. First one with amounts. Next one hs customer name, period and amount columns.

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Matching Two Columns Using VBA

Oct 3, 2013

I need to match the first column with the second column, and if is the same value, copy the value in third column to the forth column.

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Not Recognizing New Value On Change Event

Jun 7, 2007

In a Worksheet On Change event I am trying to obtain a new value that the user has placed into a particular cell.

However, when I get to the line of code that reads the value in that particular cell, it is pulling the value that was in the cell prior to the change. When I view the sheet I can see the new value. When I do a debug.print or ? in the Immediate Window it shows the prior value.

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Formulas Recognizing The Patterns

Aug 15, 2008

I am trying to do an "if" statment to look in every 23rd cell to see if it is greater than 0. if it is it populates what is in that cell. That is fine...

The problem is i want to create the "if" statement just a couple of time manually, than drag it down 300 rows and have it look every 23 cells. It does not recognize the pattern???

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Not Recognizing Some Of The Formats As Dates

Aug 27, 2009

I have a date of hire column in mm/dd/yyyy with 5000 rows. It contains many different formats and I need to sort it by year. Is it possible to sort by year and include all months, i.e. everyone hired in 2008, by month.

It also seems that Excel is not recognizing some of the formats as dates.

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