Highlight Cells If Duplicate Found On The Same Row

Aug 12, 2009

how to even start this macro but i will like the macro to find duplicate with thin the same row and highlight it i have done with conditional formatting but the spreadsheet is about 3000 rows excel performance is super slow if anybody has a macro out there.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Cells Where There Is NO DUPLICATE Found In Columns

May 29, 2013

I would like (in excel 10) to highlight cells where there is NO DUPLICATE found In Columns "E" on Worksheets 1 & 2. Is that possible ?

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Highlight Only First Duplicate Number That Found In Column?

Aug 24, 2013

I have sheet 1 and in c3



this two column compare for duplicates and I manage to highlight (actually not bold) the number that is duplicate but I dont want to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in c3 (highlight 1 only from the 3 numbers most of the times got 2 only) . (row start from c3 to c2000 and d3 is up to d2000 also). I already use CF for highlighting the duplicate in C3 which my formula in CF is

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(c3:c3,$c$3:$c$780,0)),"",c3:c3) I just try to do this formula and it works, but I dont know how to command not to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in C3 (C3 only can have duplicate number within the column; D3 doesn't have any repeat number in the D column.

I need to do the same formula command for other 2 partner columns (compare for duplicates this two columns & the 1st column if have to many duplicates highlight the first number that have more than 1 duplicates only) cells need to do again is for E3 & F3; G3&H3; until AU3&AV3..

is it possible to count how many highlighted cell (not bold) there is in a column (I mean total highlighted cell) and put the answer in cell C1, E1, G1, I1 ... AS1 , AU1. Tq again..

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Highlight Only First Duplicate Number That Found In A Column

Aug 23, 2013

I have sheet 1 and in




[Code] .......

This two column compare for duplicates and I manage to highlight (actually not bold) the number that is duplicate but I dont want to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in c3 (highlight 1 only from the 3 numbers most of the times got 2 only) . (row start from c3 to c2000 and d3 is up to d2000 also). I already use CF for highlighting the duplicate in C3 which my formula in CF is


I just try to do this formula and it works, but I dont know how to command not to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in C3 (C3 only can have duplicate number within the column; D3 doesn't have any repeat number in the D column.

I need to do the same formula command for other 2 partner columns (compare for duplicates this two columns & the 1st column if have to many duplicates highlight the first number that have more than 1 duplicates only) cells need to do again is for E3 & F3; G3&H3; until AU3&AV3..

is it possible to count how many highlighted cell (not bold) there is in a column (I mean total highlighted cell) and put the answer in cell C1, E1, G1, I1 ... AS1 , AU1. Tq again..

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Highlight Cells Found In List

Aug 28, 2007

I am working for a non profit humanitarian org and I am trying to modify an excel 2003 spreadsheet to change the formatting (color) in one cell based on the value of another cell. Obviously this is easy with conditional formatting, except that I have a list of around 25 unique values and formats.

Could anyone point me in the direction of some code that can do this? I am a relative novice to Excel when it comes to VBA and scripting things.

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Highlight Duplicate Cells Between 2 Columns

Feb 29, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with columns A to W populated with data and 2470 rows
Column A has email addresses in it (2470 rows)
Column B has email addresses that are bad and are duplicated of those found in Column A there are only 345 of them in column B.

I would like to compare columns A and B and highlight the email addresses in column A that are also found in column B.

OR: If column A has a duplicate found in column B I would like the word delete to be inserted into column C of that row so I can review and then delete later.

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Macro To Highlight Duplicate Cells In A Column?

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to know how I can have a macro run on an excel sheet of mine.

I have a little database with a few names and email addresses submitted to me via web.

But some people tried to register to my services TWICE with a different name, but same email address (not smart eh)

I would like to run a macro on a column and have it search for duplicate values and highlight them in... blue perhaps.?

P.s. the column format is set to 'TEXT'

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Highlight Duplicate Cells And Change Cell To Red

Aug 19, 2013

I am using excel 2003 and I am looking for a formula that will highlight duplicate cells and change the cell to red.

Unlike newer versions that have duplicate cells within the formatting tool, appears that 03 doesnt.

Also I am looking for a formula that will highlight blue a date cell when the date arrives.

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Highlight Cells Which Have No Dependents Or Duplicate Dependents

Jul 13, 2009

I have a two worksheets of workbook named LC worksheet and second one Account work sheet.

Data from LC worksheet likned into the Account worksheet at Column K and Column V.

I want to highlight cells in LC worksheet which have no dependents or have duplicate dependents at Column K and Column V into the Account worksheet. Built in trace dependents is time consuming and useless.

File attached for your further understanding

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Delete Ranges After Duplicate Is Found

Dec 4, 2007

I have a userform that allows a user to enter data from columns A to P. I successfully installed a macro (which I got from this site:[url]

that deny a duplicate entry in Column A. The macro then "clears" the duplicate value in column A, which is okey. However, I need help for a code so that the
rest of the entries from Column B to P (within the same row) will also be cleared automatically. I tweaked the "target.value" quite unsuccessfully.

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User Box Options If Cell Entry Is A Duplicate Found In A Table Column

Aug 23, 2009

I have a table that i use for a customer database. and the end user adds new customers to this table, what i would like is for a message box to pop up whenever cell B2 matches an entry in a column in the customers table. the table starts on row 25, and the column i would like to check for duplicates is column B. I would like the message box to give the user the message "A customer by this name already exists, Would you like to load this customers file?" If the answer is yes, then the row that the match was found on would be copied and pasted onto row 1. if the answer is no, then nothing else happens. I hope this makes sense, i am posting this sheet of my workbook for reference.

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Search Existing Data Through Userform New Input And Insert If No Duplicate Found

Jul 18, 2012

I have been able to make a excel sheet which takes inputs from userform for First Name, Last Name, Address etc. I have included a duplicate check for column "B" for "First Name". This checks if any existing data is already which matches the new data input for "First Name" through userform.

The userform only checks for the "First Name" check as required and gives a message that duplicate has been found. Then I have to close the userform and do a Control Key+F ( to find the new name for example, James) in excel sheet and validate that new name is same or different from existing name "James". This I want to do since this new name "James" may be another "James" as his "Last Name" is different. So even though First Name is same, since Last Name is different I know they are two different persons. In that case I will add the entry manually in sheet, instead of userform, since I would not be able to input the new data for "James" since the duplicate check with the current code will not allow me to do so.

What I am current trying is -

1. If the new name say "James" is entered through userform, then excel should point me to the existing row where the record for existing name "James" is there, say row 4.

2. Now without closing userform I should be able to see in the background excel sheet the search results for "James", as excel is pointing to that now. There may be multiple "James" in the existing which should be pointed out.

3. Based on the results that I see in the background excel sheet I can now decide that, this new name "James" is different from old "James" (of row 4) since his Last Name is different. Accordingly excel code should then ask me to add this record or discard this new record.

4. Duplicate check for First Name is enough for me. I would not require "Last Name" duplicate check.

I hope I have been able to explain my problem. I have also attached my current code as I am not able to attach any sample test file.


Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub


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Highlight The Duplicate Numbers

Aug 5, 2009

I have two columns with item code numbers in them

if any numbers from column 1 are duplicated in column 2, i want them to be highlighted automatically, maybe with a coloured cell or something?

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Duplicate Data Highlight

Dec 17, 2009

I need a code please that will look in Column C in every workbook (excluding the sheets “Blank”, “Orders”, “Summary” and “Archive”) and then it will highlight duplicates in Red and Bold.

I found the following code but I need it so it looks on every page excluding the ones mentioned above.

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How To Highlight Cell With Duplicate Value

Jun 30, 2014

How can i highlight cell "TE001 in 6/19/14" to red color if it duplicate value within the same day, but will not highlight cell "TE001 in 6/20/14" if not in the same day...





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Highlight Duplicate Rows

Oct 15, 2008

i'm looking for a vba script, that will HIGHLIGHT duplicate cells, by the row.

etc.. lets say i have

a w
a s
e t
v t

If i click on Col / cell a and run the script, rows 1 & 2 will be selected.
I i click on Col / cell b and run the script, rows 3 & 4 will be selected.

i know there are heaps around that will change colour etc. but i just want to highlight?

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Highlight Duplicate Entries In Same Date?

Apr 24, 2014

highlighting the duplicate entries in the same date comparing C:C data.

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Using Different Colors To Highlight Duplicate Values?

Sep 17, 2013

I have rows that contain property identifiers and their owners. One property ID can have multiple owners. I would like to color the rows differently to show each unique property ID with their 1 or more property owners. I have attached a file showing what I would like (with fake data). In excel, I was able to figure out how to highlight the duplicate values, but it only does them in one color. I would like each property ID value to have it's own color - as I show in the attached file. In the file, I have value 1234 as one color, the 4546 values as another color and 2233 values as another.

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How To Highlight The Duplicate Values In Column

Oct 26, 2013

find the attached Sheet, where some values are entered in column A with repeated action. What I need that through an excel function the repeated values should get red colour like in the Column C.

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Highlight Duplicate Phrases In A Column?

Mar 13, 2014

I am unsure if I would even need VBA to do this. I am trying to find a way to highlight all cells in column AO that have duplicate phrases and transfer just the phrase over to column CF. Ex: A cell containing "She didn't listen" and a cell containing "They didn't listen" would highlight and "didn't listen" would move over to Column CF. Would it be possible to do this without specifying the exact phrase?

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Find & Highlight Duplicate Data

Aug 2, 2009

see attached sheet. Column A has File Name. Need to highlight the duplicate data as you can see there is 2 duplicate data which i have manually highted ( C19 is duplicate of C12, C83 is duplicate of C84).

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Highlight Third Duplicate With Msgbox To Ask To Delete

Sep 16, 2009

I'm during a spreadsheet for the Local Government and the task is Hard Rubbish Collection. Residents only allow to have their hard rubbish collected twice a year but sometimes, some cheeky residents have their rubbish collected for the third time in a year without us knowing it

This is the code I've found in this forum (thanks to rylo) but it only works on active sheet ...

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VBA Code To Highlight Every Other Duplicate / Single

Sep 2, 2003

I would like to:
1 - Highlight the row for the first duplicate/single "Ana M."
2 - Then skip the next duplicate/single row "Jane S."
3 - Then Highlight the row for next duplicate/single "Sam"
4 - .... and so on.

Sample Data:
Ana M.12 A St333-3333
Ana M.23 Z St333-3333
Jane S.12 A St555-5555
Jane S.15 Z St555-5555
Sam A.55 A St222-2222
Tony J.45 A St444-4444
Tony J.11 B St444-4444
Tony J.66 Z St444-4444

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Macro To Highlight Duplicate Numbers In Col A?

May 9, 2013

I would like a macro to highlight duplicate numbers in Col A in Sheet1.

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Highlight Duplicate Data In A Column

Feb 16, 2009

I need some thing that will highligt duplicate entries in column a

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Identify Or Highlight Duplicate Rows

Nov 3, 2006

i have a series of colums in which i have a formula for checking if each proceding row has the same value in the cells above ie duplication. i am using the following formula
= if(and (C4=C3),(D4=D3),(E4=E3)),"yes","") although this seems to work ok, some of the cells in colums D & E are empty.
what should i do to check for this.

what i am attempting to do is check for duplicate rows where the row is only a duplicate if the previous row is identical.

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Highlight Duplicate Values In A Single Column

Mar 6, 2013

I created a spreadsheet for use by the shipping department where I work. We are trying to prevent pulling and shipping the incorrect item to the customer. This is how it works. The employee downloads a CSV file containing items that have been purchased from our website and imports the file into the excel. Then the item is pulled and the employee scans the item's barcode into the spreadsheet named "SCAN." Formulas and code on the "reference" sheet look for the SKU number in the list from the CSV file while others create a consolidated list of SKUs that have been scanned, SKUs that have a problem and need to go to customer service, and SKUs from the CSV file that have yet to be scanned. Some of the formulas in this workbook have been borrowed from forums like this and altered to fit my needs - I'll admit I'm not even entirely sure how they work.

Occasionally a SKU is scanned in twice and not always sequentially which will effect the total item count. It can be very difficult to find the duplicates in the list.

I would like for any value that appears more than once in column B of the 'SCAN' sheet to be highlighted. I have tried to do this, but to no avail.

Scan Below
If FWD: CS, state reason below:



[Code] ......

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Highlight Duplicate Value In Two Different Sheets Using Conditional Formatting

Feb 1, 2014

How can we find or highlight the duplicate value in two different sheets using conditional formatting.

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Highlight Duplicate Reference Numbers In Column A

Jun 4, 2014

I managed to find this great bit of code some time ago and would now like to add to it. The code basically identifies any duplicates in column A and then lists the results in a message box,e.g.:

Duplicate Name: REF12345
Rows: 2,3

Works great for 1 or 2 duplicates but if there are many it becomes quite difficult to keep track. I'd like keep the code as is but add highlighting to the identified cells.

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Highlight Duplicate Values Based On 3 Columns?

Nov 8, 2012

I just want to colour duplicate values but want to do it with this Dictionary method

Sub highlight_Dups()
Dim cell As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim dict As Dictionary


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