How Do I Lookup Data With Two Comparison Values
Dec 2, 2005
I would like to insert a function in spreadsheet A that looks up data in
spreadsheet B based on _two_ comparison values.
The two comparison values in spreadsheet A would always be in the same row
and the corresponding match in spreadsheet B would also have to be in the
same row.
For instance, if the comparison values in cells A2 and B2 of spreasheet A
match with the comparison values in cells A30:B30 of spreadsheet B, then
show the value that is in column C30 of spreasheet B.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have two columns of items that need to be compaired. What I need is the items in column B that do not match any of the items in column A need to be put in Column C. How can I do this? The Data in Column A can not be re arranged. Column B can be sorted.
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Apr 16, 2008
In D16:D29 I use vlookup to return values from named range 'mforcetable' based on value in cell C16.
However, if values are entered in cells I36 & K36, I37 & K37 and I38 & K38 I need the lookup to return the values in 'mforcetable' including and between the 2 values.
See attached example.
Based on value 2000 in C16, what I need to see in D16:D29 is
Where the 100.0 and 1,600.0 are repeated because both values are specified in I36 & K36, I37 & K37 or I38 & K38.
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a spreadsheet and I'm comparing data from a room booking system and a spot check on the room to see whether it's actually used. I have a column which I want to show whether the information agrees.
column G - I have a group size recorded that should be in a room.
column H - I have "yes" or "no" as to whether there was anyone in the room when it was checked
column I - I have the size of the actual group in the room.
Is it possible to create a formula that will fill in column J with the answer yes or no depending on whether it agrees.
It doesn't matter whether the groups sizes match, it's just a case of yes, someone was booked into the room and there was someone in when it was checked
No, there was a booking supposed to be in the room but there was no one in it when checked
There was no booking but there was someone in the room when checked.
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Mar 22, 2007
With a set of data in colums by quarter and department names in by row I need to answer build a formula that answers simple questions like "what department had the fewest sick days per quarter?" and which department had the most sick days per quarter?"
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Mar 1, 2014
I have two values I need to find in a chart.
(See Attached)
I can do a Vertical Lookup but don't know how to search for the second value to identify how much to offset to retrieve the value.
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Nov 8, 2009
I'm trying to return the next unique item in the list of partnumbers. The count column indicates that there are that many instances of that part number. I then populate down than many to VLOOKUP the value "count" number of times. The formula I am using to get the MFR code compares the pn to the one above it. If it matches, I want it to return the MFR offset by the one above it for that part number.
Source data: (will alwyas be sorted by part number, then by MFR)
Part NumberStock num NAME MFR
CountPart NumberMFRStock numNAME
I want the first vlookup part of the formula to return the NEXT MFR code in the source data.
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Dec 18, 2013
I have a database with 65536 rows and A-BZ columns
What I am wanting to do is, on another worksheet be able to select identifying data from one or more columns from the database but have it display the entire row.
For example
In this example I would like to, on another worksheet, be able to create a drop down where I could select WCP28 and it would show me both the TX and SX row. Or I would like to be able to select WCP28 SX and WCT36 SX and see the rows next to each other. If it were for me I would just use the auto filter and manually compare but this is for somebody even less inclined than I am.
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Mar 17, 2014
Excel macros. I'm trying to figure out a script that will look at alphanumeric numbers in column A (A2 --> for example) and compare it to the number directly below it and above it. If it matches either, do nothing, but if it is different, delete the entire row that the different number resides on.
An example of the data would be:
67F86F3 - when it encounters these rows I need to delete.
The sheet is a couple thousand lines in length, so I can't deal with it manually or even with sorts, due to the other data in the other columns.
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Oct 23, 2006
I am trying to figure out a way in excel to graph some data I have in a new, sophisticated type of chart. My data is new square foot sales divided by new square feet (for a retail store). It is a dollar amount. I also have this data as a percentage change year over year. If I want to compare two stores with different data -- what would be the best way to present it on a chart. Is there a way to show this on a 3-D plane so that both companies have the data in the same chart up against each other?
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May 7, 2008
I have some data stored in a database and when it is extracted into excel each entry's data is presented in both horizontal and vertical formats. e.g.
Entry1 value1 value2 value3
Entry2 value1 value2 value3
I have a macro that will transpose the vertical data into horizontal format but if there are not the expected number of 'value' items below the entry it will not work correctly. If in the above example Entry2 only had value4 and value5 below it the macro would fail.
What I need is a way to validate that each entry has the correct number of values below it before the macro is run and some way of highlighting or drawing attention to these problems.
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Aug 1, 2007
I have all my data on sheet 2 which contains tables that relate to information on regions, manufacturers, etc so it can be a large amount of tables which will change from month to month depending on a monthly list.
For example, if “Region 1” is in cell B134 – the resulting data I need to pull out will be contained in C138:G232 ...or ”Region 2” which is in B235 – table info is in C239:G333, etc, etc.
On sheet 1, I have a cell (L7) that is populated by another formula. This cell is effectively my lookup to pull out information from sheet2 to populate cells in (sheet1) AE119:AH212 - same sheet as the reference (L7).
I need to look up the reference/resulting value that is in L7 on sheet1, find and match against the values in column B on sheet 2 and then pull in the corresponding table information.
If the value in L7 was not changing at all I could do.. in cell AE119… =OFFSET(sheet2!B134,4,1,1,1) etc etc
... but I am at a loss as to the value in L7 changing and incorporating a lookup… or maybe I am looking at it wrong..?
I have looked up match, offset, index and lookups on the forum and have managed to confuse myself even more. I have even tried taking some of the example formulas and amending with my references but to no avail.
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Jun 27, 2008
I want to be able to do, however. I want to make a spreadsheet that has all the equipment items preloaded into it, along with the quantity that we're supposed to have of said equipment. Then, I would like to import the data from the text file, having it match items in the spreadsheet to their equivalent in the imported text file, and then bring in the quantity scanned. That way, I can use some conditional formatting to show when there is a miss match between "Required" and "On-Hand" quantities.
What I don't know how to do, is get Excel to only import the name of the item, and the quantity scanned, instead of all of the information that the scanner spits out. Also, I don't know how to make it match the name, with the one preloaded into the spreadsheet, so that the correct quantities are matched up. Here's an example of what the scanner spits out: FIELD WIRE,6145-01-155-4256,[Scanned Quantity Goes Here],N/A,N/A,RESPONSE TRAILER,,
The scanner creates records like this the first time you scan an item. So if you scan Field Wire first, it's the first record. However, if you scan it fourth, it's the fourth record. How do I make that match up with a predesigned spreadsheet?
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Jan 24, 2014
I'm trying to compare three formula results and return the largest number. Ex.:
The first three numbers are formula results and the last is the following formula:
Unfortunately, with the list below, you can see the last number (the comparison formula) isn't always the greater of the three:
I've also tried other formulas, with no success:
What's odd is that if I create the formulas above independent of the specific formula data (O5, P5, and Q5) and just type in numbers, those formulas do exactly what they should. Can I not compare data returned though formula calculations?
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Mar 10, 2014
I'm interested in comparing the 2 columns of data as attached in the SampleData file, for eg. First customer bought 5 items and customer 2 bought 3 items. I'd like to show the difference which customer 1 bought and customer 2 did not buy. Will need to use that via VBA And also for loop if possible!
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Oct 24, 2007
I have a sheet that has to look up value on a report from a sheet sheet that has more than value. Ex)
On the report I have values 123A and 1234A
On the data tab I have table that has.
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123A Widgets 1 2 3
2 123A Widgets 4 5 6
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123B Nuts 7 8 9
5 123B Nuts 1 3 5
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
7 1234A Bolts 2 4 6
11 1234A Bolts 3 5 8
So the report need find the values for Value 1, 2, 3 on where the value matches the data tab.
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Jul 17, 2009
I have a worksheet containing a list of states in column A and a list of companies in column B (along additional data in columns C-L). I want create a lookup formula on a separate worksheet where users can select the state from a dropdown menu and it will return the information from columns B-L for that state.
For example:
Alabama ABC Company Active Expires December 2009
Alabama 123 Company Expired Expired April 2008
Alabama XYZ Company Active Expires August 2009
Alabama Larry Company Expired Expired May 2006
How can I do this without losing my mind? I've tried various Index, Small and Match formulas and none of them work.
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May 18, 2007
im trying to get the lookup answer based on two values the current formula i have is
which naturally returns N/A... i might even be using the wrong formula?
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Sep 1, 2013
I have 2 Data tables in 2 sheets of the same workbook. I want to compare my column A of table 2 with column A of table 1 and delete any rows of table 2 where (column A of table 2 has a value which is not in the column A of table 1)
In Excel I used the Vlookup function and deleted any rows which had Error in result of the formula. May I know how to execute this in VB
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Apr 7, 2014
I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.
Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.
I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.
It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.
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Mar 25, 2014
Say I have Source Workbook X 1, and Destination Workbooks X 4. The Source workbook contains a number of lookup values. I want the lookup values to be maintained in the single Source workbook, and I want this workbook to remain closed when the end users are using their Destination workbooks. It is critical that certain cells in the Destination workbooks have validated data in order for formulas and summarizations to be correct.
I'm happy if the Destination workbooks contain a lookup worksheet (perhaps hidden). In short, I'd like the contents from the Source workbook, Lookups worksheet, to just be replicated "as is" into the Destination workbooks, Lookups worksheet. I then want to do my data validation from that worksheet, which of course is open (data validation appears to only work with open workbooks).
I've investigated the techniques in this link: [URL]
1) Are the techniques in that link about the best approach? i.e. an external link plus array formulas?
2) A blank cell in the source workbook (text column but formatted as General) is resulting in a zero in the external link. How can I make the external link exactly match the text as entered in the source workbook?
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Nov 12, 2008
I have 3 Sheets named Paid, Rejected, and Reprocessed.
On the Paid and Rejected sheets I have 2 fields Customer # (Column A), and Amount (Column Q). (The customer # field has many duplicates but the amounts are never duplicates)
On the Reprocessed sheet I have all the rejected items (all fields) and also a field named Reprocessed. I need to use a formula that will check the Paid sheet for any items that have the same Customer # and Amount and return the amount
There are 8,216 rejected items and 45,047 paid items. Some items were originally rejected have been reprocessed and show under paid.
Any thoughts on which formula I should use?
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Apr 18, 2008
Is it possible to set up a lookup function with two lookup values? For example, say I have a list of items such as:
1 A 14
1 B 22
2 C 84
4 D 25
I'd like to have the lookup go to the above table and find the number 1 and the letter B and return 22. I can't seem to visualize how to make this work.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have a problem with the formula that lookup all values in ascending order and returning all the corresponding values. eg: I was intended to lookup for the value in ascending order under the Total Occurrence and returning all the corresponding value under the Nos Group but encountered the same Nos Group was returned when there is same value appeared under the Total Occurrence.
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Jul 29, 2008
I am trying to use lookup function to lookup for data in another table (we call it table A). Unfortunately, whenever the code is not in the table A, Excel will return the data from the previous row.... is there any possible way to prevent this... in another word, if the code does not exist in the table A, I want Excel to return 0 or some other figures.
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Nov 28, 2006
here is an example....
(this is on a sheet called Summary)
----A--------B --------C------- D
1Names----At Bats----Hits----Batting Average
Using the LARGE function, Excel has created a list based on batting averages(on a separate sheet called Line-up). It looks like this.....
2 -----------.737
3 -----------.700
4 -----------.675
5 -----------.816
6 -----------.649
The problem I am having is figuring a way for Excel to also bring the corresponding names (after using the LARGE function to create the line up list).
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Jun 12, 2007
I have a very large spreadsheet of customer information(I call it the master spreadsheet). Each row contains only 3 things: Account number, product bought, Price
Later I receive the money from the customer for that product(the pay sheet) that contains the exact same thing in the same order: Account number, Product bought, Price paid.
What I'm trying to do is compare the two spreadsheets so that when i receive the pay sheet of cusomters who have paid with the amount it will deduct it from the master sheet.
So it should compare account numbers when it finds a match then it should subtract the amount paid (column C) from the master spreadheet price column(column C also).
sometimes customers don't pay the right price so it has to be a subtraction so I can see if it was over paied, underpaid etc.
Right now I'm still doing it manually combining the two documents sorting it by account number and checking for matches in column A (account number).
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Jan 28, 2009
In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a little bit of problem with lookup function. When i paste values from another worksheet (paste special, values) in a cell which is lookup value i get #N/A. These values are numbers. When i put '7 for example i get the values i want from lookup table. I have a lot of these cells and its tedious job to put ' in front of every value. Is there a quicker solution?
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Mar 23, 2009
I tried both IF and LOOKUP and failed. I'm trying to search for values from one worksheet and identify whether or not those values exist in another worksheet. I attempted the following lookup in field A2:
B2 (thru B5000 or so) contains values I want to search for; sheet3!A$2:A914 is where I want to look and column C of that same sheet, entered the text "Yes" in an attempt to have the results list "Yes" for hits and N/A for misses. (All fields are text.) I copied the formula all the way down the sheet in column A. The result it is returning is N/A in A2 and Yes in A2 -to the bottom, which is incorrect.
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