How To Batch Open Hyperlinks To URLs In Tabs Of Browser

Jan 14, 2014

I need to batch open some hyperlinks from a long list of hyperlinks in my excel sheet. I would like these to each open in a new tab of my web browser. Is there a way to do this?

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Open List Of URLs Into New Tab?

Apr 11, 2013

I have seen lots of egs of the urls being opened in browsers but how do you do it into excel?

I want to get a URL from a1 in sheet 1 and open it in sheet 2, starting from cell a1 in sheet 2.

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Open Web Browser Via Vba

Sep 26, 2006

Need a way to open a web page in VBA without using a function?

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Returning Focus To Browser Tab That Is Already Open?

Apr 1, 2014

I am aware that what I am hoping to do may well be impossible because it is possibly application-dependent.

Anyway, I wanted a piece of code that would allow me to open a default browser window from an Excel Macro.

Google turned up the following solution from here [URL] .....

[Code] .....

This seems to work just fine.

What I want to do now, however, is something like this:

[Code] ....

Is it even possible to write the two hypothetical functions described above?

In addition, I notice that they example given in the link that I posted also suggests ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink. This seems to work just as well, without needing the ShellExecute prototype. Is there any way that I can get a "handle" for the window that was opened with FollowHyperlink and re-focus on that window?

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Excel 2007 :: Open A New Browser Window?

Jun 19, 2014

I have a spread sheet that I have written that has 2 html links in it. The links work, but they only open in one browser tab. How do I get them to open in different tabs? Opening in two different browser sessions would be acceptable too. I have Excel 2007 and IE 9 but the users may have different versions.

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Open URL In Excel Cell In Browser Tab Automatically?

May 6, 2014

I have an excel sheet with lot of URL texts. I have to check these URLs by opening them.Is there any way to automatically load these URLs in browser?

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Open Firefox Browser And Navigate To Website Via VBA?

Jul 17, 2012

is there any possibility to open the firefox browser and navigate it to a website via vba?

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Run Excel Macro From Batch File. Workbook Open

Feb 24, 2009

I wanted to run a batch file which does something like,

Dir /b >Test.csv
Start Test.csv

And then runs an Excel macro once the workbook is open.

I looked into this and discovered that it’s not really that possible to run an excel macro through batch file but other options were to use ‘Workbook_Open’ etc.

I thought this might cause problems because Test.csv doesn’t contain a macro to auto open and because csv’s usually don’t like macros.

I do however have personal.xlsb which opens every time if that helps.

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PDF Hyperlinks In Cannot Open

Jun 9, 2009

When I click on a hyperlink inside an Excel spreadsheet, it is linked to a PDF file. When clicked, the screen flashes the Adobe Acrobat program for a split second and then disappears. But I can open the hyperlink same as which it is linked to a word file in the same directory.
I have gone into folder options and switched the PDF to open with Adobe reader 8, but that does nothing.

Any ideas of how to get the PDF to open and stay open would be most appreciated.

I tried to install adobe reader 4.0 without uninstall adobe 7.0 professional.
I use pdf reader 4.0 open the Pdf file in the window explorer, and then go to excel, open the same hypelink pdf file, and find it works now only opening pdf document by pdf reader 4.0 but not by 7.0.

But when I resinstall adobe 7.0 professional, and the problem still occurs. I have to open the original pdf file in the directory by adobe reader 4.0 again.

My case is like the following Macro in excel.
Setup hyperlink and open it . Then the problem is shown as my previous thread mentioned.

Sub Review() .....

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Hyperlinks With # In Filename Wont Open

Apr 14, 2009

Is there any solution to the fact that hyperlinks in excel with a # in filename wont open?

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Hyperlinks To Open Picture In Internet Explorer

Jul 10, 2009

When I add hyperlinks into excel the picture shows up by using internet explorer when I want it to use windows picture and fax viewer.

How do I change it to open in windows picture and fax viewer???

I use Windows XP professional and Excel 2003 SP3

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Excel 2007 :: Hyperlinks - Cannot Open The Specified File

Oct 17, 2013

I received a USB drive from a client with an Excel spreadsheet with hyperlinks to PDF's (not sure of the version it was originally created in but my version is 2007). The PDF's are in another folder on the USB drive.

The cells with the hyperlinks have a formula to hidden cells [i.e. =HYPERLINK(C17,B17)] - in column B is the name of the hyperlink and in column C looks to be the file trial to the PDF (please see attached picture).

When I select the link, I get an Alert Box stating, "Cannot open the specified file." How I can get these links to work?

Excel Hyperlinks.png

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Open A Series Of Files Through A List Of Hyperlinks

Feb 13, 2009

This code is supposed to open a series of files through a list of hyperlinks, run a macro then save and close. But at the minute it says it cannot find the Macro and error's.

The macro is in each file named and is named 'RefreshStats', if I open a file seperately I can run the macro fine, but it can't find it through this looping code.

Another thing I found though, is that if I put a blank Module in the main workbook (that contains the list) and call this macro 'RefreshStats' the looping works fine but based on the blank macro. So this code seems to want to look in the workbook its in for the macro.

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Activate Sheet And Disable Tabs On Open

Dec 6, 2008

I am trying to create an event macro that would deactivate column and row headers when the workbook is launched and activate a sheet. i am not managing to do this,

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Sheet Tabs Disappear When I Open Excel

Feb 10, 2010

my sheet tabs sometimes disappears when I open excel. I know you can go through the start button and the advanced option to display the sheet tabs. Is there code I can incorporate so that on the opening of the excel file after the splash screen runs its course, the sheet tabs are displayed.

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Explicit Hyperlinks, Relative Hyperlinks

Feb 21, 2007

I have a spreadsheet and within the first sheet there are lots of hyperlinks to other cells within sheet 1 (my template).

I have made a small macro which very basically makes a copy of sheet 1 (my template)

The hyperlinks in the template are explicit and as they are copied to sheet two, they still reference back to cells in sheet 1. I need the hyperlinks to be relative, so that when I make a copy of the template the hyperlinks are copied and make reference to cells in the new sheet. I cannot work out how this should be done

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Extract URLs Macro

Feb 4, 2009

I am looking to extract URL's from a excel sheet.

Actually,, I have some software, which I have opened in notepad,
and then copied the data into excel.

The data is a mess.

It has had loads of unwanted characters etc. I've managed to clean this all up now.
What I'm looking for if possible is to extract all URLs to another worksheet.

As an example, I have 1 sheet that has 1654 rows of data, that goes right to
column DK.

All URLs now have 1 space before it and 1 space after it,
For example:


If possible, I would like to be able to run a macro that would
look at this worksheet and find all the URL's, then return
them into a new spreadsheet in a list,,, and if possible
not returning duplicates,
(If it does find dups if a pop up could mention how many dups deleted)
if this is hard to do then no worries at all.

As a note,I'd spent a while looking for a macro to delete all unwanted characters,, found 1,,
so for info purposes, I post it below, seemed to run fine;
but if there are any other alteratives/suggestions, I'm all ears

Sub clean()

Dim vAddText(0 To 38) As String

vAddText(0) = Chr(1)
vAddText(1) = Chr(2)
vAddText(2) = Chr(3)
vAddText(3) = Chr(4)
vAddText(4) = Chr(5)
vAddText(5) = Chr(6)
vAddText(6) = Chr(7)
vAddText(7) = Chr(8)

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Parsing HTML From List Of URLs

May 1, 2013

I need some type of vba or macro that can extract text in between html tags from a list of URL's.

For example

I have a list of urls in column A

Columns B,C,D,E - are where different types of information from the website will go.

So B contains values of text between a <title> tag </title>
C will contain values of text between a <object> tag </object>

and so forth ....

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Automate URLs For Web Query Creation?

Feb 6, 2014

I need to create a lot of web queries to extract data from several webpages. The web pages all have the same url except the last string of numbers, e.g.[x] where [x] is just one or more integers that are in sequential order.

I want to create around 50 web queries (maybe more later) without doing this manually. Is there any way to put these urls in a column and have excel read through them and query the data?

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Extracting URLs From Data In Column?

Jul 24, 2012

I am having problems extracting URLs from data in Column (column A) and displaying them in Column B. I watched 'MrExcel's Learn Excel #664 - Extracting Links' on youtube [URL] (about 2.40 is where the final code is displayed) and it is the perfect solution with the following code:

Sub GetLinks()
For Each hl In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
Cells(hl.Parent.Row, 2).Value = h1.Address
Next hl
End Sub

However when i go to run the macro in Office 2007, I receive an error: runtime error 424 object required, and the 3rd row is highlighted when i hit the debug button. This is actually my first time using VBA but as far as I can tell, I replicated the exact same code which is supposed to populate urls in column B.

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Download Images From URLs In Excel File?

May 12, 2014

I have an excel file which contains 9 columns. Column A contains an article number i.e 12345 . Column B contains name of the product. Columns C and D contain Description and Specifications respectively. Columns E,F,G,H and I contain URL:s of images.

I want to do following.

1. Download all the images in a folder on my harddisk.

2. Copy the text in column C and place it under the text in column D.

note that I am a novice at excel and have never used macros/Javascript/VBA/etc

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Generating Urls In Spreadsheet Based On Matching Cells.

Mar 3, 2009

I am trying to create a spreadsheet for an online gift registry. They require that the spreadsheet have the photo's url's in a column. I already have the spreadsheet filled with my data. In the spreadsheet, Column D is filled with unique numbers, some with parenthesis, (ex. 52011, 52011(2), 34132, etc.)

I also have a folder full of images that are similarly formatted as such
"...imagesrand_name_52011.jpg". (They will be moved eventually to a webserver.) Each number in the column may or may not have a corresponding image. And the images may or may not have a corresponding number in the spreadsheet. Is there a way to generate a url automatically in a column that corresponds to the image with the matching number? And if it doesn't, just leave it blank?

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Macro To Find Text URLs And Activate In Worksheets

Dec 3, 2012

I need macro that can search through worksheets and identify text urls (pair Networks - World Class Web Hosting.) within a cell and activate just those URLs that are not activated. I have many workbooks containing many worksheets. The URL references are always located somewhere down in column A after word 'Source:' but can be in the middle of string of text in that row after 'Source:'

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Posting Links / URLs To Favorites Section Of Outlook?

Feb 24, 2014

creating a distributable add in which will post either one or many URL's (predefined by me) to outlooks favorites section. I.e. when I distribute this add in to the user and the user runs it, the url's should be posted to the favorites i.e. the user should be able to click on the links and access the URL's.

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Vba Web Browser

Feb 13, 2010

I have a file which extracts employee entries when you put the employee code. Have created a form to show the progress % and estimated time for search.

In this form i have added a animation .gif file and it runs fine on my PC but not on any other PC as the .gif file is store on my desktop.

I want to store this .gif file on the workbook and any way i can set a path for the program to pick up the .gif file from the same excel workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Paste URL As Hyperlink Or Format Existing URLs

May 16, 2013

Using excel 2010 on PC.

Paste URL as Hyperlink: I just want to paste a bunch of urls into a spreadsheet and have them automatically formatted as urls. i've checked my auto-correct options, and i have selected the checkbox that says: replace as you type/internet and network paths with hyperlinks.

See attached. if you copy and paste a url into the spreadsheet, it will be formatted as text.

Format Existing URLs as Hyperlinks : the attached spreadsheet contains urls that have been copy & pasted. is there a way to format them as hyperlinks all at once?

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Embedded Browser

Feb 11, 2006

I would like to embed a chart that updates from the web into my spreadsheet. This is it here:


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Object Browser (F2)

Jan 11, 2009

Is there any way to treat the VBA Object Browser with code?

For example: Put on a UserForm.Lable.Caption data from the Object Browser:

All Classes in MSForms, and all Members of MSForms 'CheckBox' class.

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Refresh Web Browser

Dec 13, 2006

I am having problems refreshing my querytable.. I used the standard code that I found here in Ozgrid, it downloads the version, but when I changed it on the website, it still shows the old number. It does this until I refresh the website (via web browser). I thought the query table went to the site, and downloaded what was there, but I guess not? ...

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Marcro Or Formula To Extract Urls From A Bunch Of Text In A Column Of Cells

Mar 2, 2010

I have a column of cells over 2000 rows that have a bunch of text in each cell. In the middle of this text in each cell are websites (not hyperlinked). I was wondering if someone wrote a macro or formula to extract URLs located in a bunch of text? I can parse this out but doing some delimiting but that will take longer.

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