How To Assign Color To Single Item On A Chart

May 15, 2013

Standard bar chart. They want our company to always be Yellow. This is a industry standard. Our columns (the bar) needs to be Yellow. As new companies are added to the series, it might change locations in the order. For now, the location is 9th.

Can use formula or use VBA. Can't seem to find a way using the Excel interface to do this.

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How To Assign Macro To Item On Dropdown List

May 30, 2014

I created a drop down list (of various Input Groups) and I need to show the selected group's responsibilities on a separate sheet; is there an easy way to do this?

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Formula To Assign Letters To Digits And Repeatedly Sum To Single Digit

Feb 26, 2011

I need creating a tool for numerology.

Every alphabet from a to z has a number associated with it.

A = 1, b 2 , c = 3 etc

Numeric Values for Each Numeral


I can either use excel or access or write this.

Example 1 , r = 2 , I = 1, L = 3. .
If I write RIL in column 1 , column 2 should say 213 and column 3 should add 2+1+3 and display 7.

Example 2:
Col 1 = Infosys Ltd
Col 2 should say 1587313 344
Col 3 = 1 + 5 + 8+ 7+ 3+1+3 3+4+4 = 39 , 3+ 9 = 12 , add 1+2 = 3

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Retrieving Multiple Rows Of Data From One Single Item?

Jan 3, 2014

retrieve the multiple rows of data from one specific item to another worksheet inside same workbook. below attachment is my sample workbook.

inside the workbook, eg.. please have a look on Sheet 3 (the record of the item and its description) will store on Sheet 2. From sheet 1, when user choose the item from drop down list, and click the button will direct to the retrieved result in sheet 2. my question is i cant retrieve the multiple rows of data exactly in the sheet 2. it only remains one item for one row of description.

and below attached picture is what i wish to achieve =)Capture.PNG

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Update Single Column If Listbox Item Selected

Aug 1, 2014

How can I update column B for each item selected in a Listbox populated as below:

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then ListBox2.AddItem ListBox1.List(i)
Next i

For each item selected in Listbox1, I want Column B to show "CONFIRMED"

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Assign Row And Interior Color Directly To Array

Feb 14, 2014

I need to have 3 arrays for a column of data, the first holding each cell value, the second the Row number and the third, the Interior.Color.

Currently I am having to assign each row and interior colour to a variable with a | between each then use the split function on that variable to assign it to an array (no problem with each cell value as that can be assigned directly to an array.

For Each rC In Range("a2", Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(12)
If sO = Empty Then
sO = rC.Interior.Color
Else: sO = sO & "|" & rC.Interior.Color
End If
If sR = Empty Then
sR = rC.Row
Else: sR = sR & "|" & rC.Row
End If
c = Split(sR, "|")
v = Split(sO, "|")
x = Range("a2", Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(12).Value

As there are over 10,000 rows involved loading the variables is taking a considerable amount ot time, whereas the direct loading of the value is very fast. So I want to be able to load all arrays directly.

I have tried various methods to get Row and Interior.Color to load directly into arrays c and v but without success so far.

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Assign Value To Cell Based On Its Background Color?

May 15, 2014

I have an excel spreadsheet that 7 different categories (eg. Ave waittime, Avg loadtime, etc) that I have conditionally formatted based on 5 ratings (each rating a different color Green, light green, yellow, red, and purple) I would like to be able to give each cell a value based on what color it is eg. Green=5, light green=4 and so on.

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Color Chart Data Points By Cell Color

Jun 22, 2007

if it actually possible to colour data points depending on the colour of the cell of the data it refers to? if not is it possible to colour it any other way
i have uneven amounts of data for weach month but still want the months to be displayed, this is the best way i can think of of doing this

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Restricting Vlookup Function For Extracting Data To Single Item?

Mar 16, 2014

Currently I am facing a problem that I want to copy data from sheet 2 to sheet 1.Here I am using vlookup function.But I have a problem that when there is two items of same name in sheet 1,it copies data from sheet 2 into both same items in sheet 1.How can I restrict and copy data to only 1 items.The sample data is as shown below :

Sheet 1 (Including duplicate item)


In sheet 2 (Unique item)

Apple 25
Ball 36
Cat 34

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Chart Type To Choose - Assign Particular Column To Particular Axis Only

Jan 16, 2014

I have a excel with data values in 5 different columns.

Column A: Time in seconds (1,2,3,4,5.... so on) continuously in equal intervals.

Column B: Values Generated by my machine at each second (random values)

Column C: Values generated based on column B using a formula (Let formula be denoted by " F ").

Column D: Highest possible value of calculation on column B (With +ve error consideration in formula "F")

Column E: Least possible value of calculation on column B (With -ve error consideration in formula "F")

Two graphs need to be generated as follows:

Graph 1:
X Axis: time values ( From Column A )
Y Axis: Corresponding machine generated values from Column B

Graph 2: Envelope
X Axis: time values ( From Column A )
Y Axis: Both value of column D & E ( Time value 1 sec has two corresponding values, one from Column D and one from Column E)

Both values of Column D and E be plotted and the area between two lines generated by upper limit and lower limit (Column D and E respectively)

So for both, what chart types should I select, and how do I assign that particular column to that particular axis only.

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Assign Named Range To Chart Series Collection

Feb 9, 2008

I am trying to assign a named range to a series on a preexisting chart in a sheet, but I get the error that "unable to set values property of series class". This is the code example that DOESN'T work:

Sub assign_values()
Dim myrange As range
Set myrange = range("a1")
Set myrange = union(range("a5"),myrange)
activechart.seriescollection(1).values = myrange
End Sub

However, this code DOES work:

Sub assign_values()
activechart.seriescollection(1).values = range("a1")
End Sub

I don't see why the first wouldn't work, but the second would work. I suspect it is something to do with the union function. i am trying to go through a set of data and then group certain cells into a named range to be used on the graph.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting - Assign Each Prg Its Own Color On Total Tab

May 25, 2012

I am trying to create conditional formatting in Excel 2007 that is beyond my abilities.

I have 6 rows. The first row is a sum of all the others. Example here:

prg 1 prg 2 prg 3 prg 4 prg 5
4 1 2
10 10

I would like to assign each prg its own color on the total tab, and if it spans multi programs a separate color all together.

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Link Chart Column Color To Tab Color

Nov 6, 2006

I want to be able to link the colors of 8 differnet TABS of individual worksheets that have each been colored differently to the colors of individual columns of a chart - being a summary chart of information in another worksheet that has come from seperate worksheets within the same workbook. So that if someone was to change the color of any tab then the color of the corrosponding color of a column in the chart would change automatically if the color of a TAB is changed.

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Waterfall Chart - Delete Item

Jan 9, 2007

I have a Excel Charts (waterfall graph) which has let us say 10 items in the rows. the first one represents the intial and the last one represents finish. If I want to delete one item in between the first and last, the finish item vanishes. For example I have the following series and I want to delete item G from it. The Finish item vanishes from the graph


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Fill Cell With Certain Color If Item Is True?

Feb 20, 2014

I wish to do the following & and am struggling (attempted to do it in Conditional Formatting but have not succeeded)

I want to do the following :-

If the date in cell A1 has no date entered i.e blank then fill D1 in Yellow If a date in cell B1 is past then fill Cell D1 Red If a date in cell C1 is entered with a date(any) then fill D1 in Green

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Color ComboBox Based On Item Chosen

Sep 27, 2007

Is it possible to have a combo box in excel, where, when an item is selected, it is assigned a colour depending on which item it is? Eg, The combo box list has item 1, and item 2. If I select item1, then the text becomes red, if I select item 2, the text becomes blue. If not possible using combo box, what method can I use?

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Via Macro, Search Item In Cell And Bold/Color Row If Found

Dec 7, 2006

Is it possible to search a worksheet that may contain different number of rows (from day to day) and for every instance of a word like "HOLD" is found in column "C" to Color that intire Row Red and also Bold the Row as well?

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Chart Twelve Months Of Data For Item The User Has Selected

Oct 24, 2011

how can I provide a chart that display as a line chart twelve months of data for the item selected starting or ending on the data that I have selected

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Single Letter Coloring With VBA - How To Color Vowels

Oct 23, 2011

Any code for coloring a, e, i, o and u red when they appear in words on a sheet and color Y green/

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Change Cell Color With Single Click

Mar 28, 2013

How i can change the coulor of a cell when somebody clicks the cell using VBA? I need the cells to turn green.

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Multiple Font Color In Single Cell

Jun 27, 2006

I was wondering if it is possible to have multiple font colors in a single cell.
Such as:

ActiveCell.Value="Red & Blue"

Where the font for the word Red would be Red and Blue would be Blue.

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Change Color Of Entire Row Based On Value Of Single Column

Aug 4, 2006

I am looking to change to color of an entire row based on the value of a single column in that row....Say I have an issue on a line and the "priority column is set to high" I would like that entire row to turn red....

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To Change The Color Of An Entire Row Based On The Value Of A Single Column

Aug 4, 2006

I am looking to change to color of an entire row based on the value of a single collumn in that row....Say I have an issue on a line and the "priority collumn is set to high" I would like that entire row to turn red....

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Pie Chart To Pull Data From Single Column?

Jul 26, 2013

I'm doing a termination report at work and I need to create a pie chart based on data in a selected column. Ive never used excel charts before but I cant get the pie chart to display the information that I want.I created a sample workbook. Its very a simple column of data. I would like a pie chart based on the percentages of "yes" to "no". I havent been able to get it to work.

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How To Combine Multiple Trendlines In Single Chart

Feb 15, 2014

I am doing financial ratio analysis of a company for five years and I need to show the ratios in a trendline. I have generated seperate line charts for each ratio, but I want to combine the charts and have multiple trendlines for multiple data series in a chart.

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Line Chart With Single Data Point

Jun 20, 2013

Showed a line chart using 2 vertical axis where the first was a single line along the graph (ie. 42%) then the second data series was a single data point that was above or below the line which easily showed if the result lied above or below the threshold.

How to get a straight line across the body of the just to be used as the theshold line?

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Extract Text In Single Cell Based On Font Color

Aug 5, 2008

I have a cell that has a formula in it like PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR in a spreadsheet that looks like this:

2 1 3 4 6 5

PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR 2 1 3 4 10

where PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ are colored red and + DLR is colored blue. This formula is entered in that particular cell as a text string. I have a formula in the PREM column that says if the word PREM is located in the formula to the left (and it is), then put the value that is located right under the PREM column (2) in the blank cell next to the formula. So, in the above example, I have an IF statement that sees that PREM is in the formula to the left and so underneath the PREM column, next to the formula, it would place the number 2. Now, I need Excel to detect if any word in the formula text string is colored blue and if it is, to put a zero in that column. So, in the formula above, if + DLR is the only text that is blue, I want to have Excel add 2 + 1 + 3 only. I want to have Excel take any string out that might be colored blue, such as + DLR and return the value of zero for it. The purpose of the different colors in the formula is to distinguish which information is relevant and which information should be ignored. So, I'd like Excel to read the above formula and say put the PREM amount in the cell under PREM, put the PRDCMP amount in the cell underneath PRDCMP, put the ACQ amount in a cell under ACQ and put zero in the DLR column since it is colored blue. If any of them (PREM, PRDCMP, ACQ, DLR, VIP or COMM) are colored blue, I want Excel to put a zero in that column.

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VBA To Set Tab Color For A Chart

Feb 21, 2014

I'd like the tab color for a chart to automatically change to yellow if the value of a cell in another sheet is 1, otherwise stay 'no color'. Actually have several such charts but want each one to take its cue from different cell (I suppose I just copy and adjust the macro?)

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Create Multiple Chart Macro From Single Sheet

Jan 31, 2014

I have a data set where the rows contain monthly sales data (from January to December) and the columns contain the names of employees (joe, bob, sue, etc.) and a single "group average" column:

I would like to create a chart for each employee showing the employee's monthly sales vs. group average. For example, the first chart would be for joe...

Then the next chart will be for bob and so forth...

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Ensure/Force Selection Of Single Point Of Chart Series

Jun 18, 2008

I have an XY chart that I would like to have the user select a single data point in the chart and be able to add a comment in a table corresponding to that point. For example: if the x-values are in A1:A10, y-values are in B1:B10, the user can select a point, say the 4th point, have some code run that will enter a text string into cell C4. I can manage the code to add the text to the appropriate location, but I'm having trouble with 2 things.

First, how can I ensure that the user has selected a single point (as opposed to the entire series or the chart background)?

And second, how can I determine which point is selected? I think I need to determine the point's item number in the SeriesCollection, then offset that number of rows in my data table. But I can't find a way to retrieve that number.

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