How To Copy And Paste Excel Chart And Data Table In PowerPoint
Jan 23, 2013
I have a chart and a data table (please see attached file named "delete_1.xls).
I need to present these 2 items in a single slide of PowerPoint.
I have done like this.
-First copied the chart from Excel.
-Then pasted it in PowerPoint using "Paste special".
-Then clicked "picture (windows metafile)" this is to reduce memory consumption
Then repeated the above steps for the excel table too.
The PowerPoint slide that I got cannot be attached as system doesn't allow me.
Question: I wanted to a give a paper copy of the PowerPoint slide to my Director who needs a PowerPoint slide and not an Excel chart. But in the slide, the numbers of the table look much juggled and as if the numbers are too closely typed.
I tried with various different fonts in Excel and then copy and pasted in PowerPoint but the problem persists.
What things I should do in Excel table so that cell values are clear in the Table presented in PowerPoint ?
Attached File : Delete_1.xls‎
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Feb 19, 2012
For the chart in the excel worksheets, does anymore know who to copy it to the powerpoint slide with VBA? (either straight copy and paste, or copy and paste in as picture?)
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Oct 28, 2011
Which the best procedure to copy a chart into a powerpoint slide from a excel workbook? So that when I update the chart data in the excel workbook I can update it even in the powepoint slide ....
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Oct 6, 2013
I have a powerpoint presentation which has a bunch of Excel charts embedded as Microsoft Office Graphic Objects, but I don't have access to the source data (plus the links are broken).
how to get the underlying data. I vaguely recall once doing this with some vba that I had found somewhere the net, but I don't have the code anymore.
I have some code that works within Excel however:
Sub GetChartValues()
' this macro will recover the data from a disconnected Microsoft Graphic Object (such as we used to paste
' into PowerPoint). You will need to insert a Worksheet entitled "ChartData" to store the values.
Dim NumberOfRows As Integer
how to make this code work in PowerPoint?
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Jun 12, 2013
I have created a table in Excel 2010 (pls see attached table named post.xlsx).
Then copied the above table into PowerPoint 2010, using "paste link" (I tried to attach the PowerPoint file but the system says "invalid file type" and I cannot attach it).
I have received income data for another month - the new month is 13 and the corresponding new income is 100.
I typed 13 and 100 into the Excel table post.xlsx and thus extended the table by another column.
Then I went back to PowerPoint slide, then right clicked on the table there, then clicked "update link".
Specific Question:
The newly-typed column in Excel table is not get updated in PowerPoint table.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have this VBA code which I use for transferring data from my data sheet to slides in PowerPoint - it works fine.
However in PowerPoint I'm currently forced to transfer data to "text-objects" which is a bit of a drag because I'm used to working in a table in Powerpoint when organizing data.
Therefore my question is how to edit my VBA code so I can transfer data to a table in PowerPoint instead of an object.
Here's the VBA code:
Sub TDPTest()
Dim shtStudent As Worksheet
Dim strMedarbejder As String
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Feb 1, 2013
When i click a button in excel, i need the table from a certain "Range" to copy/paste in the body of an e-mail that will send itself automatically. Now, i know how to build the macro to automatically send the e-mail but i can't find a way to insert the table in it. here's the code i'm using to send the e-mail:
Public Sub SendMail2()
'Tools --> references --> Microsoft Scripting runtime
Dim EMailSendTo As Variant
But i don't know how to adapt the code for my problem.The fact is, i've just started to write macros and the code i'm using for the e-mail isn't from me, i have juste adapted it for my problem.
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Oct 29, 2008
i need a code to open a specific word document, copy table from word into excel with a link so when the word document is changed so is the excel doc
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.
The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?
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Jun 13, 2014
In excel 2010, I'm using the following to copy and paste values and formatting from a pivot table, but i lose the formatting (TableStyle2 = "PivotStyleLight8"):
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
I have tried to add, xlPasteFormats, but to no avail...?
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Dec 14, 2013
for my school project, I am right now doing time tracking for all of my activities throughout the day with excel. Here is basically what I am doing: For everything I do, I record and put in start time and end time for the activity.(I use simple formula to subtract these twos) If my day goes on like study, break, study, meal, study, break and each activity takes one hour for each, I have total of 3 hours studying, 2 hours taking break and one hour for meal. I am using pivot table to show all totals for each activity.
Pivot table is working best as far as my knowledge goes as I can choose and look up total of multiple activity combined. The problem here is I am making one sheet per a day and I need to continue this for three months. (So that seems like 90 worksheet). What I was thinking is I make Sheet 1 as master sheet. Then, copy and paste the entire sheet for 90 sheets assuming all formulas including pivot table go along with them. then, when I put in new data to other sheet,magic happens and values in pivot tables will change relatively after refresh. You might be probably laughing hard at me right now. I know..I tried it for like 3 sheets. Simple formula to subtract endtime and start time still work accordingly with new data. But, Pivotal table is playing dead at all.
I researched and found that that might be problem with reference and absolute cell reference thingy. ( to make pivotal table work for different worksheet). All the cells used ( including column and row ) will be entirely the same for all worksheets. The only difference aka problem is different sheet. I want to use sheet 1 as a template and copy it down to next 90 sheets taking all contents except data. Is there anyway I can copy and paste the whole template to another 90 sheets while making pivot table work and calculate and update itself according to relative data from each own worksheet? I use excel 2007 btw
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Jun 5, 2013
The problem I am having is that the data I am transferring is going to top of column cell first and then when I run the macro again it skips down to the next empty cell in the column...what I want it to do is paste the data into the next empty cell...
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
oExcel.Visible = True '
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Aug 21, 2007
I have a sheet in which you enter in new information. I need a macro to copy that information onto another sheet, onto the first empty row, so it does not clear the information that has already been entered. The first sheet is an information entry sheet, and the second is the database, which contains all of the information. I hope this is clear, if you do not understand, I will be happy to rephrase my question!
I have included two screenshots of the excel system. They are named.
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Jul 30, 2012
Can Pivot Table chart add another data from another sheet? I attached the link for this file (Add data1), it is because the file consists of several sheets and I do not know how to show here.
I would like to add the data from the "Rate" sheet into the Pivot Table chart (Chart.PT). I made an example by using normal way (Chart.Case (9)), the column series in the chart is the one I added from the "Rate" sheet. I wonder if I could do the same in pivot table chart.
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Apr 12, 2011
Am working in Excel 07, but this would need to work in 2000 as well.
Need a macro that will...
1. Select a range of cells from B4 to RX. X is defined as the last row where Column A has a value.
2. Copy the visible cells
3. Open an email in Outlook (not via the email workbook function of excel), enter "Submission" into the title, enter "Dear X," insert 2 returns.
4. Paste the copied table (not the workbook, just what is on the clipboard) into the body the email.
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May 21, 2012
I need to transfer data to powerpoint from my '4 box' reports in excel.
Essentially copying everything in the range A40:U74 inc charts and paste them into a slide as a picture on the click of a macro button.
I have to do alot of reports like this for my project and it takes up alot of time copying and pasting etc.
I have seen different codes for this but they are either for charts only or text... the one i did see for both, didnt work at all.
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Aug 8, 2013
If I have a simple spreadsheet with Name, Class, and date in Columns A, B, and C. Labeled as NAME , CLASS, and DATE acccordingly is there a way to merge that data onto a certificate in powerpoint so the result is a slide of each student?
I can do this in word easily and perhaps the easy answer is to just convert the certficate slide to word and go from there?
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Mar 28, 2014
I am looking to put a chart in PowerPoint and source Data in to PowerPoint. So all I have to do is to update in PowerPoint. Is there a way to do it?
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Apr 21, 2014
I just copied a table from the web which contains numbers in the last column.
I pasted the data into Excel, but when I try to run any type of calculation i receive a #VALUE! error.
The annoying 'workaround' is to re-type the same numerical text into it's own cell, which allows for calculation.
I've tried changing the cell formatting to 'general', and 'text', but I still receive the #VALUE! error, when trying to calculate.
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Jun 20, 2013
Copy and paste the data from different excel sheets to one main sheet.
I will get a file which may contain 10 sheets or 15 sheets depends on data and rows also not sure it varies from sheet to sheet. Now, I would like to consolidate all the sheet data except first row (heading) for first instance I need heading and second sheet onwards not required the headings hence, macro should copy from second row onwards.
The data should get paste one by one if first sheet contains rows till A100 then in main sheet for second sheet data paste should happen from A101.
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Jul 31, 2012
I would like to have a macro, to copy the cells and paste it 6 times in a column. below are the format required.
Column A
Column B
[Code] ......
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Jul 8, 2008
I’m simply trying to copy all the data on one sheet, open up a new excel application:
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
and then paste all the information to the new workbook. When I try, the charts don’t paste, only the values and formats.
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Jun 9, 2013
I have two spread sheets that I 'converted' into tables. I need to combine them into a single sheet. When I attempt to copy and paste from one to the other the formatting and formulas do not carry 'down' as they do when I manually enter a new line or record.
Is there a way to copy multiple rows of data from one tabled sheet to another tabled sheet?
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May 26, 2007
I have a simple Excel VBA range copy as bitmap and paste to powerpoint which works fine except. I am using an excel sheet for the user to provide information regarding file name and range to copy/paste. I need the ability for the user to run a macro in the workbook that they are copying from prior to the copy. This macro updates data from an external source.
I think the problem is that, when I run the macro, the copy paste occurs before the range is fully updated. I have tried inserting Application.Waits and saving the file before the copy, but no luck. I use a split screen to watch this, the PowerPoint paste flashes, then the copy cells update. The picture pasted to PowerPoint is the correct size and in the correct postion but is blank.
I don't thinks that this impacts anything, but the contents of the copy cells are graphs. I usually have 12 graphs in the range that copy/pastes.
Workbooks.Open Filename:=strFullName
Set wkbCopy = Workbooks(strFile)
If strMacro <> "" Then
Application.Run "'" & strFile & "'!" & strMacro
End If
'Application.Wait TimeSerial(Hour(Now), Minute(Now), Second(Now + TimeValue("00:00:30")))
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Mar 21, 2007
1) i have office 2003 on a laptop. within powerpoint, i can create a 'microsoft excel chart 11' object. to create a link to the excel data source, do i have to go through the odbc sql setup? it works, but i don't want my powerpoint to be dependent on some excel file somewhere. what are the other options to insert/make a functional pivot chart in powerpoint with the data also within powerpoint? the data as sheet option does not result in the chart being a pivot, it's just a plain chart. it has to be a proper object, not an image paste or a chart that updates links with the excel file open.
2) i have office 2007 on my other laptop. i can not find any suitable object to choose from to make a pivot chart in powerpoint. what's the best way to go about in 2007 version?
3) am i going about this the wrong way with the objects? should i be after vba code?
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May 4, 2014
I have a sheet that gets updated from external source. For e.g. the B2 cell of sheet updates the date and C2 cell updates the value as on that date from the external link. Since, the value of the cells gets updated every time I open the sheet, I want to copy the value of cells to another sheet in chronological order ,when the file gets opened in different dates, so that I can present data in dynamic pie chart.
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Aug 6, 2014
So I have (some sort of standard) code to generate a Html emailbody.
Problem is I have data and on this data there is a chart.
Now when I copy and paste the range of these 2 sections it only gives me the data but not the chart (leaves that space blank).
How I can adjust this code so it also will paste the chart?
This is the code :
[Code] .....
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Jan 14, 2014
I need to plot various data on top of stock charts.
This data could be irregular in date: it could be weekly, or simply random.
To plot this data by itself requires a Scatter Chart.
From what I know so far, you CANNOT DO THIS.
However, I suspect this could be done if I build a Stock Chart from scratch using a Scatter Chart.
Error bars can be used to make the tails, however, I don't know how they built the body bar which has the characteristics of a bar (border, and interior.)
But since I don't really need those two characteristics, I just need a wider error bar line that is provided in the chart edit window. I'm guess through a macro, there are wider line widths assignable.
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Nov 27, 2011
I am looking for a creative way to display a pie chart within a data point marker of a line chart.
My database has 3 value columns, Type1, Type2 and the Total (Type1 + Type2)
these are recorded per day (Date, in Column A)
I have a line chart that displays the total by date, but I want to find a way to display the percentage split of a particular day by type.
I was thinking to load the chart image into the Data point marker, but i don't think that is the best way as the data is updated daily and I would have to do it each day for a few line charts.
The other way I was thinking about was to have a generic Pie chat in the Line chart (Maybe in a corner) and the pie would update depending on way date series was selected or Mouseover'd)
the way that I am approaching it at the movement (Not the best way and by far not the coolest way. Is to have a list of all the dates in a column next to the Line chart and using some VBA, what ever date is selected in the column the pie chart displays the corresponding data. But eh challenge is that when there is alot of dates, I am going to be scrolling up and down.
I am using Excel 2010, but I cant not use the slicer's as the other users do not have 2010, they have 2007.
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Dec 29, 2011
I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).
My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.
The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.
I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).
Here's what i have tried:
1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.
2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.
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