How To Copy Data To Next Row Of Different Tab Dependent On Data Entered
Jun 1, 2013
I have a main "ControlSheet" with a list of client and info in Columns A,B,C and E
In Column D of this "ControlSheet" I enter the Staff member who the client has been allocated to (e.g "Staff1")
1 Ref Data1 Data2 Staff Date Client Allocated
2 102 1000 10001 Staff1 01.06.2013
Each staff member (there are 7) has their own tab set up (e.g Staff1, Staff2, Staff3 etc)What I would like to achieve is when I choose the relevant staff member in column D of the "ControlSheet" (Lets say D2) I would like the Data from A2,B2,C2 and E2 of the "ControlSheet" to be copied to the next available/empty row of the Staff members own tab.
So in this example (above) A2-E2 would be copied to the "Staff1" tab as that is the staff member chosen If I was subsequently to change the Staff member chosen on the control sheet from say "Staff1" to "Staff2" I would then like the Data or Row to be removed from the "Staff1" Tab and added to the next row of "Staff2" Tab.
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Oct 18, 2009
I'm working in MS Office Excel 2003. I have a spreadsheet with numerous drop down boxes and references to named ranges. Here's my current quandary:
In cell I12, I have a drop down box with listed choices A, B, C and D. In cells I15, I18, I21 and I24, I also have drop downs.
What I'm trying to do is when choice D is picked from I12 it locks cells I15, I18, I21 and I24 so that the choices in the drop down cannot be picked. Also, a popup message is displayed.
I was able to receive help in getting this pretty much taken care of. But the problem I'm having with the code is that the popup message is also being displayed whenever I make a choice from other drop down boxes. So if I choose option D from I12, it locks the other 4 cells and displays the message just fine, but then if I choose anything else from say K12 or L21 then the message continues to come up. Here's what I have...
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Oct 10, 2009
In cell D10, there is a drop down menu with choices A, B, C and D. Cells D13, 16, 19 and 22 also have a drop down menu. What I would like the code to do, is when option D is chosen from D10's menu, cells D13, 16, 19 and 22 are locked so that the user cannot choose an option from any of those cells.
So basically, if D10="OptionD" then [whatever the value is to lock cells D13, 16, 19 and 22 from drop down use)
If possible, I'd like this as an IF function, and not a VBA macro. I'm not completely familiar with all of the IF, so forgive me if I ask the impossible. But if the IF cannot do it, VBA code is fine.
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May 14, 2009
This is just a sample worksheet. I have got a worksheet with having 3 coloumns A, B & C. Column A contains E Code, while Column B is of time which user will enter. Column C contains the time in Hours.
I have entered one record for example. Now, whenever user enters the value in B3, then formula from C2 should be copied to C3 i.e it should be =B3/60.
I want this to be done using VBA. Pls help me out. I want to use this feature in one of my another files which requries this feature.
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Mar 15, 2013
I am looking to create a macro to be assigned to a button that copies the last row of data entered and then pastes it to the last empty row on a different worksheet. This is a dummy spreadsheet to work with (I have more data, but the concept is one in the same). Sheet1 ("Branch1"), Sheet2 ("Branch2"), and Sheet3 ("All"), the names in brackets are names of the sheets, but for ease I'll refer to them as Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. I have columns beginning in B as follows: Date, Branch, Currency, Coin, and Total (the branch and Total are tied to formulas, however I just need to the text values and formats to come over to the other worksheet). have the portion regarding the copy of the last row in Sheet1, however it won't PasteSpecial.Selection in Sheet3 as it says the cells are not sized or formatted correctly.
Sub CopyB2()
lr2 = Sheets("Branch2").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lr3 = Sheets("All").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("Branch2").Range("B" & lr2).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("All").Range("B" & lr3)
End Sub
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Jun 20, 2006
What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..
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Jan 30, 2014
I am trying to create a "Master Sheet" where I enter in the column data and after I have entered my data for each row, I can select the button which toggles the macro to run. I have it built to build new sheets as new clients are obtained. My problem is after I have a sheet that has client's data I cannot get new data to add itself below the data that is already there. I want each client's sheet to keep adding rows as more data comes in. My current macro is :
[Code] .....
Attached File : Data Entry Macro.xlsx
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Jul 9, 2009
I have Worksheet 1, with columns A to E. I would like a row to be copied to Worksheet 2, as soon as cell F in Worksheet 1 is populated. Also the row to be deleted from Worksheet 1.
So, as soon as F1 in worksheet 1 is populated and enter button pressed, row A1:F1 will be copied to the next empty row in worksheet 2, while being deleted from worksheet 1. So eventually all rows in worksheet 1 will be deleted and rows in worksheet 2 will be populated.
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Nov 12, 2008
Have attached a small 2007 excel spreadsheet to help explain my needs. I would like to know if there is a function that when data is entered into column A it is then transfered to column B, B data transfers to C, C to D, D to E etc. with the K data falling off (10 Columns). I need this process to happen even when the new A input data is of the same value as the last A input data.
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Apr 10, 2009
Firstly I have these 12 values as in the attached excel sheet (in the order: FY09, FY09Q4, FY09H1, FY09H2, FY10, FY10Q1, FY10Q2, FY10Q3, FY10Q4, FY10H1, FY10H2, FY11Q1) to be selected as Start Date and End Date. The Limitation on Start and End Date is that the End Date cannot be smaller than Start Date (for e.g.: If start Date is FY09Q4 the End Date can be FY09Q4 and above but not FY09). Now I have a separate set of Initiatives/Objectives for each time period (each Initiatives are marked in excel sheet 2) and Initiatives depend upon Start Date Selected so once Start Date is selected only the related List of Initiatives should be published.
Now the Validation and Naming I have used is not allowing me to use a list name as “FY09” and “FY10” as they are cell references in the Workbook. But I cannot also change the name to something as FY_09 as the data that would be there in the Template will finally be used without editing for upload to an application.
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Aug 14, 2014
Using columns, (A,B,C & D)Column "A" is used for main grouping (defined as "zone") which I've used conditional formatting to define that there's duplicates. However the subsequent columns B&C are to and from devices. There may be instances of inverse duplicates. How can I either use "If then" formulas or LOOKUP function to note these occurrences? Column "D" is merely the flag column to display the instances of occurrence.
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51GT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 351GT12G 287XT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 2
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 3
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3367 12G DTT287XT12G
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a workbook with three sheets.
Sheet 1 is a large data array (approx 8 columns x max 400 rows), than contains the inventory and cost information of a list of products in a running cafe.
Sheet 2 is is a recipe analysis tool that I want to be able to use data validations to cost out recipes, drawing information from sheet 1 in three dependent drop down boxes 1- category, 2- supplier, 3- item name, which then returns that items cost per standard of measure.
Sheet 3 is where I have started to try to generate a unique list for category and supplier to assist sheet 2 in referencing from sheet 1.
There is data overlap across the inventory items, with many items having the same category and or supplier.
Examples that I have found online use the index and match function, in conjunction with naming to return the array required for the drop down, however most of these examples I have found contain simple unique lists.
I cant seem to nut dynamic naming, which is integral as the list is expanding and contracting all the time.
So far I have been successful by manually naming a range (not a satisfactory solution as per above) and then using the indirect function to reference that named array from sheet 1.
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Oct 14, 2008
See the attached example. I have created a dependent data validation. The list available in B2 is dependent on the item chosen in Cell A2.
What I would like to know is how do I expand this validation down columns A and B. I don't want to have to add the validation in each cell individually!
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Dec 31, 2012
I cannot seem to add more dependents using this code. I think it is in the "If / then / else" structure that it is limited to only those three "groups". But I need to be able to add at least one more dependent list to the code.
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May 5, 2009
I'm still curious about the sample from Contextures, (DV0032 - Dependent Data Validation Combobox)
I have made a modification from its file (sample is attached). First drop list can be autocomplete, but the second cannot. For the comparing, I made row 2 in ValidationSample sheet is my modification, and row 3 is the original.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am trying to make two dependant lists in Excel. Using data validation lists, is it possible to, for example, select a country from one list, then select a city in that country from another list. For example, if I select France from one list, I only want the list of cities to include French cities, rather than the entire list of cities in the list.
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Aug 1, 2013
B2 should be drop-down list based on the value in B1.
Example: If Function code is 901, the drop down list should contains 3 values: Warehouse, Transport, QC only.
As we have ~100 function codes, formular with IF that I tried -> Data validation IF(B1="901",901,IF(B1="902",902 .... are not applicable.
I tried Excel Data Validation -- Dependent Lists but it didn't works.
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Dec 10, 2013
Currently i have a list of cells D7:D19 which have data validation lists dependent on the values in B7:17. When the cell in the B column is cleared the value in D remains. I want it to clear when the value from B is cleared. I currently have tried to following code which works for cells B7 and D7, but how do i apply this to the whole range?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo sub_exit
If Target.Address = "$B$7" Then
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Oct 4, 2008
I am needing to create 2 drop downs that are dependent on 1 drop down. I have named lists that are on another worksheet. I've gotten so far as getting the 1st 2 drop down lists work but my third drop down I just can't figure out what the formula needs to be. HELP!! I've been working on this for a week now and I'm losing my mind. I've checked the contextures website and it does NOT answer this question.
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May 26, 2006
I have an Excel spreadsheet with two lists of data, the first is a list of groups and the second is a list of sub-groups, each group containing a number of sub-groups, each sub-group being unique and belonging to only one group.
Elsewhere on the sheet, I have used Data Validation (using 'list') in 2 columns to provide a drop-down selection in cells which the user must complete. The first column refers to the first list (groups), the second column refers to the second list (sub-groups).
However I would like to make the values which appear in the second drop-down list dependent on the value which has been selected in the first. That is: make the user choose a group in the first column and then make the choice of available sub-groups in column 2 restricted to those sub-groups which belong to the selected group.
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Oct 13, 2006
I have a spreadsheet showing a number of jobs with numerous columns for individual bits of data regarding the jobs. Two of these columns show a strat date and an end date for the jobs. What I require is a seperate worksheet that will show the rows that have the formula =Today() be equal to or in between the start and end dates. I've been trying for ages now and have a mental block.
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Jan 3, 2008
i need a way so they can be differentiated. This is how my validation are set out
and my details of cars { list}
once the end user chooses the model i need it to display the information of that model like the Price for a day and NO of doors
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a lil project, was wondering how to work this. I have several rows of numbers, thing is, they can only contain either a "1" or a "0" (zero). If anything else is entered other than a "1" or "0", I'd like to have a statement below it saying "Error - data must contain a 1 or 0" - or something similar.
I tried using conditional formatting - not working well.
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Apr 10, 2014
See attached. I cannot get my indirect function to work in Cell K2 based on cell J2
Data for the Validation is in cells W1 to AC14
I want to do data validation in Column K based on Column J, but cannot get the indirect function to work to past into the data validation tool
I have named all my ranges.
AM Call Log.xlsm
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Jul 24, 2014
Is there any way when using dependent validation lists, that once a selection is made in one list, the next list will automatically default to it's first item?
So in the attached example, if Activity2 is selected in cell B7, then TaskC would automatically appear in cell C7 but the user can still choose a different value if necessary?
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Apr 8, 2009
Here is what I am looking for I have a 3 list first is 'start date', 'end date' and third is 'Product'.
The LoV's are: .....
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Jan 27, 2014
I've got a password protected spreadsheet with only certain cells unlocked to allow users to complete them. I need the following to work on Excel versions 2003, 2007 & 2010.
Cell E3 has a drop down list with types of car to choose from. One of the car types is "Pool_Car".
Cell D12 should only be used if "Pool_Car" is selected from the drop down list. If any other car type is selected, and the user tries to enter a figure in D12, I need an error message to appear.
E3 & D12 are unlocked cells.
I'm happy for D12 to become locked & only allow it to be unlocked if "pool_car" is selected, but I've looked elsewhere, but can't find VBA or data validation to work.
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Aug 11, 2009
I have a worksheet (mileage) which has a client column (column B) which is validated so that the user can only choose clients from a dropdown list. The dropdown gets its values from another sheet (data) in the same workbook. In the data sheet each client also has a recharge flag (1 or 0) in a column beside it.
In the mileage worksheet column E is ‘mileage’ and column F is ‘recharge mileage’. What I need to do is create a validation rule or macro that only allows a user to input a value into the recharge mileage column if the client whom they selected from column B has a recharge flag of 1 (i.e. they are a recharge client). If they try to input a value without the client being a recharge client (or without selecting a client) it should give an error message.
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Jul 25, 2013
I am having trouble with a dependent dv list. Please see below:
Support is a named list from the parent dv list
Internal_Cost_Centres is a named list
Project_Code is a named list
When I select Support from the parent dv list, it will return the list named Internal_Cost_Centres, however, when I select something else it doesn't work.. there are 3 options in all on the parent list (Support, Production, Project) and whether Production or Project selected, I want it to return the same list - Project_Codes.
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Sep 12, 2007
I've looked at the data validation tips and understand how to make a second dropdown dependent on the 1st, but how about a 3rd dependent on the prior 2 selections and so on.
I would like to have dropdowns based on a dataset of 4 columns (Location, Department, WorkGroup, Employee) that frequently gets updated. I would like to have the user select a location then a department then workgroup and employee. I would then fill in a worksheet with other pertinent information. I can get the 1st two dropdowns to work, but haven't found the key to being able to continue to drill down based on the 1st two options.
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