Column Dependent Duplicate Data
Aug 14, 2014
Using columns, (A,B,C & D)Column "A" is used for main grouping (defined as "zone") which I've used conditional formatting to define that there's duplicates. However the subsequent columns B&C are to and from devices. There may be instances of inverse duplicates. How can I either use "If then" formulas or LOOKUP function to note these occurrences? Column "D" is merely the flag column to display the instances of occurrence.
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51GT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 351GT12G 287XT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 2
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 3
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3367 12G DTT287XT12G
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Jun 6, 2014
I have an Excel file with two different visible sheets (dashboards), each with different types of charts, which are pulling from the same data tables on a hidden sheet. I have a data validation drop down list on one of the dashboard sheets, which lists 7 items. Once one of the 7 item is selected, both dashboards update, which is what I want. However, I'd like to be able to have duplicated, related validation drop down lists. So if someone is looking at the first dashboard sheet and they select a new item, when they go to the second dashboard and see that same item, they could on that second dashboard select a new item without having to go back to the first dashboard.
I'd provide an example if I could, but cannot. I've tried searching on the forum for something similar, but most often the topic of dependent data validation is on two different types of drop downs with the second being dependent on the first, whereas I'm looking for two drop downs that are interconnected and can update in sync.
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Mar 12, 2013
IIn my example I have result data from the 2013 USPGA Tour, ordered by player (column A) with subsequent columns detailing their finishing position in each event.
I simply want to condense each player's performance data into one row - as doing it by hand after each event is very time-consuming.
Is there a way of using a simple formula, macro or pivot table (or whatever) to merge each player into one row, but keep each column in the same position (ie to correspond to each weekly event).
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Feb 23, 2010
Bit of a tricky one this, I have two spreadsheets both with data I need to merge the two and only keep data which is present in both sheets. Each row has a unique identifier. I have copied the sheets into one spready and sorted the data, I thought there might be some kind of edit go to function but cannot find it.
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Feb 16, 2009
I need some thing that will highligt duplicate entries in column a
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Jul 28, 2013
with deleting duplicate entries in a spreadsheet that contains two names, a code number and a date. All rows with a duplicate number in column “B†should be deleted. Write a micro code? I have a few thousand of entries that need to be knocked out.
A sample file is attached : Example.xls
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May 17, 2014
I have a large compilation of data on an excel work sheet (I am using 2013). All cells relate to each other by means of dates, names, and other numeric values such as stock numbers, id numbers etc... In one column some stock numbers are repeated. I would like to know if there is a way to set up the program on this worksheet to highlight all repeating stock numbers, not only in the column but across the cells as well, in lieu of doing so manually.
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Apr 10, 2014
I currently have a worksheet filled with data from other worksheets. I want to combine data from different columns when they share an identical row header and don't know how. For example:
Would go to:
Another specific issue is that some row headers are bold and need to be considered a separate header from the non-bold alternative.
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Jul 30, 2012
I have row of data from cell A2:E2 to A5000:G5000
in Column B I have customer account number, and they should not repeat but some reason some customers repeat more than once,
so out all column A B C D E if there if customer repeats only thing can be same is customer account number
so for example below, account number 12 repeats so I want to only few all account number 12 so I can compare both row and delete the only i need to delete and go back to original
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Nov 17, 2006
I've got this macro which works well, but I have to edit it to change the column I want to check for dupes. I don't mind doing that, but now I have to share the macro with someone who is not comfortable changing the references in the code every time they run it.
As it is it checks column G:G (7) for dupes and deletes the row. Good.
I'd like for it to do the same thing, but for whatever column the active cell is in.
I can use this:
Col = ActiveCell.Column
in place of the "7" in the With Range part
but I don't know how to replace the "G1:G".
Sub DeleteDuplicatesColumnG()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
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Jan 9, 2014
Is there a formula that will allow you to add an ascending suffix to duplicate data in a column?
For example:
I've been trying to figure it out on my own for a while now with no luck...
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Jan 13, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has thousands of rows of data with maybe 6 columns.
I would like to remove the duplicate rows but the problem I am facing is that I would like to use column A as the criteria.
There are some duplicates in column A but the issue is that the data in column B, C, D, etc may not be the same for each duplicate.
Easier to see in this image:
So A1 is the same as A6
A1 has data in B1 and C1, no data in D1
A6 has data in B1, C1 and D1
I need to delete either row A1 or row A6, it is irrelevant which row it is but one of them has to go.
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Feb 10, 2009
I have to enter patient's SSN's into my database. The fastest and most error free way to do this is simply copy the SSN from the electronic chart and paste into the appropriate cell in the database. I don't want duplicates. So, I need the database to alert me when I paste in a duplicate SSN. I know you can set data validation to do prohibit duplicates by using a formula. In the attached spreadsheet the SSN is in column B, so:
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Feb 26, 2014
I need to sort my data by the oldest date first in colum L (NEED_DATE), but I need to keep the rows grouped by colum A (Material No). See example of data.
Material No
Tool No
Prodn Ordr No
Curr Oper No
Curr Workcenter Cd
Next Oper No
Next Workcenter Cd
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Apr 7, 2014
I have a huge document that looks like this
Column A______Column B_____Column C
I want to keep in ColumnA all three rows of 100/12, because it has a value in Column B in one cell-which is the criteria, and remove the 250/13 because it has no value in cell B.
I was assuming that merging duplicates in column A, and than remove empty from ColumnB.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have made up 7 worksheets that are completely identical with exception of course to the data they contain. I have a master sheet that contains some of the data from each of the other sheets that will be shared between them. Things were working very well until I discovered that some data was duplicated on a couple of the sheets; and I am in need of adding more worksheets.
The formula I am using for this will not allow me to have more than the 7 worksheets. It is an IF statement array. So now I am wondering how will I be able to add these extra sheets. I would like to use my worksheet names in a range but have evidently done something wrong and could not get that to work before, ending up with this very long 'IF'. !Can worksheet names be used to create a named range?
Also, I would like to know if there is a way to prevent duplicate data on these sheets. I am using conditional formatting on each sheet now, but that of course only works on the current sheet.
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm in need of a formula, or another automated technique, to link a column of data from one worksheet to another. I have an input worksheet that I copy the raw data into that is formatted as follows:
Row 1 12001
Row 2 12004
Row 3 12011
Row 4 12020
Row 5 13050
I need this import sheet to link to an output worksheet that would be updated automatically as new data is entered into the input sheet. However, I need the output sheet to copy the input values a specified # of the times and list them. For example, if the specified # was 3, it would be formatted as follows:
Row 1 12001
Row 2 12001
Row 3 12001
Row 4 12004
Row 5 12004
Row 6 12004
Row 7 12011
I need the formula, or method, to be one that I don't have to continually re-enter as the data changes, as I have thousands of records to do this with. I've tried filling down, but autofill doesn't recognize an accurate trend. Is this something that I can accomplish by combining several fomulas, creating macros, or a combination of the both?
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Apr 8, 2014
I work in a factory where we create different types of units daily. Below is a list of planned production on a specific date, say today's date. This is a very crude example, with information missing, and it is important to know that there are conditions attached such as:
The types are added randomly. The amount of types is much greater meaning that each type is on it's own page with breaks between. Everything produced on this date will have a URN (unique reference number) with its first 6 digits equating to yy-mm-dd and the last two being the position of the unit in the production sequence (first=01, second=02 etc).
I have gotten it to the point where if you enter them in sequence (Type A first for example) it will lookup to see the last assigned URN and taking the quantity into account issue the correct URNs.
The issues I have are when the URNs are less than "10", there is a problem displaying the 0 before the digit which disrupts the sequence. I can provide more clear examples if required.
Type A
Type B
Type C
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Sep 30, 2009
I've created a single worksheet that is essentially a "dashboard" type of report that displays data for a single employee/person. This worksheet (let's assume it's my "template") contains formulae that is driven by a single lookup cell (in this case, the employee's ID, in cell, for example, A1).
This "dashboard" report (for just one individual) needs to be duplicated for the entire employee population (let's say ~100 people); this employee population is stored as a list in a separate worksheet, in a single column.
Is there a vba solution that will copy my template and populate the cell A1 (of each duplicated template worksheet) with the the employee IDs - of course, it would be ideal if the solution can search in my employee ID list and continue down until there are no more IDs and create the same number of worksheets as there are IDs?
Because the macro is creating numerous worksheets, is it possible to name the worksheets based off of an adjacent value (in the same sheet as the IDs) to each respective ID (I'm thinking of a concatenation of the employees' IDs and names)?
One major wrinkle in this process: the above process would be ideal if the "template" worksheet won't change (i.e. no changes to formatting, no additional data elements, etc.) However, it's likely that the client will want to add/remove/change items/elements to the "template" dashboard. Assuming, at this point, all 100 worksheets for each individual/employee have been created, it would be a huge pain to manually add/remove elements from each sheet. Is there another macro that would delete ALL employee sheets? That way, I can re-modify my single template and just run the original macro to re-create my duplicate sheets (but populated with different IDs) again.
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Mar 5, 2014
I am able to quite easily count the number of specific values in a cell after the table has been filtered. However, the problem I have run into is that some times the data needs to be placed into the spreadsheet twice (or to be more specific the same subject is associated with several unique data points).
What I need: some way to count the instance of some give value in column D only once based on the presence of a duplicate (unique) identifier in column C. However, when I filter the entire database, it must count *only* the filtered cells and not the hidden cells as well.
Column C Column D
111111 M
111111 M
111111 M
Currently calculates: M=9, F=2
Right now it incorrectly states there are 9 "M" from column D when it really should be 5 since 3 are duplicate values. My main difficulty is making sure this continues to work after I filter the entire sheet (say column ZZ) and have a bunch of hidden cells.
Equation currently using to count only filtered values (in this case "males" and "females"):
="M = " & SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(D3:D13,ROW(D3:D13)-MIN(ROW(D3:D13)),,1))*(D3:D13="M"))
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Jan 22, 2010
I have two drop down lists 1) Country and 2) States/province
Country has list: [US, Canada]
If "US" is selected, [Arizona ,Florida, NewYork] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
If "Canada" is selected, [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
First, I select "US" and choose the states to "Florida"
Next I change the country to "Canada" and forgot to choose province
Then, the 2nd dropdown list is changed to [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec],
BUT the current value is still "Florida"
Now I have "Canada" and "Florida" selected in the sheet
If the primary list is changed, can I make the 2nd drop down list to show a default value (e.g. blank or the first entry i.e. Alberta)?
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Jun 18, 2014
I am attempting to create a form in excel with dynamic data validation fields. What has me stumped is that I want to create multiple complex dependencies (for instance, if you select something from a drop-down list in the first field, that then gives you a specific range in the second field. Then based on what you placed in the second field it gives you a specific range in the third field.). What I can't seem to work out is the formula for making this work.
Is this impossible? Also sometimes the third field my be blank.
Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish
Assets 2.PNG
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a datatable which has a column containing up to 25 different text codes (which are currency pairs). I need to insert a specific number (as seen in the attached example) in a second column. This number depends on the text in the first column. I suspect this is very simple but at the moment, not for me!
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May 12, 2014
I have three columns that each have a drop down of text options; column A has three options, column B has three options and column C has two options. I want to have a fourth column that will show a text value dependent on the combination of the three columns.
It ends up being 18 variations so my IF formula just won't compute.
This is basically the format I have and works for a few values then just chucks up an error when I extend it to all 18 variations:
IF(AND(A1="text",B1="text2",C1="text3"),"show this text",
IF(AND(B1="other",B1="other2",C1="other3"),"then show this", ) etc etc
Any way I can get this to work for all 18 possible outcomes??
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Jun 1, 2011
What I am looking to do is this... (using Excel 2007)
I need to have more dependent lists based on the selection in Column A. (My column B is already set up and works perfectly using INDIRECT)
For example:
Column F would be a dependent list of colors based on the sales rep chosen in Column A
Column I would be a dependent list of managers based on the sales rep chosen in Column A
Column M would be a dependent list of part numbers based on the rep chosen in column A
without using VBA? (If I HAD to - okay, the other person maintaining the sheet would be lost....) I haven't been able to find anything close to what I want to do online - maybe I am just not using the correct terms.
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Apr 10, 2009
Firstly I have these 12 values as in the attached excel sheet (in the order: FY09, FY09Q4, FY09H1, FY09H2, FY10, FY10Q1, FY10Q2, FY10Q3, FY10Q4, FY10H1, FY10H2, FY11Q1) to be selected as Start Date and End Date. The Limitation on Start and End Date is that the End Date cannot be smaller than Start Date (for e.g.: If start Date is FY09Q4 the End Date can be FY09Q4 and above but not FY09). Now I have a separate set of Initiatives/Objectives for each time period (each Initiatives are marked in excel sheet 2) and Initiatives depend upon Start Date Selected so once Start Date is selected only the related List of Initiatives should be published.
Now the Validation and Naming I have used is not allowing me to use a list name as “FY09” and “FY10” as they are cell references in the Workbook. But I cannot also change the name to something as FY_09 as the data that would be there in the Template will finally be used without editing for upload to an application.
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Jun 1, 2013
I have a main "ControlSheet" with a list of client and info in Columns A,B,C and E
In Column D of this "ControlSheet" I enter the Staff member who the client has been allocated to (e.g "Staff1")
1 Ref Data1 Data2 Staff Date Client Allocated
2 102 1000 10001 Staff1 01.06.2013
Each staff member (there are 7) has their own tab set up (e.g Staff1, Staff2, Staff3 etc)What I would like to achieve is when I choose the relevant staff member in column D of the "ControlSheet" (Lets say D2) I would like the Data from A2,B2,C2 and E2 of the "ControlSheet" to be copied to the next available/empty row of the Staff members own tab.
So in this example (above) A2-E2 would be copied to the "Staff1" tab as that is the staff member chosen If I was subsequently to change the Staff member chosen on the control sheet from say "Staff1" to "Staff2" I would then like the Data or Row to be removed from the "Staff1" Tab and added to the next row of "Staff2" Tab.
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a workbook with three sheets.
Sheet 1 is a large data array (approx 8 columns x max 400 rows), than contains the inventory and cost information of a list of products in a running cafe.
Sheet 2 is is a recipe analysis tool that I want to be able to use data validations to cost out recipes, drawing information from sheet 1 in three dependent drop down boxes 1- category, 2- supplier, 3- item name, which then returns that items cost per standard of measure.
Sheet 3 is where I have started to try to generate a unique list for category and supplier to assist sheet 2 in referencing from sheet 1.
There is data overlap across the inventory items, with many items having the same category and or supplier.
Examples that I have found online use the index and match function, in conjunction with naming to return the array required for the drop down, however most of these examples I have found contain simple unique lists.
I cant seem to nut dynamic naming, which is integral as the list is expanding and contracting all the time.
So far I have been successful by manually naming a range (not a satisfactory solution as per above) and then using the indirect function to reference that named array from sheet 1.
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Oct 14, 2008
See the attached example. I have created a dependent data validation. The list available in B2 is dependent on the item chosen in Cell A2.
What I would like to know is how do I expand this validation down columns A and B. I don't want to have to add the validation in each cell individually!
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Dec 31, 2012
I cannot seem to add more dependents using this code. I think it is in the "If / then / else" structure that it is limited to only those three "groups". But I need to be able to add at least one more dependent list to the code.
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