A1: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield and Shawn Coyne (Nov 11, 2011) - Kindle eBook A2: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield (Apr 20, 2011) - Kindle eBook A3: How to Get the Raise You Want in 90 Days or Less: A Step-by-step Plan for Making It Happen by Kathy M. Barnes and Robyn Feldberg (Jan 30, 2009) - Kindle eBook (Note: This cell (A3) have "by" 2 times)
I want to extract text from RIGHT till the word "by"
So the result must be: B1: by Steven Pressfield and Shawn Coyne (Nov 11, 2011) - Kindle eBook B2: by Steven Pressfield (Apr 20, 2011) - Kindle eBook B3: by Kathy M. Barnes and Robyn Feldberg (Jan 30, 2009) - Kindle eBook
I paste new data into a sheet of a monthly report I prepare. For this sheet, the # of data rows change (and is unpredictable) every month. I need the value inside a specific cell that dynamcially moves up and down based on the # of rows for that month (because it's below the rows of data).
So I made a formula to identify the exact cell # every month.
This month the exact cell is F255 in the "Refi" sheet.
So my formula in the "Summary" sheet cell A1 first finds the cell row # only (255) and since it's always column F, in B1 I have
VB: ="F" & (A1)
This outputs "F255" in B1, successfully identifying the target cell.
Now how do I write a formula in C1 to grab the value from whatever cell is named in B1. (For this month, the value in cell F255 from the "Refi" sheet)
Scott Feldman (hou) - throws R vs. ari - 8:10 PM ET - Minute Maid Park RotoGuru ESPN MLB Yahoo BB-Ref FanGraphs
What formula would I need in cell B1 to return "Minute Maid Park" But if possible don't return anything after that text starting with the word RotoGuru?
Best way it looks like is to find the 3rd " - " and take whats to the right of that?
Here is the situation A B Name + Work placeName joe blo gg@xyzplcjoe blo gg Not assigned#VALUE!in Cell B3 Instead of it returning error. I need if there is no "@" then I want it to retuen as whatever value there is in Cell A3. * Also at the same time I would like return value withoutspace
Need a formula to extract text from first column of data (column c in attached sheet) and result should look like below (or column E in sheet attached):
How do you extract text from the formula itself and not the value in the cell using a formula. If A1 value is Tuesday and the formula is =zmy documentsproject listTuesday. I want to extract text from =zmy documents....
I am creating a excel calculator to quick and easy calculate CBM (cubic metres) for a total number of cartons and pallets loaded into a container. The value of 1 carton or 1 pallet will be different depending on which type of packaging/pallet it is.
I have created drop down menues in order to choose the correct packaging / pallet. But I am stuck on on to create the formula.
If I for example choose "LANDFROZEN 7KG CARTONS" from the drop down menu, I need the formula to collect the value in cell E18 If I for exampel choose "LANDFROZEN 10 KG CARTONS" from the drop dwon menu, I need the formula to collect the value in cell E25 .... and so on.
I have tried to use several functions, but none is working the way I want them to :-)
I have a column of cells over 2000 rows that have a bunch of text in each cell. In the middle of this text in each cell are websites (not hyperlinked). I was wondering if someone wrote a macro or formula to extract URLs located in a bunch of text? I can parse this out but doing some delimiting but that will take longer.
I need a formulla which will extract the data from one cell into three different cells, I have three diffterent syntax added at the end of the text, for example I have below text in cell A2, I need to have Office installed on 69 PC s Below are the IP addresses {MS Office Issue} ~Excel~ *Client Not Reachable*
{MS Office Issue} ~Excel~ *Client Not Reachable* are the three syntax that are there in the text, want need is, in cell B2 it should show "MS Office Issue", in cell C2 it should show "Excel" and in cell D2 it should show "Client Not Reachable" (without the quotes)
This is very similar to my previous post, which was solved. Now that I've extract the numbers, I need to extract the text for the specific work activities, for example 13Z or 9GGG. I'm assuming some variation on this formula:
How can i extract text and number from a cell .For example I have a series of data like 453x, 45y in Column "A". I want text in column "B" and numbers in "C" column. The cell has variable data with diffrent length.
I have an extract from a call logging system; one of the columns is a description of the call (this column is extracted in Text format). Within some of the descriptions is a reference number which I need to extract (sadly this number isn't kept in its own field) - is there any way to determine whether a cell has numbers in it, and if so is there a way to pull them out into a seperate column? (preferably using a formula as I'm no good at VBA!)
I have a worksheet with over 10,000 records. The column that lists where a person is willing to relocate can have up to 60 city/state entries in one cell.
Here is an example of what appears in one cell - this is exactly how it appears:
ASAI Los Angeles (XX , CA DFO Pacific (XX ONLY), CA DFO Pacific Area Analyst Laguna Niguel (XX ONLY), CA SAI Los Angeles (XX ONLY), CA Ldr Los Angeles El Segundo POD (XX ONLY), CA Ldr Los Angeles Long Beach POD (XX ONLY), CA Ldr Los Angeles POD (XX ONLY), CA Senior Ldr (XXXX) Washington (XX ONLY), DC
What I need to do is be able to sort on city and state, so I wanted to be able to extract and separate the city and state. I tried using a find/replace (CTRL J) to enter a semicolon between each entry and thought I could do text to columns to separate, but that doesn't work.
How I could extract this information? Notice that the first entry is missing ) - that is throughout the records.
I have to sort list of thousands name (3000 names) and remove duplicates. My problem is majority of the names have their title (i.e) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sir. etc typed in, so I need to copy the title in different cell and have their name only. Here's what I expect:
Current List ----> Column A -->Column B Drs. H. A. Andrew Boston, MRE. ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Boston, MRE Drs. H. Andrew Smith ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Smith H. Abd. Mohammed Junus ----> H. --> Abd. Mohammed Junus Prof. DR. Jane Doe, MD ----> Prof. D --> Jane Doe, MD Prof. DR. Ir. H. Randy Wong, MBA --->Prof. DR. Ir. H. -> Randy Wong, MBA Dra. H. A. Karen Patel ----> Dra. H. --> Karen Patel Drs. H. A. M. Kangkong ----> Drs. H. A. --> M. Kangkong Prof. Drs. H. A. Kareem Saleh, Ph.D -> Prof. Drs. H. A. ->Kareem Saleh, Ph.D Dra. Hj. Nina Schorder ----> Dra. Hj. --> Nina Schorder Ir. Abdul Jabbar ----> Ir. --> Abdul Jabbar
I need to extract text from the middle of a cell. I know you can use the MID function but with the complete function as i need to extract text string from Name to the end of their full name (I have highlighted below in bold). Of course their full name will change in each row.
Example text in cell B2: ID: 197993043 Name: Ben Fred Company: ID: 197992821 Name: Hello World!
I am trying to categorize a list of words based on the first letter.
For example:
[Code] ......
I want to see if the letter 'D' in 'Data' occurs in a range from A-G, if so display "A-G" in cell B, else if the first letter occurs from H-M, display H-N in cell B else if the first letter occurs from N-R, display N-R in cell B else display S-Z in cell B.
I have a cell that has a formula in it like PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR in a spreadsheet that looks like this:
PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR 2 1 3 4 10
where PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ are colored red and + DLR is colored blue. This formula is entered in that particular cell as a text string. I have a formula in the PREM column that says if the word PREM is located in the formula to the left (and it is), then put the value that is located right under the PREM column (2) in the blank cell next to the formula. So, in the above example, I have an IF statement that sees that PREM is in the formula to the left and so underneath the PREM column, next to the formula, it would place the number 2. Now, I need Excel to detect if any word in the formula text string is colored blue and if it is, to put a zero in that column. So, in the formula above, if + DLR is the only text that is blue, I want to have Excel add 2 + 1 + 3 only. I want to have Excel take any string out that might be colored blue, such as + DLR and return the value of zero for it. The purpose of the different colors in the formula is to distinguish which information is relevant and which information should be ignored. So, I'd like Excel to read the above formula and say put the PREM amount in the cell under PREM, put the PRDCMP amount in the cell underneath PRDCMP, put the ACQ amount in a cell under ACQ and put zero in the DLR column since it is colored blue. If any of them (PREM, PRDCMP, ACQ, DLR, VIP or COMM) are colored blue, I want Excel to put a zero in that column.
I have data in several cells, and I want to extract only the information in the cell up to a /. For example "joesmith/shipping" I would like to have only joesmith in the cell next to it.