How To Get Set Of Chars From A String To A Variable ..
Jan 8, 2010
This one has two sets of quotes, with the information from the noted post I can retrieve the string "S5a09b-90", now that I have a double set of brackets "( )" how do I get the value for the second set of brackets, "CAL_15"?
In the quoted string, CALIB/SENS,S, is constant. The first set of brackets are constant (string length is not), the second set of brackets are constant (string length is not).
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Dec 24, 2009
I believe I should use the INSTR function, but I simply dont understand its use very well. I have a string in a cell, "MEAS/SPHERE,F(QUA_1),5", the characters I need start at the "(" and end at the closing ")", ref: (QUA_1). The start and end will always be the same, the length of characters and the spelling of characters be anything. Thus, QUA_1 can be CAL_1, CAL_2, SOMEOTHERTEXT_1 or 187bgo_199, etc, always enclosed in "( )". I wish to place the characters and the closing "( )" into a variable as a string.
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Jun 22, 2006
I want to remove varying amounts of periods that appear at the end of my strings. For instance, ABCEDFGH......., DEFGH.., FG.... etc. Do I have to test each char to see if it's a period, and then use that count of chars to LEFT out the string that I want? Or is there an easier, quicker way to do this?
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Jan 11, 2007
I need to some spaces to the end of a string to make it up to 36 chars.
The original string can vary in size based on the courier name.
i.e. : business direct invoice 40617 = 29 chars
i.e. : TNT post invoice 4061755 = 24 chars
Can someone point me in the right direction to be able to concat' some spaces on the end to make it up to 36 chars.
Would this be easier done using VB?
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Aug 23, 2014
I'm looking for a formula which returns the longest consecutive series of occurrences of 2 chars in a text string.
In the case I'm trying to count the longest consecutive number of nine-spares (9/) in a bowling game.
For example:
|7/|X|9/|9/|9-|9/|9/|9/|9/|X8/|longest series of 9/ would be 4.
|9/|9-|9/|9/|7/|9-|(8)/|X|7/|9-|longest series of 9/ would be 2.
|9/|(8)1|X|X|72|63|7/|8/|8/|9/9|longest series of 9/ would be 1.
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May 30, 2007
I'm using excel 2003 and I have have a dynamic string of data separated by 19 commas ",". I think 19 (the # of commas) is one of the few fix numbers...
What I'd like to do is from Right2Left return the 5 characters immediately to the right of (before) the 11th "," comma (i.e. 22.59 for the 1st string on Excel Cell A2) OR from the Left2Right return the 5 characters immediately after the 9th comma "," comma, which is also 22.59
Example of some of the strings I've been trying to work with...the list is much longer...but for example sake I've limited to 4...
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Dec 7, 2008
I am trying to develope a "goto" page macro where the page value maybe 1,34,7A, 256C etc. I am not clear on how an inputbox value can be compared to a string variable or a numeric variable at the same time. This is what I have done, but when the texboxvalue is "7A" it doesn't work.
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Nov 10, 2006
Say you define a public range variable called Inputworksheet and you set it to refer to the worksheet called Inputworksheet. You have a separate string variable with the value Inputworksheet. How do you get this string variable value to call/control the range variable Inputworksheet?
I am getting an excel worksheet value from a lookup function that corresponds to the name of a VBA range variable. Once I have this worksheet value, I would like to use the range variable that has the same name as the worksheet value.
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm using a userform to create a new sheet. The form already creates the sheet and names it what was typed into the userform. Now I want it to place that variable in a cell along with a string. the following code will place the variable from the form (tbname) into cell b5.
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Mar 26, 2009
Assume someone typed the hereunder date ad TEXT.
The Formula bar shows: ="01/01/2009"
The cell presents: 01/01/2009
I need to remove the equation sign as well the two inverted-commas.
I am familiar with the "Text to Column" feature, the use of SUBSTITUTE Function, a short macro and also the Find&Replace is also a good idea but, as far as I understand,
it must be run Twice(!)
I am looking for a way to use Find&Replace in "One! shot" - meaning, to put the TWO different(!) characters [ the '=' and the " ] in the 'find what' window,
leaving the 'replace with' window empty.
I know that something similar to that can be done in a "Word" document - but can it be accomplished in Excel?
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May 21, 2009
I made in a macros this formula :LEFT(RC[-1],(LEN(RC[-1])-2))
is removing from left side an index , like in this example '
9117 - 570-65CE49D-B4-7 to obtain 9117 - 570-65CE49D-B4
so here is my code,
is with an userform, but it gaves me an error, that my procedure is invalid
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Feb 19, 2008
I have just done a vba project of striping chars (QOOO1=) from each cell
and then sorting the records on column6/question6
however i have been able to do this and display results in second worksheet(Results2)
I feel there is a better way to do it and display the results on same worksheet
Could anyone take a look at the file and help.
IMPORTANT:Place curse on "Results2" worksheet and run the macro:Pres
Do not run the macro on main sheet all data will be lost and will have to download again.
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Oct 30, 2008
I understand that a everything is already considered to be string, but how would I phrase this?
If txtBolow = (a statement which indicates the textbox is full) Then
txtBolow. SetFocus
txtBolow. SelStart = 0
txtBolow. selLenght = Len(txtBolow)
If txLowl = ("") Then
txtLowl. SetFocus
txtLowl. SelStart = 0
txtLowl. selLenght = Len(txtBolow)
What would I use to indicate that the user has completed the data in the textboxes, and the old data is highlighted to make way for the new?
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Dec 17, 2009
I have a file of names that has some undisplayable characters. I am trying to match against a different file. It works if I overtype the "blank" fields with a space. How can remove these trailing problem characters whatever they are? I tried CLEAN and TRIM and the mystery characters are still there.
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Oct 27, 2009
I am having problems with a macro I am writing and I need some guidance on where I am going wrong (I am still a noob at VBA).
I have pasted the code below (not the most efficient use of code I know).
I have a list of departments and codes from the Intranet at Work. Now this contains a Department Code, Department Description and within the Description is a number in brackets showing how high up the organisation hierarchy they are....
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Aug 13, 2009
I am trying to use a variable for the name in the Sheets command so that I can put in the names of the CSV file that I have captured in a variable. Here is the macro that I recorded using Excel 2007:
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Dec 8, 2006
It's been a long time, but I use to parse a string in C.
How do you strip off the long directory path of a string to just the filename and extension?
String Example:
S:2006 jobs602f EID Bass Lake Recycle BPSConstructionSubmittal Review16940-Instrumentation602f-16940-01.rev.doc
Wanted result:
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Sep 16, 2009
if it is possible, to use a string variable in a Formula via VBA.
For example: ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUM(Sheet3!strVariable)"
Of course the code is not working that way. The Variable has the following structer: CellAdress;CellAdress;CellAdress... so it would perfectly fit into the formula-syntax.
Is there any possible way to do that? The reason behind it is, that I have to deal with a flexible range and I want to process this range with a formula. Actually the range is flexible, because of different filters and I only wanna count all numbers in the unhidden rows.
My varibale would then contain all celladresses, for the visible cells.
So in a nutshell: is it possible to somehow use a varible in a formula?
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a string variable contacting a file.
I want to set a workbook variable to this file, WITHOUT actually opening it!
DIM wb as Workbook
DIM filenm as String
filenm = "C: empdata.xls"
set workbook = filenm
So I know this won't work, but is there anyway around it? (bearing in mind I don't want to open the file!
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Apr 21, 2006
Just a quick question, is it possible to use a string variable in a Excel formula (in VBA)? Im trying to do the following in VBA
mortgageSchedName = acName & " Schedule"
Range("B6").FormulaR1C1 = "=mortgageSchedName!RC[254])"
the above results in an error because there is no such sheet as "mortgageSchedName", but I want it to access the value of that string variable.
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Feb 9, 2014
i just wanna extract the date shown(last data until meet the first comma) in first column to another column.
column 1
abcde, 1234
abcd, 12345
abcdef, 123
column 2
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Aug 2, 2014
I have several words in word per line. every line in sheet1 should be checked and deleted if the line (colum 3 and 4) contains any of the words in sheet2. i decided to go with two for-loops, my Problem is a error in line 7 and 9 (indicated by arrows). it seems to me that ...Cells(...).Value is not allowed for strings. i already tried .Text, checked several VBA Forums but could not find a solution.
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Oct 24, 2011
I have the following code.
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AF$" & lngRows).AutoFilter Field:=x, Criteria1:=Array("ELDU238", "ELDU239", "ELDU240", "ELDU241", "ELDU242", "ELDU243", "ELDU244", "ELDU245", "ELDU246", "ELDU247"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
The values ELDU238 - ELDU247 are values in a column beginning at A2. I want to create
"ELDU238", "ELDU239", "ELDU240", "ELDU241", "ELDU242", "ELDU243", "ELDU244", "ELDU245", "ELDU246", "ELDU247"
in a string variable strArray which will enumerate whatever values are in column A beginning at A2 and create the above. I can then have
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AF$" & lngRows).AutoFilter Field:=x, Criteria1:=Array(strArray), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Hence if the number of entries changes e.g. say I have
"ELDU238", "ELDU239", "ELDU240", "ELDU241", "ELDU242", "ELDU243", "ELDU244", "ELDU245", "ELDU246", "ELDU247", "ELDU248"
the code will still work.
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Nov 28, 2012
I'm taking some university classes and one of them is called Applications Programming and we have been using excel VBA. I have a project that I'm working on, and it's very basic. Basically we need to create a userform that has 3 option buttons, 4 check boxes, a couple labels and a couple text boxes. It's suppose to be a ice cream selection terminal. Option boxes for basic flavors of ice cream, check boxes for toppings, one text box for user input of number of scoops of ice cream and the last text box to output a reciept/overview of purchase.
So here's the question... I was wondering if there's a way to change the font of a single string variable, or change the font of a word within a string. My output to the saleBox(My receipt overview) is this:
saleBox.Text = ("Thanks you for your Purchase") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"You ordered " & numOfScoop & " scoops of " & flavorChoice & "ice cream" & vbCrLf & _ "Topped with: " & toppings & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & total
(not sure how the code is gonna look in the message but I'm sure you get the idea)
i want to be able to change the font for the flavorChoice or toppings variables. They are both strings.
Anyways, I know I can get away with basically what I have there and get full marks, but I like going above what the basics are. If it's kinda complicated.
I'm gonna attach a screenshot, more info is better than not enough right... nevermind its askin for a url!
*** I just now got the idea of putting another textbox over the area that would output the text I want to change and hide the border or something and then change the font of that text box through the properties ***
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm trying to check to see if a file exists using VBA but the routines I see use a string that has the path and then the file name. I have a fixed path C:VBtesting and the a variable file name. I'm using a file name that consists of a username & date such as cwilliams201212. I'm having problems getting the variable file name into the string.
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Jan 16, 2013
I'm getting the generic 1004 error on the Range.FormulaR1C1 line, but I can't seem to see the problem.
Sub UpdateFormulas()
Dim stockFund As String
For i = 2 To finalRow
The mouse-over on the stockFund variable in that last line shows the correct cell address as the value and I checked the If statement to ensure it actually finds the number. I would guess that it would be a syntax error with that line, but it looks correct to me.
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Feb 12, 2013
I have a comment that I'm putting into a variable for the purpose of obtaining the persons name.
Cell C3 (in this example) just contains their employee number, but it's comment contains...
Tech ID: 123456
Name: John Doe
The Tech ID is variable from 3 chars to 6 chars and obviously the name is size is also variable. The end result will be a variable with just the persons first and last name extracted from the comment.
Dim mycmt As String
Dim techname As String
mycmt = Sheets("tech").Cells(3, "C").Comment.Text
techname = Right(mycmt, BIG-OLE-BALL-OF-CONFUSION)
MsgBox techname
My 2nd question. This is the 3rd time in recent days that I've needed a partial string and Mid, Left, Right, Len, Find just boggles my mind.
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Nov 1, 2013
I'm trying to use a variable that hold a string in Shell string command. This shell is the command to take a snap picture over a given region and store the picture to a pre determined file name
***The code do compile***
The string variable is : StringAddress = "g: estsnapasnap1.jpg"
The following shell command will work
RetVal = Shell(("C:Program Files (x86)HyperSnap 7HprSnap7.exe " & " -hidden
-snap:x3602:y155:w1432:h830 -save:jpg g: estsnapasnap1.jpg"))
This one, with the string address variable, wont work
RetVal = Shell("C:Program Files (x86)HyperSnap 7HprSnap7.exe " & " -hidden
-snap:x3602:y155:w1432:h830 -save:jpg " & StringAddress)
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Jan 8, 2014
I'm having trouble setting the Range "UtilizationRange" using a variable, "CurrentRange" to store that range. I get the error "Run-Time error 1004: Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed".The rest of my code works when I set the utilization range using the actual range for my purposes, but the problem is the range will change each month and I don't want to change it manually each time. There's a cell in the excel sheet this refers to (AG3) that holds the range value, which in this case is [N7:N75], and I would just like to return that value to the variable "CurrentRange" and set UtilizationRange equal to that.
The value is returned to CurrentRange, but it's the last line that's giving me the problem.
Sub RangeTest()Dim UtilizationRange As Range, Cell As RangeDim CurrentRange As String
CurrentRange = Range("AG3").Value MsgBox (CurrentRange)
'This returns the value [N7:N75], which is what I want
Set UtilizationRange = Range("CurrentRange")End Sub
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Mar 16, 2009
I have a filname called ex: "Statusreport xxyyzz.xls"
I'm only interested to put xxyyzz in a variable and reuse it for saving another workbook.
How can I use the different string functions for this. The word "Statusreport" is used for apporx 20 different workbooks.
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