I Want To Be Able To Take The Solution To The Formula And "fit It" Into Another Formula.
Jun 16, 2009
If the value of W4509 is equal to 1, the solution would be whatever is dictated, otherwise, it uses the alternative formula to achieve the answer.
My question: I want to be able to take the solution to the formula and "fit it" into another formula.
Example: ((the "If W4509=1" formula)-88)*(C4509*.09693)+100-0) and ((2nd formula)-88)*(C4509*.09693)+100-X4509)
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Jan 24, 2010
I have an excel sheet which has been exported from an 'Employee Attendance Software',
In the above screenshot, The employee name highlighted in Yellow should feauture in column A in the cells highlighted in Yellow.
Similarly, there are some other employees in the list for whom I have to populate the data in a similar fashion
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Feb 7, 2007
I am trying to solve a problem with = LOOKUP. Here's the data. A1 can have a value between 1-100.
IF AI IS 80.01 TO 85.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.37%
IF AI IS 85.01 TO 90.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.52%
IF AI IS 95.01 TO 95.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.87%
IF AI IS 95.01 TO 100.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 1.07%
Is there a =LOOKUP formula that can be used here?
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Mar 3, 2010
I would like to have the answer to a formula, say in cell G6, to show up in say G5. I notice in my college coarses, doing our homework through excel, the solutions are always in a cell around the entry cell.
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Dec 9, 2009
Is it possible to have a formula that will return the answer as the value.
For example if I have 15.75 in A1 and I use the formula =ROUND(A1,0), the solution is 16, but when you click on the cell it shows the formula and not the value.
I know about Paste Special, but was wondering if anything could be added to the formula to provide the solution.
Would this require a macro?
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Jan 30, 2010
my questions below are more oriented to hows & whys, as opposed to asking for a fast solution to a pressing problem.
I'm just reviewing the basics of SumProduct to be sure that I understand what I'm really doing when I deploy the function. So, I have the following formula:
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm looking for a VBA solution that will return a list of unqiue job numbers in B by date, the below is some sample data in Sheet 1
Sheet 2 is the result I'm looking for and usually there will be muliple job mumbers for the same date and in this case I'm fine to leave it as a blank cell in sheet 2 for that day.
Unable to use advanved filtering as it's a data table thats changing all the time. It's verly likely that the same job numbers will be in multiple days....
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm looking for a VBA solution that will look at the machine name above in blue and insert in in column E
Machine 2's expected results have been filled in....
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Oct 9, 2008
I have the new version of excel and I can't figure the correct formula to do the following.
Attached is my example.
A1 is available Inventory qty. C1:H1 are forcast qty's. I would like to have the available forcast qty. shown in black and the unavailable forcast qty. shown in red based on available inventory shown in A1
So C1,D1 and E1 would be Black and F1 and G1 would be red. As inventory changes so would the colored numbers on the forcast.
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Oct 3, 2008
I am using HLOOKUP to show a date depending on the month shown in B10.
If B10 is January then the dates throughout January ie. 01/01/08 to 31/01/08 are shown in the cell range of F13 to F43. There is no problem with this unless there are 30 or 29 days etc in a month. So if November is in B10, in F43 I have the value of 00/01/1900. Can I modify my formula so if there is no data in the lookup table to return a blank value ie. "".
Here is my formula:
I obviously change the 2 to 3, 3 to 4 as I copy the formula down the table.
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Jan 12, 2007
I am currently using a macro which highlights keywords and associated page views from an array in my website stats spreadsheet. Now I need to take it to the next level:
I want to use a multi-dimensional array to pull out any keywords that are duplicated, and display them at the top of my spreadsheet with the totaled page views next to them in a different color (red).
Here is my existing Keyword highlighting
Sub Highlight_Keywords()
Dim vntWords As Variant
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String
Dim lngPos As Long
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Oct 7, 2009
I was wondering if there is a formla that will delete a formula when it has done its calculation, or stop the formula from constantly updating.
I've got a formula
When something is typed in Cell A1 the cell with the formula will input todays date.
Is there a formula that will stop this formula from updating, as when you go into the file on a different day the date would have been updated.
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Jan 28, 2009
My problem is that long text for the cell overlaps any blank cells to the right. I have more then 20.000 rows, so I would not like to put a space character in all the blank cells. Is there a way of formatting which will stop this? I don't want these texts to overlap the blank cells!
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Dec 29, 2009
I have the attached table. I need to format with conditional formatting with the following criteria:
1) If >= 80% , then flag as green
2) If >=1% but <80%, then flag as yellow
3) If 0%, then flag as red.
I did the formatting in conditional formatting but the it did not results in the desired solution.
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Jan 30, 2010
use of SUMPRODUCT and what I believe is called a double unary operator (--). Here's the original post with Paul's solution:
I've since discovered that a previously unknown column of data (I'm transcribing data from paper documents) needs to be included in the calculations. Specifically, the new column of data (shown in yellow in the attached example) has to be taken into consideration when counting product quantities. An explanatory pseudo code statement, also appearing in yellow in the example sheet, describes.
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Feb 1, 2007
I need to determine federal tax withholding from gross pay.
If gross amount (for S-0 = single no dependents) is
Over.................But NOT Over............Then Subtract.........And multiply
$0.00...............$195.00.....................$5 1.......................10%
$195.00............$645.00.....................$99 .......................15%
$645.00............$1,482.00..................$351 ......................20%
$1,482.00..........$3,131.00..................$447 ......................25%
$3,131.00..........$6,763.00..................$849 .....................30%
If gross is $400 then what are the total taxes taken out? Could someone please provide a formula?
I tried this one: =IF(M10
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Jul 4, 2009
I have two columns of adjacent data Call them A & B (although this could differ)
If the data in the second colum is not equal to, blank cell or contains the words "CAT", "DOG" or "ELEPHANT" then the content of the cell in the second column should REPLACE the content of the adjacent cell in column A (in this example) leaving B blank, otherwise column B remains unchanged.
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Feb 9, 2010
Is there a way to test out a formula using Excel that has more than 2 variables? (If only 2 variables, I would use a simple data table). The formula I am testing has 50X50X20 variables (and as a subset, each variable has 2500 lines of assumptions!). I don't need to see all the results, only the result that produces the highest result. For simplicity (if someone has an answer) let's assume 3 variables are A1, A2 and A3. Formula is in A4 and formula is A1+A2+A3. Assuming A1 can be 1 to 5 and A2 same , A3 same, the long hand calc is for me to run a data table using variables in A1 and A2 the fixing A3 (as 1)..note maximum result....then run data table again using variables in A1 and A2 and changing fixed value in A3 to the number 2...and so on and so on....in this simple example I know the max result would be 15, but much more difficult in my spreadsheet test.
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Apr 4, 2006
I've got a workbook in which there're many formulas linking to other workbooks. Coz these other workbooks are frequently updated, so the calculation (update) in my workbook is painfully slow and time consuming. I wanna improve this, maybe by VBA or other way instead of using link like this. Anyone can give me some hints or way how to improve this condition???
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a situation where I have to curve fit data, this can lead to different formulas being used with varying constants.
Is it possible to pickup a TEXT based formula and related constants from other cells, and then place this into another cell as a functioning formula. For Example
Cell A1 contains the formula as a text string whether it be y=a+bx+cx^2, or y=a+b/x, etc
Cells A2:A6 contain the individual constants, a, b, c, etc
I would then want the VBA to read the text based formula and put it into an output cell as a functioning excel formulae.g
In cell B10: =a+b*A10+c*A10^2
I understand picking the constants up and putting the formula should not be too much of an issue, however trying to insert the variable form of the curve fit is the part that I am struggling with, and am unsure if possible.
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Dec 22, 2009
Here is the scenario:
I need to reference the formula in D1 with the cells headers names.
In a perfect world, it would take
and produce:
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Mar 27, 2014
I have an existing formula in a cell linking back to a start date only. determining how to add an additional formula to exclude weekends, and possibly holidays.
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Aug 24, 2014
I am trying to use a combination of Concatenate and IF formula to produce an email.
My input.
D4: First Name:
D5: Middle Name:
D6: Last Name:
D8: Organization:
Once all these are filled, I want the formula to produce a result like
I have used the following formula.
[Code] .....
Problem is if there is a middle name the formula works fine, but in case where there is no middle name, it produces the following result.
How do I remove the additional (.) in cases where there is no middle name.
Attached File : Email Generator.xlsx
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm having some trouble trying to get excel to input a formula into a cell. I'm still a novice at VBA right now, so I don't think my problem will be too much of a brain buster.
I want a formula in Cell A6 (and I already know it correctly works) in this format: =E6&VLOOKUP(I6,'FA-Fund Data'!B$1:C$2000,2,FALSE)&J6
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Jul 22, 2014
Is it possible to write a formula that skips x number of cells and have the formula autoincrement as usual. For an examples lets say I want to skip 3 cells and I have entered in the cells listed:
A1= "1"
A2= "2"
A3= "3"
Then I type in the simple formula in the cell
B1= "=A1"
and then drag down but it skips 3 cells so then
B5= "=A2"
B9= "=A3"
If it didn't skip then
B1= "=A1"
B2= "=A2"
B3= "=A3"
this is just an example as I will be writing more complex formulas and need some thing that I can write into the formula so that it skips.
Something similar to this B1 "=A1(skip3cells)"
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Jul 16, 2007
I would like to copy a formula in a cell and then paste only the text of the formula, but I can't figure it out. Basically, I would like to avoid going into the cells and absolute referencing or hitting F2, then copying the text.
When I hit "Ctrl C" to copy the cell, then hit "Alt/E/S/F/Enter" to paste the formula, it is just like a regular copy/paste formula-wise in that the references move.
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Apr 9, 2009
I have some student marks in columns B to F. If some one get below 40 marks he fails and the subject in which he has been failed will come in Remarks column. If he has passed in all subjects remarks column will show Pass.
To bring failed subject initial in Remarks i have to create 5 additional column and then thru Concatenate i joined them.
Is There any formula to show fail subject in Remarks column without creating 5 additional columns?
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Aug 12, 2007
This task joins a string together based on a number of characters per cell in the range.
I want to isolate one range, Col N, and add an IF condition to it.
There may be other issues preventing this from happening, e.g. the number of IF that exist in the complete formula. I will isolate the current cell and its requirements and then post the entire formula at the end for reference....
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Jan 31, 2008
I am looking to average a range of cells which won't always be the same size. How do I create a formula array that will omit empty cells in my formula.
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Jun 1, 2006
I recently added a formula to a spreadsheet with som complicated formula. It worked ok and I saved the sheet. Now it takes 5 minutes to open the sheet and when I try to do anything,like delete the inserted column the program locks up giving a no responding message. I can do without this column if I have to.
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