IF Query; Find Out How Many People Passed In Green

Dec 22, 2008

I have a query where I am trying to find out how many people passed in green, amber and red from a series of data. I know (from the attached file) how to find out how many greens, ambers and reds there were, but how can I find out how many of the 7 in cell B12 passed in Green?

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Months Have Passed Irregardless The Number Of Days Passed

Mar 5, 2010

I need a formula to calculate how many months has passed irregardless how many days had passed. What I mean by that is if I have a starting date of 1/31/2010 and an end date of 2/1/28/2010, that should count as 1 month passed. I tried using the DATEDIF function, but that function is counting number of days, so if only 28 days had passed, that would not count as 1 month.

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Find The First And Last Names Of People In A Cell

May 18, 2009

I am trying to find the first and last names of people in a cell. I have a userform to get their first and last names separately. I am trying to run a VBA macro to determine if each cell in a column contains both first and last names, and then put a "Y" in an adjacent column. The Code I have is as follows:

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Find Totals And Send Emails To Different People

Jul 3, 2009

to create a macro to send emails.

1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.

UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000

For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to john@example.com
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to peter@example.com

If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000

If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000

The currency is Rands (South Africa)

Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.

The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.

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Find Out How Many People Are Scheduled Between Certain Time Ranges

Feb 28, 2007

Is there any way to find out how many people are scheduled between certain time ranges.
For example : I have 5 people scheduled with various start and finish times ie.:

1. 10:00 to 15:00
2. 11:00 to 16:00
3. 08:00 to 14:00
4. 13:00 to 15:00
5. 12:00 to 16:00

Is there any way to analise this schedule in format:

08:00 till 9:00 1 scheduled
09:00 till 10:00 1 scheduled
10:00 till 11:00 2 scheduled
11:00 till 12:00 3 scheduled
12:00 till 13:00 4 scheduled
13:00 till 14:00 5 scheduled
14:00 till 15:00 4 scheduled
15:00 till 16:00 2 scheduled
16:00 till 17:00 0 scheduled

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Find Out How Many Ticks Were On Green Days, Amber Days And Red Days

Dec 19, 2008

I have a series of data that acts upon a traffic light system, i.e. Green, Amber and Red. These variables are posted along row 1 for example and there are 10 columns. Per column I have a tick and cross to answer a question. How can I find out how many ticks were on green days, amber days and red days? I have attached an example.

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Find And Match Query

Dec 2, 2009

I've got a sheet here with a master list of document numbers in Column A and a smaller subset in column C. I need to do is for Excel to scan column A for cell C1 and when it finds it in column A i need it to return the corresponding value in B column into cell D1. I need to do this for all column C.

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Find A Minimum Query

Jun 25, 2009

I have a set of worksheets all of which are identical and covered by first:last sheets

What I am trying to do is come to up with a minimum figure for cell G30

With the proviso that it is a minimum of 30 as some of the entries in G30 are less than that figure.

=MIN(first:last!G30) is not the answer as it gives an answer of zero.

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Find Text String In Web Query

Feb 18, 2010

I want to find the number within this webpage and report it to a Cell in excel....

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Find Data That Matches Query

Nov 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 3 columns: Name, Number and percentage. I need a formula to return the name that has the percentage and the 2nd highest percentage. the spreadsheet has 5 rows, not including the columns labels.

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Vba Query: Attempt To Find A Missing Integer

Jan 29, 2007

I am trying to write a code enabling some calculations. As part of this code I want to find an integer in an excel range. I set the variable (integer) as Rvalue and wrote the following:


which works fine as long as the find is successful. The issue I have however is when the variable cannot be found. I tried using the "iserror" function in vba but it appears that excel/vba does not recognise this issue as an error; I could use an excel formula (i.e. if(iserror(vlookup...) but I would prefer to find out how to handle the issue in vba.

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Excel 2010 :: SQL Query DB - Error - Could Not Find Installable ISAM

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to perform an SQL query on an Excel worksheet, as per one of the examples in Michael Alexander's book "Excel and Access Integration: With Microsoft Office 2007" and I am encountering an error message.

Could not find installable ISAM

To clear I am trying to pull data from one Excel workbook to another using SQL.

I am using Excel Excel 2010 64 bit.

This is the code I am running.

Sub GetData_From_Excel_Sheet()
Dim MyConnect As String
Dim MyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset


I have some across a few times that relates specifically to Excel 2010 64 bit is that I need to install the following driver

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

However I already have this driver (I installed when I was trying to figure out how to write from Excel to Access).

Why am I receiving this message. It occurs when my code reaches this line:

MyRecordset.Open MySQL, MyConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

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Pass Parameter From Excel Through MS Query To MS Access Query

Nov 26, 2012

I have an MS Access query that contains a parameter. The parameter is a date field, and I have configured that in the Access query. If I run the query within the MS Access user interface, it prompts me for the paramater value as expected, and runs just fine. However, I want to connect to this query from within Excel as a data source.

I have created a connection to the Access file using ODBC from within Excel. In the MS Query window, I am merely selecting all of the fields resident in the MS Access query, and returning all values. In other words, there is no selection criteria in the MS Query. I have done this many times with Access queries that DO NOT contain a parameter, and everything works fine. However, in this instance, I need to pass a parameter through to MS Access in order for the query to run. At the moment, I get the "Too Few Paramaters...1 expected" error message. This makes sense, because I haven't figured out how to pass the paramater to MS Access.

Is there a way to structure this that does not involve VB code? If so, I'd love to know how. I have tried creating parameters in MS-Query with the same name, but although I get the prompt it doesn't connect with the Access query as the source for the parameter value.

If the solution requires using code, I'm good with VB Code in Excel...is there VB for Excel code that could make this happen?

Failing that, I guess there must be (I've seen a few in my search thus far) Access VB Code that can make this work. I'm very rusty using VB with Access, so this is my least favored solution. However, if this is the only option, keep in mind that I need to pass the paramater ultimately from a user who will initiate the process using Excel.

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Query Parameters Which Takes The Date From The Cell Into The Query

Mar 29, 2007

Need the query parameters which takes the date from the cell into the query. How should I modify my query if it needs to take the date from a cell?? The bold one date should be picked from one of the cell in sheet 2.

My query is this


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Time Passed Since Last Saved

Mar 8, 2007

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Dim user As String
If Worksheets("Setup"). Range("D6").Value = "" Then
user$ = InputBox("Hello. Please enter your name to inialize the program", "Enter Name")
Worksheets("Setup").Range("D6").Value = user
MsgBox ("Welcome " & user & ". Press 'OK' to continue on to the Main Menu.")
user$ = Worksheets("Setup").Range("D6").Value
MsgBox ("Welcome back " & user & ". Press 'OK' to continue on to the Main Menu.")
End If
Exit Sub

but i would like to expand the "welcome back" msgbox to also display "the last time you were was was (eg: 2 days/3 hrs/14 min) ago" - which i presume would be calculated from the last save.

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Highlight Row If Date In Column Is Passed

Aug 1, 2014

I want to highlight the rows in my worksheet when the dates in column 'N' are in the past. I've seen codes to do this using conditional formatting when searching online and in here but the problem is is that it highlights blank cells as well. Is it possible to correct this?

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Forecast Calculation - Once Month Has Passed

Jan 31, 2014

I would like to know a way to sum the future months dollars only once the month has passed to consider that amount only in my forecast. For eg. If I have a Vendor A contract from Jan - April for $1000/per month in total for $4000. My Forecast should only be Feb-April = $3000. So my total column should only display $3000. Once Feb has passed , the forecast should only be March-April i.e $2000. How to get rolling month sum of forecast once month has passed.

Attached is a sample spreadsheet with different vendors.

Rolling sum after month has passed.xlsx‎

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Trying Use Isblank & Vlookup When Date Has Passed

Jan 22, 2009

My original formula is:

=IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP($E39,'Players Scores'!$A$4:$AV$700,'Players Scores'!AA$3+6,FALSE)) = FALSE,VLOOKUP($E39,'Players Scores'!$A$4:$AV$700,'Players Scores'!AA$3+6,$E39),"")

I am using the above formula but would like it to get the value when the date has passed (when date has been inputed in another cell)

I have added an attachment, The formula begins at J44 to AY44 but when date has entered in the red (D44:D67)section I would like to retreive values for blue section(Q44 and onwards) and not the yellow section(J44 to P44)

This is so when players make a transfer it doesnt include the weeks before that date!!

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Inserting Data After A Date Has Passed

Jan 15, 2007

What formula would I use to populate a cell?


e13 = 0 until after the 10th of the month on the 11th it = $100.00
If I13 has an amount in it on or before the 10th e13 remains $0.
Each of the 12 line of this rent roll needs to correspond to its own month.

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Automaticaly Set To Default After Date Passed

Mar 26, 2008

I have a worksheet that has a drop down box with the options PPP, MONTHLY, TOKEN & DEFAULT, next to this i have a date when a payment is expected, what i want to do is automaticaly set this to default after the date has expired, the problem i have is that there is data validatrion in this box so i cant enter a formula, is there a way around this

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Count The Number Of Events Passed

Apr 21, 2009

[data] ....

Here I have 9 total requirements to be tested in any event. If I wanted to count the number of events passed it wouldn't be 7. See Blah2 it passed Design and Electrical. Separate Events yes, but only one requirement. I need to have a total could of 1 for that as passed. Not two. I'm comfusing myself because this inherited spreadsheet is over 1,000 requirements.

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Formula To Get Number Of Passed Days

Feb 15, 2010

I have a formula which calculates number of days remaining. But I need a formula to to know how many days passed after a particular date.

Example :-

Date .Days passed
10-Feb-2010 .6


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Length Of String Changes When Passed To Function

Sep 28, 2006

The following afterupdate procedure for my txtStart1 text box sends the value to the FormatTimeValue function that is coded in a module.

Private Sub txtStart1_AfterUpdate()
MsgBox Len(Trim(Me.txtStart1.vaue)) '<= outputs 1
Me.txtStart1.Value = FormatTimeValue(Trim(Me.txtStart1.Value))
End Sub

As you can see from the bolded text, the length of the value is 1 when outputted from the forms code.

However, when I pass it to the following function in a module it outputs 2 as the length.

Function FormatTimeValue(vTarget As Integer) As String

Dim TimeStr As String

If IsNumeric(vTarget) Then

MsgBox Len(vTarget) '<= outputs 2

Select Case Len(vTarget)

Case 1 ' e.g., user entered 1 so time should be 01:00
TimeStr = "0" & vTarget & ":00"

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Variable Not Passed Back Correctly

Nov 11, 2006

All the subs below take place in Module4. I have a variable, MoreDates, defined as Boolean. At first it was just dimmed, now I have it as Public. When it's passed to a sub, it's true; in the called sub it's changed to false (and I see it as false when stepping through) and sub is exited. The next line of the calling routine checks if true/false...but it's true again. I'm not passing by value, so I don't know why this is happening.

Do Until MoreDates = False
Query_BigCharts (MoreDates) '***************
If MoreDates Then
temprow = temprow + 1
Range("A" & temprow).Select
lastdate = DateAdd("m", -1, lastdate) ' backs last-written date up a month
Range("D6").Value = lastdate 'send to eom cell
lastdate = Range("D8").Value ' formula in d8 converts to last weekday of the month.
End If
If lastdate < FromDate Then
MoreDates = False
End If
End Sub.............

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Match Date Passed To Variable

Dec 7, 2006

In my excel sheet, I have date values stored in cells from D7 ti IV7. in cells C8 to C100, I have a data validation which selects the values from cells D7 to IV7. When user selects a particular date in coumns C8 from the list, using my code, I am trying to search for the value stored in cell C8 within the range D7:IV7 using function Application.Match

While running the code by clicking on "Distribute Budgeted Efforts" command button, I am getting an error "Type Mismatch" and error is coming from code line number 27 which is "lInitial = Application.Match(lInitialdate, Range("D7:IV7"), 0) - 1"

My code is as below

Private Sub cmdEffortDistribute_Click()
Dim lCount As Single
Dim lStartDate As Date
Dim lCounter As Single
Dim lBudget As Single
Dim lInitial As String
Dim lInitialdate As String
Dim lInitialWeek As String

I am also attaching excel sheet which I am using here for reference.

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Highlight Green If There Is A Date In E1

Feb 4, 2008

I am new to excel and need a formula for conditional formatting. In E1 I will be putting a date for the month and in cell J1 I want it to highlight green if there is a date in E1 and if there is nothing in E1 I want it to be red.

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Red Yellow Green Colors

Feb 19, 2009

I am trying to create a formula that looks at a spreadsheet containing training percentages for employees. I need to look at these percentages and based on the date that the person started I need to look at certain rules. First it needs to look at what has happened more recently , moving to a new department or promotion. Next it needs to use that info to decide which rule to use. Ex. the person started 90 days ago then they are subject to rule A. The training percentage then needs to be looked at to see what rating they have. EX. percentage < 90% but > 75% gives a rating of 1. percentage than 50% gives rating of 2. percentage < than 50% rating of 3. Rule B would contain different criteria. My problem is that I tried nesting IF statements but I need more than 7. When I tried to do this in VBA I couldn't get it to work.

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Module Code Box Is Green

Apr 23, 2006

Somehow, from a fresh instal of Excel (to try and cure the same problem), and Insert Module, the box is green. Viewing a macro, the background is green, some of the code is black on green, but most is black or blue in white boxes cut out of the green. The code appears normal on another computer.

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Create An Conection With MS QUERY To A Csv And Query Data

Sep 6, 2008

I have a csv file on another drive on the network that i need to query. I believe that ms query would be the best way. I know that a DSN needs to be setup but this macro will be used by various users who wont know how to do that. thus I would like to create one via VBA every time the task needs to be run.
I haven't a clue how to do this and i need it to be explained to me in general terms with words of one syllable!

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Highlighting Cells When A Period Of Time Has Passed?

Aug 20, 2014

If C2 = 21/06/14

I need F2 to highlight when 60 days have passed from the date entered in C2.

Would this work if placed in F2 =C2+60<TODAY()

No access to excel at the minute to try it

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