IFERROR Equivalent

May 19, 2009

I've got a long formula here. If the resulting expression is equal to "0-0" I want it to go blank as if it was an error, and if it isn't, I want it to show the resulting expression as normal.

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Use The Iferror Function In VBA

Sep 28, 2009

I'm trying to use the iferror function in VBA and the whole code is not executing, as the syntax error is being noticed first, and not allowing the whole code to execute. What I want to happen is if the vlookup returns an error, the cell value should be "*". The code is:

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How To Get IFERROR To Equal Blank

May 27, 2014

I have a formula that I am trying to get the IFERROR to equal blank.

So if it's an error, I just want the cell to be blank.

[Code] .....

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Extension Of IFERROR / VLOOKUP Formula?

Jun 30, 2014

look at the tab "Publisher sumif summary" and at the "Q" column. There is already a formula in place which returns a number from column B in the "Publisher Control Sheet".

If you look at Column B in the "publisher control sheet", you can see that for some of the companies in column A there is no number. Instead, there is a number in Column C where there is no number for column B.

The problem at the moment is that I don't know how to get the data from Column C factored into the equation, which I will describe below

Essentially, i need the formula in the Q column of the "Publisher sumif summary" to return "((Column M number (impressions) /1000)* Column C number) with the column C number coming from the "Publisher control sheet" tab. It needs to only do this where there is no number in column B, and how to add this function!

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IFERROR Won't Display Blank Cell

Mar 13, 2014

I am using this formula, but if the referenced cell is blank, it keeps putting a 0 in the cell. I want the cell to be blank if the referenced cell is blank.


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Avoid Negative Dates Using Iferror

Nov 18, 2009

I have attached a simple example worksheet showing what I am trying to do. I have a contract start date, a contract finish date, a notice period and a standard review period. To get a date when I should start my contract review I do the following: (finish date-notice period)- review period.

This is fine when the finish date is populated but if it isn't it results in a negative number. What I want to achieve is if there is not a finish date then leave the review date cell blank.

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Excel 2007 :: Sumproduct And IfError

Jul 6, 2012

I need the following formula to return the sum despite having #ref errors in the ranges


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IFERROR To Return Blank Cell

Jan 13, 2013

How do i get IFERROR to return blank? right now when I end the IFERROR with ,"" - I am getting 0.

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IFERROR Or ISNUMBER - Checking Whether Or Not Two Different Cells Contain A Number

Jan 26, 2014

I am checking whether or not two different cells contain a number or the error #NA.

If one of the cells contains a number then the result will be that number.

If both cells contain #NA then the result should be “99”

Formula in Column C
The values are in columns A and B.
If the value in cell A is a number the result is A.
If the value in cell B is a number the result is B.
If the value in cell A and B equal #NA the result is 99

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Dragging Down Formula With Vlookup And Iferror Not Working?

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to get this tricky formula to work with vlookup and if error. The problem is that excel will not recognize the formula when I try to drag it down, but instead repeats the same numbers over again. I've tried some combinations using vlookup, rows, and if error, but it doesn't seem to work. So I'm trying to drag down the formula from g3:g99, to reference either cells b8:99, or whichever value I enter into f1, on down to b99.

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Write A Custom Made IFERROR Function

Aug 6, 2009

how to write a custom made IFERROR function which works on Excel 2003 that mimics as closely as possible the Excel 2007 IFERROR function without using any array formula.

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IFERROR Formula Not Working With Nested IF Statements And ROUND

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to use the following formula in Microsoft Excel 2007-

ROUND(IF(DataInput!$D$5 = "Black",0.81*E4*O4,(IF(DataInput!$D$5 = "Red",J4*0.025*E4*O4,(IF(DataInput!$D$5="Green",(57.00+IF(J4>25,(J4-50)*33.59,0))*O4))))),2

I want to use an IFERROR statement. If the results do not equal Black, Red or Green, I want the data to error so I can have the word FIX showing.

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VBA Equivalent Of Weekday()

Dec 19, 2008

I'm trying to account for the date and have it change if the original falls on a weekend. I wrote it using the Weekday function, which I believe is a worksheet function and not a VBA one, as I keep getting a run-time error 5 (invalid procedure, call, or argument). Either that or I have something programmed wrong in it.

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Eomonth() Equivalent In VBA?

Aug 27, 2008

if there is an eomonth() equivalent in VBA?

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Finding Out Whether 4 Lengths Are Equivalent

Aug 18, 2009

I have 4 lengths in four columns in a random order, and need to compare them to see whether they are equal lengths.

I Have figured out how to order them so I can compare them, but can't think of a formula to show whether they are equivilent (eg 1000m = 1km) True or False outcome is fine.

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Do Until Loop Or Equivalent Required

Apr 9, 2009

I need a loop function (i guess a do while or do until code) so whenever the word 'Non-Current' appears in colum A enter a 1 in colum E until the word 'Total Non-C' is reached at which point the loop must end.
Such as:
NON-CURRENT 6 4 5 1*
ABSA 4 5 2 1*
BARCLAYS 3 2 8 1*
NED 0 8 6 1*
TOTAL NON-C 4 6 7 0

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Equivalent Of IN Function From Pascal?

May 28, 2012

I've been learnig VB applying it to automating some excel workbooks. What I'd like to know is if there's an equivalent funtion in VB to the IN function in Pascal. The In function in Pascal used to work like this:

If I used the KeyPress (Function in Pascal), I could evaluate which key was pressed and compare it to an array of options. For Example:

HTML Code:
if Chr(KeyPressed) IN ["0".."9",".","+","-","*","/"] then

Expression = Expression + Chr(KeyPressed)

Instead of Comparing each option separadtly. Now my question is whether or not there's an equivalent function in VB.

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Equivalent Code For A Formula

Apr 3, 2009

I have two worksheets: "Report" & "Hou Jobs". In Report worksheet, I need a code equivalent to following formula so that it returns value in cell D5.

If the values in cells B5 & B8 change, the value should update itself.

=VLOOKUP(B5,'HOU Jobs'!A4:B667,2,FALSE)

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Length Equivalent For Numbers

Apr 18, 2007

When I tried len(nYear) where nYear is a number like 2006, I don't get the number of characters in the number. I know that's confusing strings with numbers, but...

Is there a VBA function that returns the number of numbers deep in an integer; ex. if nYear = 2006, the function would return 4?

I could easily do a < or > line of code, but I'm just curious if there's another way to do it.

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Convert Degrees Into Cosine Equivalent?

Jul 6, 2011

i am trying to finish a spreadsheet off using cos functions. I want to convert 26 degrees into 0.8988. when i use my hand calculator i type 26 in then press cos and it converts it to 0.8988 which is correct, but when i try to use the excel cos function it gives 0.646919322 which is in-correct.

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Vba SUMIF Equivalent Within Userform Code?

Nov 16, 2013

I have a worksheet (named Deduction Worksheet) that is a running record of all part removals. A removal is denoted by a row entry that contains removal particulars. The first column (Column A) in each row contains a unique number for each part. Column K shows how many part units were removed in that removal:

Column A
... Columns ... B to J ...
Column K


In the code above 'crng' is the criteria range, 'sValue' the criteria and 'srng' the sum range (which follows the normal SUMIF function within a worksheet). Both the 'crng" and 'sValue' values contain text, / and numbers.

note that other elements on the userform code look at data on other worksheets (not sure if this will effect this).

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SumIf: Change The Criteria To Be The Equivalent Of A1 OR B2

Jun 9, 2009

I've searched the boards & haven't found anything as uncomplicated as what I'm looking for. I know I could use Sumproduct, but for something this simple is there anything I can do with Sumif? This in effect is my worksheet.
1AD200=SUMIF('Sheet2!B:B, A1, 'Sheet2!C:C)

All I want to do is change the criteria to be the equivalent of A1 OR B2 (ie checking the range for either match. No way to do that in a sumif? I'm looking for the least complicated, easiest to adjust/edit formula possible.

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Finding Equivalent Of Maximum Value In Another Sheet

Jan 26, 2010

I have to sets of data, each in a sheet with the first column as identical for both sheets. Sheet2 contains two series of 6 rows, each for a specific first column (""B Code").

Now I want to find the values of "TCT-C" column in sheet1 (for each range of 6 rows that the "B Code" is match) which corresponds to the row number that "TCT" in sheet2 is maximum (again for 6 rows). The point is, I need to shift to another series of 6 rows in sheet2 once the "B Code" does not match.

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Text Equivalent Of SUMIFS Function

Mar 8, 2013

When I need to return numerical data with multiple criteria, I use the SUMIFS and it works fine. But when I need to return a text string, the function is not called for. What function can I use to make this happen? I've tried SUMPRODUCT, which I've had success with in the past, but it's not working this time. Maybe I'm laying it out wrong, but this is how I currently have it:

=SUMPRODUCT(column of text to be returned,((column of criteria1)=criteria1)*((column of criteria2)=criteria2))

Do I need to fix this formula or use something else?

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VBA Equivalent For Shift-Arrow Keys

Nov 7, 2007

Does anyone know the VBA equivalent to using the Shift-Arrow keys on the keyboard? I am wanting a macro to do this for me. Specifically I am wanting to use Shift-Arrow Right.

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Function That Is The Equivalent Of WORKDAY But For Hours Instead

Mar 14, 2007

I am in need of some excel advice relating to date calculations. Basically I need a function that is the equivalent of WORKDAY but for hours instead. I have a series of events that take a certain length of time to complete, most of them less than a day but some more than. By way of example see the screenshot below:

In reality the last three operations would have to take place on the 27th of April, with the Welding operation starting on the end of the 25th around 7pm. The plant is running a 24 hour day, and works 5 days a week. How can I calculate the times in hours offset rather than going day by day? I need to account for

* Weekends
* Fixed Holidays
* Operations running as seamlessly as possible

Any advice welcome. I have attempted to use WORKDAY with the number of days to deduct rounded to the nearest day and then subtracting the operation time but this results in errors where operations would cumulatively go over a working day. The objective is by knowing when the end product is needed and knowing how long each operation takes it is possible to discover when to start manufacture. VBA or Formula code is fine as this will be integrated into a VBA project.

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Equivalent Of A Double Conditional In The Function SUMIF?

Mar 9, 2014

I need the equivalent of a double conditional in the Function SUMIF.

In my example (a test file is attached), I have used hypothetical stock trades as a test case.

Column B has the type of order (Buy or Sell).

Column C has the stock trading symbol.

Column F has the net amount of the transaction on that line.

I want to populate Columns I & J, where I & J are the total Buy and Sell cost for each stock listed in Column H.

So, for example I need to calculate the total "Net Amount" of "Buy" transactions for Stock ABC, and put it in Cell I2. I also need to put the the total "Net Amount" of "Sell" transactions for Stock ABC, and put it in Cell J2.

I'm sure that looking at the attached sample EXCEL workbook, will make it clearer than all my verbiage.

So, conceptually, I need to evaluate Columns B, C and F and put the sum of transactions in Cell I2 for those cases with "Buy" in Column B AND "ABC" in Column C.

If there is no syntax for a double conditional in SUMIF, then I'd be happy with any formula for Cell I2 that accomplished the tax.

I'm not terribly familiar with array formulas, but have used them on occasion if that's what's required to emulate a double conditional in SUMIF.

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SQL Query Or Equivalent Filter Based On Condition?

Apr 16, 2013

There is a way to use SQL sentences to do queries in a table in Sheet1 (A to F) to put the output in Sheet2 the values in columns A, B and E from table in Sheet1 when values in column B are equal to 5?

I mean, is possible to do this within the same workbook? or a equivalent VBA code?

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Converting Feet/inches To Decimal Equivalent

Feb 18, 2006

I am new to Excel but not programming and I am looking for a recommendation for the following. I have a spreadsheet that simply takes the length and width of an area and computes the square feet and yardage and other sundry items. I am entering the feet/inches as follows:

Example: 11.3 (equals 11/ft 3/inches)

The correct decimal conversion should be 11.25 but, obviously, it does not know that the number to the right of the decimal point is an indicator of inches. (ex.: .5=.42, .7=.58, .9=.75, .11=.92)

I have approached this from the stand point of an IF condition, finding the position of the "." and grabbing everything to the right (+1) but I understand that the limitation is 7 nested IFs.

Can someone get me kick-started on what the best approach would be to get my entry to convert to the true decimal equivalent? Currently, I am simply doing the conversion from memory but I would rather automate this sometimes errant approach.

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Find Top Equivalent Values In Excel Range Without Sorting?

Mar 29, 2014

I know the formula =large but my problem is the formula for the equivalent value for it. Note: In my xcel file attached you can see there are multiple items with the same total numbers and also blanks

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