Identify Cells Using Particular UDF

Dec 28, 2007

I have written a UDF to do some calculations i a workbook. I would like to run a sub, checking the cells in the spreadsheet to see if my formula is present. and if so, then add or change an argument in the formula. My problem is:

How do I write the code so that it will recognize my formula ? Is it possible to attach a tag to a formula which Excel can search for ? I cannot search for the formula including arguments from specific cells, relativ to the formula cell, as the user is free to input the arguments with reference from anywhere in the workbook.

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Identify #N/A Cells Via Code

Aug 19, 2006

i got a little problem with a piece of code that i can't seem to understand.

i have a column that is dedicated for a vlookup and there are some #N/A values.

im trying to take these #N/A values and copy and paste them somewhere else.

If Range("P" & i & "").Value = "#N/A" Then

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Identify Cells & Copy Row

Jan 9, 2007

I need some code to identify a cell value in a row and copy the entire row to a new worksheet, then move down to the next row and repeat to the end of the worksheet.

There are 4 vlues I would need to identify:1,3,7 and 28.

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Identify/Highlight When 2 Corresponding Cells Are Different

Jun 8, 2008

Am looking for a VBA code that will highlight a changed/edited text from a particular cell. For example - If I have a text in cell B2 as - TEST, and the same text is in C2 as well. However, when I change text in C2 to TEST1 or TES, the change should be highlighted.

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How To Identify Blank / Empty Cells

Aug 14, 2014

What is the best way to track blank/empty range cells?*Have tried 'IsBlank' but it keeps showing "False" (cell range: H7:P7, no value and spaces)

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Macro To Identify Red Cells In Sheet?

May 1, 2013

I have an excel sheet that has conditional formatting. Whenever few cells are not in required format, the cell's backcolor will become red. I am trying to design a macro to check if there are any cells in red due to conditional formatting.

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Identify And Pull ONLY Numbers Out Of Cells

Jul 31, 2009

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel '07 that will pull data from online and reformat it in a way that another program can digest. The last thing I need is for excel to recognize if there is a 6 digit number in a specific column.

This is tricky for two reasons:
1. Numbers come in three different formats, ### ###, ######, and ###.###
2. Sometimes there is also text within the cell, however I need to pull out just the 6 digits, and place them in another cell with format ### ###

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Identify Which Cells Equal A Total Value

Aug 25, 2006

Is there a formula or macro that will identify which cells on a spreadsheet containing various dollar values will add up to a predetermined total? I work in Accounts Receivable and sometimes vendors send in payments for several invoices with no instructions as to the application. I want to be able list the available invoice amounts on a spreadsheet, and be able to tell which of the cells add up to the payment amount.

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Identify Locked Cells On Worksheet

Oct 19, 2006

Is there an easy way to show/return any Unprotected Cells on a Protected Worksheet?

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Identify Cells Between A Date Range

Sep 20, 2007

I want to select the cost for fuel based on the date using the select case method.

Sub FuelCostApplication()
Dim Check As Integer
Do While Check < 10
Select Case Range("B4").Value
Case 8 / 30 / 2007 To 9 / 5 / 2007:
Range("C10").Value = Range("B4").Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Case Else
Range("C10").Value = 0
End Select
Check = Check + 1
End Sub

-----------A----------- ---B---- --C-- --D-- --E-- F
1 US Air - Ground Expense
2 Fuel
3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4........................

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Identify Duplicates And Their Corresponding Cells And Add Those Corresponding Cells?

May 19, 2014

So I have a list of numbers in column A with an amount in column B. There are duplicates in column A. I need those duplicates pulled out into another cell with its amounts from column B, then total the amounts from column B. This would give the user the total amounts from column B. I have attached a sheet with the examples hand typed.

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Identify Start Month And Repeat Same Value In Next 12 Cells

Jun 3, 2014

I am working on a formula by it is repeatedly failing.

Based on input 1 which is the month name, I am looking for a formula to identify the position across columns as the starting cell and then the value in input 2 needs to be repeated 12 times from there.

Input 1 is Apr-14
Input 2 is 51.8

I have columns with month names starting Apr-13 to Mar-15

Since the input 1 is Apr-14, the formula should identify the appropriate column named as Apr-14 and from there it should copy the value (input 2 ) 51.8 for the next 12 cells which is until Mar-15. I have attaches the examples for your quick reference.

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CountIf Macro Identify When Cells Are >= 90% In A Range

Jan 12, 2010

I need a macro to identify when cells are >= 90% in a range, and count them. Then put the result in cell Z58. Range is I51,L51,O51,W51,Z51. i.e if all cells are 90% then put value of 5 in cell Z58. Here is code i have that isnt working:

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Conditional Format To Identify Formula Cells

Jun 16, 2006

This should be pretty straight forward but the solution has escaped me so far. I have some formulas that ratably spread monthly budgets across the life of a program. Ocasionally these budget formulas are hard keyed over with a value which overrides the ratable budget formula. I would like to conditionally format all cells that contain hard keyed values so they don't get inadvertently copied to new budget lines.

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Identify Non-blank Cells In Irregular List

Jun 21, 2007

I regularly import a list of data into Excel containing employee team names, employee names, and (for these purposes, irrelevant) data. The team name is the only data in column I, and therefore I can easily pick this up an summarise it in a lookup. The employee name is always one row above it, and in column D. However, it is not the only data in column D, and each employee's records contain varying numbers of rows. How can I have Excel copy the employee name in to column J, alongside the team name in column I, but ONLY in rows where there is data in column I?

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Finding Keywords To Identify Product In Multiple Cells

Jul 23, 2012

Macro - it is currently set up to find a specific text, and activate that cell. From there, the spreadsheet has data in 6 cells in the 6 rows below the active cell. What I need the macro to do is to identify the product based on key words in a range of cells: that is, if any of those cells contain the string "total", than the product type is total, but if "total" is not found, look for keywords such as "alpha" and "beta", to identify the product type. If its not a total product, then i want it to look for "productB", "productc", and so on with relevant keywords until the product is identified.

I think IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH can be used, but I'm not sure how, and I'm not sure how to search all 6 cells (to make things worse, the number of cells vary, so I'm using the "find" function to figure out the first and last cell that contain data).

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Uniquely Identify Cells In Excel Sheet Programmatically

Dec 19, 2013

So I have a bunch of not so simple excel sheets in a Excel file. I'm trying to automate the testing of these (right now, I'm doing the testing manually).

To simplify, let's say there are two sheets - both of them have a cell called "Total" at the end, which is nothing much a total of some column. My test is to check if these two totals are the same. We don't know the number of rows before hand (it is coming from a database). The way I'm doing right now, is searching for the cell containing the text "Total" getting it's row and column, and adding 1 to the column, to get the cell that actually has the total value. Do this for both the sheets, and I have both values, and it's easy to compare now.

If someone changes the text from "Total" to "Totals" then this will fail.


1. Is there a better way to do this? Say, setting a unique parameter or something on the cell that actually has the total value, and using that unique parameter to search the cell?

2. Or is there a totally different (better) approach to this type of testing?

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Excel 2003 :: Identify Difference In Text In Cells

Feb 10, 2014

I am running a text comparison between customer names in 2 systems and although I can identify where they dont match I would like a bit more information as to what the differences may be:

See below sample data - 1 system may have Mr/Ms and middle initials whereas the other simply has the name is it possible to write a formula that will look at the cell and when it does not match identify the extra characters. Or if it totally doesnt match then just state incorrect.


System 1
System 2
Desired Result

Anne Duffy
Anne Duffy

[Code] ...........

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Identify / Color Formula Cells With External Links

Feb 22, 2008

I have a sheet called "Sheet1" in workbook "File1". In this sheet, I have a lot of formulas and some of them involves linking to external files located in E: Finance folder. Is there a way to automatically highlight those cells containing a formula that references to external files?

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Macro To Identify Empty Cells And Report Corresponding Header Detail?

Aug 31, 2013

I have an excel sheet containing data as given below, wherein we receive certain report from each department on monthly basis and the same is mentioned as received against each month under header column. We need to remind the department about non receipt of report for particular months which contain empty cells. Macro is required to generate the report of empty cells mentioning the months against each department.

Available Data


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Identify Duplicate Rows And Copy / Paste First Cell To All Cells Of Equal Rows

Apr 14, 2014

I am new to macro and just trying to learn. I have a spreadsheet with 20000 rows and 8 columns. I am trying to identify equal rows based on the values of columns C, D, E and F. then I need to separate equal bunches with a blank row. Then I need to copy the ID number from the first cell of column B of each bunch and paste it for the rest of the rows in that bunch. I have written the following code but this does not put the ID of the first cell in a bunch for the rest of the rows in that bunch.

[Code] .........

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Identify Changes In A Sheet

Dec 3, 2013

I have a worksheet with a large amount of data in it. Every couple of months the data will change and I place this in a different sheet (sheet 2, this comes from a software tool) . Is there's some code that can run a check on sheet 1 compare all values against sheet 2 and highlight the rows that have a different value between sheet 1 and sheet 2? Perhaps paste the rows into sheet 3 with the different value highlighted??

Example of original and changed data attached : example_2.xlsx

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How To Identify Cell That DOES NOT Have Certain Value In Its Row

Mar 4, 2014

(I cannot attach the files as it is all personal information) Basically its list that looks like this:

2014-02-11 John Doe
2014-02-12 John Doe
2014-02-17 John Doe
2014-02-10 Mary Jane
2014-02-11 Mary Jane
2014-02-16 Mary Jane
2014-02-10 Frank Simms
2014-02-11 Frank Simms
2014-02-18 Frank Simms
2014-02-11 Tony Sly
2014-02-12 Tony Sly
2014-02-17 Tony Sly

Im trying to identify anyone who does not have an entry on 2014-02-17. I've played around with combing IF and VLOOKUP and Conditional formatting but I couldn't seem to get it to work. If it were to find a date, no problem, but to find someone without that date I'm having issues. If there was a way to highlight or identify Mary Jane and Frank Simms since they don't have an entry on 2014-02-17, that would be great.

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Identify Duplicates

Nov 9, 2009

I have two worksheets one worksheet contains Insurnace names and Addresses from a hospital. I need to match these up to specific Insurance codes from a billing company worksheet. The bad thing is my billing database has multiple duplicate addresses for different insurances (Yes this does happen where different Insurances have the same address-don't ask me why). So originally I did a VLOOKUP where I looked up the address from the hospital Spreadsheet and matched it to the Insurance Specific code. The pitfall to doing it this way is that it only grabs the first exact match from the Billing worksheet. Is there a way to either automatically identify the possible matches and allow me to choose which one is the exact match or how do I just identify duplicates on my billing worksheet and match them manually? I attached the worksheet.

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Identify Row Number

Apr 22, 2009

I want a function that identify the row number, where the date in column A is the same of the active row, but the value in Column B is equal to a different text e.g.=”zz”?

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Error '91' When Trying To Identify Last Used Row

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to identify the last used row in Column A of my DestinationSheet so that I can add data to the row below it, but I'm receiving the following error: Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set And it's directing me to this line of

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Formula Identify That A1, B1, C1, D1 Are > B2

Jan 5, 2010

I need help with creating a simple formula.

What I have:
..A B C D E
1 3 4 6 5
2 6 2 3 8

I want to identify that A1, B1, C1, D1 are > B2. My formula will be placed in E1 so then I want a value of 1 to show up in cell E1 indicating the identification was successful. I can't figure out how to make this happen. My formulas so far in E1: =sum(A1>B2)&(B1>B2)&(C1>B2)&(D1>B2) This formula comes up with 0FALSEFALSE instead of the value of 1 I am desiring.

What I want:
..A B C D E
1 3 4 6 5 1
2 6 2 3 8

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Identify The Opened .xls

Mar 30, 2007

I am using ADO connections in my program to insert the datas in the excel. I want to find if the excel is locked by another user. How do i do this in ADO commands.

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Identify Changes Across 2 Sheets

Jan 24, 2008

I am looking for a way to search using macros. Currently i can search/find by cell, but i need to find with mulitple cells. An example is, sheet 1 "A2" and "B3" date needs to be compared to sheet 2 to see if the data is already in sheet 2. Column A is first name and Column B is last name. Need to know if that full name (first and last) is already in second sheet. I can already search for just the first name or just the last name but now the two together.

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Identify And Number Patterns

Nov 3, 2013

A person on this board did this for me with this so far and I need to be able to view more than 16 rows. I would like to view all the rows it finds. I have 62,000 rows on information this far and will exceed 500,000 so you can see my need to see all involved to save hours of sifting through data. I would also like a place up top near the box (column G.H)(3,4,5) another box for me to enter a new number combination to search. Presently I have to go through the data to find the first one which is also time consuming. I would like to be able to put say for example in the area I am mentioning:

2 6
2 8

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