CountIf Macro Identify When Cells Are >= 90% In A Range

Jan 12, 2010

I need a macro to identify when cells are >= 90% in a range, and count them. Then put the result in cell Z58. Range is I51,L51,O51,W51,Z51. i.e if all cells are 90% then put value of 5 in cell Z58. Here is code i have that isnt working:

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Identify Cells Between A Date Range

Sep 20, 2007

I want to select the cost for fuel based on the date using the select case method.

Sub FuelCostApplication()
Dim Check As Integer
Do While Check < 10
Select Case Range("B4").Value
Case 8 / 30 / 2007 To 9 / 5 / 2007:
Range("C10").Value = Range("B4").Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Case Else
Range("C10").Value = 0
End Select
Check = Check + 1
End Sub

-----------A----------- ---B---- --C-- --D-- --E-- F
1 US Air - Ground Expense
2 Fuel
3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4........................

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Macro To Identify Red Cells In Sheet?

May 1, 2013

I have an excel sheet that has conditional formatting. Whenever few cells are not in required format, the cell's backcolor will become red. I am trying to design a macro to check if there are any cells in red due to conditional formatting.

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Countif Statement: Count The Number Of Cells That Have A Value Greater Than 0 In A Range Of Cells

Jun 23, 2009

How do I count the number of cells that have a value greater than 0 in a range of cells?

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Macro To Identify Empty Cells And Report Corresponding Header Detail?

Aug 31, 2013

I have an excel sheet containing data as given below, wherein we receive certain report from each department on monthly basis and the same is mentioned as received against each month under header column. We need to remind the department about non receipt of report for particular months which contain empty cells. Macro is required to generate the report of empty cells mentioning the months against each department.

Available Data


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Countif For Two Adjacent Cells But For A Range

Jan 2, 2014

I want a cell to countif the sum of two adjacent cells is greater than the number in another cell so for instance

Count if f101+g101 is greater than the number stored in cell u12, repeat this for cells f102+g102, right down to f50100+g50100.

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Countif Formula For Multiple Variables In The Same Range Of Cells

Jun 4, 2014

I have a drop down list in a column called Report Type (example below).

Report Type - Drop-Down Menu in Column F
Business/Operational/Work Plan
Budget Report
Performance Report
Program Quarterly Report
Program Mid-Year Report
Program Annual/Year-End/Final Report
Service Quarterly Report
Service Mid-Year Report
Service Annual/Year-End/Final Report
Financial Quarterly Report
Financial Mid-Year Report
Financial Annual/Year-End Report
Auditied Financial Statements
In-Year Reallocation
Annual Reconciliation Report
SRI Report
Other Report

I need to count all the cells that have: Budget Report, Financial Quarterly Report, Financial Mid-Year Report, Financial Annual/Year-End Report, Audited Financial Statements, In-year Reallocation, and Annual Reconciliation Report

Is this possible with a countif formula?

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Countif (extract The Number Of Times A Name Appears On A Certain Range Of Cells On A Worksheet)

Jul 30, 2008

I am trying to extract the number of times a name appears on a certain range of cells on a worksheet, now I can get this to work, but I am sure there is a better way I just cant get it to work!


I have only used 3 pf the worksheets, but in time there could be up to 30.

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IF COUNTIF- To Determine That If A Range Of Cells Are Marked With An "X"

Feb 8, 2008

I am trying to determine that if a range of cells are marked with an "X", then cells containing "Pass" (A4), Pass with Opportunity for Improvement (A6)or "Fail" (A8) will be marked with an "X". I have 3 columns that are selectable for Pass, Fail, and Non-Applicable. There are a total of thirteen questions that this evaluation form asks, and the evaluator must check one box. In order to be considered a Pass, there must be more 12 or more "X"'s marked in the Pass column. A Pass with Opportunity for Improvement would be equal to 11 marked in the Pass column, and a Failure would be 10 or less showing up in the Fail column. If there is a check in the non-applicable section, this has to be figured into thye pass fail as well. A Pass would be 85% or higher, and failure anything less than this. I will attach the file for review. I would very much appreciate help on this problem first, and then there is one other element to the sheet that plays in at the end.

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Identify Unique Values In Range

Aug 27, 2012

What kind of formula I need to identify if in a given range there are only unique values?

The range (containing 12 cells) may contain only two text values: "Actual" or "Forecast".

If all values are equal to "Actual" I would like the formula to return "A".

If all values are equal to "Forecast" I would like the formula to return "F".

If there are both "Actual" and "Forecast" values found in the range I would like the formula to return "A/F".

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Identify Min And Max In Constant Dynamic Range

Sep 13, 2012

I need to calculate a formula in a constantly changing range. In the example below, the formula in column C would yield the % change in column A between the first "P" value in column B and the minimum value prior to the next "P" value.

So, the first result would be =(A2-A1)/A1, which is (1896.3274 - 1973.4764)/1973.4764. The cells in column C would be blank until the next formula, which is =(A8-A7)/A7, then it gets tricky. The next would be =(A14-A10)/A10.

1 1973.4764 P
2 1896.3274
3 1922.5499
4 1905.2061
5 1985.6797

[Code] ...........

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Identify Range Names With Specific Value In Them

Aug 27, 2006

I am developing a macro to select cells within a worksheet based on certain criteria and to make a list of their range names. My approach is to copy the range names to a column of cells using something like the following text:


but I get an error message saying "Object doesn't support this property or method". Why can't I copy a range name, and is there a way to work around this?

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Identify Range Addresses In Formulas

Dec 22, 2006

Is there an easy way to identify range or cell addresses in a formula. I want to find the alphanumeric part of the address.

For example in the SUM Formula =Sum(A4:A230), I wish to separate out A4:A230 part. Or at least I want to remove the number part in the address and just want to get Sum(A:A).

Is there a function that can do this? I don't want to do this using usual string/text operations as it becomes a laborious process and has to consider all possible cases of range addresses.

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Identify Missing Numbers In Range

May 14, 2007

I'm trying to create a list of missing numbers in a range, but I can't fiure out how to do it. The problem lies in that the range of numbers is in the middle of a larger number. ie. xxx-xx-0001-xx would be number 1, and xxx-xx-0500-xx would be number 500.

I need to scan multiple sheets containing these numbers, and produce a list of the numbers missing from that range.


Sheet1 has xxx-xx-0001-xx through xxx-xx-0009-xx, and xxx-xx-0018-xx through xxx-xx-0042-xx.

Sheet2 has xxx-xx-0053-xx through xxx-xx-0062-xx, and xxx-xx-0067-xx through xxx-xx-0072-xx.

Sheet3 needs to have a function that produces a list showing xxx-xx-0010-xx through xxx-xx-0017-xx, xxx-xx-0043-xx through xxx-xx-0052-xx, and xxx-xx-0063-xx through xxx-xx-0066-xx.

I need to be able to do this without VBA. The list doesn't necessarily have to have a different number per cell, it could even show them all on 1 cell if it's easier, but it would be more presentable if it was 1 number per cell in a row or column.

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Compare & Identify Strings In Range

Jan 12, 2008

I am having no success using either: 1) COUNTIF with wildcard (*) or 2) Case Statements to find text strings in a cell. I've even tried using Copy/Paste Special values to change the way Excel 2007 interprets the field.

The Do While loop looks at target cells in Col. 18 which contains one or more specific last names. I want to put a text string (also a name) in Col. 19 IF the target cell contains the last name in the COUNTIF or Case Statements. The COUNTIF normally puts a TRUE or FALSE based on the condition, but I'd like to put the the last name based on which condition is met and then continue looping to Row 3. It's a small number of rows, less than 100.

Here's the Case statement ...

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Identify First Cell Of Print Range

May 27, 2008

I'm looking for a way to identify the first cell of a page without using the pagebreak function: Sheet6.Range("B" & Sheet6.HPageBreaks(i).Location.Row). The reason being is for overall speed and performance as well as avoiding <out of range> errors on the last break. If I use totalPages = Sheet6.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
to determine the number of page breaks, is there a way to identify the first cell of page i in this way?

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Identify Cells Using Particular UDF

Dec 28, 2007

I have written a UDF to do some calculations i a workbook. I would like to run a sub, checking the cells in the spreadsheet to see if my formula is present. and if so, then add or change an argument in the formula. My problem is:

How do I write the code so that it will recognize my formula ? Is it possible to attach a tag to a formula which Excel can search for ? I cannot search for the formula including arguments from specific cells, relativ to the formula cell, as the user is free to input the arguments with reference from anywhere in the workbook.

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How To Identify Last Cell Of Single Column Range

Mar 30, 2013

How can I identify the last cell of a single column range . . . i.e. the last cell address of range C1..C15 is C15. The range will have a name of "reg".

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VBA To Identify Top Left Cell Of A Selected Range

May 4, 2008

if a user has selected a range, how do you, in VBA, identify the:

1. Top left cell
2. Bottom left cell
3. Top right cell
4. Bottom right cell

For example if user has selected the range B5:M30, then we would want to identify in the macro:

1. Top left cell = B5
2. Bottom left cell = B30
3. Top right cell = M5
4. Bottom right cell = M30

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Identify #N/A Cells Via Code

Aug 19, 2006

i got a little problem with a piece of code that i can't seem to understand.

i have a column that is dedicated for a vlookup and there are some #N/A values.

im trying to take these #N/A values and copy and paste them somewhere else.

If Range("P" & i & "").Value = "#N/A" Then

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Identify Cells & Copy Row

Jan 9, 2007

I need some code to identify a cell value in a row and copy the entire row to a new worksheet, then move down to the next row and repeat to the end of the worksheet.

There are 4 vlues I would need to identify:1,3,7 and 28.

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Identify/Highlight When 2 Corresponding Cells Are Different

Jun 8, 2008

Am looking for a VBA code that will highlight a changed/edited text from a particular cell. For example - If I have a text in cell B2 as - TEST, and the same text is in C2 as well. However, when I change text in C2 to TEST1 or TES, the change should be highlighted.

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Macro To Identify Top Ten Frequencies

Mar 31, 2012

I have a list of over 3000 numbers, many of them duplicates, and would like to write a Macro that lists down the top ten most occurring numbers, in the correct order, with their respective frequencies.

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Macro Identify The Date

Sep 26, 2007

I am working on a file where the data for numerous customer gets uploaded on a daily basis.
So we have to update our record daily for respective customer.

In the attached file, Sheet1 provides data to be uploaded. I have included only 5 customers in my example).

I want a macro which can first identify the date (cell F4 in tab Sheet1) for which data is available in "sheet1" & then uplaod the same for respective customer & date in tab "sheet2" & "Sheet3".


******** ******************** src="">*********>Microsoft Excel - QUERY.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutF4=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box


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Macro To Identify Duplicates

Jun 27, 2006

I am trying to write a macro to check for duplicate numbers. My logic is as follow:

If(A2-A3=0) Then

I want to write the macro as follow:

Select Check>0
Do While Check <885
If(A2-A3=0) Then
End If

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Excel 2010 :: Identify Range Of Dates For Given Date?

Jul 26, 2012

I've gotten the desired result in Column B, but this will not work going forward as we add to the table in columns E:G .

I'm looking to search between columns E:F, Identify the date-range where my dates in column A belong, and pull the corresponding rate from column G into column B.

Excel 2010


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Identify Bottom Left/Right Cell In Named Range

Aug 24, 2006

Is there any easy way to identify the bottom left cell in a named range?

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How To Identify Blank / Empty Cells

Aug 14, 2014

What is the best way to track blank/empty range cells?*Have tried 'IsBlank' but it keeps showing "False" (cell range: H7:P7, no value and spaces)

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Identify And Pull ONLY Numbers Out Of Cells

Jul 31, 2009

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel '07 that will pull data from online and reformat it in a way that another program can digest. The last thing I need is for excel to recognize if there is a 6 digit number in a specific column.

This is tricky for two reasons:
1. Numbers come in three different formats, ### ###, ######, and ###.###
2. Sometimes there is also text within the cell, however I need to pull out just the 6 digits, and place them in another cell with format ### ###

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Identify Which Cells Equal A Total Value

Aug 25, 2006

Is there a formula or macro that will identify which cells on a spreadsheet containing various dollar values will add up to a predetermined total? I work in Accounts Receivable and sometimes vendors send in payments for several invoices with no instructions as to the application. I want to be able list the available invoice amounts on a spreadsheet, and be able to tell which of the cells add up to the payment amount.

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