Identify And Pull ONLY Numbers Out Of Cells

Jul 31, 2009

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel '07 that will pull data from online and reformat it in a way that another program can digest. The last thing I need is for excel to recognize if there is a 6 digit number in a specific column.

This is tricky for two reasons:
1. Numbers come in three different formats, ### ###, ######, and ###.###
2. Sometimes there is also text within the cell, however I need to pull out just the 6 digits, and place them in another cell with format ### ###

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Pull Out The Top Five Most Common Numbers In A Block Of Numbers

Apr 7, 2009

I have a large block of numbers in a spreadsheet and I am wondering how I can look at the whole block and pull out the top five most common numbers. So perhaps the number 4 is repeated the most times, it would be number 1, number 18 might be repeated the second most number of times so it would be in the number 2 slot etc etc.

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Extracting Numbers :: Pull Numbers From Another Column

Oct 24, 2007

I'm trying to pull some numbers from another column. I want to pull the numbers that have an X separating them like 7X125, 48X192, and 27X90.


FA, VF-2000-3-7X125-18-A, AFS
FA, VF-2350-48X192-6-RGB, FC
FA, VF-2020-27X90-18-A,RFI, FEX, ACP, 2IT

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Identify Numbers In Sequence

Aug 23, 2007

I have a task to identify all the numbers in sequence in a worksheet, how do I do that?

Column A

Desired output 1-5,7,9,10-16,20-22.

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Identify Missing Numbers

May 26, 2008

this is exactly what i am looking for also, can you please explain how i can use that code in 2007? I have attached a list of the numbers i'm working with, please can you have a look for me?

I've tried entering it ion visual basic but i keep getting:



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How To Identify Numbers From Particular Text

Jul 12, 2012

I have sentence in cell A1 which contain number and text. I want to extract number out of that sentence. there is one thing common in this sentence is /.

Every cell contain this sign /.

I need 6 number from left side of / and all other number of right side.

Example sentence is as below


what i need is 020512/4587986532 to be extracted from that sentence. Sentece lenth and right side numbers of / are not constant.

Can i get Any formula ?

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Identify Consecutive Numbers Greater Than Zero

Jan 14, 2014

I have the attached table of numbers and I need a formula at the end of each column to identify whether any cells in that column consecutively have numbers in them greater than zero. Ideally by a count of how many cells in the column have consecutive numbers greater than zero (so if there are three 1's in a row and then a zero and then another 2 1's I want it to count 5).Excel Help.xlsx

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Formula To Identify New Part Numbers

Jun 17, 2009

Im using a formula to identify new part numbers. The formula is: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A217,Existing!A:A,0)),"","NEW"). However you can clearly see from the attached that if has flagged a duplicate part number as new. Why would it do that? Check out A1368 in existing and A217 in new.

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Identify Missing Numbers In Range

May 14, 2007

I'm trying to create a list of missing numbers in a range, but I can't fiure out how to do it. The problem lies in that the range of numbers is in the middle of a larger number. ie. xxx-xx-0001-xx would be number 1, and xxx-xx-0500-xx would be number 500.

I need to scan multiple sheets containing these numbers, and produce a list of the numbers missing from that range.


Sheet1 has xxx-xx-0001-xx through xxx-xx-0009-xx, and xxx-xx-0018-xx through xxx-xx-0042-xx.

Sheet2 has xxx-xx-0053-xx through xxx-xx-0062-xx, and xxx-xx-0067-xx through xxx-xx-0072-xx.

Sheet3 needs to have a function that produces a list showing xxx-xx-0010-xx through xxx-xx-0017-xx, xxx-xx-0043-xx through xxx-xx-0052-xx, and xxx-xx-0063-xx through xxx-xx-0066-xx.

I need to be able to do this without VBA. The list doesn't necessarily have to have a different number per cell, it could even show them all on 1 cell if it's easier, but it would be more presentable if it was 1 number per cell in a row or column.

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Separate And Identify Text From Numbers In One Cell

Jun 5, 2009

I am working with reference numbers which follow the following format:

first section:


Second Section


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Macros To Identify Duplicate Invoice Numbers

Aug 18, 2014

My boss gave me a project and need to be done as soon as possible. Basically, i just need to join all of database and then identify duplicates and put them in another sheet in order to investigate if there are any double payments.

Duplicates can be:

- invoices with same vendor name having same or comparable amounts
- invoices with Invoice No. which match or closely match (in case we're mis-keying)

I've tried so many ways to find duplicates that fulfill the 2 conditions above, but still cannot make it done.

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Locate And Identify Periods Of Continuous Numbers

Aug 9, 2012

I have a (very) large spreadsheet which contains a column of numbers. I am trying to work out a way to identify all of the times when this column has 3600 or more consecutive zeros. Ideally, I would like it to tell me how many and the size of these periods of 3600 or more consecutive zeros, but I would settle for something as simple as just highlighting these parts.

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Review List Of Numbers And Identify Duplicates In Order

Feb 24, 2014

- I have a list of 8 digit numbers in Column A sorted small to large
- Some of the 8 digit numbers are duplicated.
- In Column B I would like to have more of a combination of countif and listing the duplicates in order (1 for the first dup in the column, 2 for the 2nd, etc.)

Example of what I'd like to see

Column A Column B

As you can see if the number in column A is on the list one time column B would show a 1If the number is shown two times (the first time it shows up will show a 1 the second will show a 2) If the number is shown 3 times (the first time it shows up will show a 1 the second will show a 2, the third tiem would show a 3)

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Pull Some Numbers From Text

Dec 22, 2006

My Cells contain loads of text like this: ["16733:0:0"] = “Product ID”:1:1:0", now what i need is just the 16733 to be extracted into its own cell, and the Product ID to be extracted into the cell next to it... all other Text can be deleted. The problem is, pretty much the whole of the text changes in each line :-

["12345:0:0"] = “Product ID1”:1:1:0",
["49573:0:0"] = “Product ID23”:4:8:0",
["2649:0:0"] = “Product ID485”:18:23:0",
["9264:0:0"] = “Product ID0473”:2842:2341:0",
["54321:0:0"] = “Product ID85647”:99:199:0",

In the Numbered part of it (the bit I actually need), it would be either 4 or 5 digits long. Im guessing what I need to do is remove parts bit by bit, but for a novice user - Its proving a bit difficult!

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Referencing To Find Pull Numbers

Oct 7, 2009

I want to input numbers into a master sheet by having it referenced to a name. For example; I will be inputting a report on monthly sales, which contains a company name, and then a value. However, this report doesn't always necessarily contain all the companies listed on the master. I want to simply put this report on a page, and have the referencing pull the numebrs to the approriate company on the master page.

In the attachment - I want the numbers from Sheet 2 to be entered into their appropriate match in the Master sheet (sheet 1) - without copy and pasting (becuase in reality, I have 200+ company names and numers I'm dealing with).

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Pull Numbers From Alphanumeric Text

Aug 30, 2007

The title of this thread is the best way I can describe what I wish to accomplish. You see, I have a column of information requests in an Excel spreadsheet, each of which his tagged with an alphanumeric request number, and I wish to sort and/or perform and min/max function on the request identification. However, each ID has a IDR in front of it - for instance, IDR000452 - and the letters make the system read the contents as text. Does anyone know of a formula I can use to create a new cell which contains only the numerical contents of the above example?

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Pull Sets Of Numbers From Text Cell

Jun 24, 2009

how would I go about pulling the three sets of numbers out of the following example:

Detected 2 resets. Imported 16 out of 22 bookmarks.

These sets of numbers could be single, double, or triple digits. I need to find the percentage from the second and third set of numbers in the long run.

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Formula To Pull Out Numbers And Order Them From Cell?

Oct 3, 2013

In the above pic I need a formula that goes down column B, looks at column A, picks out all the different numbers from column A, orders them lowest to highest and separates them with a comma. The words in column A of course are ignored.

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Vlookup In Reverse To Pull Numbers Off An Array

Jun 20, 2008

I'm using the vlookup function to pull numbers off an array. Is there a way that I can get the vlookup function to pick the smallest number greater than or equal to my Look_up value. If not is there a function that can do that?

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Find Repeating Words In One Individual Cell Then Pull The Numbers Right After It?

Mar 19, 2014

I have a set of data in once cell and its strung out. I'm trying to pull the numbers that follow certain words from that data. That's easy enough with the find and mid function for the first one. But after that I have a repeating word (see below) and different numbers that follow it. So I want to pull the second number string after that word, the third and so on.

I've attached an excel file that explains this better.

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Identify Cells Using Particular UDF

Dec 28, 2007

I have written a UDF to do some calculations i a workbook. I would like to run a sub, checking the cells in the spreadsheet to see if my formula is present. and if so, then add or change an argument in the formula. My problem is:

How do I write the code so that it will recognize my formula ? Is it possible to attach a tag to a formula which Excel can search for ? I cannot search for the formula including arguments from specific cells, relativ to the formula cell, as the user is free to input the arguments with reference from anywhere in the workbook.

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Identify #N/A Cells Via Code

Aug 19, 2006

i got a little problem with a piece of code that i can't seem to understand.

i have a column that is dedicated for a vlookup and there are some #N/A values.

im trying to take these #N/A values and copy and paste them somewhere else.

If Range("P" & i & "").Value = "#N/A" Then

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Identify Cells & Copy Row

Jan 9, 2007

I need some code to identify a cell value in a row and copy the entire row to a new worksheet, then move down to the next row and repeat to the end of the worksheet.

There are 4 vlues I would need to identify:1,3,7 and 28.

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Identify/Highlight When 2 Corresponding Cells Are Different

Jun 8, 2008

Am looking for a VBA code that will highlight a changed/edited text from a particular cell. For example - If I have a text in cell B2 as - TEST, and the same text is in C2 as well. However, when I change text in C2 to TEST1 or TES, the change should be highlighted.

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How To Identify Blank / Empty Cells

Aug 14, 2014

What is the best way to track blank/empty range cells?*Have tried 'IsBlank' but it keeps showing "False" (cell range: H7:P7, no value and spaces)

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Macro To Identify Red Cells In Sheet?

May 1, 2013

I have an excel sheet that has conditional formatting. Whenever few cells are not in required format, the cell's backcolor will become red. I am trying to design a macro to check if there are any cells in red due to conditional formatting.

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Identify Which Cells Equal A Total Value

Aug 25, 2006

Is there a formula or macro that will identify which cells on a spreadsheet containing various dollar values will add up to a predetermined total? I work in Accounts Receivable and sometimes vendors send in payments for several invoices with no instructions as to the application. I want to be able list the available invoice amounts on a spreadsheet, and be able to tell which of the cells add up to the payment amount.

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Identify Locked Cells On Worksheet

Oct 19, 2006

Is there an easy way to show/return any Unprotected Cells on a Protected Worksheet?

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Identify Cells Between A Date Range

Sep 20, 2007

I want to select the cost for fuel based on the date using the select case method.

Sub FuelCostApplication()
Dim Check As Integer
Do While Check < 10
Select Case Range("B4").Value
Case 8 / 30 / 2007 To 9 / 5 / 2007:
Range("C10").Value = Range("B4").Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Case Else
Range("C10").Value = 0
End Select
Check = Check + 1
End Sub

-----------A----------- ---B---- --C-- --D-- --E-- F
1 US Air - Ground Expense
2 Fuel
3 Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4........................

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Identify Duplicates And Their Corresponding Cells And Add Those Corresponding Cells?

May 19, 2014

So I have a list of numbers in column A with an amount in column B. There are duplicates in column A. I need those duplicates pulled out into another cell with its amounts from column B, then total the amounts from column B. This would give the user the total amounts from column B. I have attached a sheet with the examples hand typed.

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