Identifying Peaks In Data

May 5, 2009

I've collected some data from a GPS logger regarding the speed of an athlete. I want to calculate how many sprints this particular athlete undertook during a training session.

Sprinting is defined as a speed of > 20 kph.

One sprint would be the attainment of one peak >20 kph before decreasing below 20 kph.

It's easy to identify the 3 peaks and thus sprints from the xy scatterplot in the attached file, but I'm struggling to find a way to calculate this.

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Identify Multiple Maximum Peaks In Data Set

Oct 8, 2008

I have a set of data about with approx 7500 cells all contained in one column. The data has a series of peaks that happen, and I need to identify each peak value and place it in a cell. The peak does not occur at regular intervals but they are somewhat regular, as in within 130-230 data points. So, if one could find the first peak in the first 200 cells, identify it and store it somewhere, then look in the next 200, store it, etc. I don't know how to do that in excel.

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Difference Between Peaks In Excel

Feb 23, 2010

to calculate the difference between peaks in an excel graph, but i need to do it between every two peaks.. I was just wondering could anyone tell me how to do this with some sort of formula or a vba file

Ive attached a picture. I need to calculate the difference between the blue peaks along the x-axis.

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Identify Max And Min Peaks Of Sine Wave

Dec 2, 2013

I have raw data from a cyclic test that needs to be refined to generate a simple trend.

The raw data has about 1000 points to each complete cycle and im only interested in the maximum and minium values of the peaks. This would be easy but I am typically dealing with 15 cycles a second and in some instances up to 5,000,000 cycles in one test.

The amount of data is too large to be completed in one file but if done in parts I can then use a formula to reduce the number of max and min peaks chosen i.e. 1 in 100.

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Auto Detect And Label The Peaks And Bottoms Of A Graph?

Jun 30, 2014

I was wondering if excel can auto label peaks and bottoms of a graph? Let me go further:

I have a graph that has one data number for every day of the year (365). This is a natural up and down curve, similar to a stock.

Can excel find the key high and low points? I have attached an example. In it you will see I have quickly labeled the key tops and bottoms. CHART TEST.xlsxCHART TEST.xlsx.

I basically omitted the peaks/bottoms that are very short term and irrelevant.

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Identifying Incorrect Data.

Feb 10, 2009

In column H I have a list of numbers seperated by a space, the number of lines can change. In column L I have a list of numbers which can change either expand or retract.

I would like to check each cell in column H and if any numbers are not listed in column L then it/they should be shown in column G.

Example1 H2 shows 6 11, therefore cell G2 should show 11.

Example 2 H6 shows 5 6 9 11 therefore G6 should show 9 11

Sheet1  HIJKL1Container   ID26 11   135 8 11   245 7 11   355 7   565 6 9 11   675 6 9     Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Identifying Duplicate Data Between Workbooks

Apr 22, 2009

I am looking for the easiest way to find duplicate Work Order numbers that exist in 2 separate Workbooks. EX. Workbook 1 Sheet one contains the numbers 1-100 in A1:A100
Workbook 2 Sheet one contains X amount of the numbers between 1-100 located.

somewhere in A:A. For arguments sake let's assume those numbers are 3,6,33,87,99.
What would the formula be to return the values that are in both of the workbooks?

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Identifying Data To Selected Criteria

Mar 11, 2014

I have small table i would like to create. Now, it can be done manually ( but its be very very time consuming) but im sure of a way using IFs and VLOOKUPs so that the data selection can be done automatically...

so in column 1 i have various valuations from 0 to anything 50mil plus that i need to then separate into 4 different columns based on their size. so column A would have 0 - 250k, column B 251k to 500k, column C 501k to 1million and etc etc...

vals 0-250 251-500 501-1mill

555,000 300,000
150,00 75,000

Please see attached ... testing values 1.xlsx‎

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Noting Duplicates And Identifying Data Within

Feb 9, 2010

I have attached a sample sheet which deals with property sales data, in reference to a two-part question.

1. If the row has two, or more, rows share the same value in column 'E', it needs to be identified with a 'Y' in Column G. In looking through old threads, this seems possible, though I could not find and answer I could 'bend' to work. If this is possible, can the following be included?

2. If two or more rows share the same value in column 'E', list the identifiers (value in Column A) for the others in Column H, separated by commas "," or slashes (preferred) "/".
"00370600000700 'NICHOLLS JOHN W & CARLA R 11/27/2000 85000 '260647 W Y '00370600000800" and
"00370600000800 'NICHOLLS JOHN W & CARLA R 11/27/2000 85000 '260647 W Y '00370600000700" or
"'00370500000801 'FRAHM FREDERICK/ERIK/KRYSTYNA 06/17/2004 110000 '288904W Y '00370500000802/'00370500000803"

The sample sheet attached includes 26 rows of data with several 'doubles' and one 'triple' 'duplicates'.

Please note that in the 'real' file, it has slightly less than 200,000 rows and I have seen 'dupicates' up to 40 with the same value in Column 'E'

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Identifying Numeric Data With MS Query

Dec 6, 2006

I am trying to slim down my database results in Excel via MS Query by searching for Part ID's that are numeric (we have parts that also contain letters....I want to weed those out).

In all my searching on the web, I thought the ISNUMERIC() function should be the function for this, but I keep getting an ORA-00904::"ISNUMERIC":invalid identifier....

Is this function supposed to work or is there another function that will do this

This is my SQL statement so far, which works to get parts that are 6 characters long only:

When I change it to this to get parts that are numeric, it gives the error above:


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Identifying Varying Data And Rank Formula

Sep 17, 2009

i am trying to work out how to use the rank formula to rank numbers in column B and keep them in unison with Column A.

So Column A has say 5 1's with column B having different scores then continuing under 1 in A is 2 and so on is there a way to continue the ranking formula without manually changing the cell ranges?

so =rank(B1,$B$1:$B$7,1) but can i do that if A =1 and then A=2 etc ?
so if A=1,rank(B1,$B$1:$B$7,1)

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Identifying The Same Transaction With Multiple Rows Of Data

Sep 21, 2009

I currently have a database that is similar to the example I've pasted below:


As you can see the Date and Time are repeated for several rows. This is how the data I receive comes through as A,B and C refer to a single transaction and D & E refer to another transaction.

Ideally what I would like to acheive is:


Where Excel can compare the date and times of each row and look for matching rows above and below it and then fill in a column next to it indicating that x number of rows are linked to a single transaction - preferably labelling them in some order to I can tell how many transactions there are.

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Data Scrubbing - Identifying Duplicates And Assigning One Number

Feb 11, 2014

I am involved in a software conversion that is taking 4 full time folks over 5 weeks to clean up and assign an alpha-numeric sequential number to each vendor, client. Each scrubber is reviewing an excel spreadsheet containing the names, addresses, FID, telephone, etc. of our vendors and customers. This information is being pulled from 2 separate sources. We are assigning a BP # to the main office location and not retiring that one. then we go on to identifying the dups. All dups get a Y to be retired, but if they have a different address then the main one, we place a Y to bring that address over under that BP#.

Ultimately, we end up with 2 systems combined into one dumping all old numbers assigned and giving each vendors, customers, etc. a new BP# that may have muliptple addresses.

How can we assign a alpha numeric number without going through each individual line...over 900,000 of them to do. Key is to identify duplicate addresses and duplicate names. Some names might be RK Electrical or Robert King Electrical but the address will be duplicated usually.

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Identifying Data In One Column Based On Highest Figure Data In Another Column?

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to write a formula that shows the best grade for each each student and the subject in which
that grade was achieved.

In a previous post i was shown how to identify the highest grade


I hit CTRL, SHIFT & ENTER to activate the formula - Result in column E

However, I also want to identify the subject in which they scored their highest grade in column F

I have two problems

1. I don't know how to write a formula that brings in the subject based on the grade for each student

2. I don't know how to write a formula in case there is a tie (see DAVID L)

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Identifying Cells In Col B That Also Appear In Col A

Jun 7, 2013

So I have a list of integers in col A that is a truncated list from col B. I want to select the units in col B that do not appear in col A. I tried this statement


Since both lists (A and B) are ordered from smallest to largest this only worked until a value that is not in ColA appears in ColB and then all the cells following = O.

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Identifying Cells With Same Pre-fix

Jun 29, 2007

I have a column of cells, of which certain values have the prefix "EmployeeID:". I'm trying to identify the cells containing the prefix by evaluating each cell using activecell.offset and value to no avail. I've also tried to use the selection. find, however the first instance of the prefix is continually selected, and does not move on. I'm assuming that I must use the findnext feature, however I'm not having much success.

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Identifying Spaces In A Cell?

May 14, 2014

I have some data that has names but is not consistant i.e

Smith, John

I want a formula that says, if there is a space after the comma do nothing, otherwise insert a space between.

I have figured out the second part so my formula will look like

=if(some logic to identify a space after the comma ,"",already figured out this bit)

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IF Function Identifying Value Within A Range?

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to develop an IF formula based on 2 variables;

1. The value in column Q = 4
2. The value in column AA is between -10% and 10%

When both are true, it should return a value of "YES" (or "NO" when untrue). I am having trouble with the range part. It could be that the range spans negative and positive integers, but I'm not sure. Here is what I've got at the present time:


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Identifying Value Based On A Range

Apr 17, 2014

I have two tables,

one table (TABLE1) contains the name and a mile point a

the other table (TABLE2) contains name, mile point 1, mile point 2, and other data

I want to be able to pull data from TABLE2, based on TABLE1's name and MP. I want to be able to select data from TABLE2 whose name and mile point's fit with the data from







I want to be able to replace the ? from table1 with the correct SYS from table2 based on the MP given

I started with something like: =if(and(name=name,mpa=>mp1,mpa=<mp2)),vlookup...

The problem is this doesn't work because im comparing one to many.

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Identifying Multiple Entries.

Sep 30, 2009

I'm trying to identify duplicates with a return of "True" or "False". The attached workbook has column F for results (to read PI2 A if in column L, PI2 B if in column R or Both), but I want to query if everyone in column E is in column L or is in Column R and if so which one.

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Identifying Dates For This Week And Next

Oct 10, 2009

i have a spreadsheet that contains dates spread across different rows and columns. How can I identifying dates for this week and next week by colouring the cells?

example dates that fall within this week will be red, next week will be blue.

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Identifying Whether Cell Has Certain Numbers In It

Jun 10, 2013

I want to sort a spreadsheet based on whether any of the numbers '1', '2' or '3' appear in a particular column.

There are 2 particular rows which I care if they have a '1', '2' or '3' in them, let's say row 17 and 18.

I want to create a formula say in row 20 which would tell me if there is a '1', '2' or '3' in the corresponding cells in EITHER (!) row 17 or 18.

An example to clarify:

Cell A17 = 1
Cell A18 = 2

Then Cell A20 would be = 1 because both A17 and A18 have a '1', '2' or '3' .

2nd example:

Cell C17 = 1
Cell C18 = 0

Then Cell C20 would be = 1 because C17 has a '1', '2' or '3' .

3rd example

Cell D17 = 6
Cell D18 = 12

Then Cell D20 would be = "" (Null - no value) because neither D17 nor D18 has a '1', '2' or '3' .

Note: I am looking just for the numbers '1', '2' or '3' not (!) numbers like 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 etc...

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Grouping And Identifying Min Of Each Group

Feb 5, 2010

In Sheet1, If I have Group IDs in Column A and values in Column B as below, is it possible to create a summary in Sheet2 where the MIN value for each group ID is returned?

Sheet 1
1 1
1 4
1 5
2 9
2 3
2 7
3 5
3 2
3 6

Sheet 2
1 1
2 3
3 2

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Identifying Cells By Content

Nov 24, 2003

I would like to write a macro to examine a range of cells, and over-write some of those cells with a zero.

I want to over write those cells with either a numerical constant, or a formula with only constants, e.g.

"12345" or "= 123+567-(2*5)"

I do NOT want to over write cells that contain links or any functions:

"=page3!a5" or "=sum(a1:b6"

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Identifying Certain Combinations Of Numbers?

Mar 15, 2013

Is there a way in Excel to identifying certain combinations of numbers? If tried every IF statement I know.

I have an Excel with two columns of numbers and I need to identify their combinations.







The combinations 18 and 18 would return a "LOW" message in the third column, the combination 18 and 19 would return a message "HIGH" etc.

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Identifying Times From A List

Sep 3, 2008

I have a list of variables created by a user like this:

Band1 06:00 08:59
Band2 09:00 15:59
Band3 16:00 17:59
Band4 18:00 22:30
Band5 22:31 24:29
Band6 24:30 05:59

Seperately I have data from a third party like this:

18/05/08 17:22 10
19/05/08 02:15 1
20/05/08 07:14 5
20/05/08 21:36 15
20/05/08 25:43 1
21/05/08 19:15 15
22/05/08 18:26 16
22/05/08 24:59 2

I need to be able to identify which BAND ID belongs to each TIME in the list so that I can sum the VALUE figures for each BAND ID (e.g. the first time given,17:22, would belong to Band 3). have tried using LOOKUP but I can't seem to get it to work. Additionally, I have a problem with the 30 hour clock. Would I have to stick to a 24 hour clock? This would mean that I would have to find each time from the list that was between 24:00 and 05:59 and allocate it to the previous day because it is important to keep the values that I ultimately derive in the right day of the week.

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Identifying Unique Identifiers

Nov 13, 2008

Our unique identifiers are from they have created unique Account ID's.

Comp Name Unique ID
Company A - 5102AA
Company B - 5102Aa

The problem:
Excel does not recognize the capital A and the lowercase a as being different. I need to pull this data out and bounce data across tables for analytics.

The Question:
Is there any way I can get Excel to recognize 5102AA and 5102Aa as being DIFFERENT ID's?

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Identifying The Active Row Number

Nov 25, 2008

I'm using a cells.find command to locate a value in a file. How do I return the current row number that I'm on following the command?

I'm guessing it is something along the lines of:

MyCurrentRow = ActiveCell.RowNumber

but I know that that is an invalid statement.

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Identifying Unique Entries

Mar 24, 2009

I have a worksheet, where in C3:C100 (or even higher) i will have text strings. A lot of these will be repeated, and i want to pick out just one instance of each text string and display it in E3:E10 (or higher).

So, for example, if i had the following values in column C:One

I would want the following values in column E:One

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Identifying Duplicates In List

Aug 6, 2009

Here is the deal I have 4 columns. Each line gives you the following information:
The Id is the record number, Code_Name is a code for each Fox in the study, date and area is a sub area in a bigger grid. Basically I have an area divided by squares and every time a marked fox enters in one of my squares a new line in the data is created. What I won’t to know is if a fox when in my area of study will return to the same squares or not.












What I’m trying to achieve is a 5th column were ill get a logical value of TRUE or FALSE if, for each fox in the next available record a fox went back to the same square or not.
So if you check for the fox RRR1 I have 2 records one in 2 of January in area 1A1 and a second in 7 of January in the same area. For the Fox BBB1 you will see that she was always in different areas and for CCC1 she only came back to one square.

The problem is I have over 400 fox’s and 12000 records and I’m trying to get a way of doing it automatically.

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