Identifying Whether Cell Has Certain Numbers In It
Jun 10, 2013
I want to sort a spreadsheet based on whether any of the numbers '1', '2' or '3' appear in a particular column.
There are 2 particular rows which I care if they have a '1', '2' or '3' in them, let's say row 17 and 18.
I want to create a formula say in row 20 which would tell me if there is a '1', '2' or '3' in the corresponding cells in EITHER (!) row 17 or 18.
An example to clarify:
Cell A17 = 1
Cell A18 = 2
Then Cell A20 would be = 1 because both A17 and A18 have a '1', '2' or '3' .
2nd example:
Cell C17 = 1
Cell C18 = 0
Then Cell C20 would be = 1 because C17 has a '1', '2' or '3' .
3rd example
Cell D17 = 6
Cell D18 = 12
Then Cell D20 would be = "" (Null - no value) because neither D17 nor D18 has a '1', '2' or '3' .
Note: I am looking just for the numbers '1', '2' or '3' not (!) numbers like 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 etc...
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Jul 9, 2014
As i am working on consolidating the Missing numbers manually, whether will it possible for making this automatic.
In Column "A" I have Multiple Duplicate Invoice Numbers and followed by the Different Transcation numbers in Column "B".
In Column "D" I have Each Invoice Numbers and in Column "E" Total Transaction Numbers i.e., no. of times each Invoice have Transactions.
In Column "F" No. of times we received the Transactions.
Here i need to manually need to update each Invoice's Missing Transaction number in Column "H" in single cell with comma separated to each Missing Transaction numbers.
Before : (Column "A" & "B")
Invoice NumbersTransaction NumbersInvoice NumbersTotal Transaction NumbersReceived Transaction Numbers
A2014000351501 A201400035150 3 2
A2014000351502 A201400035494 13 12
A2014000354941 A201400035881 12 11
A2014000354942 A201400035884 19 17
A2014000354943 A201400035888 14 13
A2014000354944 A201400037613 5 1
Instead of doing this manually can we have the VBA to auto Update these missing numbers.
Here by i am attaching sample file.
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Mar 15, 2013
Is there a way in Excel to identifying certain combinations of numbers? If tried every IF statement I know.
I have an Excel with two columns of numbers and I need to identify their combinations.
The combinations 18 and 18 would return a "LOW" message in the third column, the combination 18 and 19 would return a message "HIGH" etc.
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Apr 3, 2014
I realise there are a few threads on similar topics but I can't seem to get any of them to work for my scenario. I have two columns with a list of numbers in each. I'm after a function that will scan column A and identify any numbers that also appear in column B. If possible I would like it to then generate a list of these in say, column C.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have a few hundred word files that I'm porting tables from. I initially imported every table into excel and figured out which table numbers I needed the data from. I only needed certain rows/columns from certain tables.
The code I have works great....if all the word files were the exact same. However, it appears that when different people edited the word documents, for whatever reason, a handful out of the 300 had their tables switched. So in some cases I'm looking for table 5, other times it could be table 6.
My question: Is there a way to identify the tables by text they contain? for example, the table 5/table 6 comment above, in all cases That table has a header cell called "Equipment". Basically I need something like:
"If CurrentTable contains "Equipment" Then set tableNo = CurrentTable" but I'm not sure how to do that.
In the code below wdDoc is a specific word document. tableNo is the variable set to identify which table to import from. I end up pulling data from three different tables that I would need to search for, each with a specific header.
With wdDoc
tableNo = wdDoc.tables.Count
tableTot = wdDoc.tables.Count
If tableNo = 0 Then
MsgBox "This document contains no tables", _
vbExclamation, "Import Word Table"
[Code] ........
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Jun 9, 2009
I have 2 columns I need to compare, in column A a list of ref numbers aprrox 62000 rows, with some duplicates. In column C a list of ref numbers 38000 rows again with some duplicates.
I need to be able to compare Column C to Column A. I need to identify the first instance of a ref number that matches from C to A so that I can delete it. The second instance of this ref number I would like keep. I have tried the following with no luck.
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Jun 9, 2014
I have unit measures that are converted across four columns (FT, SQFT, SQM and SQY).
THere are three units in rows (BOX, Skid and Roll). I am trying to identify in a column labeled "Duplicate Volume" with a formula stating "YES" if there are duplicate numbers (volumes) in any of the four conversion columns listed above. I tried to attach an excel file here but the system will not accept it. Hopefully the diagram i make below will be enough to understand the concept:
Unit Name FT SQFT SQM SQY Duplicate?
BOX 0 0 15 0
BOX 0 0 20 20 YES
Skid 0 10 10 10 YES
Skid 0 0 0 15
Roll 100 10 2 1.5
Roll 0 0 40 40 YES
I have over 50 thousand rows of this looking at the data to decide if there are duplicates will not happen.
Any formula that i can put in the column titled "Duplicate" that can identify the duplicates with a "YES" in the cell where duplicates are found?
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Jun 9, 2009
formula to identify consecutive numbers in order, but having trouble figuring out how to identify consecutive numbers in random order.
Cell M1,N1,O1,P1, and Q1 each have a number, 1,4,9,3 and 7.
We have 3 and 4 being consecutive number but they are not in order, would like help in a formula to put a 1 on an empty cell S indicating that there is a consecutive number with a 1 if there are no consecutive numbers then it would give a 0.
The current formula only works if the consecutive numbers are in order, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc...
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May 14, 2014
I have some data that has names but is not consistant i.e
Smith, John
I want a formula that says, if there is a space after the comma do nothing, otherwise insert a space between.
I have figured out the second part so my formula will look like
=if(some logic to identify a space after the comma ,"",already figured out this bit)
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May 17, 2007
Sheet 1, column A, has invoice numbers from 1 to whatever is needed for the month.
How can I get Sheeet 2 (the following month’s) to automatically start numbering from wherever Sheet 1 leaves off?
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Jul 15, 2008
I want to be able to record the highest value displayed in a cell (b2) in another cell (c2). Cell b2 is a cell that has continuously updating numbers from a live feed, which are updated approximately every second.
--I'm not sure if I need to have a log created based on the changing numbers. If so, I wouldn't anticipate the length of time to determine the highest value would be more than 7 hours.
--Is there a function/filter that would be able to report the highest number recorded?
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Mar 26, 2013
I am working with some fairly long formulas and I am looking for a way to highlight those cells AND work in the document. I know you can click in the cell and it will highlight them, but if you click off the cell the highlights go away. Is there a way to keep them highlighted?
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Dec 1, 2009
Is there a way to reference a cell value instead of using a static value for col_index_num? For example - Instead of telling it to look in the 5th column of Sheet2, I would like it to look in the column were the heading (row 2) in Sheet2 is equal to the value of O2 in Sheet1.
Here's another example -
Normal formula: VLOOKUP(a2,Sheet2,5,FALSE)
What I'd like: VLOOKUP(a2,Sheet2,column where row 2 equals the value in 'Sheet1'!O2, FALSE)
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Jan 5, 2012
Basically, let's say in Rows(1), I have:
A1 = Apple
B1 = Peach
C1 = (empty)
D1 = Orange
Now, assuming that I don't know C1 (the cell location), but I want to insert something next to it, or for the entire column, will I be able to identify the cell by the "name" of the cell next to it???
I know where "Peach" is, and I have already inserted a blank column next to "Peach" 's column, and now I want to name the first cell of the inserted column
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.
What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a mass of data which look something like this:
table removed
and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.
So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:
table removed
and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.
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Jun 7, 2013
So I have a list of integers in col A that is a truncated list from col B. I want to select the units in col B that do not appear in col A. I tried this statement
Since both lists (A and B) are ordered from smallest to largest this only worked until a value that is not in ColA appears in ColB and then all the cells following = O.
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Jun 29, 2007
I have a column of cells, of which certain values have the prefix "EmployeeID:". I'm trying to identify the cells containing the prefix by evaluating each cell using activecell.offset and value to no avail. I've also tried to use the selection. find, however the first instance of the prefix is continually selected, and does not move on. I'm assuming that I must use the findnext feature, however I'm not having much success.
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Aug 1, 2014
I am trying to develop an IF formula based on 2 variables;
1. The value in column Q = 4
2. The value in column AA is between -10% and 10%
When both are true, it should return a value of "YES" (or "NO" when untrue). I am having trouble with the range part. It could be that the range spans negative and positive integers, but I'm not sure. Here is what I've got at the present time:
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Apr 17, 2014
I have two tables,
one table (TABLE1) contains the name and a mile point a
the other table (TABLE2) contains name, mile point 1, mile point 2, and other data
I want to be able to pull data from TABLE2, based on TABLE1's name and MP. I want to be able to select data from TABLE2 whose name and mile point's fit with the data from
I want to be able to replace the ? from table1 with the correct SYS from table2 based on the MP given
I started with something like: =if(and(name=name,mpa=>mp1,mpa=<mp2)),vlookup...
The problem is this doesn't work because im comparing one to many.
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May 5, 2009
I've collected some data from a GPS logger regarding the speed of an athlete. I want to calculate how many sprints this particular athlete undertook during a training session.
Sprinting is defined as a speed of > 20 kph.
One sprint would be the attainment of one peak >20 kph before decreasing below 20 kph.
It's easy to identify the 3 peaks and thus sprints from the xy scatterplot in the attached file, but I'm struggling to find a way to calculate this.
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Sep 30, 2009
I'm trying to identify duplicates with a return of "True" or "False". The attached workbook has column F for results (to read PI2 A if in column L, PI2 B if in column R or Both), but I want to query if everyone in column E is in column L or is in Column R and if so which one.
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Oct 10, 2009
i have a spreadsheet that contains dates spread across different rows and columns. How can I identifying dates for this week and next week by colouring the cells?
example dates that fall within this week will be red, next week will be blue.
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Feb 5, 2010
In Sheet1, If I have Group IDs in Column A and values in Column B as below, is it possible to create a summary in Sheet2 where the MIN value for each group ID is returned?
Sheet 1
1 1
1 4
1 5
2 9
2 3
2 7
3 5
3 2
3 6
Sheet 2
1 1
2 3
3 2
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Nov 24, 2003
I would like to write a macro to examine a range of cells, and over-write some of those cells with a zero.
I want to over write those cells with either a numerical constant, or a formula with only constants, e.g.
"12345" or "= 123+567-(2*5)"
I do NOT want to over write cells that contain links or any functions:
"=page3!a5" or "=sum(a1:b6"
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Sep 3, 2008
I have a list of variables created by a user like this:
Band1 06:00 08:59
Band2 09:00 15:59
Band3 16:00 17:59
Band4 18:00 22:30
Band5 22:31 24:29
Band6 24:30 05:59
Seperately I have data from a third party like this:
18/05/08 17:22 10
19/05/08 02:15 1
20/05/08 07:14 5
20/05/08 21:36 15
20/05/08 25:43 1
21/05/08 19:15 15
22/05/08 18:26 16
22/05/08 24:59 2
I need to be able to identify which BAND ID belongs to each TIME in the list so that I can sum the VALUE figures for each BAND ID (e.g. the first time given,17:22, would belong to Band 3). have tried using LOOKUP but I can't seem to get it to work. Additionally, I have a problem with the 30 hour clock. Would I have to stick to a 24 hour clock? This would mean that I would have to find each time from the list that was between 24:00 and 05:59 and allocate it to the previous day because it is important to keep the values that I ultimately derive in the right day of the week.
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Nov 13, 2008
Our unique identifiers are from they have created unique Account ID's.
Comp Name Unique ID
Company A - 5102AA
Company B - 5102Aa
The problem:
Excel does not recognize the capital A and the lowercase a as being different. I need to pull this data out and bounce data across tables for analytics.
The Question:
Is there any way I can get Excel to recognize 5102AA and 5102Aa as being DIFFERENT ID's?
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Nov 25, 2008
I'm using a cells.find command to locate a value in a file. How do I return the current row number that I'm on following the command?
I'm guessing it is something along the lines of:
MyCurrentRow = ActiveCell.RowNumber
but I know that that is an invalid statement.
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Feb 10, 2009
In column H I have a list of numbers seperated by a space, the number of lines can change. In column L I have a list of numbers which can change either expand or retract.
I would like to check each cell in column H and if any numbers are not listed in column L then it/they should be shown in column G.
Example1 H2 shows 6 11, therefore cell G2 should show 11.
Example 2 H6 shows 5 6 9 11 therefore G6 should show 9 11
Sheet1 HIJKL1Container ID26 11 135 8 11 245 7 11 355 7 565 6 9 11 675 6 9 Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a worksheet, where in C3:C100 (or even higher) i will have text strings. A lot of these will be repeated, and i want to pick out just one instance of each text string and display it in E3:E10 (or higher).
So, for example, if i had the following values in column C:One
I would want the following values in column E:One
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