If Cell Is Empty Create Rule To Display The Current Date
Sep 5, 2007
Im trying to find a formula that when a cell is empty ie this cell is linked to another cell on another worksheet and info has not been entered or is 0 then i want the cell to display the the current date ie =NOW()
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Sep 22, 2007
i am trying to create a forumla in a column (D in my expamle below) to count the number of days between two dates. Knowing that col D will change everytime the @now date changes - but thats ok..
ROW 1 Open Date Closed Date Count of days open
ROW 2 4/1/07 BLANK CELL Formula result here
ROW 3 4/1/07 9/5/07 Formula result here
if col b has a date then subrtract col a from b and display the # result, if col b is blank then subtract col a from location I store the @ now date - say Col ZZ Row 99? so no matter there is a count of number of days in every row in column D
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Dec 6, 2013
I have two columns, column Q and R. Column Q has Data Validation set, where you can only choose one of four options in any given cell between rows 2-250,000. When "Complete" is chosen, the cell turns green. Now when "Complete" is chosen in column Q, I need the cell next to it in Column R to auto-fill today's date. However, the date should not update to the next day. So if the cell autofills to today's date, which is 12/6/13, tomorrow, when the date changes to 12/7/13, the cell still reads 12/6/13.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have an excel sheet wherin there is a column that has the data where in the dates are displayed and many other columns.
I get this excel every Thursday so i want to filter this date column in such a way that it give me the data related to the date of the previous week only yet there is a catch here. When i say previous week i mean.
Suppose today is 03/14/14 then i want the data from 03/07/14 till today ie Last week friday to this week full( so cant use Current week option) and then paste it in a new sheet.
I tried the Record part but in that it is taking a hard coded value as i am selecting the date myself. I dont want to change the date manually every time.
this was the macro that was created
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$BX$58").AutoFilter Field:=1, Operator:= _
xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(1, "3/10/2014")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNT(R[-4]C:R[-1]C)"
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Mar 10, 2014
I currently have a spreadsheet with 500ish renewal dates. I need to be able to take the renewal dates (dd-mmm) in column B and then display the current year with renewal date, if the date has not yet come, or the next year with renewal date, if the date has already passed in column C (dd-mmm-yy).
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Mar 14, 2008
Want to make an if rule where a student gets overall 75% in a column, then in another column next to that that would automatically give him a B or a B+ you know what I mean?
Hear are the ratios
A+ - 90-100
A - 80-89
B+ - 75-79
B - 70-74
C+ - 65-69
C - 60-64
D+ - 55-59
D - 50-54
E+ - 45-49
E - 40-44
and another one
Excellent - 80-100
Very Good - 70-79
Good - 60-69
Moderate - 50-59
Borderline - 40-49
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Apr 22, 2008
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. First 4 tabs are the standard tabs and rest of the tabs are created based ona macro with the unique names. Now i want to create the separate workbook for each tab by its name and , date and time stamp in a C directory.
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Feb 16, 2007
I have this formula =TEXT(inventory!I2,"mmm-yyyy") which takes the date from another spreadsheet, but anytime that the date is missing, it susbstitutes for Jan-1900. Is there any way to revise the formula to leave the missing dates blank in the cell? For example, if the date is missing on the other worksheet, in this case, the inventory worksheet, is there any way for a blank to appear, instead of the Jan-1900? Also, anyway for this formula to spell out the month, and not just the abbreviation?
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Feb 12, 2014
In cell D1 of sheet 2, I want the cell reference to be displayed of the next available cell in column A of sheet1
for example if cells A1:A238 in sheet1 are populated the cell D1 of sheet2 will display A239
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Nov 4, 2012
I am using this code to display a message when a range is empty on workbook save. Case "A" gives an error when referring to a range, the second case works fine. How can I change it?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)Select Case Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B6").ValueCase "A" If Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D104:D109").Value = "" Then MsgBox "Cells cannot be empty!" Exit SubCase "B", "D", "F" If Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D112").Value = "" Then MsgBox "Cells cannot be empty!"Case ""End SelectEnd Sub
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Apr 14, 2014
I wrote an IF AND formular to display "Yes" for a cell with zero. but when the cell is also empty, it still returns a "Yes" instead of empty.
this is the formular:
when I2 = 0 it returns Yes
Also with I2 = "", it still returns "Yes" instead of "No"
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Jun 25, 2008
I have a user form that when a command button is clicked it enters the data from the from into coloums a,b,c,etc. I have code to do this but I want to add code to add a static date in coloum B based on if coloum A had data entered from the form. I need the date not to change to current date when the file is reopened. I am trying to elimate a date text box in the form. I have a link to the file http://www.box.net/shared/zdtsjv0qos
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Mar 14, 2013
I have attached the spreadsheet for reference. All other sheets pull information from the WHITE sheet.
I want the columns for unit price, discount and total to be set to two decimal places but I also don't want it to show anything if the field has a 0 value (so if i only have a few items I don't get lots of o's).
To get the field to not display a 0 if it is empty on the WHITE sheet I have been using "0;-0;;@" which I found on the net. If I use this then it negates the two decimal places.
This also includes the WHITE sheet.
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Jun 2, 2008
I have a short VBA program that either outputs a number to the cell or nothing. Now, the problem is that for it to output nothing to the cell ie. give the appearence of a empty cell i just write [program name] = "". However I want to be able to multiply my cell with other cells and this generates an error when I have "" in the cell. If I instead output a zero to the cell it works fine, but I dont want a zero, I want empty cells.... for estetic purposes.
I've tried to format the cell as number,
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Dec 17, 2012
I have a spreadsheet and in column D, I have look up formula which looks up value from another tab. What I want to do is if the look up finds #N/A or blank cell. There should be a message box appear warning that all the cells in column D might not be updated properly.
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Jul 19, 2014
I have created in VBA a formula to look for the last empty cell in the "SBV INFO" sheet and it works.
I now need the VBA to go the the DCWC sheet and only extract the data and amounts from Columns K and M where there is a value more than "0" in column M.
The the data in Column K where the value in Column M is more than "0" must go to the first empty sell (found in the SBV INFO sheet) as per the VBA and the corresponding amount in Column M must go to Column AA (also in the SBV INFO sheet)
In other words from the attachement I need the following:
Column M in SBV INFO sheet 1st empty cell (this will vary which is why i did the formula)
SBV George RET
Column AA
This might change in future. which means I would have to be able to transfer 1 to 15 of these names and amounts depending on the value in Column M from the "DCWC" sheet.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am trying to create a loop which stops once a cell is empty.
Assuming I have declared proper DIM, my code is
Row = Row + 1
SheetName = Cells(Row, "A")
Sheets.Add.Name = SheetName
Loop Until IsEmpty(SheetName.Offset(1, 0))
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Jan 21, 2008
I know there is a way to enter the current date in a cell.
Is there a way to prevent the previous dates enters from updating to the current dates evey day?
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May 19, 2008
Is there a formula that will enter the current date in a cell A1, when I enter text into the adjoining cell A2? I'm creating a log with notes and would like the current date to just appear when notes are entered in a cell.
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Oct 20, 2009
What is the code i need to use to assign a macro to a command button which inserts the current date and time in the selected cell regardless of where that cell is?
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Feb 9, 2012
I am creating an IF formula that will produce the current date in one cell if another item has been entered in another cell.
For example
cell g (accounts) is blank, cell H (date found).
Once the correct account is entered into cell g the date will autofill in H.
The formula i was using is =IF(G1"",TODAY(),"")
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Nov 15, 2006
I have a little problem (but for me is like a break); I want, when I change some in a cell, in the other cell, show me current date. I try with "today()", but , next day when I open that workbook, in that cell, show me the date coresponding with the next day (normaly).
How ,I can rezolve this? I want to blocked that cell, only view, but no acces for change enithing.
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Sep 4, 2006
On opening of an excel document is it possible to have a date in a cell that will continuously update. =now() enters the date required but if i was to go into the sheet days or whatever later is there a way that this will update automatically??
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Nov 8, 2012
Upon clicking any cell in Sheet1, it will automatically filter based on cell A and B.
Automaticall display filtered criteria based on double click from Sheet1
For example: when I double click on C1, on Sheet2 will automatically diplay filtered data based on A1 and B1 and same thing goes to if I double clik on C2 on Sheet2 will automatically diplay filtered data based on A1 and B2.
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Oct 27, 2008
EXAMPLE: Complete Sheet called "Day1". When day1 is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day2", then when "Day2" is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day3", and so on and so forth to "Day30".
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Aug 31, 2009
Trying to create a macro that will add the date & time & initials (i.e 8/26/09 2:34 PM JOD) into the current cell.
I've found plenty of macro's that will do this but it ends up deleting any existing text within the cell. I need to be able to add it in the middle of a text string.
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Mar 19, 2009
I am trying to write a formula that will have the cell display todays date if it is after 2:00PM, and if it is before 2:00PM I need the cell to display Today()-1. I have tried several iterations and I'm stumped.
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Mar 6, 2007
formula that can automatically use the current month date to extract information from other cells on my spreadsheet.
For example: This formula should be located in cell C6. Cells D6, F6, H6, J6, L6, N6, P6, R6, T6, V6, X6, and Z6 (these cells correspond to the months of the year, January to December respectively) contain the values I need. The month names are labeled above in row five.
Let's say the current month is March, I need the formula in C6 to automatically know that it is the month of March and to pull the information from cell H6 (which is the March cell). Then when April comes along, it will know that it is April and to only pull the information from cell J6; and so on until the end of the year.
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Mar 27, 2008
I would like to be able to track progress of various tasks/occurences by allowing users of a spreadsheet to just click in the appropriate column and in doing so, it would fill in the current time and date. I.E. Column headings would read, "Item Sent to Review", "Item Received From Review", "Item Sent to Specialist", etc. and I want users to be able to double click in a given column to populate with current date/time information,
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Feb 26, 2009
I'm currently using an IFERROR, VLOOKUP formula to display an availability date for a product.
Atm, it reads some like this
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